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Analysis of A Work of Art : Tie-dye and Batik

Teacher Name: Ms. Marlowe

Student Name:


CATEGORY Description

4Exceeds Expectations Creates a complete and detailed example of the subject matter.

3-Satisfactory Creates a detailed example of most of the subject matter.

2Needs Improvement Creates a detailed example of some of the subject matter.




Accurately describes several dominant elements or principles used and accurately relates how they are Forms a somewhat reasonable hypothesis about the symbolic or metaphorical Uses multiple criteria to judge the artwork, such as composition, expression, creativity, design,

Accurately describes a couple of dominant elements and principles used and accurately relates Student identifies the literal meaning of the work.

Describes some dominant elements and principles used but has difficulty describing how these Student can relate how the work makes him/her feel personally. Tries to use aesthetic criteria to judge artwork, but does not apply the criteria accurately.

Uses 1-2 criteria to judge the artwork.

Date Created: Jun 27, 2012 06:18 am (CDT)


1-Unsatisfactory Example is not detailed or complete.

Has trouble picking out the dominant elements.

Student finds it difficult to interpret the meaning of the work. Evaluates work as good or bad based on personal taste.

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