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For my social and community action project, I set out to create a video promoting the work of the Carndonagh Christmas Tree Committee members. I chose to acknowledge this worthy organisation because I live in Carndonagh and the lighting of the Christmas tree is an important annual event for the people in this town. Before I started filming, I conducted valuable research into the organisation and found out specific facts on what specific roles the committee members do. I also came up with a range of ideas on how I could best create the video and highlight this charitable work. The creation of this film allowed me to use my filming and interviewing knowledge to capture and make the best of my interviews. The dates for filming involved a great deal of organizing to allow for a convenient location and time that suited both the interviewees and myself. However, my plans for filming had to be revised a few times. For the documentary, three acts consisted. Firstly, Act 1: Opening and Interviews, Act 2: Raising and lighting of the tree, Act 3: Fall of the tree due to severe weather conditions and the re-raising and lighting of the new tree. The third act was not planned as the video was meant to end after the tree was situated in its prime location The Diamond in the middle of the town centre but a few days after the placing of the tree it was blown over by strong winds. If I could do anything differently, it would be to show more footage of the committee members cutting, transporting and setting up the tree, which had to be shortened due the running time.

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