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Quiz 647: GK for SSC-CGL 2014 Examination

2014- 01- 19 11:01:49 GKToday

1. T he Int ernat ional Designat or, also known as COSPAR designat ion, is an int ernat ional naming convent ion f or ___? [A]Rocket s [B]Sat ellit es [C]T yphoons [D]Galaxies Satellites T he Int ernat ional Designat or, also known as COSPAR designat ion, is an int ernat ional naming convent ion f or sat ellit es. It consist s of t he launch year, a 3-digit increment ing launch number of t hat year and up t o a 3-let t er code represent ing t he sequent ial ident if ier of a piece in a launch. T he Int ernat ional Designat or of Indias Mars Mission is 2013-060A. Show Answer 2. T he annual Royal Kat hima Ceremony is associat ed wit h which of t he f ollowing religions? [A]Jainism [B]Buddhism [C]Parsi [D]Sikhism Buddhism T he Royal Kat hima Ceremony is observed every year by Buddhist . It is observed in only one Buddhist t emple out side T hailand and t his year t he Namphake Buddhist t emple of Assam was select ed. Kat hina of f ering is an ancient Buddhist T radit ion of of f ering special robe and ot her necessit ies t o monks who maint ain st rict discipline of ret reat during t he rainy season. T he main purpose of t he ceremony is not merely f or religious belief but also t o st rengt hen t he relat ionship bet ween T hailand and ot her count ries. Show Answer 3. T he most pot ent greenhouse gas among t he f ollowing is __? [A]Carbon dioxide [B]Met hane [C]Wat er Vapor [D]Ozone Water Vapor T he most pot ent greenhouse gas is wat er vapour, which causes about 3670% of t he greenhouse ef f ect . Carbon dioxide (9-26%), met hane (4-9%) and Ozone (3-7%) are ot her major greenhouse gases. Show Answer 4. Which among t he f ollowing river does not f low f rom east t o west ? [A]T apt i [B]Narmada [C]Krishna [D]Mahi Krishna Show Answer 5. T ransat lant ic T rade and Invest ment Part nership (T T IP) is a t rade agreement under negot iat ion bet ween European Union and __? [A]Canada [B]USA [C]Russia [D]Japan

USA T he T ransat lant ic T rade and Invest ment Part nership (T T IP) is a t rade agreement t hat is present ly being negot iat ed bet ween t he European Union and t he Unit ed St at es. It aims at removing t rade barriers in wide range of economic sect ors t o make it easier t o buy and sell goods and services bet ween t he EU and t he US. Show Answer 6. In which st at e, Green Part ners conservat ion programme aimed at t urt le conservat ion is being organised? [A]Kerala [B]Bihar [C]Odisha [D]T amil Nadu Kerala T he Kerala f orest and wild depart ment is t eaming up wit h various cit izen groups t o of f er opt imum nest ing and breeding f acilit ies f or t he avian visit ors and marine t urt les. Named Green Part ners, t he cit izen-cent ric conservat ion programme seeks t o enhance t he support base f or t urt le conservat ion and improve t he capacit y of individuals. Show Answer 7. T he Helmand Province of Af ghanist an is f amous f or cult ivat ion of __: [A]T obacco [B]Opium [C]Wheat [D]Cot t on Opium Helmand is one of t he 34 provinces of Af ghanist an, locat ed in sout h of t he count ry. Helmand is believed t o be one of t he worlds largest opium-producing regions, responsible f or around 75% of t he worlds t ot al product ion. T his is believed t o be more t han t he whole of Burma, which is t he second largest producing nat ion af t er Af ghanist an. Show Answer 8. In t he cont ext t o Indias wild lif e, t he f lying f ox is a __? [A]Bat [B]Vult ure [C]St ork [D]Kit e Bat Bat s of t he genus Pt eropus are commonly known as t he f ruit bat or f lying f oxes among ot her colloquial names. Show Answer 9. T he Sangai Fest ival is organized in __: [A]Assam [B]Manipur [C]Mizoram [D]Nagaland Manipur T he Sangai f est ival is an annual cult ural f est ival organised by Manipur T ourism Depart ment on every year f rom November 21 t o 30. T he f est ival as named as t he Sangai Fest ival t o st age t he uniqueness of t he shy and gent le browant lered deer popularly known as t he Sangai Deer, which is t he st at e animal of Manipur.

Show Answer 10. T he Ninet y East Ridge is a submarine volcanic ridge locat ed in __? [A]Pacif ic Ocean [B]At lant ic Ocean [C]Indian Ocean [D]Arct ic Ocean Indian Ocean T he Ninet y East Ridge is an 5500 km long, nort h-sout h-orient ed, submarine volcanic ridge in t he east ern Indian Ocean t hat f ormed f rom magmat ism associat ed wit h t he deep seat ed Kerguelen mant le plume as t he Indian plat e drif t ed rapidly nort hward during t he Lat e Cret aceous. Show Answer

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