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Dr . Hector , Dr . Milsagri , Dr.

Jocelyn , Dr . Claudia
The Nervous System
• The nervous system helps the body
with movements , controls thoughts
, and simpler life processes for
example as swallowing .

The Nervous System’s Flow
The nervous system

• The nervous system tells your brain

and your body what to do. It also
controls movements , thoughts ,
and swallowing as well .
• When your in a dark room and then
you go outside , the light of the sun
sends a message to your eyes and
tells your pupils to shrink and let in
less light .

The nervous system
• The organ CNS includes the brain
and the spinal cord an makes up
the central nervous system
• The PNS use sensory neurons motor
neurons that makes up the
peripheral nervous system.
The nervous system
• The nervous system responds to a
stimulus that is most broadly as
something that causes a response
and as well anything that triggers a
change in the organism.
• It could be a chemical , cellular , or
behavioral change.

The nervous system
• The nervous system makes you react
quickly without thinking
• The roles of the sensory neurons ,
interneuron , and motor neurons Is
sensation , thought , and response .

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