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1. The other: cái kia ( cái còn lại trong 2 cái)

Ex:there are 2 chairs, one is red, the other is blue.
(= the other chair).
2. The others : những cái kia ( những cái còn lại trong 1 số lượng
nhiều hơn 2)
Ex: there are 20 students, one is fat, the others are thin.
(= the others students)
3. Another: 1 cái khác ( không nằm trong số lượng nào)
Ex: I have eaten my cake, give me another.
(= another cake).
4. Others: những cái khác ( không nằm trong số lượng nào)
Ex: Some students like sport, others don’t.
(= others students)
• The other
• Another
• The others
• Others

Other+ Ns: những cái khác

Another + N it ; 1 cái khác
Another + N it
Other+ N s

The other
The others
• A few/few: Ndd
• Little/a little :N kdd
a. others c. another
b. the others d. other
a. others c. another
b. the others d. other
a. others c. another
b. the other d. other
Page 83(ngữ pháp MLH)
Some of, most of, none of…+ the, this,
that, these, those, my, his, Ann’s…
-Some of the people I work with are very
-None of this money is mine.
 Có từ xác định thì có of
• Some students
• Some of students
• Some of the students
All + N(số ít / số nhiều)
- All of the women in this factory are
- All of the money has been spent
S O Tính từ Đại từ
(chủ từ) (túc từ) sở hữu sở hữu
(v) (n)
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
He Him His His
She Her Her Hers
It It Its Its
• They help me. / I help them.
• This is my house. =This house is mine.
 TTSH + (n) = ĐTSH
Page 181(starter)

A: I like sport
A: I don’t like sport
B: So do I
B: Neither do I = Nor do I
I do, too
I don’t, either
(tôi cũng vậy)
(tôi cũng không)
She doesn’t like sport,
She doesn’t like sport, either
• Few
• A few
• Little
• A little
Câu 3
Mary , ___ to catch up on her rest , went to bed early

Rút gọn MĐQH

Chia theo thì

Hầu như Sau có by/ with : V3

là Ving
Câu 12

Being/become/as + 1 vị trí / 1 nghề

Page 39

Considerable effort
(nổ lực đáng kể)

B. The man is holding a piece of wood.


B. Some people are waiting in a lobby


A. A bag has been placed on the floor


C. Two computers are set up next to each other.


A. A streetlamp is being

D. Some bycicles have been parked along the railing

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