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Core Yogas

Natives with Kapata Yoga are not all that they appear to be. The 4 house is a hidden house and malefics influences to it indicate negative thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions that at first may be difficult to discern, but that with time are discovered. Oftentimes these natives hide things from themselves first, and, as a consequence, secondarily to others, particularly female natives with this yoga. If this yoga is very severe it can indicate a native who is very disturbed and who as a result commits atrocities, while the average case of this yoga simply hides minor actions that would cause embarrassment, are not socially acceptable, or that are simply not considered good conduct. The Sun is a very weak malefic for this yoga, since the Sun is a noble planet. Rahu and Saturn indicate the worst type of deceit and negative thinking, while Mars and Ketu are middling in their deceit, though they can indicate hidden violent tendencies. This is a yoga that requires careful scrutiny as it can indicate a wide range of hidden negative actions. The third version of Kapata Yoga given, which does not include a malefic in the 4th house but only the affliction of the 4th lord, is not as severe as the other two versions that require a malefic to be in the 4th house. Kemadruma Yoga: The 9th lord in the 12th, the 12th lord weak and in the 2nd, and malefics in the 3rd. One will be sensual, after others wives, and always look to others for food. Indulging in bad deeds, one contracts several debts. Kemadruma Yogas are those very worst yogas that cause poverty, distress, downfall, inability and wandering. In this version the natives poor fortune robs them of their wealth, resourcefulness and family life, and the malefics in the 3rd make them willful. Kemadruma Yoga: The Moon, Saturn, and Venus in angles, and the Sun and Mars, in any manner, in the 12th and/or 8th. One shall never confine himself to his native place.

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