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Part A


Ab [b, v] Swab: a large mop used on shipboard for cleaning decks, living quarters, etc. Squab: [skwob] a short, stout person. Crab [krab] any of various other crustaceans, as the hermit crab, or other animals, as the horseshoe crab, resembling the true crabs. Ace [es] Ambsace [eymz-eys, amz-] bad luck misfortune. Biface: having two faces or fronts


aerospace [air-oh-speys] the atmosphere and the space beyond considered as a whole. 3. Ac [k] Attac :[uhta ]to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressiv e way,with or without a weapon begin fighting with. Hi!ac :["a"#!ak] to steal "cargo# from a truck or other vehicle after forcing it to stop. $ac :[lak] deficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary 4. Act [kt] Attract:[uhtra t] to draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach, adhere, or unite pull. Compact: !oined or packed together closely and firmly united dense solid Auto%i%act [aw-toh-%a"#-dakt, -dahy-%a t] a person who has learned a sub!ect without the benefit of a teacher or formal education a self-taught person.


A% [d] arrow"ea% [ar-oh-hed] the head or tip of an arrow, usually separable from the shaft and conventionally wedge-shaped. a"ea% [uh&"e%] in or to the front in advance of before. abroa%[uh-braw%] in or to a foreign country or countries


A%e [ed] arca%e:[a"r& e#%] a series of arches supported on piers or columns. acco'a%e:[a -uh-leyd, -lahd ak-uh-'e#%, -'a"%] any award, honor, or laudatory notice a'i%a%e:[a'-i-deyd] the entire upper part of a theodolite or transit, including the telescope, its supports, the level vials, the circle-reading device, and the spindle.

7. Aff [f] Bac staff: $n instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the heavenly bodies Cow'staff $ staff or pole on which a vessel is supported between two persons. -pi estaff the shaft of an infantry pike. 8. Aft [ft] Aircraft any machine supported for flight in the air by buoyancy or by th e dynamic action of air on its surfaces, especially powered airplanes, gliders, and helicopters. auto(raft a tissue or organ that is grafted into a new position on the body of the individual from which it was removed. abaft to the rear of aft of: 9. A( [g] %a( one of a series of decorative scallops or foliations along the edge of a garment, cloth, etc. bef'a( to cover or deck with flags. bea)ba(

a small cloth bag filled with dried beans, as for tossing in various children%s games. 10. A(e [ed] acrea(e e&tent or area in acres acres collectively. a'ie)a(e the state of being an alien. a)c"ora(e that portion of a harbor or area outside a harbor suitable for anchoring or in which ships are permitted to anchor. 11. Ai% [ed] aforesai% said or mentioned earlier or previously. afrai% feeling fear filled with apprehension barmai% a woman who bartends bartender. 12. Ai' [el] ba)(tai' Horse Racing Slang. $ race horse. bewai' to e&press deep sorrow for lament assai' to attack vigorously or violently assault. *+, Ai) [en] bar(ai) an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost: The sale offered bargains galore. fou)tai) a spring or source of water the source or head of a stream. refrai) to abstain from an impulse to say or do something *-, Ai)t [ent] comp'ai)t,,an e.pressio) of discontent, regret, pain, censure,rese ntment, or grief lament faultfinding acquai)t to make more or less familiar, aware, or conversant

co)strai)t limitation or restriction. */, Air[r] affair anything done or to be done anything requiring action or effort business concern: %espair loss of hope hopelessness. u)fair not fair not conforming to approved standards, as of !ustice, honesty, or ethics: *0, Aise[ez] fraise Fortification . a defense consisting of pointed stakes pro!ecting from the ramparts in a horizontal or an inclined position. B'aise a male given )ame. C"aise a light, open carriage, usually with a hood, especially a onehorse, two-wheeled carriage for two persons shay. *1, A't [lt] asp"a't any of various dark..colored, solid, bituminous substances,native in v arious areas of the earth and composed mainly of hydrocarbon mi&tures. e.a't to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc. elevate coba't a silver-white metallic element with a faint pinkish tinge, occurring in compounds whose silicates afford important blue coloring substances for ceramics. *2, Am [m] a)a(ram a wor%, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: Beam 'ne of the principal horizontal timbers of a building or ship. 3ream $ visionary scheme a wild conceit an idle fancy a vagary a revery. *4, A e [ek] beta e to cause to go bra e a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving..mechanis m by the

absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction. bespea to ask for in advance.

56, A'e [el] c"ora'e a hymn, especially one with strong harmonization. ba'e a large bundle or package prepared for shipping, storage, or sale, especially one tightly compressed and secured by..wires, hoops, cords, or the like, and sometimes having a wrapping or covering. am#(%a'e am#(%u'e, 5*, A' [k] 7a' to communicate or e&change ideas, information, etc., by speaking 8a' advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace proc eed by steps move by advancing the feet that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedallocomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion. c"a' a soft, white, powdery limestone consisting chiefly of fossilshells of fo raminifers. 55, A'' [l] appa'' to fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or fear dismay baseba'' a sport mostly practiced in $merica. b'owba'' the downy head or pappus of the dandelion, salsify, etc. 5+, Am [m] a)a(ram a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by..rearranging its l etters: a)a(rams9 " used with a singular verb # a game in which the..player s build words by transposing and, often, adding letters. baro(ram a record traced by a barograph or similar instrument. 5-, Ame [em] af'ameon fire ablaze. $ame (oving with pain or difficulty on account of in!ury, defect, or temporary obstruction of a function name.

Name,,A wor% or a combination of words by w"ic" a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any ob!ect of thought is designated, called, or known. 5/, Amp [mp] abamp Electricity , abampere, after%amp an irrespirable mi&ture of gases, consisting chiefly of carbon dio&ide and nitrogen, left in a mine after an e&plosion or fire. $amp any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by..electricity or gas 50, A) [n] acousticia) an acoustic engineer. acti)ia) belonging or pertaining to the order or suborder $ctiniaria,comprising the sea anemones. Abe'ia) 'f or pertaining to )iels *enrik $bel or his theorems. 51, A)ce [ns] abu)dance an e&tremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply. accepta)ce the act of taking or receiving something offered. accor%a)ce agreement conformity. 51, A)c"[nt] Bra)c" a division or subdivision of the stem or a&is of a tree, shrub,or other p lant. spi)ac" a plant, Spinacia oleracea, cultivated for its edible, crinkly or flat leaves. a)abra)c" a stream branching off from a river and re!oining it further downstream. 52, A)%[nd] Ba)%:a company of persons or, sometimes, animals or things,!oined, acting, or functioning together aggregation party troop. ba)%sta)% a platform, often roofed, for outdoor ba)% performances. armba)% a fabric ba)% worn around the upper arm as a badge or symbol brassard.

54, A)e[en] airp'a)e a heavier..than..air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thruste&erted by the passing air on its fi&ed wings and driven by propellers, !et propulsion, etc. a' a)e any member of the a' a)e series. a''op"a)e:a clay mineral, an amorphous hydrous silicate of alumin um,occurring in blue, green, or yellow, resinous to earthy masses. +6, A)([ng] boomera)( a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the $ustralian..$borigin es as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower. C'a)( to give out a loud, resonant sou)%, as that produced by alarge b ell or two heavy pieces of metal striking together. %efa)( to remove the fa)(s of. +*, A) [nk] Ba) a long pile or heap mass. Cra) $ bent portion of an a&le, or shaft 3a) +amp moist humid wet +5, A)t[nt] abu)%a)t ,resent in great quantity more than adequate. accor%a)t agreeing conforming harmonious. accou)ta)t a person whose profession is inspecting and auditing personal or commercial accou)ts, ++, Ap[p] Strap a narrow strip of fle&ible material, especially leather, as for fastening or holding things together. map a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens,showing them in their respective forms, si zes, and relationships according to some convention of representation. c'ap

to strike the palms of "one%s hands# against one another..resoundingl y, and usually repeatedly, especially to e&press approval: She clapped her hands in appreciation +-, Ape[ep] 7ape a long, narrow strip of linen, cotton, or the like, used fortying garmen ts, binding seams or carpets, etc. ca)ap: a thin piece of bread or toast or a crac er spread or topped with cheese, caviar, anchovies, or other savory food. roomrape any of various parasitic plants, especially of the genus Orobanche, livi ng on the roots of broom and other plants. +/, Ar[r] Car an automobile. su(ar a wor% formerly used in communications to represent the letter S. bear to hold up support. +0, Ar% [rd, rd] aboar% on board on, in, or into a ship, train, airplane, bus, etc. afterwar% at a later or subsequent time subsequently. awar% to give as due or merited assign or bestow. +1, Are[r] Bare without covering or clothing naked nude. beware to be wary, cautious, or careful of . b'are to emit a loud, raucous sou)%. +2, Air[r] affair anything done or to be done anything requiring action or effort business concern. C"air a seat, especially for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms. ;'air a natural talent, aptitude, or ability bent. +4, Ar(e[rd] C"ar(e to impose or ask as a price or fee.

e)'ar(e to make larger increase in e&tent, bulk, or quantity add to. Bar(e a capacious, flat.bottomed vessel, usually intended to be pushed or towed, for transporting freight or passengers lighter.

-6, Ar [rk] ar the..large boat built by )oah in which he saved himself, hisfamily,an d a pair of every kind of creature during the -lood..en. /01. par an area of land, usually in a largely natural state, for the..en!oyment of the public, having facilities for rest and recreation, often owned, set apart, and managed by a city,state, or nation. boo mar a ribbon or other marker placed between the pages of a bookto mark a place. -*, Arm[rm] a'arm:a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by anawareness of danger apprehension fright. 8arm having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses. ;arm a tract of land, usually with a house, barn, silo, etc., on w"ic" crops and often livestock are raised for livelihood. -5, Ar)[rn] Bar) a building for storing hay, grain, etc., and often for housinglivest ock. 3ar) to mend, as torn clothing, with rows of stitches, crossi ng and interweaving rows to span a gap. ce%ar) resembling or made of cedar. -+, Arp[rp] Auto"arp a zither having buttons that when depressed damp all strings..e&cept those to be

sounded, the undamped strings being strummed to produce simple chords. e)%ocarp the inner layer of a pericarp, as the stone of certain fruits. mericarp one of the carpels of a schizocarp. --, Art[rt] C"art a sheet e&hibiting information in tabular form. bra((art a person who does a lot of bra((i)(, Heart Anatomy , a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation,compos ed mainly of rhythmically contractile smoot" musc'e, located in the chest -/, Ase[es] ami%ase an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of an acid amide. abase to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation humble degrade. a)ap"ase the stage in mitosis or meiosis following metaphase in which the daughter chromosomes move away from each other to opposite ends of the cell. -0, As [sk] Mas a covering for all or part of the face, worn to conceal one%s i%e)tit#. As to put a question to inquire of. Bas to lie in or be e&posed to a pleasant warmth.

-1, Asm[sm] C"asm a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth%s surface (or(e, bro)c"ospasm spasmodic contraction of the muscular lining of the bronchi, as in asthma, causing difficulty in breathing. biop'asm rare living matter protoplasm -2, Asp[sp] Gasp a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise. Hasp:a clasp for a door, lid, etc., especially one passing over astaple and fastened by a pin or a padlock. wasp any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterous insects of the 2espidae, 3phecidae, and allied families, generally having a long, slender body and narrow waist and, in the female, a stinger. -4, Ast[st]

Brea fast: 4he first meal in the day, or that which is eaten at the first meal Cast: 4o send or drive by force to throw to fling to hurl to impel. B'ast: $ violent gust of wind. /6, aste [est] Haste: celerity of motion speed swiftness dispatch e&pedition applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals. Paste: 4o unite with paste to fasten or !oin by means of paste. 7aste: 4o try by the touch to handle as, to taste a bow. /*, ass [es, s] Brass: 5oin made of copper, brass, or bronze. Bass: 4he lowest part in a musical composition. Ca)<ass: 6&amination in the way of discussion or debate. /5, at [t; unstressed t, t] Acrobat: 'ne who practices rope dancing, high vaulting, or other daring gymnastic feats. Bat: 'ne who practices rope dancing, high vaulting, or other daring gymnastic feats. B'at: 4o cry, as a calf or sheep to bleat to make a senseless noise to talk inconsiderately. /+, atc" [t] Batc": 4he quantity of bread baked at one time. Catc": 4o take captive, as in a snare or net, or on a hook as, to catch a bird or fish. Hatc": 4o cross with lines in a peculiar manner in drawing and engraving. /-, ate [et] Abate: 4o beat down to overthrow. Acuate: 4o sharpen to make pungent to quicken. Affricate: $ combination of a stop, or e&plosive, with an immediately following fricative or spirant of corresponding organic position //, arb[rb] Barb: 7eard, or that which resembles it, or grows in the place of it. Garb: 5lothing in general. R"ubarb: 4he root of several species of 8heum, used much as a cathartic medicine /0, au("t [t] 8au("t: $ large draught of any liquid. ;au("t: freight a cargo. 3istrau("t: +istracted perple&ed.

/1, au)c" [nt, lnt] Crau)c": 4o crush with the teeth to chew with violence and noise to crunch. $au)c": to strike with, or as with, a lance to pierce. Pau)c": 4o stuff with food. /2, au)t [nt, nt] A<au)t: 9-vo nt, -v:nt9 4o advance to move forward to elevate. 3au)t: 4o overcome to conquer. Hau)t: 4o inhabit or frequent as a specter to visit as a ghost or apparition. /4, a<e [ve, evi] A<e: $ reverential salutation. Bra<e: $ brave person one who is daring. Be"a<e: 4o manage or govern in point of behavior to discipline to handle to restrain. 06, aw [] Craw: 4he crop of a bird. ;'aw: $ sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration. 3raw: 4o cause to move continuously by force applied in advance of the thing moved. 0*, aw' [l] Baw': 4o cry out with a loud, full sound. Braw': 4o complain loudly to scold. Scraw': 4o write unskillfully and inelegantly. 05, aw) [n] Braw): $ muscle flesh. ;aw): 4he young of an animal a whelp. $aw): $n open space between woods. 0+, a. [ks] A)t"ra.: $ microscopic, bacterial organism "7acillus anthracis#, resembling transparent rods. A)tic'ima.: $ sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and striking, at the close. Coa.: $ simpleton a dupe. 0-, a# [e] Affra#: 4o startle from quiet to alarm. Arra#: 'rder a regular and imposing arrangement disposition in regular lines hence, order of battle as, drawn up in battle array. Ba#: $ bank or dam to keep back water.

0/, a=e [ez] Ama=e: 4o bewilder to stupefy to bring into a maze. Bra=e: 4o solder with hard solder, esp. with an alloy of copper and zinc 3a=e: to stupefy with e&cess of light with a blow, with cold, or with fear. 00, ea [uh, i] Area: $ny plane surface, as of the floor of a room or church, or of the ground within an inclosure an open space in a building. Nausea: 3easickness hence, any similar sickness of the stomach accompanied with a propensity to vomit. Sea: 4he ocean the whole body of the salt water which covers a large part of the globe. 01, eac" [it] Beac": 4he shore of the sea, or of a lake, which is washed by the waves. Breac": the act of breaking, in a figurative sense. Reac": to attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand. 02, ea% [id] Bea%: $ prayer. 3ea%: +eprived of life. Mea%: $ fermented drink made of water and honey with malt, yeast, etc. 04, ea [ik] Apea : ;n a vertical line. $ea : $ crack, crevice, fissure, or hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape. ;rea : $ sudden causeless change or turn of the mind a whim of fancy a capricious prank. 16, ea' [il] 3ea': 4he process of dealing cards to the players also, the portion disturbed. Cerea': $ny grass cultivated for its edible grain, or the grain itself. >%ea': 6&isting in idea or thought conceptional intellectual mental as, ideal knowledge. 1*, ea't" [l] Commo)wea't": 4he whole body of people in a state the public. Hea't": 4he state of being hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind, or soul. Stea't": 4he act of stealing theft. 15, ea) [in]

Bea): the popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more or less resembling true beans. C'ea): -ree from dirt or filth as, clean clothes. 3ea): $ dignitary or presiding officer in certain ecclesiastical and lay bodies esp., an ecclesiastical dignitary 1+, eap [ip] C"eap: $ bargain a purchase cheapness. Heap: $ crowd a throng a multitude or great number of persons. Neap: 4he tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals. 1-, ear [;r] Appear: 4o come or be in sight to be in view to become visible. B'ear: 4o come or be in sight to be in view to become visible. C'ear: -ree from opaqueness transparent bright light luminous unclouded. 1/, east[ist] Beast: $ny living creature an animal -- including man, insects, etc. $east: 3mallest, either in size or degree shortest lowest most unimportant as, the least insect the least mercy the least space. ?east: 3pume, or foam, of water. 10, eat [it] C"eat: $n act of deception or fraud that which is the means of fraud or deception a fraud a trick imposition imposture. C'eat: $ strip of wood or iron fastened on transversely to something in order to give strength, prevent warping, hold position, etc. ;eat: $n act a deed an e&ploit. 11, e<e[iv] C'ea<e: 4o adhere closely to stick to hold fast to cling. Hea<e: 4o cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort to lift to raise to hoist -- often with up as, the wave heaved the boat on land. $ea<e: 4o send out leaves to leaf -- often with out. 12, ec [k] C"ec : $ condition of interrupted or impeded progress arrest stop delay as, to hold an enemy in check. Gec : 3corn, derision, or contempt. @ec : 4o heave or to retch, as in an effort to vomit. 14, e%[d] Abe%: ;n bed, or on the bed. Crape%: imp. & p. p. - of 5rape

Cruise%: imp. & p. p. - of 5ruise 26, e%(e [d] ;'e%(e: -eathered furnished with feathers or wings able to fly. He%(e: 4o inclose or separate with a hedge to fence with a thickly set line or thicket of shrubs or small trees as, to hedge a field or garden. P'e%(e: $ person who undertook, or became responsible, for another a bail a surety a hostage. 2*, ee [i] A(ree: ;n good part kindly. 3ree: 4o endure to suffer. ;ee: property possession tenure. 25, ec" [it] Beec": $ tree of the genus -agus. Breec": 4he lower part of the body behind the buttocks. Speec": $ particular language, as distinct from others a tongue a dialect. 2+, ee% [id] Bree%: 4o produce as offspring to bring forth to bear to procreate to generate to beget to hatch. 3ee%: ,ower of action agency efficiency. ;ee%: 4o give food to to supply with nourishment to satisfy the physical huger of. 2-, ee [ik] Gree : 'f or pertaining to .reece or the .reeks .recian. See : 4o go in search of to look for to search for to try to find. S'ee : smooth or glossy, as hair, an animal, etc. 2/, ee' [il] Hee': 4o lean or tip to one side, as a ship as, the ship heels aport the boat heeled over when the squall struck it. 8"ee': $ny instrument having the form of, or chiefly consisting of, a wheel. ;ee': 4o take internal cognizance of to be conscious of to have an inward persuasion of. 20, eem [im] A%eem: 4o revoke, as a legacy, grant, etc., or to satisfy it by some other gift. 3eem: 4o decide to !udge to sentence to condemn. 7eem: 4o pour -- commonly followed by out as, to teem out ale.

21, ee) [in] Betwee): ;n the space which separates betwi&t as, )ew <ork is between 7oston and ,hiladelphia. Gree): -ull of life aud vigor fresh and vigorous new recent as, a green manhood a green wound. @ee): 3harp having a fine edge or point as, a keen razor, or a razor with a keen edge. 22, eep [ip] C"eep: 4o chirp, as a young bird. 3eep: =ow in situation lying far below the general surface as, a deep valley. S'eep: 4o be careless, inattentive, or uncouncerned not to be vigilant to live thoughtlessly. 24, eer [ir] Beer: $ fermented liquor made from any malted grain, but commonly from barley malt, with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor. Career: $ race course: the ground run over. 3eer: sing. & pl. - $ny animal especially, a wild animal. 46, eet [it] Beet: $ biennial plant of the genus 7eta, which produces an edible root the first year and seed the second year. ;eet: pl. - 3ee -oot. (reet: to salute to return a salutation to to greet. 4*, ee=e [iz] Bree=e: $ light, gentle wind a fresh, soft-blowing wind. ;ree=e: 4o congeal to harden into ice to convert from a fluid to a solid form by cold, or abstraction of heat. Squee=e: 4he gradual closing of workings by the weight of the overlying strata. 45, eft [eft] Bereft: imp. > p. p. of 7ereave. 3eft: $pt fit de&terous clever handy spruce neat. $eft: imp. & p. p. - of =eave. ?. 4hat part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one%s body is turned as, the house is on the left when you face )orth. 4+, e( [eg] Be(: 4o ask earnestly for to entreat or supplicate for to beseech. $e(: $ limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.

Pro'e(: 'ne of the fleshy legs found on the abdominal segments of the larvae of =epidoptera, sawflies, and some other insects. 4hose of =epidoptera have a circle of hooks. 5alled also proped, propleg, and falseleg. 4-, ei("[e] Nei(": 4o utter the cry of the horse to whinny. S'ei(": $ vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice -- in 6ngland commonly called a sledge. 8ei(": 4o bear up to raise to lift into the air to swing up as, to weigh anchor. 4/, e'p [lp] He'p: 4o furnish with strength or means for the successful performance of any action or the attainment of any ob!ect to aid @e'p: 4he calcined ashes of seaweed, -- formerly much used in the manufacture of glass, now used in the manufacture of iodine. ?e'p: 4o utter a sharp, quick cry, as a hound to bark shrilly with eagerness, pain, or fear to yaup. 40, e't [lt] Be't: 4hat which engirdles a person or thing a band or girdle as, a lady%s belt a sword belt. ;e't: imp. & p. p. - of -eel Me't: 4o reduce from a solid to a liquid state, as by heat to liquefy as, to melt wa&, tallow, or lead to melt ice or snow. 41, em [m] 3ia%em: 8egal power sovereignty empire -- considered as symbolized by the crown. >tem: $n article a separate particular in an account as, the items in a bill. Poem: $ composition, not in verse, of which the language is highly imaginative or impassioned as, a prose poem the poems of 'ssian. 42, e)[n] Ab%ome): 4he posterior section of the body, behind the thora&, in insects, crustaceans, and other $rthropoda. A'ie): )ot belonging to the same country, land, or government, or to the citizens or sub!ects thereof foreign as, alien sub!ects, enemies, property, shores. Bee): 4he past participle of 7e. ;n old authors it is also the pr. tense plural of 7e. 3ee @st 7ee. 44, e)ce [ns]

Absti)e)ce: 4he practice of self-denial by depriving one%s self of certain kinds of food or drink, especially of meat. A%<erte)ce: $lt. of $dvertency Aff'ue)ce: $ flowing to or towards a concourse an influ&. *66, e)c" [nt] Be)c": $ long seat, differing from a stool in its greater length. ;re)c": 'f or pertaining to -rance or its inhabitants. Ste)c": $n ill smell an offensive odor a stink. *6*, e)%[nd] Atte)%: 4o direct the attention to to fi& the mind upon to give heed to to regard. Be)%: 4o turn toward some certain point to direct to incline. ;rie)%: 'ne not inimical or hostile one not a foe or enemy also, one of the same nation, party, kin, etc., whose friendly feelings may be assumed. 4he word is some times used as a term of friendly address. *65, e)se [ns] Ce)se: $ census -- also, a public rate or ta&. Offe)se: $lt. of 'ffence Prope)se: =eaning toward, in a moral sense inclined disposed prone as, women propense to holiness. *6+, e)t [nt] Abse)t: 7eing away from a place withdrawn from a place not present. Acci%e)t: $ property attached to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, case. A(e)t: 'ne who e&erts power, or has the power to act an actor. *6-, ep [p] @eep: 4o care to desire. Step: 4o walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely. Sweep: 4o brush against or over to rub lightly along. *6/, ept [pt] Accept: 4o receive with favor to approve. Crept: imp. - of 5reep >)tercept: 4o take or seize by the way, or before arrival at the destined place to cause to stop on the passage as, to intercept a letter. *60, er(e [rd]

Co)<er(e: 4o cause to tend to one point to cause to incline and approach nearer together. 3i<er(e: 4o differ from a typical form to vary from a normal condition to dissent from a creed or position generally held or taken. Mer(e: 4o cause to be swallowed up to immerse to sink to absorb. *61, er [rk] C'er : $ man who could read a scholar a learned person a man of letters. Aer : 4o cut into long slices or strips and dry in the sun as, !erk beef. Mer : $n old 3cotch silver coin a mark or marc. *62, erm [rn] 3erm: 4he integument of animal the skin. Germ: 4hat which is to develop a new individual as, the germ of a fetus, of a plant or flower, and the like the earliest form under which an organism appears. 7erm: 4he time for which anything lasts any limited time as, a term of five years the term of life. *64, er) [rn] Ca<er): $ large, deep, hollow place in the earth a large cave. Cister): $n artificial reservoir or tank for holding water, beer, or other liquids. Mo%er): )ew and common trite commonplace. **6, er<e [rv] Co)ser<e: 4o keep in a safe or sound state to save to preserve to protect. Ner<e: 'ne of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these e&tend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf. Ser<e: 4o work for to labor in behalf of to e&ert one%s self continuously or statedly for the benefit of to do service for to be in the employment of, as an inferior, domestic ***, es" [] Afres": $new again once more newly. ;res": ,ossessed of original life and vigor new and strong unimpaired sound. Mes": 4he opening or space inclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot, or the threads inclosing such a space network a net. **5, ess [s] Access: $ coming to, or near approach admittance admission accessibility as, to gain access to a prince. Actress: $ female actor or doer.

Aw'ess: Aanting reverence void of respectful fear. **+, est [st] Attest: 4o give proof of to manifest as, the ruins of ,almyra attest its ancient magnificence. Best: (ost advanced most correct or complete as, the best scholar the best view of a sub!ect. B'est: of 7less **-, et [et] Abet: 4o support, uphold, or aid to maintain -- in a good sense. Asset: $ny article or separable part of one%s assets. Ba''et: 4he company of persons who perform the ballet. **/, etc" [t] ;etc": 4o obtain as price or equivalent to sell for. $etc": 3trong desire passion. "$rchaic#. Stretc": 4o reach out to e&tend to put forth. **0, ew [yu] A)ew: 'ver again another time in a new form afresh as, to arm anew to create anew. ;ew: )ot many small, limited, or confined in number -- indicating a small portion of units or individuals constituing a whole often, by ellipsis of a noun, a few people. New: *aving e&isted, or having been made, but a short time having originated or occured lately

**1, e. [ex] A))e.: 4o !oin or attach usually to sub!oin to affi& to append followed by to. Ape.: 4he tip, top, point, or angular summit of anything as, the ape& of a mountain, spire, or cone the ape&, or tip, of a leaf. >)%e.: 4hat which points out that which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses. **2, e# [e] Bai'e#: 4he outer wall of a feudal castle. Be#: $ governor of a province or district in the 4urkish dominions also, in some places, a prince or nobleman a beg as, the bey of 4unis. Gre#: 3ee .ray "the correct orthography#. **4, ib [b]

3rib: 4o do by little and little Aib: 4he pro!ecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended. Squib: $ kind of slow match or safety fuse. *56, ibe [ab] Caribe: $ south $merican fresh water fish of the genus 3errasalmo of many species, remarkable for its voracity. Ahen numerous they attack man or beast, often with fatal results. 3escribe: 4o represent by words written or spoken to give an account of to make known to others by words or signs as, the geographer describes countries and cities. Prescribe: 4o direct, as a remedy to be used by a patient as, the doctor prescribed quinine. *5*, ice [as] C"oice: 4he power or opportunity of choosing option. 3e<ice: ,ower of devising invention contrivance. 3ice: 3mall cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance also, the game played with dice. *55, ic [k] Bric : $ny oblong rectangular mass as, a brick of maple sugar a penny brick "of bread#. C'ic : 4o make a slight, sharp noise "or a succession of such noises#, as by gentle striking to tick. @ic : 4o strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot as, a horse kicks a groom a man kicks a dog. *5+, i% [d] Aci%: 3our, sharp, or biting to the taste tart having the taste of vinegar: as, acid fruits or liquors. $lso fig.: 3our-tempered. Ai%: *elp succor assistance relief. Cupi%: 4he god of love, son of 2enus usually represented as a naked, winged boy with bow and arrow. *5-, i%e [ad] Asi%e: 'n, or to, one side out of a straight line, course, or direction at a little distance from the rest out of the way apart. Bi%e: 4o dwell to inhabit to abide to stay. 3eci%e: 4o cut off to separate. *5/, ie [a] 3ie: 4o suffer death to lose life. $ie: $ fiction a fable an untruth. Pie: $n article of food consisting of paste baked with something in it or under it as, chicken pie venison pie mince pie apple pie pumpkin pie.

*50, ie% [d] Berrie%: -urnished with berries consisting of a berry baccate as, a berried shrub. C'assifie%: imp. & pp. - of 5lassify 3rie%: mp. & p. p. - of +ay. $lso ad!. as, dried apples. *51, ief [lif] Be'ief: $ persuasion of the truths of religion faith. Brief: 3hort in duration. 7"ief: 'ne who steals one who commits theft or larceny. 3ee 4heft. *52, ie'% [ild] ;ie'%: 5leared land land suitable for tillage or pasture cultivated ground the open country. S"ie'%: $nything which protects or defends defense shelter protection. 8ie'%: 4o govern to rule to keep, or have in charge also, to possess. *54, ier [ier] Carrier: 'ne who, or that which, carries or conveys a messenger. Ca<a'ier: $ military man serving on horseback a knight. Courier: $ messenger sent with haste to convey letters or dispatches, usually on public business. *+6, i e [ak] A'i e: *aving resemblance or similitude similar without difference. Bi e: $ nest of wild bees, wasps, or ants a swarm. 3i e: $ ditch a channel for water made by digging. *+*, i'% [ld] Bui'%: 4o raise or place on a foundation to form, establish, or produce by using appropriate means. Mi'%: .entle pleasant kind soft bland clement hence, moderate in degree or quality -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc 8i'%: +esert not inhabited or cultivated as, wild land. *+5, ies[es] Abi'ities: plural of ability Acti<ities: plural of activity Ca<ies: plural of cavy *++, ife [af]

@)ife: $n instrument consisting of a thin blade, usually of steel and having a sharp edge for cutting, fastened to a handle, but of many different forms and names for different uses as, table knife $ife: 'f human beings: 4he union of the soul and body also, the duration of their union sometimes, the deathless quality or e&istence of the soul as, man is a creature having an immortal life. 8ife: $ woman an adult female -- now used in literature only in certain compounds and phrases, as alewife, fishwife, goodwife, and the like. *+-, iff [f] S iff: $ woman an adult female -- now used in literature only in certain compounds and phrases, as alewife, fishwife, goodwife, and the like. Stiff: )ot liquid or fluid thick and tenacious inspissated neither soft nor hard as, the paste is stiff. 7ariff: $ schedule, system, or scheme of duties imposed by the government of a country upon goods imported or e&ported as, a revenue tariff a protective tariff *+/, ift [ft] C'ift: $ cleft of crack a narrow opening. Gift: $nything given anything voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation a present an offering. S"ift: 4o divide to distribute to apportion. *+0, i( [g] Bi(: *aving largeness of size of much bulk or magnitude of great size large. Bri(: $ two-masted, square-rigged vessel. Swi(: 4o drink in long draughts to gulp as, to swig cider. *+1, i(" [a] Ni(": )ot distant or remote in place or time near. O<erwei(": 4o e&ceed in weight to overbalance to weigh down. Si(": *ence, to lament to grieve. *+2, i("t[at] Ri("t: 3traight direct not crooked as, a right line. Mi("t: imp. - of (ay Bri("t: 8adiating or reflecting light shedding or having much light shining luminous not dark. *+4, i'e [al] A(i'e: *aving the faculty of quick motion in the limbs apt or ready to move nimble active as, an agile boy an agile tongue. Aw"i'e: -or a while for some time for a short time.

A.i'e: 3ituated in the a&is of anything as an embryo which lies in the a&is of a seed. *-6, i' [lk] Bi' : 4o frustrate or disappoint to deceive or defraud, by nonfulfillment of engagement to leave in the lurch to give the slip to as, to bilk a creditor. Mi' : $ white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a solution of casein Si' : *ence, thread spun, or cloth woven, from the above-named material. *-*, i'' [l] Bi'': $ beak, as of a bird, or sometimes of a turtle or other animal. C"i'': $ moderate but disagreeable degree of cold a disagreeable sensation of coolness, accompanied with shivering. Gri'': 4hat which is broiled on a gridiron, as meat, fish, etc. *-5, i't [lt] Bui't: 3hape build form of structure as, the built of a ship. Gui't: 6&posure to any legal penalty or forfeiture. Bui't: 4o stitch or sew together at frequent intervals, in order to confine in place the several layers of cloth and wadding of which a garment, comforter, etc., may be made as, to quilt a coat. *-+, im [em] Acc'aim: 4o applaud. C'aim: 4o ask for, or seek to obtain, by virtue of authority, right, or supposed right to challenge as a right to demand as due. 4he longest note formerly used, equal to two longs, or four breves a large. *--, ime [am] 7ime: +uration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof. Crime: $ny violation of law, either divine or human an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law. Prime: +ivisible by no number e&cept itself or unity as, B is a prime number. *-/, imp [mp] Aimp: )eat handsome elegant. 3ee .imp. Pimp: 'ne who provides gratification for the lust of others a procurer a pander.

S"rimp: $ny one of numerous species of macruran 5rustacea belonging to 5rangon and various allied genera, having a slender body and long legs. (any of them are used as food.

Part B

1. / in, n / Again: once more, or as before. Assesin: a person who murders a famous person, or important person for money. Begin: to do or be the first part of something that continues. 2. / ince, ns / Convince: to cause someone to believe something or to do something. Mince: to cut food into very small pieces. Since: for a particular part time in the past until now. 3. / inch, nt / Goldfinch: an european finch. finch: an small singing bird with a short, wide, pointed beak. cinch: something that is very easy. 4. / ind, and / Wind: the movement of air outside, esp. When strong enough to be felt. Mind: the part of you that have the ability to think, feel emotions, and be aware of things. ind: to see where a thing o person is, either unexpectedly or by searching; discover. !. / ine, an / Wine: an alcoholic drink made from grapes ine: very good or very well; satisfactory or satisfactorily. "i#e: in the US and Canada, a coin worth ten cents. $. / ing, s% /

Sing: to make musical sounds with the voice. Wing: one part of the movable, usually long and flat, parts on either side of the body of a bird, insect, or a bat that it uses for flying. ori!ontal structures that stick out on either side of a plane. &ing: a man who rules a country because he has been born into a family which by tradition or laws has the right the rule. '. / inge, nd / (inge: the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity. Binge: an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, esp. "ating, drinking, or spending money. Singe: to burn something slightly, or to be burned slightly. ). / in*, %* / Sin*: to move below the surface of water. +in*: a pale red color. ,in*: a large, separate area having a flat surface specially prepared. 9. / int, nt / -int: a statement or action that suggests that a person thinks or wants in an indirect way. Mint: a herb whose leaves have a clean smell and taste, used to flavor food, drinks, and candies. .int: to color something. 1/./ i0, 0 / Si0: to drink a li#uid slowly by taking in small amounts at a time. ,i0: to tear something #uickly and with force, or to break apart something. 1i0: either of the two edges of flesh around the opening of the mouth. 11./ i0e, a0 / Wi0e: to slice something over the surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food, or li#uid. +i0e: a tube through which li#uids or gases can flow. ,eci0e: a set of instructions telling you how prepare and cook a particular food, including a list of what food are hended for this. 12./ i(, e(, 2( /

Ai(: a mixture of gases that sorrounds the earth and that we breathe. A#i(: a chieftain,prince, commander, or head of state in some islamic countries. coi(: the prepared fiber of the husk of the coconut fruit, used in making rope, matting, etc. 13./ i(d, (d / Bi(d: a creature with feathers and wings usually able to fly. .hi(d: a person or things coming inmediately after the second and before all others. Wei(d: strange and different from anything natural or ordinary. 14./ i(e, a( / i(e: the state of burning, or a burning mass of material. .i(e: to cause someone to lose energy, or to be without energy. -i(e: to start to employ someone. 1!./ i(*, (* / Shi(*: to avoid work or a duty. 34i(*: an unusual habit or type of behavior, or something that is strange and unexpected. S#i(*: to smile in a way that expresses satisfaction with yourself or pleasure about done something. 1$./ i(t, (t / "i(t: earth or a sustance like it that has gotten on the surface of something such as your skin. S*i(t: a piece of women$s clothing that hangs from the waist and does not have material between the legs. Shi(t: a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body, made of cloth and often having a collar and buttons at the front. %&. / i(th, (' / 5i(th: the occasion when baby comes out of its mother$s body. #i(th: laughter or amusement. gi(th: the distance the outside of a thick or fat ob(ect, like a tree or a body.

1)./ ise, e6 / ,ise: to move up from a lower to a higher position. Adve(tise: to make something know generally or in public, esp. )n order to sell it. Wise: having the ability or showing good (udgment, based on what you have learned from your experiences. 19./ is*, s* / ,is*: danger, or the possibility of danger. *efeat, or loss. "is*: a flat, circular ob(ect. Aste(is*: a symbol shaped like a star. 2/./ iss, s / &iss: to touch or press your lips against another person. +iss: to urinate. Miss: a title for a girl or woman who has never been married, used before the family name or full name. 21./ ist, st / ist: a hand with the fingers turned in tightly and the thumb held against them. Mist: a light rain or a collection of very small drops of water in the air that is like a fog. 1ist: a record of short pieces of information usually arranged one below the other so that they can be read easily or counted. 22./ it, t / it: to be the right si!e or shape for someone or something. .it: any of various other small birds. Sit: to rest with the body supported by the buttocks or thighs; be seated. +,. / itch, t / Bitch: a female dog. +itch: wait for a good pitch before you swing. "itch: a long, narrow, open channel dug in the ground, usually at the side of a road or field.

24./ ite, at / Bite: to use your teeth to cut into something. &ite: a light frame covered with plastic, paper, or cloth that is flown in the wind at the end of a long string. 7ite: days and time of day. 2!./ ive, av / 1ive: to be alive or have life, or to continue in this state. Wife: the woman to whom a man is married; a married woman. 1ife: the period between birth and death, or the state of being alive. 2$./ i8, *s / i8: cleaning and tidying places and things, to repair or ad(ust something fix that broken chair today. Si8: cardinal numbers, including nothing, and !ero. Mi8: to combine different substances. 2'./ o, o / Go: to move or travel to another place. "o: to make an action or activity. 9cho: sounds made by ob(ects, movement or impact. 2)./ oach, o t / Coach: a person who is responsible for managing and training a person or a team. A00(oach: to come nearer to something or someone. +oach: to cook something in water or another li#uid that is almost boiling. 29./ oad, o d / ,oad: a route for traveling between places by vehicle. 1oad: electricity and electronics general words for si!e and amount. A5(oad: in or to a foreign country or countries. 3/./ oa*, o * /

Soa*- to make something very wet, or of a li#uid to be absorbed. :a*: a large tree common in northern countries , or the hard wood of this tree. Cloa*: a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves that fastens at the neck and hangs from the shoulders. 31./ oal, o l / Cha(coal: a hard, black sustance similar to coal that can be used as fuel. Goal: a point scored when a player sends a ball or other ob(ect into a particular area of play. Coal: a hard, black sustance that is dug from the earth in lumps, and is used as a fuel. 32./ oa#, o # / ,oa#: to walk or travel without any real purpose or direction. oa#: a mass of small, usually white, bubbles formed on the surface of a li#uid. Moan: to make a long, low sound because of pain or suffering. 33./ oa(, :(, o ( / ,oa(: to make a long, loud, deep sound. Boa(: a male pig kept for breeding on a farm. Soa(: to increase or go up #uickly to a high level. 34./ oast, o st / Boast : to speak to proudly. Coast: the land next to or close the sea. .oast: sliced bread that has been made brown by being put near a high heat. 3!./ oat, o t / Boat: a vehicle for traveling on water. Goat: a horned animal related to the sheep. Coat: any of various types of outer clothing that are worn over other clothes. 3$./ o5, a5 /

Bo5: to move up and down #uickly and gently. ;o5: the regular work that a person does to earn money. 7o5: the head. 3'./ o5e, o 5 / ,o5e: a long, loose. fitting piece of clothing. 1o5e: a roundish pro(ection or division, as of an organ or a leaf. Glo5e: a covering for the hand and wrist. 3)./ oc*, a* / Coc*: an adult male chicken. "oc*: a structure built out over water in a port along which ships can land to load and unload. 1oc*: a device that keeps something. 39./ od, d / Blood: the red li#uid that is sent around the body by the heart and that is necessary for life. Bod: body or biochemical oxigen demand. Cod: a large sea fish that can be eaten. 4/./ ode, o d / Bode: to be a sign of something good or bad for the future. Code: a system of representing information with signs or symbols that are not ordinary language. 980lode: to burst violently and usually with a loud noise. 41./ oe, o / oe: an enemy, or a competitor. .oe: any of the five long, thin parts at the end of the foot. Woe: bad troubles causing much suffering. 42./ og, :g, ag / "og: an animal with four legs, commonly kept as a pet. (og: a small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land. 1og: a thick piece o f tree trunk or branch.

43./ og4e, :g, ag / "ialog4e: conversation between the characters in a story. 90ilog4e: a speech or piece of text added to the end of a play or book. <og4e: a state of being popular or fashionable for a period of time. 44./ oil, l / S0oil: to destroy or damage something. Boil: / to a li#uid0 to start to burn into a gas because of being heated Soil: the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow. 4!./ oin, n / Coin: a small, flat, round piece of metal used as money. ;oin: to do something with or be with someone or something. -e(oin: a powerful illegal drug. 4$./ oist, st / Moist: slaightly wet 9goist: an arrogantly conceited person, egotist .attooist: a person who makes tattoos. 4'./ o*e, o * / Co*e: coca. cola, a sweet, bubbly, brown drink. ;o*e: something, such as an amusing story or trick. 9vo*e: to cause something to be rememebered or expressed. 4)./ old, o ld / Bold: brave, or without fear. old: to bend something such as paper or cloth. Gold: a soft, yellow metal that is highly valued and used in (ewelry as a form of wealth. 49./ ole, o l / +ole: a long, usually round, piece of wood or metal used to support something.

Mole: a small, dark, furry mammal that lives in passages it digs under the ground. ,ole: the duty or use that someone or something usually has or is unexpected to have. !/./ oll, :l, al / "oll: a child1s toy in the shape of a person. ,oll: a drum roll, sounds made by ob(ects, movement or impact. +oll: #uestioning people and asking #uestions in general. !1./ olt, o lt / Bolt: a small metal bar that slides across a door or window to lock it. Molt: / of a bird or animal 0 to lose feathers, skin, or hair as a natural process before a new growth of feathers,skin, or hair. <olt: the standard unit used to measure how strongly an electrical current is sent around an electrical system. !2./ o#, 4:#, #/ ,oo#: space available for something. Ato#: the smallest unit of any chemical element, consisting of a positive. =dio#: a group of words whose meaning considered as a unit is different from the meanings of each word considered separately. !3./ o#e, o # / -o#e: a structure in which a person lives, a house or apartment. Co#e: to move or travel toward the speaker. A>eso#e: causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear. !4./ o#0, a#0 / +o#0: showy, formal ceremony. .(o#0: walking and walkers. Cho#0: to bite on something and make a chewing movement with your teeth. !!./ on, 2n, ?n /

A5andon: to leave behind or run away from someone or something , or to give up something. 9d4cation: formal teaching. learning process. Action: the process of doing something , or something done. !$./ ond, ?nd / "ia#ond: precious and semi 2 precious stones. ,es0ond: to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done. Bond: a close and lasting relationship between people. !'./ one, o n / Alone: without people. Bone: any of the hard pieces that form the skeleton / 3 frame 0 of a human or animal body. Stone: the hard, solid substance found in the ground that is often used as a building material, or a small piece of this substance. !)./ ong, :% / Along: in the same direction as, or beside. Belong: to be in the right place, or / of a person 0 to feel that you are in the right place. 1ong: being a distance between two points that is more than average or usual, or being of a particular length. !9./ oo, 4: / .attoo: a permanent picture in the skin. .a5oo: something that is avoided or forbidden for religious or social reasons. @oo: an area in which animals are kept in order that people can look at them. $/./ ood, d / Blood: a red li#uid that is sent around the body by the heart and that is necessary for life. Wood: a hard sustance that forms the inside part of the branches and trunk of a tree. ood: something that can be taken in,and allow it to grow or develop.

$1./ oof, 4:f / Goof: to make a foolish or a embarrassing mistake. +(oof: facts or documents that can be used to show that something is true. ,oof: the covering that forms the top of a building. $2./ oo*, * / -oo*: a curved device used for catching hold of something. Boo*: an ob(ect consisting of a number of pages of texts or pictures fastened together along one edge and fixed inside two covers. Coo*: to prepare food by heating it in a paricular way $3./ ool, 4:l / Cool: to lose heat or cause someone or something to lose heat. ool: a person who behaves in a silly way, or lacks or (udgment. School: a place where people, esp. 4oung people, are educated. $4./ oon, 4:n / Ca(toon: a drawing, esp. )n a newspaper or maga!ine, that tells a (oke or make an amusing political criticism. 7oon: %+ 5 clock in the middle of the day. Moon: the ob(ect, similar to a planet, that moves through the sky, circling the earth once every +6 days, and which can often be seen clearly at night when it shines with the light from the sun. $!./ oo(, :(, o ( / "oo(: a flat usually rectangular, ob(ect that is fixed at one edge and is used to close an entrance to something. +oo(: having little money or few possessions. Boo(: a person who behaves rudely. $$./ oose, 4:s / Goose: a large bird that lives by water. 1oose: not firmly attached in place.

Moose: a type of a large deer of 7orth 8merica and northen of "urope, having a large, flat horns. $'./ oot, t / oot: the part of the body at the bottom the leg on which a person or animal stands. ,oot: the part of a plant which grows down into the earth Soot: a black powder produced when coal, wood, etc., is burned. $)./ o0, a0 / -o0: to make small (umps on one or two feet. +o0: to make a short little explosive sound, often by bursting something. .o0: the highest point, place or part. $9./ o0e, o 0 / ,o0e: a strong, thick cord made ot twisted fibers. -o0e: a feeling that something desired can be had or will happen. Mic(osco0e: a device that makes very small ob(ects look larger. '/./ o(ch, :(t / .o(ch: a stick that burns at one end and is held at the other and, is used as a light. +o(ch: a covered area next to the entrance of a house. Sco(ch: to burn a surface slightly causing to change color. '1./ o(d, :(d / 1o(d: / in some countries0 a little of a man who has a specially high social rank. Co(d: a length of twisted threads of fibers. So(d: a flight or flock of mallards. '2./ o(e, :( / Bo(e: to make someone lose interest. Co(e: the center or most important part of something. o(e: the front, or a position at the front. '3./ o(*, (*, :(* /

Wo(*: to do a (ob in onder to earn money. o(*: a commonn tool used in eating that usually has three or four stiffs metal points attached to a handle. +o(*: meat from a pig, eaten as a food. '4./ o(#, :(# / o(#: to come together and make a particular order or shape. +latfo(#: a flat, raised area or structure. 7o(#: an accepted standard or a way of being or doing things. '!./ o(n, :(n / Co(n: a tall plant grown for its whole yellow or white seeds which are eaten cooked. Bo(n: having come into existence by birth. -o(n: a hard, pointed part on the head of some animals. '$./ o(t, :(t / Ai(0o(t: a place where aircraft regularly take off and land. S0o(t: a game, competition, or similar activity, done for en(oyment or as a (ob, that takes physical effort and skill. Sho(t: having little length, distance or height. ''./ ose, o s / Chose: a thing; an article of personal property. Close: near in position, time or condition. -ose: a long, usually plastic or rubber pipe that can bent and is used to move water. ')./ oss, :s / Boss: the person who is in charge of an organi!ation or department and who tells others what to do. Ac(oss: to one side to the other side of. .oss: to throw gently or easily. '9./ ost, o st /

+ost: a vertical pole stuck in the ground in order to support something or mark a position. Al#ost: nearly but not #uite. -ost: someone who gives a party or has guests. )/./ ot, at / &not: a fastening made by trying together a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth, etc. Cot: a narrow bed made of strong material attached to a frame. Clot: a lump, esp. 8 lump of thick blood. )1./ o4d, o d / Alo4d: in a voice loud enough to be heard. Clo4d: a white or gray mass of very small drops of water or ice that float in the sky. +(o4d: feeling satisfaction and pleasure because something that you have achieved. )2./ o4gh, o , f, 4: / .ho4gh: despite the fact that. 9no4gh: as much as is necessary, in the amount or the degree nedeed. .h(o4gh: from one side or end to the other; from the beginning to the end. )3./ o4ght, :t / .ho4ght: the act of thinking about something to form ideas and opinions. o4ght: past action of fight Bo4ght: past action of the verb buy. )4./ o4ld, ?d, d / Co4ld: used as a more polite form of can when asking for permission. Wo4ld: used to refer to future time after a verb in the past tense. Sho4ld: used to express that is necessary, desirable, or important to performance the action of the following verbs. )!./ o4nce, a ns / Bo4nce: to move up or away after hitting a surface.

Anno4nce: to state officially or make known publicly. +(ono4nce: to say a word or letter in a particular way or in a correct way. )$./ o4nd, a nd / Wo4nd: to hurt or in(ury to the body, such as a cut or tear in the skin or flesh. G(o4nd: the surface of the earth or of a piece of land. Bo4nd: certain or extremely likely to happen. )'./ o40, 4:0 / Co40: an inexpectedly successful achievement. So40: a li#uid food made by cooking vegatables and sometimes also meat or fish on water and usually served hot. G(o40: a number of people or things that are together or considered as a unit. ))./ o4(, :(, a ( / o4(: the number that is coming next to number three. -o4(: a period de 9: minutes. ,igo4(: high standards. )9./ o4se, a s, 6 / -o4se: a building in which people live. Blo4se: a shirt for a woman or girl. Mo4se: a type of small rodent. 9/./ o4t, a t / A5o4t: on the sub(ect of; connected with. Sho4t: to say something in a loud voice. .(o4t: a fish found in both rivers and the sea that is very popular food. ;%. / o4th, a A, 4:' / So4th: the direction opposite north. Mo4th: the opening in face used by a person or animal to eat and drink. Bo4th: the period of your life when your are young. 92./ ove, v, 4:v /

1ove: to have a strong affection for someone, which can be combined with a strong romantic attraction. Move: to change the place or position of your body. "ove: a bird with short legs, a large body, and a small head. <ften as a symbol of peace. 93./ o>, a / <o>: to make a firm promise or decision to do something. Slo>: lacking speed. Bo>: to bend the head or body forward as a way of showing respect, expressing thanks, or greeting someone. 94./ o>l, a l / Bo>l: a round container that is open at the top and is used to hold li#uids or other food. -o>l: to make a long, high, crying sound, like that of a dog. :>l: a bird with a flat face, large round eyes, a hook. shaped beak, and strong, curved nails, that hunts small mammals at night. ;=. / o>n, a n / "o>n: in or toward a low or lower position, from a higher one. Clo>n: an enternainer, who wears silly clothes and makes people laugh by performing tricks without speech. C(o>n: a circular decoration for the head, usually worn by #ueen and kings at official ceremonies. 9$./ o>se, a 6 / B(o>se: to look at or through something to see what is there. "o>se: to search for underground supplies of water, metal, etc. 1o>se: loose. 9'./ o8, a*s / Bo8: a container with stiff sides, shaped like a rectangle. o8: a wild mammal belonging to the dog family which has a pinted face and ears, a wide furry tail, and often red.brown fur. Mail5o8: a metal container in public place where you can put a letter.

9)./ oC, / BoC: a male child. AnnoC: to make someone slightly angry or upset. Co>5oC: a person employed to take care of cattle, who usually rides a horse. 99./ 45, 5 / Cl45: an organi!ation of people with a common purpose. C45: the young of particular wild animals, such as lions and bears. ,45: to press or be pressed against something with a repeated circular, side to side. 1//. / 45e, D4:5, 4:5/

C45e: a solid ob(ect with six s#uare sides of e#ual si!e. .45e: a long, hollow cylinder of plastic, metal, rubber. <r glass, used for moving li#uids. 145e: lubricant or lubrication for vehicles. 1/1. / 4c*, * /

"4c*: a bird that lives by water and has short legs with webbed feet. Ch4c*: to throw something without giving it you attention. .(4c*: a large vehicle with a open or covered space in the back to hold a load of goods. 1/2. / 4d, d /

"4d: something that is not successful. St4d: a male animal kept esp. breeding. .h4d: a sound made when something hits a hard surface. 1/3. / 4de, 4:d /

"4de: any man, or one who comes from a city and dresses in a stylish way. Altit4de: height above sea level. A0tit4de: natural ability or skill. %:>. / 4dge, d /

;4dge: a person who is in charge of court of law. B4dge: to move or cause someone or something to move. 74dge: to push someone or something gently. 1/!. / 4e, 4: /

"4e: owed as a debt or as a right Aven4e: a street, often a wide one, in a city or town. Bl4e: of the color of the sky on a clear, bright day. 1/$. / 4ff, f /

G4ff: /of speech or writing0 nonsense. C4ff: /in a shirt0 the thicker material at the end of a sleeve around the wrist. B4ff: to rub a surface with a soft material to make it shines. 1/'. / 4g, g /

,4g: a shaped piece of thick cloth for covering part of a floor. B4g: an insect, or a small organism that causes an illness. -4g: to hold someone or something close o your body with arms. 1/). / 4*e, 4:* /

"4*e: / in some countries0 a title of a man who has a very high social rank, or is the ruler of a small, independent country. C4*e: a cucumber l4*e: something, usually a good thing that has happened as result of chance instead of skill or planning. 1/9. / 4le, 4:l, D4:l, ?l/

,4le: an accepted pinciple or instruction that states the way things are or should be done. M4le: an animal whose mother is a horse and whose father is a donkey. Ca0s4le: a measured amount of medicine in a very small, rounded, soft container which is swallowed. 11/. / 4i*, D4:* /

B4i*: no meaning found S4i*: no meaning found

-4i*: no meaning found 111. / 4ll, l, l /

B4ll: the male of various animals, such as cattle. "4ll: not interesting or exciting. 4ll: having or containing a lot. 112. / 4#, # /

G4#: either of the two areas of firm, pink flesh inside of the mouth that covers the bones to which the teeth are attached. S4#: a particular amount of money or things. B4#: a person who gets money by asking other people for it. 113. / 4#5, #5 /

"4#5: stupid. 74#5: / of a part of the body 0 unable to feel anything. .h4#5: the short finger that is at an angle to the other fingers. 114. / 4#e, D4:#, 4:# /

4#e: to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it. +e(f4#e: a li#uid produced and sold for its strong, pleasant smell, often used on skin. ,es4#e: to start something again after a pause or period of time. 11!. / 4#0, #0 /

B4#0: a raised area on the surface. Cl4#0: a group of plants. <r to gather in a group, or to cause this happen. ;4#0: raise up suddenly 11$. / 4n, n /

G4n: a weapon from which bullets or shell are fired through a metal tube. 4n: pleasure, en(oyment or amusement. ,4n: to move your legs faster than when walking. ?o #uickly.


/ 4nch, nt /

B4nch: a number of things of the same type fastened or grouped together. B(4nch: a meal sometimes eaten in the late morning that combines breakfast and lunch. 14nch: a meal eaten in the middle of the day. 11). / 4ne, ?n, 4:n /

o(t4ne: a very large amount of money or property. 1ag4ne: an area of shallow water separated from the sea by low and sandy dunes. +(4ne: to cut unwanted branches from a tree, or other plant. 119. / 4ng, % /

Sl4ng: a device for hurling stones or missiles. +4ng: a sleigh with a boxlike body. ,4ng: any of the short bars that form the steps of a ladder. 12/. / 4n*, %* /

S4n*: experiencing serious troubles, or unable to solve a problem. Ch4n*: a thick piece or lump. .(4n*: the thick main stem of a tree, from which the branches grow. 121. / 4nt, a nt, 2nt, ant /

Acco4nt: money kept in a bank or other organi!ation that you can add to or take back. A4nt: the sister of someone1s mother or father. B(4nt: the worst problems caused by something. 122. / 40, 0 /

Bac*40: support or help. B40: / spelled the way it is spoken 0 yes. Wa(#40: a period of exercise or practice to prepare for something. 123. / 4(, ( /

4(: the soft, thick hair that covers the bodies or hair. covered skin of some animals.

Bl4(: something whose shape is not clear. -o4(: a period of 9: minutes. 124. / 4(e, D (, ?(, ( /

+4(e: not mixed with anything else. S4(e: certain; without any doubt. C4lt4(e: the way of life of particular people. 12!. / 4(l, (l /

C4(l: a piece of hair having a curving or circular shape. 4(l: / esp- of a flag, sail, or umbrella 0 to roll or fold up and fasten. B4(l: a small kont or lump in wool, thread, or cloth. 12$. / 4(n, (n /

B4(n: to produce flames and heat. 7oct4(n: the office of matins, consisting of nine psalms and either three or nine lessons. .4(n: to move in a circle around a central or line. 12'. / 4(se, (s, :(s /

C4(se: to say rude or offensive words about something or someone because are angry. 74(se: a person trained to care for people who are ill. Co4(se: the particular path something such as an aircraft or ship takes it moves. 12). / 4(t, (t, :(t, ?(t/

-4(t: to feel pain, or cause pain or in(ury to yourself or someone else. Co4(t: the place where trails and other legal cases happen. Bog4(t: a thick, li#uid food made from milk with bacteria added to it, that is slightly sour but is sometimes made sweet and flavored with fruit. 129. / 4s, ?s, s /

A5ac4s: a frame that holds thin metal rods with ball that slice on them,used for counting, adding, and subtracting. B4s: a large motor vehicle with seats for many people. An4s: the opening at the end of the intestines.


/ 4se, D4:6, /

Acc4se: to say that someone is responsible for a crime or for having done something wrong. A54se: bad or cruel treatment of person or animal. A#4se: to keep the attention of someone by entertaining that person. 131. / 4sh, , /

,4sh: to do something or move very #uickly; hurry. B4sh: a low plant with many small branches. B(4sh: any of various utensils consisting of hairs of fibers arranged in rows. 132. / 4ss, s /

C4ss: to curse wear. 4ss: the condition of being excited annoyed, or not satisfied about something. .(4ss: a support for a building or bridge, made of wood or steel. 133. / 4st, st, ?st /

.(4st: to have a confidence in something, or believe in someone. A4g4st: the eight month of the year. "4st: dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces inside a building, or small dry pieces of earth, sand or other sustances. 134. / 4t, t /

Sh4t: to close something. B4t: used to express a difference or to introduce an added statement. C4t: to divide something in more pieces. 13!. / itch, D4:t, t /

Bitch: a female dog. Witch: a woman who is believed to have magical power. .>itch: to make a short and sudden movement. 13$. / 4te, D4:t, 4:t /

C4te: charming and attractive. B(4te: a person who is offensive and rude, and often violent. l4te: a tube. shaped musical instrument with a row of holes along its side hat are covered by the fingers to vary the notes and played by blowing into a hole near one end. 13'. / 4tt, t /

B4tt: the thick end of a rifle. M4tt: a mongrel or a canine. +4tt: to hit a golf ball gently across an area of short and even grass toward, or into a hole. 13). / C, i /

1adC: a female child. St4dC: to learn a particular sub(ect in a school or college. Me(cC: kindness shown toward someone whom you have the right or power to punish. 139. / Ce, a /

9Ce: one of the pair of organs of seeing in the faces of human and animals. BCe: goodbye. "Ce: to change the color of something using a special li#uid. 14/. / is0, s0 /

Wis0: a delicate, thin, and sometimes twisting piece or line of something. C(is0. @resh and clean. 1is0: to pronounce ASB and ACB sounds like AthB, so that AsinB sounds like AthinB and A!enB sounds like AthenB.

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