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AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

How did you attract/address your audience?

People who enjoy shooting as a hobby or have an interest in guns are in my audience. I have attracted and addressed them by including a gun within my opening sequence, so that they take more interest in it and will want to watch more. This attracts and addresses people who like guns and shooting. It also attracts and addresses people in my audience who enjoy action films in general. I have attracted them by having violence shown in my opening sequence, with the main character firing a gun. This also attracts and addresses males, as this gender is most associated with enjoying action films, so I made this the genre of my opening sequence.

AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

People in my audience are also people who live in urban areas, like cities and towns. I have attracted and addressed them by setting my opening sequence in an urban area, meaning they can relate to it.

I have also attracted and addressed people in urban areas by including casual clothing that is associated with those areas, for example a hoody.

AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

As well as people who enjoy action films in general, I am more specifically aiming my opening sequence at people who enjoy action films with enigma. To attract and address them, I have included enigma in my opening sequence. The characters background and intentions are never explained, creating enigma and enticing the audience to continue watching.

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