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a) Clean and acne free skin b) Because it reflects a persons overall health 2. a) Changes in hormone levels b) Because their hormone levels fluctuate to adjust to adulthood 3. a) the act of squeezing the acne b) Because it allows dirt, oil and infection to travel even deeper into skin layers and sometimes develop into cysts and scarring 4. i. eat food rich in vitamin A, C and E ii. Eat beneficial herbs such as Echinacea and Evening Primrose Oil 5. i. Help to prevent further and more serious skin problems like wrinkles and skin cancer ii so that I will not feel embarrassed or low self-esteem in the public iii. Because healthy skin can make us feel good and confidence *accept rational and relevant answers SUMMARY 1. acne occurs when a person experiences changes in hormone levels 2. oily skin which cause blockage of skin pores too causes acne 3. it is easy for bacteria to infect the skin around the oil glands 4. skin problem can also be hereditary 5. sufferer should not apply concealer directly onto his face

6. avoid squeezing the acne on his face 7. scrubbing his face surface with harsh facial scrubs 8. preventing or healing acne is best achieved with an improved skin condition 9. drinking a plenty of water helps to flush out toxins in the body and clear ones skin 10. eating food rich in Vitamin A, C and E 11. Consuming herbs like Enchinacea and Evening Primrose oil can also help Section B: Literature a. The gold sun shines on the lush green cane fields Magnificently The rain beats like bullets on the roofs b. The winds are so strong that the trees sway left to right and struggling to stay rooted c. The canefield has a lot of green and healthy sugarcane plants as the indicated by the word lush. d. The days enjoyed by the poet are the days when the fruits and flowers are in bloom, when the bees buzz as they make honey and when the weather is cold (1 m). Yes, I am happy because .. (accept appropriate answer)

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