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Core Yogas

Subhamala auspicious garland Yoga: All seven planets in the 5th, 6th, and 7th. One will be a governor or director, extolled by kings, courageous, and devoted to enjoyment. He will be real in gifts, helpful to others in getting their work done, and will love his relations. He will be blessed with a good wife and children. Subhamala Yoga is very close in formation to the Sara Yoga of the Nabhasa/Akriti Yogas; therefore, Sara Yoga will be the closest formed Akriti yoga in the horoscopes of natives with this yoga. Sara Yoga is not a yoga which indicates happiness, however, those natives with Subhamala Yoga will have many good things in life and more happiness than other natives whose Akriti Yoga is closest to Sara Yoga. They will still suffer from the nature of the Sara Yoga, but be more able to overcome and learn from it. Following are those yogas that indicate a weak foundation for success. When these are present, other productive and success producing yogas become less capable of giving their good results, and any difficult yogas give their ill effects with greater force. Asubhamala inauspicious garland Yoga: All seven planets, the Sun through Saturn in the 6th, 8th and 12th. One will be wayward and unhappy, timid, but torturing and killing others. Ungrateful, one will not pay respect to Brahmins, be unpopular, and quarrelsome. Hala plough Yoga: All seven planets in the 1st and 12th houses. One will be inclined towards anger, and be a very poor farmer, disabled, and short-lived. Natives with this yoga are forced to struggle throughout their lives. There are many losses in life and these native find it difficult to initiate new ventures.

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