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chapter 1:

Global Media
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students
should be able to:

Analyze how various media drive

various forms of global integration;
Explain the dynamics between local
and global cultural production.
Global Media Cultures

Global media culture is the

transmission of ideas, meaning, and
characteristics of a group through
Global simply means relating to or
embracing the whole of something or
of a group of things.
Media is the main means of mass
communication and is the outlets
and tools used to restore and deliver
information or data.
Culture is the characteristics and
knowledge of a particular group of
people, encompassing language,
religion, cuisine, social habits, music
and arts.
The media have a very important impact
on cultural organization in two mutually
independent ways:

1. The media provides and extensive

transnational transmission of cultural
2. They contribute to the formation of
communicative networks and social
Various Forms of Global

Global Integration is not a new

phenomenon in today’s
contemporary world. Trade took
place between distant civilizations
even in ancient times.
This globalization process in the
economic domain has not always
proceeded smoothly has it benefited all
whom it was offered. The degree of
economics integration among different
societies around the world has generally
been rising in the past half century, and
ever greater than it has been and is likely
to improve.
There are three (3) factors that have
affected the process of economic
globalization. These are:

1. Improvements in transportation and

communication technology have reduced
the cost of transporting goods, services
and factors of production and
communicating economically useful
knowledge and technology.
2. Tastes of individuals and, societies have
generally but not universally, favored taking
advantage of the opportunities provided by
declining costs of transportation and
communication through increasing economic
3. The character and pace of economic
integration have been significantly influenced
by public policies, although it is not always in
the direction of increasing economic
Dynamics between Local and Global Cultural

The processes in which local cultures express and

engage themselves with broader global networks
and the other way around can be claimed to be
indispensable sources of knowledge in the analytical
approach of socio-political concerns, these being of
small or large-scale societies. Extremely frequent in
debates on globalization is after all the dichotomic
struggle between the concrete and human ‘local’
against the abstract and dehumanizing ‘global’
(Wilson & Dissanayake, 1996: 22).
Globalization of Religion

Globalization's Impact on Religion:

Globalization can have a flattening effect
on cultural differences, eroding local
customs and beliefs, and promoting a
secular capitalist lifestyle. This can create
tensions with religious traditions that may
view these changes as a threat to their
Religion as a Source of Resistance: On
the other hand, religion can serve as a
powerful source of resistance to
globalization's influences. Many
individuals and communities turn to
their religious beliefs as a source of
identity and resistance against the
perceived cultural homogenization
brought about by globalization.
Historical Role of Religion in
Globalization: Throughout history, various
religions, including Christianity, have
played a role in globalizing tendencies.
They have spread their beliefs and
influence to different parts of the world,
often in conjunction with political and
economic regimes. These early globalizing
efforts were not referred to as
globalization but had a similar effect.
Contemporary Interactions: In the
modern world, religion remains a player
in the processes of globalization. It
interacts with global structures and
processes in complex and sometimes
contradictory ways. Some religious groups
embrace globalization, using it to reach a
wider audience, while others resist it,
seeking to preserve their traditional
Complexity of Globalization: The
relationship between religion and
globalization is far from one-
dimensional. In our contemporary
world, characterized by complex
interconnections and global
networks, religion is intertwined with
numerous aspects of life, including
politics, economics, and culture.
Globalization Affects Religious Practices
and Beliefs

Evolving trade routes led to the

colonization of the Asia, Africa, Central
and South America. Religion became an
integral part of colonization and later on
globalization. Religion has been a major
feature in some historical conflicts and the
most recent wave of modern terrorism.
The Impact of Globalization:

● flattens cultural differences

● erodes local customs and
● spreads secular, capitalist
way of life
What is Religion Nowadays?

• It’s no longer a set of beliefs that people

arrive by reflection
• It’s a symbolic system which carries our
identify and marks out social/ethic and
other boundaries
• It marks crucial moments in the life cycle
with rituals
• It provides powerful mechanisms for
psychological and social tension.
Role of Religion Today

Religion plays a role in many of the

major conflicts going on at various
levels. Furthermore, religion plays an
important role in people’s lives
worldwide, and has become one of
the major ways people connect with
each other across the globe.
Role of Religion in Promoting World Peace

• Religion has a definite role to play in the

people’s lives search for world peace. The
moral principle and values contained in the
teachings of great religious teacher are
essential factors for the reduction of an
ultimate eradication of greed, hatred, and
delusion-which form the root cause of
various conflicts and wars, both within and
• The world cannot have a peace until
nations and people begin to reduce
their selfish desires for more and more
material possessions, give up their
racial arrogance, and eliminate their
madness for worldly power.
• Religions not only inspire and guides
people but also provide them with the
necessary tools to reduce greed with
the practice of charity.
The Rise and Fall of the ISIL or ISIS

Pushed out from many of its strongholds

in Syria and besieged on all sides in the
Iraqi city of Mosul, the Islamic State of
Iraq and Levants group (ISIL also known as
ISIS) is losing its territorial base in the
very region that once incubated its

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