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Belonging/Mana Whenua Aya has her mother work at centre big contribute to her sense of belong.

Aya also familiar with the routine and her favourite time is mat time as she likes to recite Surah and she is very confident about it.

Well-Being/Mana Atua Her mother works here have increased her sense of security. I noticed that when Aya feel tired she always choose to play quietly alone or have rest at resting area.

Contribution/Mana Tangata It was good to see Aya choosing her own activity and being fully involved in a group.

Communication/Mana Reo Aya little bit shy to talk to friends and teachers but she always respond to the questions very thoughtly.

Exploration/Mana Aotroa Aya has disposition of persistence and perseverance especially when she does art activity. Inxa Allah We will encourage her to take initiative to have more communicate with friends and teachers. Mat time also is a good time for her practice her confidence as she recites Quran in front of all children. Only this can be done if she is happy to do it.

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