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Monte Vista Elementary

LITERACY Comparing and contrasting the adventures and experiences of characters. We will use Venn Diagrams to chart differences and similarities.
Writing narratives and opinion pieces. Knowing and applying grade-level phonics and high frequency words.

1st grade Mrs. Pharisien 01-08-14


Adding and subtracting within 20. Adding and subtracting quickly within 10. Continuing counting to 120, and representing, writing, and reading numbers up to 100. Solving two-step word problems, and problems with 3 addends. Collecting, interpreting, and analyzing data (graphing)

Phonics: Ending es (wishes, watches, peaches, patches); r-controlled or, and ore (orbit, organ, more, bore)

Understanding place value in the tens and one positions.

Habit 6 for January: Synergize

I value other peoples strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other peoples ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.

Homework: Reading 20 minutes! Practice reading words quick as a snap January calendar activities
user name: lastnamefirstname

Welcome back! I hope you all had a nice holiday break! Again, thank you for all of the wonderful gifts!!!

password: lunch #

Words to practice:

away house


school our

friends very

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