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Viviana Sanchez Tyler Shea Gabby Gorton

Western Europe 85% of Iberian Peninsula Borders France Borders Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Balearic Sea

Predominantly warm Mediterranean climate
Dry summers and winters with balanced temperatures.

3,000 hours of sunshine per year.

One of the warmest parts of Europe.

Canary Islands
Special location, facing the coast of Africa, gives them a benign climate with mild temperatures (22C yearround average on the coasts) Small temperature differences between day and night

Tourism - Beaches 5000 miles of beautiful white sand beaches

Costa del Sol Cool blue waters with 320 days of sunshine Island of Ibiza many celebrities go there

Madrid Capital Pop. Over 3 million On a plateau 3 art galleries golden triangle One of the greenest cities in Europe Barcelona The Paris of Spain 2nd biggest city 1.6 mil FC Barcelona biggest stadium in Europe Center La Rambla Street

Holidays & Events

Las Fallas
Lasts a week in March, in Valencia. Pays tribute to Saint Joseph. Includes paper mache effigies

La Fiesta de San Fermin

In northern town of Pampola and in midJuly. Running of the Bulls

La Tomatina

Compulsory from the ages of 6 to 16 Kindergarten 0-3 Pre- scholar 3-6 Primary, called primaria 6-12, compulsory Secondary, called ESO 12-16, compulsory Bachillerato 16-18

Some schools teach in the regional dialect 3 terms- winter, spring, summer Free compulsory education Secondary Certificate If unsuccessful Certificado de Escolarizacin If successful Titulo de Graduado en Educacion Secundaria and can move on

Article 27 of the Spanish Constitution 1978 reads: 1. Everyone is entitled to education. Freedom of instruction is recognized. 2. Education shall have as its objective the full development of the human character compatible with respect for the democratic principles of co-existence and for the basic rights and freedoms. 3. The public authorities guarantee the right of the parents to ensure that their children receive religious and moral instruction that is in accordance with their own convictions. 4. Elementary education is compulsory and free. 5. The public authorities guarantee the right of everyone to education, through general planning of education, with the effective participation of all parties concerned and the setting up of teaching establishments. 6. The right of individuals and legal entities to set up teaching establishments is recognized, provided they respect Constitutional principles. 7. Teachers, parents and, when appropriate, pupils, shall share in the control and management of all the centres maintained by the Administration out of public funds, under the terms to be laid down the law. 8. The public authorities shall inspect and standardize the educational system in order to garantee compliance with the law. 9. The public authorities shall give aid to teaching establishments which meet the requirements to be laid down by the law. 10. The autonomy of the Universities is recognized, under the terms to be laid down by the law.

Works Cited s-sp96/spain/EDUCATION.SYS.HTML

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