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Monthly Newsletter for Parents

Mr. Ivys 7th Grade Math

The Utopia School, Anywhere, AR. 123-456-7890

Important Dates
October 3 CH 2 Test October 16 Test Review October 17 CH 3 Test October 30 Test Review October 31 CH 4 Test

Dear Parents, The first full month of school has come and gone. We have learned many things so far this year. This month the students will be working with ratios and proportions. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email anytime. Thanks for your time. Richard

Quote of the Month

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -- Thomas Edison

About the Teacher

When I graduated high school, I wanted to become a teacher and went to college to make it happen. One year later, I had dropped out and was in a management position in manufacturing. I worked at this job for 13 years until the plant closed. Not long after the closure, I registered for classes and 3 years later had my degree. It felt great to finish what I had started and to eventually get the job I always wanted, teaching your children.

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