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Ruinous Yogas


indicates a native who does not feel quite like they fit in. These three combined cause the native to shun his upbringing. Chandala outcast Yoga: The Moon, Mercury, and Venus joined in an angle and Rahu is in the lagna. One will fail to perform the religious rites his family is supposed to observe and will take to mean acts. This yoga indicates a native not very secure or centered with themselves and one driven by sensuality. Natives with this yoga attempt to find their missing self through sensuality and entertainment. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the 7th or 10th house makes the native more sexually preoccupied than when in other angles. Daridra deprived Yoga 1. Jupiter as the lagna or 8th lord is stronger than the 9th lord and the weak 11th lord is combust and not in an angle. 2. Saturn in the 9th aspected by malefics, and Mercury, joined with the Sun, is in the lagna and in debilitation navamsa. 3. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Mars in the 8th, 6th, 12th, 5th and 10th in any order, and the 12th lord though debilitated or combust is nevertheless stronger than the lagna lord. One afflicted with Daridra Yoga is generally unlucky; his organs of sense may be defective; he is crafty, given to boasting, reproved and rated by his family. Being in difficulties, he has to live by begging. One's speech is disagreeable and one is addicted to lust and gluttony. Mean, one daily gives way to his spite and speaks pungent words. One earns money by foul means, and his heart is always set on other people's wives. Fond of quarreling and ungrateful, he destroys what is beneficial to others and has no reverence for Brahmans. He has a bad wife and is afflicted with diseases, and ugly nails. Oftentimes he is blind, mute, idiotic and leprous. These Daridra Yogas are important yogas that significantly deprive the native of something important or desired. These yogas

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