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This coming October we are having a Beavers & Cub Camp at the Scout H.Q.

for the beavers & cubs. The weekend will be subsidised but there will be a cost of 8. The camp will be from Friday 5th October until Sunday 7th October. We will be having a bonfire on the Friday (weather permitting) and a movie and day out on the Saturday so the children will need an all zones saveaway so we can get over to Liverpool. We are having a photo competition over the weekend so they will also need a disposable camera. Drop off times for the Friday and pick up times on the Sunday will be forwarded on to you closer to the time. If your child wishes to come on the camp can you please fill in the below form and bring it back A.S.A.P. The cut off date is the 2nd October, and we are unable to take any replies after this date. As we have to send off the list of campers to district. Many thanks Steve, Kath, Brenda, Sally, Tom, Tom & Dan.
The leader team.

Beavers & Cub Camp 5th7th October 2012 at 1st Frankby Greasby Scout H.Q
Beaver/Cubs Name Pack night: Beavers / Royden (Monday) / McClean (Tuesday). Parents name.. Tel. no. Mobile tel. Date.. Email address..

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