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Physical Education

What is Physical Education

The primary aims of physical education
have varied, based on the needs of the
time and place. Most modern schools' goal
is to make students with the knowledge,
skills, capacities, and values along with
the enthusiasm to maintain a healthy
lifestyle into adulthood. Some schools also
require physical education as a way to
promote weight loss in students.
Odd News About Physical
In the Philippines, some schools have integrated
martial arts training into their Physical Education
In England, pupils are expected to do two hours
of PE a week in Year 7, 8 and 9 and at least 1 in
year 10 and 11.
In Wales, pupils are expected to do one hour of
PE per fortnight.
Physical Education means staying fit
and eating healthy foods
Physical Education is done
everywhere around the world
Physical Education contains all sports
Physical Education helps reduce
Physical Education is part of
everyday life
Driving cars and bikes is alto part of
Driving cars also causes accidents
Physical Education helps circulation
of blood
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Brazil
Sport played: Soccer
Christiano Ronaldo
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Portugal
Sport Played: Soccer
Zinedine Yazid Zidane
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Place of birth: France
Sport played: Soccer
Johnny Weissmuller
Johnny ‘Tarzan’ Weissmuller:
Johnny Weissmuller, of the
Tarzan movie fame, was also
one of the best swimmers of
the world during the 1920s. He
won 5 Olympic gold medals as
well as a bronze medal. Plus,
he also set 67 world records
and has never lost a single
swimming race, retiring from
his swimming career
undefeated. Of course, most
people remember him
portraying Tarzan, along with
the characteristic Tarzan call,
which he had invented.
Micheal Jordan
Age at time of retirement:
Gender: Male
Place of birth: America
Sport Played: Basketball
If we did not do physical
education we could look like
the examples given above
When Children are given too
much junk food and they do not
do physical education this is how
they will become
That is Why we have
physical education in
our school

By Sufyaan Jasat and David


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