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British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) 12A is a classification that is given by the BBFC that means anyone who

is 12 or over can go and see the film unaccompanied. The A stands for 'accompanied' and recommended because of the scenes within the film. 12A also means that children who are below the age of 12 may see the film if they are accompanied by an adult (e.g. Parent, carer or someone over the age of 18), who must watch the film with them. Discrimination There will be no discriminative language or behaviour in our film because our target audience is 12-30 year olds, so we made sure to avoid anything discriminative. Drugs There is no misuse of drugs in our short film however for a12A we can have the misuse of drugs to a minimal without it being glamorized. Horror Because our film is a comedy drama, there will be no psychological threat or disturbing scenes. Language There is no use of strong language in our film. Nudity: Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief and discreet. Our film will not contain any nudity. Sex Our short film will contain some sexual references but not many Theme Mature themes are acceptable, but the narrative must be suitable for young teenagers and adults. Violence There is no violence or any sexual violence used in our short film.

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