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Psion articles
Compiled by AJ Ianozi
Articles by:
Ness, c0verst0ry, Furmen, Joe,
and AJ Ianozi
Psi Compiled by AJ Ianozi
Table of Contents
Table of Contents !
Part " # T$in%s to &no' first (
)isualizin% (
Communicatin% *it$ +ourself ,
-editation "0
Alterin% .rain /tates ""
Trancin% "(
/ubconscious Pro%rammin% "0
Part ! # Psiballs ",
Psiballs ",
Force .ubbles "1
Flarin% !0
Psiball FA2 !!
Part 3 # 4ner%y -anipulation !5
.asic 4ner%y /&ills !5
Pro%rammin% !0
4ner%y /ensin% !,
/$ields !1
6e7uvenation 30
8ealin% 3"
T$e C$a&ra /ystem 3(
4ner%y *or&out 39
4ner%y -anipulation FA2 3,
Part ( # Psyc$o&inesis: ot$er ;&inesis (0
Psyc$o&inesis (0
Psyc$o&inesis FA2 ("
Tele&inesis (3
Cryo&inesis (5
4lectro&inesis (0
Pyro&inesis I < II (1
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Part 5 # Perception 53
Telepat$y 53
4mpat$y 5(
6emote )ie'in% 50
Astral Pro7ection 5,
>ucid ?reamin% 0"
Auric /i%$t 0(
/i%$t *it$out /i%$t 05
Inde= 09
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Part 1 Things to know first
First off, my name is AJ .efore you start readin% t$ese articles, I 'ould li&e to
e=plain 7ust '$at @psiA is *$en I use t$e 'ord @psiA, IBm not %ivin% t$e Cree&
letter: yes, t$e symbol for Psionics is @DA t$ou%$ T$e only reason itBs t$at symbol,
is because t$e letter psi ECree&F and t$e term Psionics bot$ $ave @psiA Eatleast to
my &no'led%eF
/o '$at is PsionicsG *$at is PsiG Psi Enot Cree&F is 7ust a fancy 'ord for ener%y
4ner%y is all around us, 7ust li&e ma%netic and nuclear forces are all around us
Psionics is t$e practice of manipulatin% ener%y for various uses Psionics is also
described as not 7ust ener%y manipulation, but also as doin% e=traordinary t$in%s
'it$ your mind suc$ as 6emote )ie'in%, Telepat$y, or Tele&inesis
Is this really possible? Hf course it is: and if you donBt believe me, t$en try it out
for yourself Dont blok !e o"t yet# $"st try it yo"rself first% .efore readin%
anymore in t$is article, feel free to go to page 1&, read t$e article about Psiballs
and reate an energyball yo"rself' If you actually put some effort into it, and try
to create one, yo" will reate an energyballI Co a$ead, try it out and t$en after
youBre convinced t$at t$is stuff is real, you can come bac& to t$is pa%e and continue
NHT4: I must point out t$ou%$ t$at some articles may repeat instructions Esuc$ as
t$e )isualizin% and Psiball articles, or t$e Trancin% and Alterin% .rain /tates
articlesF T$is is because t$is paper is compiled from many different articles
Cre(it to )ess# *+erst*ry# ,"r!en# -oe# an( !yself for writing these
.y c0verst0ry
I decided to 'rite t$is article because t$ere are tons of people t$at do not realize
e=actly $o' many different 'ays t$at you can visualize somet$in% -ost people
read t$e term visualize in an article on a 'ebsite and instantly t$in& of picturin% t$e
action in t$eir minds Not only t$at, but t$ere are some people '$o do not even
understand t$e term at all People $ave more senses t$an 7ust si%$t T$ere are five
senses t$at can be used to visualize somet$in%
+ou 'ould not believe $o' muc$ more in dept$ you could %o into Psionics if you
'ere usin% more t$an 7ust t$e mindJs eye for visualization T$e point of t$is article is
to e=plain $o' to %o about conditionin% yourself to use forms of visualization ot$er
t$an 7ust your mindJs eye and to learn $o' to use several different visualizations at
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No', t$e easiest t$in% to learn about t$is is all of your senses +ou can $ear, smell,
taste, see, and feel Feelin% is one of t$e bi%%est and most important t$at can be
used +ou must learn and understand $o' to incorporate different t$in%s into
learnin% to use alternative forms of visualization Also, %ood memory and an active
ima%ination 'ill $elp a %reat deal
No', t$in& about ener%y It flo's t$rou%$ everyt$in%, constantly movin% and bein%
recycled Can you t$in& of anyt$in% else t$at easily flo's and runs t$rou%$ a cycleG
A %ood 'ay to learn to manipulate ener%y by usin% a tactile visualization is 'ater
To be%in understandin% $o' to do t$is, %o to eit$er your &itc$enLbat$room sin& or
your bat$tub Turn on 7ust t$e cold 'ater /tic& your $and under t$e flo' and let t$e
'ater run over your s&in Feel $o' it $its you, t$e 'ay t$at t$e c$ill of t$e cold
'ater ma&es your s&in some'$at s$rin& at t$e s$oc& Pay attention to $o' it rolls
over your arm, feelin% li&e a nearly solid structure but never $oldin% its form No',
fill a sin&Ltub 'it$ enou%$ 'ater to %o up over your 'rist /lo'ly submer%e your
arm as deep as you can Ta&e in t$e sensations of t$e 'ater comin% up over your
s&in /ee $o' t$e 'ater coverin% your s&in ma&es it more apparent t$at your s&in is
t$ere T$e 'ater allo's you to feel every sin%le millimeter of your fles$ >earn to
remember t$e sensations of $o' t$in%s feel
Anot$er %ood t$in% to use t$e sense of touc$ for is learnin% to pro%ram ener%y or a
construct to feel 'arm or $ot *ater is still %ood to use $ere 6epeat t$e same
processes only usin% 'arm 'ater rat$er t$an cold 'ater T$is 'ill $elp 'it$
understandin% $o' to pro%ram ra' ener%y to feel 'arm Also, you can sit near a fire
or $old your $ands out to a $eater to learn and remember t$e sensations involved
'it$ intense $eat .y doin% t$is, you s$ould easily learn to pro%ram ener%y to be
'arm and $ot 'it$out $avin% to rely only on your mindJs eye
T$e best 'ay to learn to pro%ram ener%y to be cold is probably to $andle ice Cet a
cube of ice and $old it in your $and Feel $o' at first t$e ice does not feel t$at bad,
only sli%$tly cold Hnce youJve $eld it for a fe' seconds, it ma&es your s&in and
muscles contract and s'ell A stin%in% sensation t$en follo's Anot$er t$in% if you
live in an area of t$e 'orld '$ere it tends to be cold a %reat deal is to %o out and
play 'it$ sno' Crab it in your $and and notice $o' li&e t$e 'ater, it feels
structural, but does not $ave a truly solid form unless you put pressure on it Just
li&e t$e ice cube, it 'ill stin% and cause your s&in to ti%$ten Hnce a%ain, try t$ese
e=ercises and practice t$em often to %et a $old over rememberin% t$e sensations
t$at %o alon% 'it$ t$em
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Feelin% is also a %ood 'ay to s$ell a construct Tryin% to s$ell a construct usin% only
t$e usual visualization may be easy for some, but complicated for ot$ers T$in& of
t$in%s t$at are also $ard, or even desi%ned to $old t$in%s in or to%et$er Find a
piece of 'ood or metal 6un your $and over t$e 'ood Feel t$e %rain of t$e 'ood
and t$e te=ture t$at it produces Cet t$e understand $o' t$e 'ood is sturdy
because of all t$e small pieces 'it$in it t$at ma&e it up 6ealize t$at even t$ou%$
t$e 'ood is structurally sound, it $as Muality of bein% alive No', feel t$e metal and
$o' impossible it is to affect it in any 'ay No matter '$at you do to it, you 'onJt
dama%e t$e metal 'it$out usin% %reat $eat or a metallic tool of %reat stren%t$ Pay
attention to $o' lifeless and $eavy t$e metal is Anot$er %ood t$in% to use is plastic
containers suc$ as Clad and ot$er random off brands of Tupper'are *$en
pressure is put on t$e plastic, it %ives in, but it does not brea& T$is is a sin%le,
complete structure t$at &eeps '$atever is inside in and '$atever is outside out
T$e ne=t sense to use for visualization is your sense of smell +ou may not be able
to t$in& of many t$in%s off $and dealin% 'it$ Psionics t$at you 'ould need to be
able to smell *$at if you 'ere doin% pyro&inesis, electro&inesis, or ma&in% a
construct t$at you 'ere plannin% to pro%ram to be $ot or even cold
For t$e $ot, t$ereJs not$in% better t$an somet$in% burnin% /tart a fire >i%$t a
matc$, burn a candle, do '$atever you 'ant to i%nite a flame Ema&e sure to be
careful and safe 8ouse fires are badF No', as t$e fire burns, ta&e a fe' deep
breat$s 8old in mind all t$e smells t$at come to your nose as you breat$e T$in%s
li&e 'ood, sulfur, and stuff li&e cinnamon, lemon, and myrr$, if you lit a candle,
s$ould come to you
*$en it comes to t$e cold, t$ere are t'o t$in%s t$at I can tell you about 6ain and
sno' 6i%$t after a rain storm, %o outside and smell t$e air It $as a fres$,
a'a&enin% scent about it t$at ma&es me feel li&e nature is startin% afres$ Also,
'$en it is sno'in%, smell t$e air All t$e normal smells t$at fill t$e air are %one, left
'it$ a smell and scent of emptiness 6emember $o' I compared ener%y to 'ater
earlier in t$e articleG *ell, t$e idea $ere is to find natural 'ater out in t$e 'oods
some'$ere *ater out in nature $as a smell to it ItJs unmista&able Hnce you can
%et used to t$is smell, youJll be able to remember it *$en you do remember t$e
scent, youJll be able to recall it durin% ener%y manipulation to aid in t$e
4lectricity 'ill be a $ard smell to %et to &no' .asically, t$e only c$ance youBre
%oin% to %et to smell electricity is if somet$in% electrical s$ort circuits IJm definitely
not tellin% you to %o out and pour 'ater all over your stereo or anyt$in%, but if
somet$in% electrical malfunctions, %et a %ood '$iff of '$at it smells li&e /mell
t$ese t$in%s often, ta&in% time to remember t$e scents
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No', you can also learn to incorporate your sense of $earin% Hnce a%ain 'it$ t$e
'ater Co bac& to your &itc$en sin& Turn t$e 'ater on and listen to it 4ven before
t$e 'ater $its t$e bottom of t$e sin& you can $ear it ItJs almost li&e somet$in%
tearin% t$rou%$ t$e s&y so fast t$at you $ear it, but it is still %entle and tranMuil
Anot$er t$in% t$at I s$all once a%ain fall bac& on is pro%rammin% a construct to be
$ot *$en t$ereJs a fire blazin%, you $ear embers crac&lin% and poppin%
If you ever do any aero&inesis, al'ays remember t$e sound of t$e 'ind blo'in%
Also, for electro&inesis, you can 7ust t$in& about t$under, or if you $ave one of t$ose
orb t$in%s 'it$ all t$e electricity, you can sit and listen to t$e sounds t$at it ma&es
.e sure to ta&e in t$ese noises and remember t$em 'ell
As muc$ as I $ate to say t$is, I cannot t$in& of anyt$in% t$at deals 'it$ t$e sense of
taste T$e only t$in% t$at even comes remotely close to it 'ould be pro%rammin% a
construct to be eit$er $ot or cold If youJve ever sat really close to a fire, youJve
most li&ely mana%ed to s'allo' or in$ale some smo&e accidentally If so, $opefully
t$e smo&e 'as from a fire burnin% 'ood rat$er t$an plastic, rubber, or %arba%e of
any sort
T$e cold aspect 'ill once more desire a climate '$ere it is cold fairly often Not only
'ill you feel t$e sno' as described above, but you 'ill taste it Not muc$ to taste
really *ater, only 7ust a little s'eeter -aybe youJll be luc&ier t$an I am in t$e
manner of findin% t$in%s t$at can be used to incorporate your sense of taste into
T$is final sense 'ill be t$e $ardest to use as it is t$e one t$at you 'ill need control
over your o'n mind and a %ood ima%ination for T$is visualization 'ill involve usin%
your sense of si%$t and your mind to tric& yourself into believin% t$at you actually
see '$at is $appenin% It is li&e usin% your mindJs eye style visualization, only you
are convincin% yourself t$at you are actually seein% it 4ner%y flo'in% li&e a river of
millions of little %lo'in% particles and a $ot construct t$at is a ball of flames in t$e
palm of your $and A s'irlin% sp$ere of blizzard stren%t$ sno' to form a cold psiball
and 'isps of smo&e and fire comin% off of your $and as you li%$t t$at candle usin%
pyro&inesis 4ven a 'ooden ball formin% in your $ands around a psiball to form t$e
s$ell All of t$ese are %ood e=amples, and IJm sure t$at you could t$in& of countless
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No', t$e final s&ill to learn $ere is to incorporate usin% all of t$is tactile visualization
into a useful situation IJm %oin% to e=plain $o' to ma&e a psiball usin% t$e met$ods
t$at I e=plained above
+ouBre %oin% to 'ant to be%in by %at$erin% ener%y T$is ener%y 'ill be all around
you, in t$e air and in t$e %round +ou can visualize t$e ener%y all around you in t$e
air and on t$e %round as tiny particles of ener%y flo'in% around li&e 'ater )isualize
t$e ener%y comin% from t$e air, t$e %round, and your o'n body and %oin% into your
As you do t$is, recall t$e 'ay t$e 'ater sounds as it moves and $o' it feels flo'in%
over your s&in 8ear it /ee it Feel it flo' do'n your arms to your $ands /mell t$e
'ater as it flo's from your palms into t$e space bet'een *atc$ t$e ener%y form
into a small ball of splas$in%, convulsin% 'ater about an inc$ and a $alf in diameter
To s$ell t$e psiball, ma&e t$e ball of tidal 'aves in your $ands transform into a ball
made of solid steel As you do t$is, pay attention to t$e 'ay t$e ball feels c$an%in%
from s$iftin% 'ater to metal It 'ill become $eavy and $ard, cold and lifeless li&e
t$e steel +ou $ave successfully made a psiball usin% t$e alternate met$od of tactile
visualization rat$er t$an t$e visual visualization of t$e mindJs eye met$od
No', letJs %o on and pro%ram it to be $ot +ou already $ave t$e iron ball in your
$and +ou 7ust need to ma&e it $ot Kse your p$ysical eyes and ima%ination to vie'
t$e metallic ball catc$in% fire 8ear t$e flames crac&lin% as t$e ball i%nites /mell
and taste t$e smo&e comin% from t$e flames Feel t$e $eat comin% from t$e fire
*atc$ t$e iron ball %ro' from a metallic ball 'rapped in flames to a red $ot flamin%
sp$ere Try on your o'n to use t$e alternate visualization met$ods to ma&e a cold
No', %o out and learn all t$ese t$in%s and ot$ers to use Try to incorporate
anyt$in% you can t$in& of t$at may $elp you visualize and do somet$in% T$in& of
your o'n met$ods and 'ays to learn tactile visualizations
Co!!"niating 1ith 2o"rself
.y c0verst0ry
T$is article is %oin% to be about somet$in% t$at you cannot live 'it$out: your brain
T$is article steps into communicatin% 'it$ your mind .efore t$at t$ou%$, letJs %o
into some basic psyc$olo%y
/imply, t$ere are t$ree sections of your mind T$ey are t$e conscious, t$e
subconscious, and t$e unconscious
T$e conscious is all your t$ou%$ts and everyt$in% t$at you $ave complete control
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T$e subconscious is a stran%e area of t$e mind It is apparently '$at %ives us t$e
ability to perform psyc$ic feats It also controls dreams and t$in%s of t$e sort At
times it seems to 'or& and act totally independent of you +ou can communicate
'it$ t$e subconscious, but you canJt Muite control it
T$e unconscious is t$e area of t$e brain t$at you $ave no influence or control over
+ou also never communicate 'it$ t$e unconscious It controls t$e $eart rate,
breat$in%, di%estion: all t$at stuff t$at you never $ave to t$in& about
Hne %ood 'ay to communicate 'it$ t$e subconscious area of your mind is to simply
tal& to yourself It may sound li&e somet$in% crazy to do, but it really isnJt t$at bad
as lon% as you only spea& to yourself mentally and your subconscious doesnJt start
voicin% commands to do anyt$in% ille%al or immoral Anot$er %ood t$in% is t$at you
can tal& to yourself 7ust about any time t$at you please +ou can do it before
meditatin%, before ma&in% a psiball, '$ile decidin% '$at to eat, or even '$ile ta&in%
a s$o'er Just tal& to yourself about '$atever it is t$at youBre plannin% to do or 'is$
to accomplis$ T$e best 'ay to do t$is is to simply t$in&, 'al& yourself t$rou%$
t$in%s, or 7ust say stuff in your mind as if you 'ere tal&in% to someone else about it
Also, try as&in% yourself Muestions, but donJt actually ans'er t$em Just as& t$e
Muestion, and %ive your subconscious time to ans'er it for you It really isnJt
complicated ItJs as simple as tal&in% to yourself
Autosu%%estion is basically a simple 'ay to coa= yourself into doin% somet$in% To
remove t$e su%ar coatin%, it is &ind of a form of selfNbrain'as$in% +ouBre %oin% to
need paper and somet$in% to 'rite 'it$ to do t$is e=ercise as 'ell as 'antin% to
'ait to do it until you are about to %o to sleep
To be%in, sit do'n and rela= )isualize your %oal very clearly in your mind If your
%oal is ma&in% a better psiball, t$en see yourself ma&in% a very %ood psiball
*$atever your %oal is, 7ust visualize it in %reat detail Hnce you $ave visualized it,
picture an ima%e of yourself accomplis$in% t$is %oal )isualize t$is $appenin% on
t$e conscious and t$en move it to t$e subconscious I 'ill use blac& as my
conscious and purple as my subconscious +ou may use '$atever you li&e
)isualize your %oal $appenin% on a plane of blac& 'it$ a %lo'in% sea of purple
belo' -a&e t$e ima%e youBre visualizin% %ently drift do'n into t$e purple t$at
represents your subconscious No', sternly say your %oal out loud Cet your paper
and 'rite your %oal five times )isualize t$e consciousLsubconscious plane a%ain
T$is time, spea& your %oal in your mind, visualizin% t$e 'ords appearin% in t$e
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blac& conscious plane T$en, allo' t$em to sin& into t$e subconscious purple area
6ead your %oal aloud from '$ere you 'rote it Hnce t$is is done, lay do'n *$ile
youBre fallin% asleep, continue to repeat your %oal and visualize it .asically, &eep
tellin% yourself t$at you 'ill accomplis$ your %oal until you fall asleep
Con%ratulations, you $ave brain'as$ed yourself
+ou may not see results after t$e first ni%$t If you still arenJt seein% results after
about t'o 'ee&s, try not doin% t$e e=ercise for a fe' days, 7ust to %ive your brain a
brea& .eyond t$at, $ave fun 'it$ t$e communicatin%
.y c0verst0ry
If you $avenBt already $eard, meditation is simply a 'ay to rela= It can do 'onders
/ome say t$at '$ile meditatin%, you can @find yourselfA, or discover ne' t$in%s
about yourself IBm not sure about t$at, but anyt$in% is possible, you merely $ave to
believe /o, letBs %et started on e=plainin% $o' to meditate
+ouBre %oin% to 'ant to be comfortable T$ere are people '$o say t$at you $ave to
be in a yo%a position, a certain &ind of environment, or even total silence to be able
to meditate, but t$atBs totally untrue +ou can be any'$ere, around anyone, in any
position: as lon% as you are comfortable I cannot be%in to stress t$e need for
comfort if youBre a be%inner /it in your >ayNON.oy, on your sofa, lie in your bed if
you li&e, 7ust be still and %et comfy
Hnce youBre comfortable, you $ave to clear your mind A simple visualization 'ill do
t$e tric& Ima%ine total dar&ness *it$in t$e dar&ness, place a tras$ can, a
dumpster, or even a treasure c$est: I personally 'ill be usin% t$e dumpster No',
start 'it$ t$e one t$in% t$atBs currently on your mind .rin% it up onto your mental
screen in t$e form of a picture ?ump t$is picture into t$e dumpster No', brin% up
your ne=t t$ou%$t and do t$e same Continue doin% t$is, addin% more speed as you
%o, until you can visualize all of your t$ou%$ts as a river of pictures drainin% into t$e
dumpster Hnce all of your t$ou%$ts $ave filled t$e dumpster, close t$e lid and loc&
it in some 'ay to '$ere you cannot open it 6emove t$e dumpster from your
mental screen
No', your mind is clear of everyt$in% but dar&ness Concentrate on not$in% for a
'$ile 4ven 'it$ your eyes closed, allo' t$em to %o out of focus, payin% attention to
t$e sensation Calmly sit in t$e dar&ness for a '$ile
*$en you are ready, you 'ill be%in breat$in% in r$yt$m .reat$e in a slo', steady
stream of air t$rou%$ your nose As you do so, ima%ine t$e air fillin% your body,
%oin% t$rou%$out you, all t$e 'ay to t$e tips of your fin%ers and toes 8old it for a
moment, t$en e=$ale t$rou%$ your mout$, visualizin% t$e air flo'in% out of you
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No', you are successfully meditatin% /it and do t$is for as lon% as you li&e: it can
be very soot$in% 4ventually, you 'ill be able to clear your mind as 'ell as feel t$e
air flo'in% in and out of you 'it$out any visualizations /ome people %o on to
visualize t$emselves in a calmin% place, suc$ as a secret 'aterfall or a secluded
cabin in t$e forest, but itJs basically t$e same as sittin% in t$e dar&ness I prefer to
sit in t$e dar&ness, but itBs all up to you Hnce you are done meditatin%, move onto
ot$er e=ercises, and you s$ould find t$at t$e meditation $elps
6ltering 7rain 8tates
.y c0verst0ry
T$ere are many 'ays to alter your state of mind Hne of t$em, of course, is
meditatin% T$ere is also $ypnosis and trances .efore 'e %et into t$at, let me
e=plain t$e states, or levels, of t$e mind
T$e states of mind are .eta, Alp$a, T$eta, and ?elta .asically, to put it as simple
as possible, you can t$in& of .eta bein% t$e 'a&ened or alert state of mind Alp$a is
considered t$e rela=ed state T$eta is t$e state '$ere you $ave become dro'sy
?elta is t$e s$ut do'n state, or sleep In t$is article, IJll be e=plainin% $o' to alter
your state of mind usin% little more t$an your o'n mind
T$e first t$in% t$at I s$all discuss is $ypnosis It is not 7ust some odd t$in% involvin%
a psyc$iatrist and a pendulum It can be very $elpful T$e reason you may 'ant to
try selfN$ypnosis is because it brin%s you eit$er into t$e lo'er Alp$a state of mind or
t$e $i%$ T$eta state Hnce you are in a state li&e t$is, you can focus your mind on
any one t$in% of your c$oosin% No', time to be%in your selfN$ypnosis
Find a comfortable place to be Co some'$ere Muiet '$ere you 'ill not be disturbed
and cannot $ear very many noises Eyou may 'ant to try usin% ear plu%s to $elp
youF +our bedroom is probably t$e best place >ie on your bac& in a soot$in%
position or in a very soft, comfy c$air It does not matter '$ere you sitLlie as lon% as
you find t$e most comfortable position t$at suits you +ou do not 'ant to cross your
le%s or arms because youJll end up cuttin% off t$e circulation and t$en start
fid%etin% If you try t$is at ni%$t you may find t$at youJll 7ust &eep fallin% asleep
*$ile t$is may $elp you at ni%$t, itJs no %ood for '$at 'e 'ant +ou need to rela=
and stay a'a&e
No', you need to concentrate on rela=in% -ove around and c$an%e positions until
you feel comfortable .e sure not to rus$, t$ou%$ Just ta&e your time Concentrate
on your breat$in% Ta&e slo' breat$s in and feel yourself rela= as you let eac$
breat$ out ?onJt force your breat$in% Just breat$e slo'ly until you find a rate
t$atJs comfortable for you +ou may be surprised at 7ust $o' slo'ly and naturally
you can breat$e /tartin% 'it$ one of your toes, ima%ine and feel all t$e tension
float up, and as it does, you can feel t$at toe becomin% very $eavy, 7ust li&e a lead
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'ei%$t T$is limp, stiff sensation 'ill be t$e most rela=ed your body may be able to
%et +ou may need to ma&e a conscious effort at t$is if itJs t$e first time, but &eep
tryin% until you feel a difference in $o' your toe feels ?o t$e same 'it$ t$e
remainin% toes, your feet, your le%s, t$en your t$i%$s etc, %radually 'or&in% your
'ay up your body .e sure to rela= every individual area one at a time, releasin% all
t$e tension +ou may $ave to &eep %oin% bac& to different parts of your body as you
'ill probably find t$at different parts tense up as soon as you stop t$in&in% about it
T$is is normal at first, but 'it$ practice you 'ill find t$at you 'ill be able to rela=
your body 7ust about any'$ere and very Muic&ly ?onJt e=pect immediate results
and donJt %et upset if it doesnJt seem to 'or& at first If you tried to do anyt$in% else
t$at could be complicated, you normally 'ouldnJt e=pect to be able to do it ri%$t
a'ay, 'ould youG
6ela=in% t$e body is important +ou 'ill probably find t$at it 'ill be easier to %et to
sleep at ni%$t if you can rela= your body, but once more, you do not 'ant to
$ypnotize yourself '$ile tryin% to %o to sleep T$is 'ill result in you fallin% A/>44P
*$en youJve found t$at you can rela= your body t$en you can start rela=in% your
mind T$ere are many 'ays of doin% t$is and everyone $as to find '$atever 'ay
suits t$em, but '$ic$ever 'ay you find, it 'ill probably involve your ima%ination
+ou can concentrate on a picture of a flo'er, or %oin% t$rou%$ a tunnel 'it$ all
intrusive t$ou%$ts outside t$e tunnel, or in an empty room 'it$ all intrusive
t$ou%$ts outside t$e room and unable to %et in, or a candle flame flic&erin% in t$e
dar&ness Anot$er t$in% is to ta&e all t$e t$ou%$ts t$at are s'armin% in your mind
and visualize t$em enterin% a tras$ can t$at is loc&ed and ta&en a'ay from your
mental screen
*$at you are tryin% to do is to t$in& of only one t$ou%$t and t$in&in% of t$is one
t$ou%$t to suc$ a de%ree t$at no ot$er t$ou%$ts can enter your mind If you ma&e
yourself a'are of your normal, constant t$ou%$ts t$en youJll find t$at youJre
constantly t$in&in% random t$ou%$ts '$at you did yesterday, last 'ee&, last year N
'$at you $ave to do tomorro', ne=t 'ee&, ne=t year +ouJre a'are of noises around
you and outside, ot$er people near you, t$e T) etc, etc *e are constantly
bombarded by everNc$an%in% distractions and t$ou%$ts and '$ile t$is is $appenin%
you cannot rela=, so you need to eliminate t$e un'anted t$ou%$ts and concentrate
on one t$ou%$t of your c$oosin% Hnce you are capable of rela=in% completely and
i%norin% all t$at around you, concentratin% only on an individual t$ou%$t, you $ave
successfully $ypnotized yourself
-any t$in%s can be done t$rou%$ $ypnosis Just %o out and try any t$at you can
t$in& of 8ave fun and be safe
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T$e ne=t t$in% t$at IJll be %oin% over 'ill be trances A trance is a state of mind
'$ere you almost naturally bloc& out all outside t$ou%$t and focus on a sin%le
t$in% T$ere are many 'ays to induce a trance /ome involve becomin% e=tremely
tired Ht$ers involve in%estin% forei%n substances into your body /till, ot$ers
reMuire starvin% or even pain T$e simplest trances involve not$in% more t$an a
co%nitive loop *it$ a sin%le t$in% repeatin% over and over for a lon% period of time,
you 'ill %o into a trance +ou probably do it all t$e time 'it$out even realizin% it
8ere I 'ill cover a fe' 'ays to enter a trance t$at involve not$in% t$at is actually
$armful to you 4ac$ of t$ese trances 'ill involve constant repetition of somet$in%
If you donJt concentrate on '$atever you 'is$ to ac$ieve E'$et$er it be ma&in% a
psiball or remote vie'in%, for e=ampleF before you actually start t$e trance, you
may end up %oin% into a trance and concentratin% on somet$in% t$at $as almost
not$in% to do 'it$ '$at you 'ant /et your %oal a$ead of time 6emember *8+ you
are enterin% a trance
T$e first trance 'ill reMuire you to ma&e use of some music It doesnJt matter '$at
&ind of music as lon% as it involves more t$an one actual instrument t$at you can
identify and distin%uis$ bet'een /it do'n and close your eyes >isten to t$e music
/in%le out a sin%le instrument suc$ as drums, piano, or a %uitar Focus strictly on
t$at instrument, %radually dro'nin% t$e rest of t$e music so t$at t$e only t$in% you
$ear is t$e notes bein% played by your instrument As time rolls on and you
concentrate solely on t$at instrument, you 'ill %o into a trance
T$e ne=t trance still involves music In t$is one you 'ill be listenin% to t$e beat of
t$e music rat$er t$an a sin%le instrument T$is met$od can prove to be sli%$tly
$arder for some and easier for ot$ers since t$rou%$out t$e eit$er son% you 'ill be
focusin% on a sin%le sound Pic& out your favorite part of t$e son% >isten to t$e beat
of t$at part and pay attention '$en it c$an%es >earn t$at beat No', listen to t$e
son% repetitively, concentratin% only on t$at beat for some time .asically, if your
son% %oes baNdaNdaNdaNdumNbaNbaNbaNba, you may 'ant to listen only to t$e dum
T$is met$od 'ill deal 'it$ not$in% more t$an you c$antin% T$atJs ri%$t, youJll be
vi%orously sayin% t$e same t$in% constantly Co on, pic& out a p$rase +ou may
'ant you p$rase to be '$atever your %oal is No', '$ile standin%, or movin%
around, or sittin% still EIJve found t$at movin% in some 'ay, even if you 7ust roc&
bac& and fort$, $elps a %reat dealF 7ust start sayin% your p$rase out loud .e Muiet
and calm at first As you say it more, %et loud and say it faster and faster Peep
repeatin% your p$rase until itJs t$e only t$in% t$at you can t$in& about
For t$is one, youJll need eit$er a scented candle or some incense >i%$t your
scented article and allo' t$e room to fill 'it$ fra%rance No', %et in a sittin%
position and close your eyes Concentratin% on your %oal, be%in to breat$ calmly
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and slo'ly t$rou%$ your nose only >isten to your breat$in% Feel t$e air come into
you, fillin% your lun%s and your body before finally bein% e=pelled Taste your
fra%rance in t$e air you breat$e Continue t$is for a '$ile and you s$ould fall into a
T$is may be t$e fun one All you $ave to do is dance T$in& of a simple dance
routine It can be as easy as stomp your ri%$t, stomp your left foot, clap your $ands,
repeat It doesnJt matter '$at your dance is, but try not to ma&e it too complicated
+ou do $ave to repeat it a lot, rememberG No', startin% slo'ly, do your dance,
pic&in% up your tempo constantly until youJre pourin% 'it$ s'eat, t$e tired feelin%
you $ad is %one, and all you can t$in& about is your %oal and t$at blasted dance
youBre doin%
T$ere you $ave it T$ose are 7ust a fe' 'ays to induce a trance and alter t$e state
of mind Co out and try to find and t$in& of more Just about any co%nitive loop 'ill
produce a trance Try mi=in% some of t$ese met$ods, li&e dancin% '$ile focusin% on
a sin%le beat or any combination 8ave fun and please donJt try to %o into a trance
by 'ay of anyt$in% ille%al or $armful ItJs not reMuired
9DIT:;8 ):T9< Take a look at )ess artile< Traning
.y Ness
A trance is more or less useful meditation No', IJm not sayin% t$at meditation is
useless: t$atJs far from t$e trut$ 8o'ever, meditationJs benefits donJt last lon%
after youJve stopped meditatin% +our increased focus and attention and clear mind
'ill often fade a'ay rat$er Muic&ly once youJve stopped meditatin% T$is is '$ere
trancin% comes in $andy
.efore 'e %et too inNdept$ about trances, IJd li&e to issue a little 'arnin% Trancin%
usually ma&es you, for lac& of a better term, Qout of itQ +ouJll probably $ave a
delayed reaction time and you may even resemble a zombie a little bit T$atJs %ood:
t$atJs '$at a trance is supposed to do to you 8H*4)46, you s$ould never do
somet$in% t$at reMuires a lot of focus, a'areness and refle=es '$ile trancin%
?rivin% Eand all mac$ine operationF s$ould be avoided '$ile in a trance, as 'ell as
countless ot$er t$in%s T$e bottom line is: you s$ould &no' '$at is offNlimits '$en
youJre Qout of itQ Please donJt do anyt$in% stupid T$at bein% said, 'e can move on
T$ere are t'o ma7or &inds of trances, eac$ 'it$ its o'n advanta%eEsF, based on t$e
&ind of psionic s&ill you 'ill be usin% T$ere is no ri%$t or 'ron% trance for RRRRRRRRRR
s&ill, so all I can tell you is e=periment -aybe one &ind of trance $elps you 'it$
psiballs and t$e ot$er &ind $elps you 'it$ telepat$y -aybe one &ind of trance $elps
you 'it$ everyt$in%, or maybe one &ind of trance 7ust isnJt for you and doesnJt $elp
you at all /eeG +ou s$ould e=periment to find out '$at 'or&s
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.efore you be%in to actually trance, %et comfortable I donJt recommend lyin% do'n
to do t$is, but you can I simply donJt lie do'n '$en I trance because I lac& selfN
control and I fall asleep :P Also ma&e sure youJre 'earin% comfortable clot$es,
youJre not $un%ry or t$irsty, you donJt need to use t$e bat$room, youJre not $ot or
cold, etc +ou &no' Cet comfortableI Hnce you are, you can be%in one of t$e
T$e first &ind of trance IJm %oin% to tal& about is my favorite ItJs called a Qblan&
mindQ trance T$is is ac$ieved by &eepin% your mind focused on t$e smallest t$in%
possible, t$us ma&in% it almost blan&, $ence t$e name
A very popular 'ay to ac$ieve a blan& mind trance involves music *$ile t$e son% is
playin%, focus on one sound It can be a drum beat, a sound from t$e %uitar, t$e
bass, t$e &eyboard anyt$in% Focus only on t$at sound Try to i%nore t$e ot$er
sounds Pno' t$at t$ey are t$ere but t$ey donJt matter >isten to your sound 8ear
$o' it repeats 8ear it every time it $appens and listen to t$e silence '$en it isnJt
Peep t$is up as lon% as you 'ant, but remember, t$e lon%er you focus on 7ust your
sound, t$e deeper your trance 'ill be
T$e second &ind of trance is called an overload trance T$is is ac$ieved by startin%
'it$ your mind focused on one t$in% but slo'ly and %radually increasin% t$e
number of t$in%s you are focused on, t$us Qoverloadin%Q your mind
-usic, a%ain, is commonly used in t$is trance /tart 'it$ a sound, li&e last time
6epeat everyt$in% you did for t$e blan& mind trance 8ear your sound, over and
over 8ear it and only it 8ear it '$en it comes and miss it '$en itJs %one Hnce
youJve %ot t$at %oin%, t$e tric&y part be%ins
*$ile still focusin% on your sound as muc$ as you can, slo'ly start listenin% to
anot$er sound If you 'ere listenin% to a drum beat before, try listenin% to t$e bass
no' as 'ell Try to ease into t$is T$ereJs no reason to rus$ into it, mess up and lose
focus on bot$ sounds Co %ently and only focus on as muc$ as you can If youJre
$avin% trouble listenin% to t'o sounds completely, 7ust rela= and listen to your first
sound completely and t$e second sound partially ItJs o& to ta&e baby steps
T$atJs about all as far as t$e Q$o' toQ part of t$is article %oes, but I do $ave some
tips for you
T$e first tip is: music I recommend tec$no If you 7ust absolutely cannot stand
tec$no and you feel as if trancin% isnJt for you no', rela= I only 64CH--4N?
tec$no It isnJt reMuired IJve tranced plenty of times 'it$ re%ular roc& music IJve
noticed, $o'ever, t$at tec$no $as a ton of beats Edu$, t$atJs '$at tec$no is, ri%$tGF
*ell, all t$ose beats 'ill $elp you +ou can focus on one and &eep your focus t$ere,
or move on to focus on several beats
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In addition to tec$no, I also recommend midi music -idi is a vocalNless format of
music t$at is usually very small in file size T$e best part of midi music, t$ou%$, is
t$at you can usually find your favorite son%s as midi files /ome people love
composin% music and t$us convert re%ular son%s into midi formats, t$en upload
t$em to t$e Internet If you searc$ Coo%le for free midi music, you s$ould be able
to find a fe' places t$at 'ill let you listen to or do'nload t$eir music If you canJt
find any, $ere is t$e lin& to t$e site I use It doesnJt $ave muc$, but itJs small
selection 7ust $appens to include '$at I li&e, so it 'or&s for me
-y last tip is about trance dept$ Too s$allo' of a trance is bad, obviously +ou
'onJt be very 'ell focused for t$e tas& at $and '$at little trance t$ere is 'ill 'ear
off Muic&ly T$is is common sense, pretty muc$
T$e 'eird t$in% is t$at too deep of a trance can be bad too 8o'G *ell, t$e deeper
you %o into a trance, t$e more Qout of itQ you become If you %o too deep into a
trance youJll probably stop carin% about '$atever you 'ere attemptin% to do +ou
may also %et too rela=ed +ou mi%$t feel tired or bored
To sum it up, ma&e sure you put enou%$ effort in so t$at youJll be in a %ood, solid
trance, but try not to slip too far into it and completely for%et '$at you 'ere
trancin% for in t$e first place ?onJt 'orry, t$ou%$ IJve 'o&en up from listenin% to a
son% several times and realized t$at I $ad for%otten '$at I 'as doin% It $appens
T$at concludes t$e trancin% article 8ave fun 'it$ it and %ood luc&I
8"bonsio"s Progra!!ing
.y Furmen
Clear your $ead for 7ust a moment, if you $ave to meditate, do '$en youJre finis$ed
readin% t$is article and try t$is section of it out No' let a sentence pop into your
$ead and &ill it before you even finis$ or start if you can +ouJll notice t$at t$e
t$ou%$t is somet$in% you &no' t$e complete t$ou%$t of from start to finis$ before
you even start it, let alone finis$ it
No' 'eJre %oin% to tal& about pro%rammin% your subconscious mind a bit based on
usin% a &ey'ord to tri%%er you into a trance state perfect for performin% various
forms of psionics
T$is 'or&s 'it$ ot$er s&ills as 'ell, so itJs not limited to 7ust puttin% you in t$e
trance state T$is article s$ould be fairly s$ort and s'eet, so pay attention
-editate for as lon% as it ta&es you to %et into your state of mind needed, t$e
trance state No' say a &ey'ord you use rarely I personally ma&e up 'ords IJll
remember '$en doin% t$is so I can be sure t$at nobody else can tri%%er me into t$e
state or accidentally send myself into t$e same state li&e'ise
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Hver a period of several practice sessions of doin% t$is 'it$ your meditation,
possibly bet'een 0 to "0 or more, dependin% on $o' lon% itJs ta&in% you to
pro%ram your subconscious After about 0 tries or so of 7ust pro%rammin% 'it$ t$at
same &ey'ord every time Try sayin% t$e &ey'ord instead of meditatin% and notice
$o' you feel ?o you feel yourself %o instantly into t$e trance stateG If not, &eep
tryin% a fe' more times of practice before tryin% a%ain
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Part 2 Psiballs
.y Ness
T$ere are t'o t$in%s t$at I need to say ri%$t a'ay T$ey are:
" N Psiballs are incredibly easy to ma&e
! N Psiballs are incredibly $ard to describe
IJll e=plain -a&in% psiballs is considered a very basic s&ill Almost everybody '$o
%ets into Psionics starts 'it$ ma&in% psiballs .ecause of its ease, it %ives t$e
person more confidence and $elps to eliminate t$e Qis t$is stuff for realGQ Muestion
Confidence in yourself and in t$e e=istence of t$ese Qpsyc$icQ s&ills 'ill $elp you %o
fart$er in Psionics, '$ic$ is %ood, of course
Hn to point number t'o >i&e I said, ma&in% psiballs is easy: $o'ever, e=plainin%
8H* to ma&e t$em is not so easy It doesnJt matter $o' you ma&e t$em, '$at you
use for a source of ener%y, or $o' you try to ma&e t$em feel T$ese t$in%s, alon%
'it$ many ot$er factors, add up to a >HT of combinations, '$ic$ means a >HT of
No', t$ose t$in%s bein% said, IJll tell you '$atJs up IJm only %oin% to cover one very
basic met$od T$is 'ill be all you need to be able to do to ma&e a psiball, but &eep
in mind t$at t$is is a very simplified met$od P>4A/4 feel absolutely free to
customize t$is met$od ?o '$atever you 'ant to it so t$at ma&in% psiballs 'ill be
easier for you
/o, '$at do you say 'e be%in no'G
Cet comfortable IJm %oin% to say sit do'n for t$is met$od, but li&e I pointed out
above, you can do '$atever you 'ant I personally prefer to lie do'n '$en I ma&e
mine, but I first learned $o' to ma&e t$em '$ile sittin% up Any'ay, t$e point is,
%et comfortable Also be sure t$at t$e room is comfortable: temperature, no bad
smells, ect +ouJre %oin% to need a lot of concentration to ma&e a psiball, especially
'$en youJre first startin% out, and your concentration is only %oin% to be divided if
youJre constantly t$in&in%, Qt$is s$irt is itc$y,Q or, QitJs cold in $ereQ /o, after youJre
all comfy, you can continue
T$e ne=t step is also very important: clear your mind Just close your eyes and loo&
at t$e blac& Just stare at one spot in t$e blac&ness >isten to your breat$in% Feel
t$e breat$s enter and leave your c$est, and try to feel more rela=ed 'it$ every
e=$ale 4ventually try to %et a'ay from t$e blac&ness and your breat$in% so t$at
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youJre not focusin% on AN+T8INC If you can 7ust sit t$ere and $ear no t$ou%$ts in
your $ead, youJre doin% very 'ell
No', youJre ready to actually start -APINC t$e psiball )isualize a ball of ener%y
inside of you /ome people visualize t$e ball in t$eir stomac$, and some visualize it
in t$eir c$est, '$ere t$e $eart is I personally visualize t$e ball in my c$est, but it
doesnJt matter *8464 it is All t$at matters is t$at you &no' '$at it is: +HK6
ener%y Try to feel it inside of you, &eepin% you %oin% Try as $ard as you can to
'rap your mind around t$e concept t$at t$is ener%y is yours
Position your $ands so t$at itJs li&e youJre $oldin% a ball rou%$ly t$e size of a
softball -a&e sure your $ands arenJt touc$in%, as t$is tends to distract you, '$ic$
'ill result in a some'$at 'ea&er psiball *$ile still visualizin% your ener%y source,
be%in to visualize it sendin% ener%y into your s$oulders, do'n your arms, and into
your $ands T$en see t$e ener%y in your $ands comin% out and formin% a ball
6epeat t$is and visualize t$e ball bet'een your $ands %ro'in% stron%er and more
dense eac$ time )isualize t$is over and over, faster and faster, until you can
actually QloopQ it, so t$at t$ere is a constant flo' of ener%y %oin% into t$e psiball .e
sure to pay attention to any stran%e feelin%s in your $ands T$ere is usually sli%$t
$eat and tin%lin%, but t$ere could also be coolness, a pus$in%Lpullin% Qma%neticQ
feel, a Qpulsin%Q feelin%, and various ot$er t$in%s Any of t$ese feelin%s is a si%n t$at
youJre ma&in% a psiball, and usually, if you &eep addin% ener%y, t$e feelin%s 'ill %et
Continue t$is as lon% as you 'ant, but if you be%in to feel drained or suddenly tired
for some reason, you s$ould stop *$en you decide t$at you 'ant to stop, 7ust stop
Hpen your eyes and %o do '$atever you 'ant: t$e ener%y t$at you collected in t$e
psiball 'ill dissipate on its o'n If you felt any one or more of t$e above feelin%s in
your $ands, t$en c$ances are t$at you 'ere ma&in% a psiball Con%ratulationsI
,ore 7"bbles
.y Ness
A force bubble is a type of psiball It is called a force bubble because '$en youJre
$oldin% one and you pus$ your $ands to%et$er, you can feel it pus$ bac& It
p$ysically forces your $ands apart It feels as if youJre tryin% to force t'o similar
poles of a ma%net to%et$er ItJs a very stran%e, ma%neticNli&e repulsion
Force bubbles arenJt amazin%ly useful for anyt$in%, really, but t$eyJre still very fun
to ma&e, and t$ey $elp teac$ sli%$tly more advanced pro%rammin% T$ey CAN be
used to move small ob7ects, li&e t$e psi'$eel, balloons, feat$ers, etc, but IJve
al'ays 7ust used tele&inesis +ou can also ma&e force bubbles in ot$er peopleJs
$ands to let t$em feel a psiball for t$e first time ItJs a fun 'ay to frea& people out
/o, yes, tec$nically, t$ey ?H $ave some uses In my opinion, t$ou%$, t$eyJre mostly
7ust for fun
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/o, no' t$at you &no' '$at a force bubble is, IJll cover t'o met$ods to $elp you
ma&e t$emI
First of all, try not to let your $ands touc$ '$en you ma&e your force bubbles If
your $ands are touc$in% '$ile you ma&e t$e force bubble, you canJt really pus$
your $ands to%et$er to test t$e force bubbleJs stren%t$
/econdly, of course, ma&e your psiball For t$is first met$od of ma&in% force
bubbles,, visualize t$e psiball as a $ard, plastic bubble For some reason, bein%
$ollo' Esince a real bubble is $ollo'F seems to add to t$e stren%t$ of t$e force
bubble, so try t$is at first +ou can ma&e t$e psiball solid later if youJd li&e, but I
rarely do *$en I do, it doesnJt seem to $elp It may for you Try it if youJd li&e
As you add ener%y to t$e psiball, visualize t$e 'alls of t$e bubble %ettin% more and
more dense *$ile you ma&e t$e force bubble, try to t$in&, Q8ard,Q Q/olid,Q etc Try
to put t$e t$ou%$t of $ardness into t$e force bubble T$is sounds very complicated,
but itJs really not I, personally, t$in& of a bo'lin% ball I remember $o' $eavy t$e
ball feels, $o' solid it is, $o' $ard and smoot$ t$e surface is, etc A bo'lin% ball
'or&s very 'ell for me It may not for you Just e=periment a little to find out '$at
'or&s best for you
T$e second met$od is a little tric&ier In t$is met$od, you already $ave a psiball
made, t$en you s$ell it +ou t$en pro%ram t$e s$ell to be solid In my e=periences,
t$is met$od doesnJt 'or& as 'ell as t$e first met$od, but IJm %oin% to add it
any'ay, 7ust in case somebody out t$ere canJt Muite %et a %rip on t$e first met$od
/o, if you couldnJt ma&e a force bubble 'it$ t$e above met$od, maybe you s$ould
try t$is one
After you $ave made your psiball, visualize a t$ic& layer of ener%y coverin% it After
t$at, visualize t$e layer of ener%y $ardenin% into stone, steel or somet$in% else t$at
is very, very $ard 6epeat t$is as many times as youJd li&e, but &eep in mind t$e
more times you repeat t$is, t$e stron%er your force bubble s$ould be
*$en you believe youJve made a decent force bubble, %ently pus$ your $ands
to%et$er +ou s$ould feel some sort of force tryin% to repel t$em T$is can ran%e
from a very 'ea&, sMuis$y force to a very $ard, solid force T$e stron%er t$e
repulsion, t$e stron%er t$e force bubble is
T$atJs about it for force bubbles
Cood luc&I
.y Ness
T$is is my flarin% article IJm %oin% to %o over t$e tec$niMue I use '$en I try to flare
psiballs I $avenJt %otten a %ood, solid flare yet, but IJm 'or&in% on it
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Hbviously, you s$ould be pretty %ood at ma&in% psiballs )isualization s&ills Evisual
and tacticalF and concentration s&ills $elp too /ome basic ener%y s&ills $elp, mostly
%at$erin% lar%e amounts of ener%y and controllin% it -editation or tracin% before
$and 'ould also probably $elp, alt$ou%$ I do neit$er of t$ese
First of all, and I $ope t$is is common sense, ma&e your psiball -a&e it stron% I
recommend &eepin% it small Ee=plained at t$e bottomF
No', once your psiball is stron% and youJre ready to actually try to flare it, you can
be%in t$is )isualize a lot of ener%y flo'in% into you from some outsides sources I
usually use t$e s&y and %round )isualize massive amounts of ener%y flo'in% into
your body and %oin% to your s$oulders Hnce t$ere, visualize it pulsin% do'n your
arms and to your $ands *$en t$e ener%y %ets to your $ands, visualize it sMueezin%
out, ti%$tly, and bein% forced into t$e psiball T$e pulsin% and ti%$t feelin%s you
tactically visualize s$ould $elp you &no' t$ere is a lot of ener%y t$ere Hf course
you &no' t$ereJs a lot of ener%y, but if you can F44> $o' muc$ t$ere is 'ell, you
%et my point
As you continue addin% massive amounts of ener%y to t$e psiball, visualize it
spinnin% violently I visualize my psiball spinnin% Muic&ly at first but %radually
speedin% up to t$e point '$ere itJs all a blur Continue to add ener%y to t$e psiball
as it %ets more and more dense and spins even faster
4ventually, visualize t$e psiball spar&in% .y spar&in%, I mean visualize spar&s, li&e
spar&s of electricity, on or in t$e psiball )isualize it spar&in% many times, randomly
and violently, and t$en visualize it slo'ly be%innin% to %lo' as it spins and spar&s
Peep t$is %oin% until t$e psiball is %lo'in% very, very bri%$tly At t$is point, you
$ave some options If you $ave a buddy and t$ere is a camera nearby, $ave t$em
ta&e a picture or video of it I recommend t$is option because even if you canJt see
t$e psiball 'it$ your na&ed eyes, you can edit t$e picture and see if anyt$in% comes
up t$ere
If you canJt ta&e a picture or video of your psiball, 7ust loo& at it T$is may ma&e you
lose focus, especially if you see somet$in% and you frea& out 'it$ 7oy, so be careful
T$atJs about all for t$e flarin% article T$e steps are simple, but actually $avin% t$e
ener%y to flare isnJt Just &eep 'or&in% at it +ouJll eventually notice a faint %lo',
t$en a sli%$tly stron%er one, and so on
No' I $ave a fe' tips
Above, I recommended you &eep t$e psiball small T$is $as to do 'it$ t$e density of
t$e ener%y To e=plain t$is Muic&ly, IJll ma&e somet$in% up >etJs say psi is a unit of
ener%y Hne psi is a little amount of ener%y, li&e a 'att of electricity or milliliter of
'ater /ay you $ave one $undred psi crammed inside a psiball t$e size of a
baseball T$at ener%y is compact, isnJt itG Pretty denseG T$ereJs so muc$ ener%y in
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t$at small space t$at itJs all cramped and ti%$t T$e psiball 'ould probably feel
pretty po'erful
No', ima%ine one $undred psi inside a psiball, but t$is psiball is t$e size of a $ouse
>oo& at $o' dense t$e psiball is Not very, is itG T$e psi $as so muc$ room to float
around t$at itJs li&e t$e psi is barely contained in anyt$in% at allI T$is psiball 'ould
probably feel really, really 'ea&, even t$ou%$ it $as e=actly t$e same amount of
ener%y as its baseballNsized friend
-y point is: flarin% s$ould be easier if you can ta&e a lot of ener%y and compress it
into a little space I practice flarin% psiballs t$e size of softballs or so Enormal size for
most people, probablyF, but I $ave also played around 'it$ small psiballs, about t$e
size of a nic&el or so, and IJve probably seen better results '$en it 'as small
-y second tip involves s$ellin% I recommend you s$ell your psiball 'ell and often,
7ust because a s$elled psiball stays to%et$er better t$an a nonNs$elled psiball does
T$is means t$at you can stop 'orryin% about $oldin% t$e psiball to%et$er and focus
on 7ust addin% ener%y
-y last tip involves sic&ness T$is tec$niMue reMuires a ton of ener%y If youJre not
ready for it, it may ma&e you sic& Probably not to t$e point '$ere youJre vomitin%
blood or anyt$in%, but it could %ive you a nasty $eadac$e and ma&e you feel 'ea&
for a '$ile If you feel bad '$ile doin% t$is, stop T$ereJs no s$ame in bein% smart
and reco%nizin% your limit +ou can al'ays 'or& on controllin% ener%y and come
bac& to t$is later ItJs no bi% deal
T$atJs allI
Psiball ,6=
.y Ness
>ow (o I hol( !y han(s?
TCup your $ands to%et$er '$ic$ever 'ay is most comfortable for you I
recommend not lettin% your $ands touc$, but it really doesnJt matter
1hat is a psiball s"ppose( to look like?
TA psiball can loo& $o'ever you 'ant it to loo& If you donJt &no' '$at to visualize,
a fe' common e=amples are electricity, fire and 'ater If you can t$in& of
somet$in% else t$at youJd rat$er use, %o ri%$t a$ead
1hat (o yo" +is"ali/e to !ake yo"r psiballs?
TI visualize my ener%y as '$ite 'ater, basically, and I visualize it flo'in% from my
c$est, do'n my arms, and out t$e palms of my $ands I visualize t$e psiball itself as
a ball of '$ite li%$t As I add ener%y to t$e psiball, I visualize it %ettin% bri%$ter
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1hat is a psiball s"ppose( to feel like?
T+ou can pro%ram a psiball to feel many different 'ays, but if youJre not tryin% for
a specific feel, t$en you may feel $eat, coolness, tin%lin%, pulsin%, 'ind bet'een
your $ands, a ma%netic sort of pus$ or pull or maybe even somet$in% else
>ow (o I !ake a psiball feel a ertain way?
TPro%ram t$e psiball to feel $o'ever you 'ant T$e best 'ay to do t$is is to
visualize t$e psiball as somet$in% t$at 'ould %ive you t$e feelin% you 'ant For
e=ample, to ma&e a $ot psiball, visualize t$e psiball as a ball of fire For a cold
psiball, try visualizin% a sno'ball
5aybe I an?t (o this bea"se I ha+e too !any @"estions'
TIf you still $ave Muestions, you can as& us on t$e forums Awww'psioniB'o'nrC, or
you could do '$at I did '$en I started out: 7ust try it I didnJt &no' muc$ about
psiballs bac& t$en eit$er, but I tried ma&in% t$em for a little bit and soon I started to
fi%ure everyt$in% out ?onJt 'orry about it, 7ust rela= and concentrate and you
s$ould do fine
1hat if I (on?t ha+e eno"gh energy?
T+ou can %at$er ener%y before ma&in% a psiball, or you can %at$er ener%y directly
into t$e psiball '$ile ma&in% it
8ho"l( I lose !y eyes?
TIt doesnJt matter Just do '$ic$ever $elps you concentrate
If !y eyes are lose(# how will I know if I?+e !a(e a psiball?
T+ou s$ould be able to feel it It doesnJt $ave to be very stron% to feel it
Is it possible to see a psiball?
T+es -a&in% a psiball visible is called Qflarin%Q
Can psiballs go thro"gh walls# water an( other obstales?
T+es, if you pro%ram t$em to
Is there a li!it to how o!pliate( a psiball an be progra!!e(?
TIJve never $eard of a limit I donJt believe t$ere is one, but if t$ere is, I donJt t$in&
anyone $as found it yet
>ow (o yo" shell a psiball?
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TInstead of puttin% ener%y into t$e psiball, put it A6HKN? t$e psiball T$en
pro%ram it to be solid and $old t$e psiball to%et$er, and it s$ould be fine
1hy sho"l( I shell a psiball?
THnce a psiball %ets so stron%, it becomes difficult to $old to%et$er '$ile also
concentratin% on addin% more ener%y to it, so you place a s$ell around t$e psiball
t$at 'ill $old everyt$in% to%et$er for you After you s$ell t$e psiball, you can focus
on simply addin% ener%y Also, a s$ell is useful if you plan on t$ro'in%Lsendin% t$e
psiball some'$ere
Cood luc& 'it$ your psiballsI
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Part 3 9nergy 5anip"lation
7asi 9nergy 8kills
.y Ness
T$is article is about t$ree t$in%s t$at are considered QbasicQ ener%y manipulation
s&ills: %roundin%, dra'in% and centerin% T$ese are all very simple tec$niMues t$at,
alt$ou%$ super duper easy, can actually improve your ener%y s&ills Muite a bit /o,
letJs %oI
Tec$niMue number one is called Q%roundin%Q T$is is not$in% more t$an attac$in%
yourself to somet$in%, called t$e QsourceQ, usually t$e eart$, and preparin% for step
t'o, dra'in% T$at brin%s us to dra'in% ener%y
To %round, clear your mind and visualize yourself standin% on t$e eart$ As you
stand t$ere, visualize your feet becomin% roots and burro'in% do'n into t$e eart$,
connectin% you to it )isualize t$em %oin% do'n, deeper and deeper, branc$in% out
in all directions, until you feel youJre 'ellNconnected Hnce youJre confident in your
%round, move on to step t'o, dra'in% ener%y
?ra'in% ener%y, or Q%at$erin% ener%yQ, as some people call it, is simply ta&in%
ener%y from your source and addin% it to your o'n T$ere are a lot of uses for
dra'in% ener%y, so itJs a pretty $andy s&ill to $ave
+ou can use t$e sourceJs ener%y instead of your o'n, t$us preventin% most fati%ue,
you can use t$e sourceJs ener%y to replenis$ your o'n ener%y, so you donJt feel
Muite so Qble$Q, or you can use your ener%y in combination 'it$ t$e sourceJs ener%y
to $elp improve your ener%y manipulation T$ere are more, but t$atJs enou%$ to
ma&e you 'ant to learn $o' to dra' ener%y, ri%$tG
To dra' ener%y, visualize t$e ener%y comin% from t$e source, up your roots, and
into you, addin% to your o'n ener%y To visualize t$e ener%y addin% to your o'n,
you could visualize a stron% aura appear around you to represent t$e ener%y, and
t$en visualize it bein% absorbed into you to represent t$e absorption: itBs all up to
Continue to dra' ener%y until you feel t$at you $ave enou%$, but &eep in mind t$at
you can dra' too muc$ ener%y If you do, your body 'ill let you &no', and itJs
not$in% seriousLlet$al, but itJs still a 'arnin% t$at you $ave too muc$ ener%y for
your current s&ill level T$e 'arnin%s are small t$in%s, suc$ as a sli%$tly elevated
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$eart rate, as if you 7ust e=ercised or somet$in%, li%$tN$eadedness, a $eadac$e, and
probably a fe' ot$er t$in%s, but t$is is all IJve e=perienced In any case, t$ou%$, if
you feel somet$in% bad, stop dra'in% ener%y and center yourself T$at brin%s us
to 'ell, centerin%
Centerin% is simply balancin% your ener%y ItJs t$e process of lettin% %o of all e=tra
ener%y you $ave so you can feel more rela=ed T$is is useful for %ettin% rid of e=tra
ener%y t$at you dre', or even 7ust to relieve stress
To center yourself, visualize your ener%y rela=in% and flo'in% on its o'n It $elps a
lot to visualize your ener%y as 'ater, as 'ater canJt move on its o'n: it only %oes
'$ere somet$in% ma&es it %o )isualize t$e ener%y %ently driftin% around in you,
findin% its 'ay to your feet and t$en 7ust slo'ly floatin% do'n t$e roots, into t$e
eart$ Continue to $old t$is rela=ed Qdo '$atever you 'antQ attitude to'ard your
ener%y, and eventually you s$ould feel a stran%e sensation of peace
*$en you feel t$at youJve released all t$e e=cess ener%y, visualize t$e roots pullin%
up from t$e eart$ and disappearin% bac& into you Hnce t$e roots are completely
%one, youJre finis$ed
No', as you practice t$ese t$in%s more and more, youJll %et to t$e point '$ere you
can ta&e s$ortcuts For e=ample, I donJt %round myself very muc$ anymore: I s&ip
ri%$t to dra'in% ener%y T$en, '$en IJm done dra'in% t$e ener%y and performin%
t$e tas& I needed t$e ener%y for, I rarely center I al'ays feel fine, as if I used all t$e
e=tra ener%y for t$e tas&, '$ic$ is %ood: t$atJs '$at I meant to do
T$e bottom line is t$at you s$ould practice t$ese steps carefully for a '$ile Hnce
you can perform t$em easily, start doin% t$em faster and faster, and eventually
youJll be able to s&ip strai%$t to '$at you need
Alri%$t, t$atBs it Cood luc& everyoneI
.y Ness
Pro%rammin% is '$at ma&es ener%y do somet$in% Hnce t$at ener%y is
pro%rammed, t$e ener%y becomes a construct, and t$e construct does '$atever it
is you pro%rammed it to do T$is may sound li&e an advanced s&ill, but it can be
pretty simple For e=ample, '$en you ma&e a psiball, you pro%ram t$e ener%y to be
in t$e s$ape of a ball /eeG /imple
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No', $o' e=actly do you pro%ram ener%yG *ell, t$ere are a lot of different 'ays to
do it )isualizin% is probably t$e most used, but c$ances are t$at you donJt use it to
its full potential T$e more senses you use in your visualizations, t$e better t$eyJll
be, '$ic$, in turn, 'ill lead to better results For e=ample, to ma&e a psiball, most
people 7ust picture ener%y in t$e s$ape of a ball T$is is fine, but t$ereJs more t$at
could be done +ou could ima%ine t$e feel of t$e psiball on your $ands:
temperature, te=ture, and so on +ou could ima%ine $o' $ard or soft t$e psiball is
T$ereJs a lot of t$in%s you can ima%ine
T$e above 'as only usin% t'o sense, t$ou%$: si%$t and touc$ T$at still leaves
$earin%, smell and taste If you 'ere ma&in% a $ot psiball, you could ima%ine
smellin% and, even t$ou%$ itJs not very pleasant, tastin% t$e smo&e If you visualize
your psiball as fire, you could ima%ine $earin% t$e roar and crac&lin% of a fire +ou
could even add onto t$at by rememberin% $o' it feels to be $ot and s'eaty
.asically, 7ust about any t$ou%$t t$at relates to $eat can $elp you
No' t$at youJve %otten a %rip on some basic pro%rammin% ideas, itJs time to %o on
to sli%$tly more advanced t$in%s *$at if you 'ant to $it someone 'it$ a psiball
and %et t$eir attentionG T$ereJs not really a sense you can use for t$at *$at IJve
found to be a %ood met$od for abstract %oals li&e t$is is to 7ust t$in& your %oal and
send it to t$e psiball
8ave your %oal in mind and continue addin% ener%y to t$e psiball *$en youJre
ready, start to say your %oal in your $ead T$in& to yourself, QFly to soNandNso and
%et t$eir attentionQ As you t$in& t$is, visualize it %oin% do'n your arms and to t$e
psiball I actually visualize t$e 'ords t$emselves %oin% to t$e psiball, but you can
visualize anyt$in% youJd li&e
*$en t$e t$ou%$t reac$es t$e psiball, visualize it bein% absorbed into t$e psiball I
visualize t$e psiball flas$in% once or t'ice, 7ust to ma&e t$e absorption a little more
clear to myself Hnce a%ain, do '$atever you 'ant ItJs all about '$at 'or&s for
After you $ave your psiball pro%rammed, t$e ne=t step is to s$ell it /$ellin% is
puttin% a s$ield around your psiball so it 'ill stay to%et$er T$is is very important
'$en you 'ant your psiball to leave you and %o some'$ere on its o'n To do t$is,
simply move ener%y to t$e psiball, but instead of puttin% it into t$e psiball, put it
A6HKN? t$e psiball T$en pro%ram t$at ener%y to $old t$e entire psiball and itself
to%et$er +ou can visualize t$e ener%y turnin% into a metal of some sort and $oldin%
t$e psiball inside, s'irlin% around t$e psiball to &eep it to%et$er, '$atever you 'ant
to do
*$en t$e psiball is completely pro%rammed, visualize it flyin% from your $ands to
t$e tar%et +ou can p$ysically t$ro' t$e psiball if youJd li&e, but you donJt $ave to
/imply visualizin% it 'ill 'or& )isualize t$e psiball flyin% to t$e tar%et, $ittin% t$em
and %ettin% t$eir attention To destroy t$e psiball, you can visualize t$e psiball
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burstin% '$en it $its its tar%et, bein% absorbed into t$e tar%et, or you can even 7ust
for%et about it completely T$e pro%rammin% 'ill 'ear off soon and t$e psiball 'ill
brea& apart on its o'n
T$ose 'ere t'o e=amples of pro%rammin%, but t$ere are so many ot$er uses for it
+ou could pro%ram a psiball to send a t$ou%$tLemotion to someone, or even to
retrieve a t$ou%$tLemotion from someone If youJre very %ood at telepat$y or
empat$y but you canJt control it, you could pro%ram a s$ield to bloc& out stray
t$ou%$ts and emotions If youJre cold, you could pro%ram a lar%e amount of ener%y
to 'arm you up, or if youJre $ot, you could pro%ram t$e ener%y to cool you do'n
T$e possibilities are endlessI
8ave fun and be creative 'it$ your pro%rammin%I Cood luc&I
9nergy 8ensing
.y Ness
4ner%y sensin% is, literally, sensin% ener%y It allo's you to feel $o' muc$ ener%y
someone or somet$in% $as T$e only problem 'it$ ener%y sensin%, t$ou%$, is t$at
itJs $ard to tell e=actly $o' muc$ ener%y t$e tar%et $as 4ner%y sensin% only %ives
you a feelin%, and based on $o' stron% or 'ea& t$at feelin% is, you $ave to decide
$o' muc$ ener%y you t$in& t$at is Hf course a stron%er feelin% means more
ener%y, but t$at still doesnJt tell you 8H* -KC8 ener%y No' t$at t$atJs said, letJs
%et on 'it$ t$e articleI
.e%in by pic&in% your tar%et It can be a person or a t$in%, but &eep in mind t$at a
person 'ill probably $ave more ener%y t$an a t$in%, t$us %ivin% you a stron%er
feelin%, t$us ma&in% it a little easier to feel if youJre a be%inner
Clear your mind and rela= -a&e sure youJre completely calm, and try to not be
feelin% any emotions Try to feel Qblan&Q, in a sense After youJre rela=ed and calm,
focus on your tar%et, and $o' t$e tar%et ma&es you feel 4liminate all ot$er t$in%s
from your mind For e=ample, I visualize t$e tar%et and myself in a blac& void
to%et$er T$ere is absolutely not$in% else around, 7ust us *$atever you do,
remember to stay focused on only t$e tar%et and yourself
T$is ne=t part is $ard to e=plain *$ile focusin% on t$e tar%et and yourself, visualize
t$e tar%etJs ener%y, and 'onder $o' t$at compares to your o'n Just try to feel t$e
stren%t$ of t$eir ener%y ItJs very $ard to e=plain, but itJs rat$er easy to do Just
e=periment a little bit and see if you can %et any results
No', as for e=actly '$at youJre supposed to be tryin% to feel, t$is is also $ard to
e=plain In my e=periences, I usually feel somet$in% li&e a &not formin% in my
stomac$, and t$e more ener%y t$e tar%et $as, t$e bi%%er and stron%er t$e &not is
Hnce or t'ice, '$en t$e tar%et $ad a lot of ener%y, I felt p$ysically 'ea&, as if I
'ere about to %et sic& or somet$in% Anot$er time, '$en someone 'as tryin% to $it
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me 'it$ ener%y, '$en I tried to sense it, I could literally feel it %ently $ittin% me, but
t$e amazin% t$in% 'as t$at I could also trace it all t$e 'ay bac& to t$e person '$o
'as sendin% it No', $e 'as only about five or so feet a'ay from me, but itJs still
pretty interestin%
/o, t$ere you $ave it Just stay rela=ed and calm and try to feel t$e tar%etJs ener%y
IJm sorry t$is article is so va%ue IJll try to update it as I %et better, or maybe even
'rite a follo'Nup article
Cood luc& 'it$ t$e va%uenessI
.y Ness
A s$ield is ener%y pro%rammed to stop somet$in% T$at may sound va%ue, but itJs
/ay you 'ere very %ood at telepat$y T$at means t$at youJre sensitive: it is easy for
you to pic& up on ot$ersJ t$ou%$ts If t$is is t$e case, if you donJt do anyt$in% about
it, c$ances are t$at youJre %oin% to be pic&in% up peopleJs t$ou%$ts randomly T$is
'ould be very annoyin%, as you 'ould constantly be confusin% ot$er peopleJs
t$ou%$ts 'it$ your o'n T$is is '$ere a s$ield 'ould come in $andy +ou could
ma&e t$e s$ield around you and pro%ram it to stop ot$er peopleJs t$ou%$ts from
%ettin% to you Hnce you finis$ed, you 'ould $ave peace and Muiet in your $ead
once a%ain
No', before 'e %et started on actually ma&in% t$e s$ield, you s$ould &no' t$at
s$ields are not only useful for s&illed telepat$s and empat$s A s$ield can prevent
someone from drainin% your ener%y, or to &eep someone from performin% telepat$y
or empat$y on you 'it$out your permission If someone is sendin% t$eir ener%y
to'ard you, t$e s$ield could be pro%rammed to bounce t$e ener%y bac& at t$em, or
even to absorb t$e ener%y and add it to your o'n A s$ield could also &eep a psiball
from fallin% apart Et$is is &no'n as s$ellin% t$e psiballF /o, you see, s$ieldin% is
actually a very useful s&ill
T$e first e=ample t$at IJm %oin% to use in t$is article is s$ellin% As I said above,
s$ellin% is simply puttin% a s$ield around a psiball so t$e psiball 'ill stay to%et$er
*$ile youJre ma&in% t$e psiball, t$e s$ell 'ill $old it to%et$er, t$us allo'in% you to
focus on 7ust addin% ener%y to t$e psiball, and '$en youJre done ma&in% t$e psiball,
if you decide to send your it some'$ere, it 'ill stay to%et$er on its o'n /ounds
%ood, ri%$tG
/o, letJs be%in >etJs say youJve %ot t$e psiball %oin%, and itJs pretty po'erful As
you try to add more ener%y to it, t$ou%$, you can &ind of feel it fallin% apart, so you
be%in to focus on $oldin% it to%et$er No' t$at youJre $oldin% it to%et$er, you canJt
really focus on addin% ener%y to it T$is is '$ere a s$ell comes in $andy
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-ove ener%y to t$e psiball, but instead of puttin% it into t$e psiball, put it around
t$e psiball )isualize t$e ener%y flo'in% out of your $ands and around t$e surface of
t$e psiball *$en youJve made one complete layer of ener%y around t$e psiball,
visualize t$e ener%y layer $ardenin% Pno' t$at it $as become $ard )isualize some
&ind of te=ture on it, if it $elps you Tell t$e layer of ener%y to $old t$e psiball
to%et$er After t$e ener%y $as $ardened, visualize more ener%y flo'in% around it,
ma&in% a second layer After t$is ener%y ma&es a complete layer, visualize it
$ardenin% as 'ell 6epeat t$is as many times as youJd li&e, but &eep in mind t$at
t$e more layers you add, t$e stron%er t$e s$ell 'ill be Hnce youJve made a fairly
stron% s$ield, you s$ould be able to stop 'orryin% about t$e psiball fallin% apart and
resume addin% ener%y to it
No' t$at youJve made t$e psiball, letJs say you 'ant to send it some'$ere
Pro%ram t$e psiball to %o '$ere you 'ant it to %o, and ma&e sure t$e s$ell is 'ell
pro%rammed to $old t$e psiball to%et$er After t$at, send t$e psiball on its 'ay +ou
can 7ust release it, visualize it, or even p$ysically t$ro' it It doesnJt matter If you
did everyt$in% correctly and you put enou%$ ener%y into t$e psiball and t$e s$ell,
t$e psiball s$ould ma&e it to its tar%et and accomplis$ its %oal
/o t$e s$ell $olds t$e psiball to%et$er, but '$at if you 'ant to use a s$ield to
actually stop somet$in%G -aybe youJre %ood at telepat$y or empat$y, li&e I said
above, or maybe you 7ust 'ant to practice s$ieldin% by protectin% your cell p$one
and reducin% its si%nalG *ell, IJll e=plain tec$niMues for bot$ of t$ese ne=t, seein% as
t$eyJre pretty similar
/tart by puttin% ener%y around '$atever youJre s$ieldin% If youJre tryin% to stop
your telepat$y or empat$y, t$is 'ould be you, and if youJre tryin% to lo'er your cell
p$oneJs si%nal, t$is 'ould be your cell p$one
Hnce youJve %ot a %ood amount of ener%y around t$e ob7ect, eit$er you or your
p$one, visualize t$e ener%y $ardenin% and becomin% s$iny, li&e a mirror )isualize
t$e ener%y reflectin% t$in%s, 7ust li&e a mirror does Tell t$e ener%y to reflect
'$atever youJre s$ieldin% a%ainst Continue to add more and more ener%y to t$e
s$ield '$ile pro%rammin% it to reflect Continue t$is until you feel you $ave made a
stron% enou%$ s$ield Hnce youJre done, see if you 'ere successful If you 'ere
tryin% to stop ot$ersJ t$ou%$ts or emotions, you s$ould feel better, and if you 'ere
tryin% to s$ield your p$one, it s$ould no' $ave a lo' or even no si%nal
T$ere are some basic s$ieldin% uses and tec$niMues for you 8ave fun and %ood
.y Ness
First of all, t$ere are a fe' t$in%s IJd li&e to say: I feel t$at re7uvenation is simply a
smaller form of $ealin% I t$in& it s$ould be practiced before $ealin%, &ind of li&e a
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transition into $ealin% Hf course, itJs not reMuired: itJs only my opinion t$at you
s$ould practice re7uvenation before $ealin% No' t$at my little introduction is over,
letJs be%inI
.y re7uvenation, I mean dra'in% ener%y and movin% it to a tired part of your body,
t$us ma&in% t$e body part move better For e=ample, if you run around enou%$,
your le%s 'ill become some'$at QnumbQ and $arder to move 6e7uvenation %ets rid
of t$at QnumbQ feelin% and allo's you to run some more 'it$out bein% tired
First of all, tar%et t$e tired area +ou s$ould try to be as specific as possible about
'$ere t$e tiredness is )isualize t$e tired area as an u%ly %ray spot, and try to
maintain t$e idea t$at t$is %ray spot is '$at is 'ea&enin% your muscle After you
$ave t$e area tar%eted, be%in to move ener%y t$rou%$ your body, to'ard t$e tired
area Hnce t$e ener%y %ets t$ere, visualize it %oin% into t$e muscles t$at are tired,
replenis$in% t$em )isualize t$e tiredness and QnumbQ feelin%s be%innin% to fade
a'ay as you move more and more ener%y into t$e muscles Continue t$is until all
t$e tiredness and QnumbQ feelin%s $ave completely faded a'ay in your
No', t$e last step is to test it out Try movin%Lfle=in% t$e tired body part to see if
t$e re7uvenation 'or&ed 4ven if youJre a be%inner and t$e re7uvenation didnJt 'or&
completely, you s$ould notice t$at itJs at least a >ITT>4 bit better If itJs not, you
may need to use more ener%y ne=t time, or simply practice more: bot$ 'ill $elp
T$e first fe' times you try t$is, c$ances are t$at youJll only feel a little better, but
t$e QrecoveredQ feelin% s$ould %et stron%er 'it$ practice
Cood luc&I
.y Ness < c0verst0ry
9DIT:;8 ):T9< 7oth )ess an( *+erst*ry ha+e written g"i(es on this
s"b$et# so I! posting the! both' )esss will be first# then *+erst*ry'
8ealin% is basically a lar%er form of re7uvenation, and I feel t$at it 'ould be better
to %et fairly decent at re7uvenation before attemptin% $ealin%, but it is not reMuired
T$at bein% said, letJs move on
8ealin% is a some'$at advanced s&ill, so it reMuires a lot of ener%y T$at ma&es
sense if you t$in& about it, t$ou%$ +ouJre %oin% to be usin% ener%y to actually $eal
a p$ysical 'ound It ta&es a lot of ener%y to affect p$ysical matter
First of all, you need a 'ound of some &ind, obviously It s$ould be a small one to
start 'it$ *$at I started practicin% on 'asnJt a p$ysical 'ound, but actually 7ust
small pains, suc$ as $eadac$es ?o NHT %o out and $urt yourself 7ust to practice
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t$is s&ill Accidents $appen all t$e time, especially little ones .e patient: one 'ill
%et you sooner or later
)isualize t$e pain as a pulsin% red spot in your body Ta&e some ener%y E%at$ered
or notF and move it t$rou%$ your body, to'ard t$e pain Hnce t$e ener%y %ets to
t$e pain, visualize it %oin% into t$e pain, causin% t$e red to fade and 'ea&en
Continue to visualize t$e red spot fadin% and brea&in% do'n as you add more and
more ener%y until all t$at remains is a fe' tiny, red pieces Hnce you %et to t$is
point, visualize a sudden sur%e of ener%y rus$in% by t$e spots, instantly destroyin%
t$em and t$e remainin% pain
Hnce you %et fairly %ood at $ealin% pain, you can try $ealin% p$ysical 'ounds To
$eal an actual p$ysical 'ound is a lot $arder, so donJt be discoura%ed if you donJt
%et it at first: 7ust &eep practicin% It 'ill come eventually
*$en you are tryin% to $eal a p$ysical 'ound, visualize t$e 'ound in addition to t$e
pain *$en t$e ener%y %ets to t$e 'ound, visualize it %oin% into t$e 'ound
)isualize s&in cells bein% re%enerated, ma&in% t$e 'ound smaller, and eventually
closin% t$e 'ound completely
Addin% ener%y to t$e 'ound t$e entire time 'ill probably $elp t$e $ealin% process a
little, but I donJt t$in& it is needed I $avenJt $ealed a p$ysical 'ound yet, but I &no'
somebody '$o $as, and it doesnJt seem to be reMuired to use ener%y: $e apparently
simply 'illed it to $eal -y su%%estion 'ould be to try it 'it$ or 'it$out ener%y, and
if t$at doesnJt 'or& very 'ell for you after a '$ile of practicin%, try t$e ot$er
8appy 8ealin%I
9DIT:;8 ):T9< The following is *+erst*rys
8ave you ever $ad a $eadac$e t$at you 'ould %ive anyt$in% to %et rid ofG *ell,
$ereJs your c$ance to do t$at No', to be%in
+ea$, t$e title sounds really arro%ant and useless, doesnJt itG *ell, it is 7ust a simple
arro%ant tec$niMue *$erever you are feelin% t$e pain, visualize t$e pain as a red
$ot %lo' of ener%y alon% t$e affected area No', 7ust press one of your $ands firmly
a%ainst t$e s&in t'o to t$ree inc$es a'ay from t$e pain /$ove t$e pain off of your
body, ta&in% time to visualize t$e red $ot ener%y '$ere t$e pain 'as bein% t$ro'n
into t$e air and driftin% a'ay from you T$is met$od usually only lasts a fe'
minutes, so it s$ould really only be used in situations t$at reMuire immediate
attention t$at lac& t$e time to do anyt$in% else If you can use anot$er tec$niMue,
you probably s$ould
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T$is met$od involves literally ma&in% t$e pain none=istent Just as 'it$ t$e pus$in%
met$od, visualize t$e area of pain as red $ot ener%y No', %at$er your o'n ener%y
Feel t$is ener%y as bein% cool and soot$in% Transfer t$e ener%y t$rou%$ your body
to t$e affected area )isualize t$e cool ener%y cuttin% t$rou%$ t$e red pain 8ere,
you may 'ant to be very accurate and detailed 'it$ your visualization /ee t$e pain
not only on your s&in '$ere you feel it, but inside of you )isualize t$e pain alon%
t$e inside of t$e fles$, pus$in% into t$e muscles, and even into t$e bones if it $urts
t$at badly No', force t$e cool ener%y into t$e red ener%y, brea&in% t$e pain up into
several sections Tar%et eac$ section 'it$ your soot$in% ener%y, continuin% to brea&
a'ay t$e pain until all t$at remains are very scattered dots of red -ove on to t$e
ne=t section and repeat t$e process until all of t$e pain is %one T$is s$ould last
muc$ lon%er t$an t$e pus$in% met$od, but t$ereJs still a c$ance t$at it may not be
permanent If t$e pain returns, relieve yourself a%ain and t$is time flus$ t$e area
'it$ more soot$in% ener%y after'ards
T$atJs ri%$t: you are %oin% to move your ener%y T$is 'ill deal 'it$ some Qfeelin%Q
of t$e pain due to t$e fact t$at 7ust a visual visualization may not be very effective
+ou may need somet$in% to move t$e pain into, suc$ as a piece of paper or 7ust
about anyt$in% else t$at you can %et rid of very easily )isualize t$e pain as red
ener%y once a%ain T$is time, instead of sendin% ener%y to %et rid of t$e pain, try to
ta&e control of t$e pain T$is may prove complicated, and you 'ill most li&ely fail at
your first fe' attempts to do t$is 4ventually t$ou%$, you 'ill %et t$e $an% of
controllin% pain as if it 'ere ener%y Hnce you $ave control over your pain, t$e fun
part be%ins Ksin% a detailed visualization of all t$e internal areas t$at are affected,
move all t$e pain up to your s&in or 7ust under it Hnce t$e pain is completely
surfaced, transport it across your body to your $and *$en t$e pain is securely in
your $and, place your palm on t$e ob7ect t$at you c$ose to use Transfer all of t$e
red, painful ener%y into t$at ob7ect T$e final step is to %et rid of t$e ob7ect '$ile
touc$in% it as little as possible T$e easiest t$in% to do is to transfer t$e pain into a
piece of paper '$ile standin% very near to a tras$ can and simply t$ro' t$e paper
a'ay once youBre finis$ed
T$is is almost t$e simplest 'ay to relieve pain, and it involves t$e least
visualization +ou 'ill craft a some'$at small psiball and pro%ram it to be e=tremely
cold Ta&e t$e psiball and run it over t$e ac$in% area to cause a numbed sensation
No', %ive your body a minute to rest Hnce t$at minute is up, form a $ot psiball Eor
repro%ram t$e ori%inal psiball to be $otF Ta&e t$is psiball and run it over t$e
affected area 7ust as you did t$e cold one 6epeat t$is a fe' times and t$e pain
s$ould be %one It isnJt a fast met$od, but it is usually completely permanent T$e
ot$er %ood t$in% about it is t$at you only $ave to &no' $o' to ma&e a $ot and cold
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T$is one can be tric&y since it reMuires a %reat deal of ener%y T$e first t$in% you
are %oin% to do is lay do'n some'$ere in t$e most comfortable position t$at you
can *$en I say most comfortable, I mean stuff pillo's under you, bet'een your
le%s, all around, it doesnJt matter '$at you do as lon% as you are as comfortable as
possible Ta&e a fe' minutes to meditate and %at$er some e=tra ener%y >oo& at
your 'ound Cet a %ood feel for '$at it is and $o' it loo&s Concentrate Form a
microscopic vie' in your mind of '$at t$e 'ound may loo& li&e It could be
somet$in% comparable to t$e Crand Canyon T$e river at t$e bottom 'ould be a
solid mass of $ardened red blood cells t$at $ave clotted t$e 'ound T$e canyon
'alls 'ould be made up of dama%ed, dead cells t$at covered everyt$in% T$e dead
cells are $alf decayed and t$e only t$in%s active are a $andful of cells eatin% t$e
dead tissue Concentrate on your 'ound
.e%in transferrin% a steady stream of soot$in% ener%y to t$e 'ound )isualize t$is
ener%y burnin% a'ay all t$e dead material It 'ill a'a&en t$e cells beneat$ all of
t$e dama%ed ones C$ar%e t$ese ne' cells 'it$ ener%y so t$at t$ey may be%in
$ealin% t$e 'ound Civin% t$e cells constant ener%y )isualize t$e cells multiplyin%
and rebuildin% t$e dama%ed area bit by bit until t$e 'ound is closed .e 'arned
T$is ta&es a %reat deal of ener%y and a %reat deal of practice to accomplis$ I &no'
only t'o people '$o $ave done t$is successfully T$ey are myself and my brot$er
I $ave only mana%ed to $eal a ma7or burn t$at covered my inde= and middle fin%ers
from t$e 7oint 7ust belo' t$e fin%ernail to t$e &nuc&les on my $and, and t$at too&
me over an $our and '$o &no's $o' muc$ ener%y
.y brot$er $ealed a muc$ lar%er 'ound 8e $ad torn a c$un& of s&in about an inc$
'ide and at least a centimeter t$ic& out of $is forearm T'o days later, t$ere 'as
not even a scar remainin% of t$e 'ound *$en I as&ed $im $o' $e did it, $is e=act
'ords 'ere, @I $ealed it I 7ust t$ou%$t about it and $ealed it I leaned bac&, propped
up my feet, $eld my $and over it, and ima%ined it slo'ly closin% up It too& me all
day but it 'or&edA /o remember, t$is ta&es time and ener%y Please be very
careful before actually attemptin% to $eal a p$ysical 'ound
The Chakra 8yste!
.y c0verst0ry
IBm %oin% to apolo%ize before $and: t$is article is some'$at li&e my auric si%$t
article It contains more information t$at is 7ust simple &no'led%e t$an anyt$in%
t$atBs @$o'NtoA At t$e end t$ou%$, t$ere is a 'al&t$rou%$ of a simple e=ercise t$at
'ill $elp you to stimulate and transfer ener%y to all t$e c$a&ra
.asically put, t$e c$a&ra are &ey points of ener%y alon% t$e spine T$ey e=ist in an
unseen 'orld Espiritually, preternaturally, supernaturally, etcF alon% t$e spine
C$a&ra are believed by some to be a ma7or lin& bet'een body and spirit Et$e t$ird
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eye and cro'n c$a&ra connect body, spirit, and mindF T$ey are &no'n by older
te=ts as t$e '$eels of life and are represented by lotuses 'it$ varyin% numbers of
petals T$e seven main c$a&ra are colorNcoded accordin% to t$e amount of ener%y
stora%e and size T$e representative colors %o alon% 'it$ t$e colors of t$e color
spectrum T$e c$a&ra serve as a lin& bet'een you and t$e ener%y of t$e rest of t$e
cosmos t$at e=ists all around you To consciously activate and control t$e seven
ma7or c$a&ra is considered a lar%e step to reac$in% true enli%$tenment
T84 /4)4N C8AP6A AN? T84I6 C8A6ACT46I/TIC/
8ere I $ave listed t$e seven c$a&ra by ori%inal name, t$eir modern and more
commonly used names, t$eir color, and t$e element t$at represents eac$
/a$asraraN t$is is t$e Cro'n c$a&ra It is t$e center of all consciousness and t$e
master c$a&ra t$at controls and re%ulates t$e ot$ers It is located at t$e very top of
t$e $ead, $ence t$e name cro'n c$a&ra It is colored eit$er violet or '$ite
dependin% on t$e @enli%$tenmentA of t$e person T$e element t$at represents it is
space T$e cro'n c$a&ra is @a lin& to t$e divineA and is symbolized by a lotus of a
t$ousand petals
A7naN t$is is t$e T$ird 4ye c$a&ra It controls your sense of time, a'areness,
intuition, and your sensitivity of li%$t in aspects of auric si%$t and ot$er sensory
psionic abilities It is believed to be t$e central point t$at %ives t$e ability $umans
to perform t$e @psyc$ic featsA '$ic$ 'e spea& of on t$is 'ebsite It is indi%o in
color, represented by t$e element of time, and symbolized by a t'oNpetal lotus T$e
t$ird eye c$a&ra is located on t$e fore$ead above and bet'een t$e t'o p$ysical
)is$udd$aN t$e T$roat c$a&ra /aid to control communication of any form, selfN
e=pression, and %ro't$ It is colored blue, represented by t$e element of life, and is
symbolized by a lotus 'it$ si=teen petals >ocated in t$e same re%ion as t$e
trac$ea or voice bo= alon% t$e t$roat
Ana$ataN t$e 8eart c$a&ra T$is %reen c$a&ra %overns devotion, love, balance, 'ellN
bein%, and $ealin% Air is its element ItBs symbolic form is t$at of a lotus 'it$ t'elve
petals ItBs obvious p$ysical location is 'it$in t$e c$est
-anipuraN t$e /olar Ple=us c$a&ra 6esides over your natural abilities of
assimilation, di%estion, ener%y, control, freedom, and mental capability It is yello'
and to correspond to t$is color, elementally it is eit$er fire or t$e sun /ymbolized
by a lotus of ten petals P$ysically located 'it$in t$e stomac$
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/'ad$ist$anaN t$e /acral c$a&ra Po'ers your emotions, se=uality, and creativity
T$e sacral c$a&ra is oran%e and represented by t$e element of 'ater P$ysically it is
located 7ust belo' t$e center of t$e 'aistline It is symbolized by a lotus 'it$ si=
-ulad$araN t$e 6oot c$a&ra T$is c$a&ra is t$e lar%est of t$e c$a&ra and naturally
contains more stored ener%y It is red and symbolized by a fourNpetal lotus It $olds
t$e po'er of your natural instincts, security, survival, and your $idden potential
T$e root c$a&ra is located at t$e very base of t$e spine, more commonly &no'n as
t$e tail bone
No', for t$e $o'Nto part, youBre %oin% to need to be fairly decent at ener%y
manipulation and movement All t$e c$a&ra $ave ener%y 'it$in t$em to some
de%ree, but '$en you be%in to add more, t$e lo'er c$a&ras must fill up first /o, to
be%in, transfer ener%y into t$e root c$a&ra Try to ima%ine a lar%e red sp$ere at t$e
base of your spine t$at is dull and only sli%$tly active As you fill it 'it$ ener%y,
visualize it %lo'in% and be%innin% to pulse and spin Hnce you $ave it as full as it
can become, you 'ill feel a stran%e, 'armin% spread out from your tail bone li&e a
cloud of $ot pinpric&s T$is is due to t$e fact t$at it is full and $as be%un to @floodA
Continue to send a steady stream of ener%y into t$e root c$a&ra, but also, ta&e
control of t$e floodin% ener%y and direct it to t$e ne=t c$a&ra alon% t$e spine: t$e
sacral c$a&ra )isualize t$e sacral c$a&ra t$e same 'ay as t$e root: an oran%e orb
t$at appears to be dull and only sli%$tly active Pour ener%y into t$e root c$a&ra and
direct t$e e=cess ener%y floodin% from t$e root c$a&ra into t$e sacral c$a&ra *it$
enou%$ ener%y, t$e sacral c$a&ra 'ill also overflo' T$is is '$ere t$is e=ercise
starts to become tric&y, '$ic$ is '$y it 'ill ta&e concentration and a %ood control
over your ener%y +ou 'ill need to continue to send ener%y into t$e root c$a&ra,
redirect t$e ener%y floodin% out of t$e root c$a&ra into t$e sacral c$a&ra, and no'
you must direct t$e e=tra ener%y comin% out of t$e sacral c$a&ra into t$e solar
.asically, you 'ill continue doin% t$is same process: floodin% t$e solar ple=us,
$eart, t$roat, and finally t$e t$ird eye Hnce you $ave done t$is, you can stop
sendin% ener%y into your root c$a&ra and direct all t$e e=cess ener%y t$rou%$ t$e
system up to t$e t$ird eye Anyt$in% t$at floods from t$e t$ird eye you can send
bac& into your core ener%y supply, or allo' it to dissipate on its o'n
T$e reason I stop at t$e t$ird eye rat$er t$an continue to direct t$e ener%y into t$e
cro'n c$a&ra is my o'n personal feelin%s and lac& of &no'led%e I am not entirely
sure e=actly '$ere at t$e top of t$e $ead t$e c$a&ra is located I believe it to
obviously be at t$e cro'n of t$e $ead, but am not absolutely positive Also, it is t$e
simple fact t$at stimulatin% it in suc$ a 'ay is a step a'ay from consciously
activatin% it To consciously activate it is considered divine and a si%n of
enli%$tenment /ince I donBt believe myself divine, I c$oose not to direct ener%y into
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t$e cro'n c$a&ra T$at, and t$e simple fact t$at I some'$at $ave an appre$ension
of '$at doin% so may or may not cause
If you lac& t$is fear t$at I $ave of e=citin% t$e final of t$e seven ma7or c$a&ra Eand
t$e concentration and s&ill at ener%y movementF, t$en continue on until you $ave
finis$ed t$e process for t$e sevent$ c$a&ra
*$en you finis$, you may 'ant to visualize t$e seven c$a&ra alon% t$e spine
%lo'in% and spinnin% in activity I usually start 'it$ t$at and ima%ine t$em openin%
into t$e symbolic lotuses before endin% t$e e=ercise
I apolo%ize if you see t$is as pointless /timulatin% t$e c$a&ra can be very rela=in%
and actually ma&e you feel p$ysically better after finis$in% t$e e=ercise above
Ht$er t$an bein% a %ood 'ay to practice bot$ ener%y manipulation and e=citin% t$e
c$a&ra at t$e same time, t$ere isnBt muc$ of a benefit to most people from t$is It
does %ive a %ood, rela=in% 'ay to stimulate t$e seven ma7or c$a&ra in order t$ou%$
Also, as I said before, you need to be able to control ener%y fairly 'ell to do t$is and
you 'ill need concentration If you be%in to run out of your o'n ener%y '$ile
streamin% it into t$e root c$a&ra and redirectin% t$e e=cess, simply %at$er more
from a source and send t$at ener%y into t$e root c$a&ra
For more on %at$erin% ener%y, see NessBs @.asic 4ner%y /&illsA article
9nergy 1orko"t
.y c0verst0y
T$is e=ercise is a %ood 'ay for you to %et used to controllin% and movin% your
ener%y t$rou%$out your body
T$ere is a lar%e mass of ener%y 'it$in you $eld at t$e core of your bein% T$in& of
t$is core as a stora%e area for your ener%y /ome people t$in& t$is ener%y is in your
stomac$, ot$ers in your $eart I personally visualize it some'$ere bet'een t$e t'o,
7ust at t$e base of t$e breast bone T$e location of t$is ener%y mass isnBt '$atBs
important, t$ou%$ *$atBs important is t$e fact t$at you are a'are t$at it is 'it$in
you and t$e only t$in% %eneratin% it is +HK
T$is first part is %oin% to be not$in% but feelin% t$e ener%y )isualize t$e mass of
ener%y 'it$in you )isualize t$e ener%y as li%$tnin% or fire or '$atever you 'is$ it
to be I al'ays visualize it as not$in% more t$an li%$t 'it$in my body, so IBll be
referrin% to it as li%$t from t$is point on *atc$ it pulsate and s$ift Just sit and
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visualize t$e ener%y Ima%ine t$e tin%le of it beneat$ your fles$ Cet a sense of $o'
it feels and '$ere inside of you it is
No', move t$e ener%y )isualize it leavin% t$e core and travelin% t$rou%$out your
body -ove it into your arms and do'n to your fin%ers and $old it t$ere >et it flo'
into your le%s, feet and toes /ee t$e ener%y movin% all over your body Hnce it $as
been t$inly spread t$rou%$out your body, be%in to ma&e it pulsate, %oin% from t$e
top of your $ead, t$e tips of your fin%ers and toes, all t$e 'ay bac& to your central
point of ener%y /lo'ly visualize it pulsin%, spreadin% from t$e core of t$e ener%y
t$rou%$out your entire body, and t$en slo'ly retractin% to t$e core
After you are used to pulsin% your ener%y t$rou%$ your body in t$in 'aves, attempt
to concentrate a lar%e amount of ener%y and simply move it around )isualize
ener%y leavin% t$e core of your body and formin% a small ball of li%$t a fe' inc$es
a'ay from t$e rest of t$e ener%y -ove t$is ener%y around your body, sendin% it
trailin% alon% your body, do'n you le% /top t$e ball at your feet and brin% it bac&
up -ove it across your 'aist and send it do'n your ot$er le% .rin% it up t$rou%$
your ribs and visualize it travelin% alon% your arm, stoppin% at your $and ?ra' it
bac& up, movin% it across your c$est, and do'n t$e opposite arm and into t$at
$and Pull t$e ener%y bac& up your arm and send it up your nec& to t$e top of your
I 'ould su%%est t$at if youBre a be%inner, not to try to do all of t$is at once Ta&e
one step at a time, startin% 'it$ feelin% your ener%yBs presence and t$en movin% on
to t$e pulsation and t$e concentrated movement Hnce you $ave all of t$is do'n, a
%ood practice is to concentrate t$e ener%y and move it as Muic&ly as possible to one
of your s$oulders and let it rest t$ere T$en, be%in to send pulses of ener%y out of
t$e small concentration at your s$oulder do'n your arm Hnce done, s'itc$ to t$e
ne=t s$oulder T$en to your 'aist, sendin% t$e ener%y pulse to your &nees one at a
time Ne=t, do t$e same e=ercise by concentratin% t$e ener%y into your &nee and
sendin% a pulse do'n to your feet
T$is is a %ood e=ercise to train yourself to move your ener%y Muic&ly t$rou%$out
your body If you are a be%inner and donBt really &no' muc$ about ener%y, you may
'ant to loo& into NessBs Q.asic 4ner%yQ article before attemptin% t$is 'or&out
9nergy 5anip"lation ,6=
.y Ness
1ill I feel the energy?
TIf you %at$er enou%$ andLor pro%ram it 'ell enou%$, you s$ould be%in to feel it At
first, it may be a sli%$t tin%lin% feelin%, pulsin%, $eatLcoolness, or maybe even some
ot$er random feelin% Hnce you %et better at pro%rammin%, t$ou%$, you s$ould
bein% to feel '$at you pro%ram t$e ener%y to feel li&e For e=ample, once you %et
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%ood enou%$ at pro%rammin%, you s$ould feel $eat '$enever you pro%ram a psiball
to be $ot
>ow (o I gain energy fro! these energy eBerises?
TKsin% your o'n ener%y ma&es your ener%y capacity increase, 7ust as usin% your
bodyJs muscles ma&es your stren%t$ increase T$e more you 'or& 'it$ ener%y, t$e
more easily you can control it and t$e more you can $andle at one time
Is there any way to get better with energy?
TPractice, practice, practice
6re there any goo( eBerises for working with energy?
TPsiballs are %reat for learnin% basic ener%y control and pro%rammin% After you
can easily ma&e psiballs, try ma&in% cubes, pyramids, and even ot$er s$apes, li&e
$earts, stars, etc
I $"st an?t !o+e !y energy no !atter how har( I try% 1hat?s wrong?
TItJs possible t$at youJre tryin% too $ard IJve found t$at if you try to force ener%y to
do somet$in%, it doesnJt 'or& very 'ell Instead, try to rela= and 7ust let t$e ener%y
Qflo'Q Try to %ently pull t$e ener%y '$ere you 'ant it to %o, but be sure to let it
>ow (o yo" gatherD(raw energy fro! so!ething else?
T)isualize your ener%y and t$e ot$er t$in%Js ener%y, and t$en visualize its ener%y
leavin% it and comin% to you After t$at, visualize yourself absorbin% t$e ener%y,
t$us $avin% more T$at last part is important -a&e sure you visualize your o'n
ener%y risin% as you absorb it It $elps a lot
Do I ha+e to be to"hing an ob$et to get its energy?
TNo, you can visualize t$e ob7ectJs ener%y flyin% to you t$rou%$ air, 'ater, even
solid ob7ects, li&e 'alls, etc It still 'or&s
1hat (oes energy look like?
T+ou can visualize ener%y as anyt$in% youJd li&e /ome popular visualizations are
'ater, fire and electricity .e creative
Cood luc& 'it$ your ener%y manipulationI
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Part 0 PsyhokinesisE other Fkinesis
.y Ness
Psyc$o&inesis is any manipulation of p$ysical matter, but in t$is article, it is
referrin% to t$e softenin% of spoons and for&s so t$ey can be bent almost
Please &eep in mind t$at, alt$ou%$ t$is is a fairly easy s&ill to learn, you do need to
learn it +ou probably arenJt %oin% to feel muc$ of a difference, if any, at first T$e
first time I noticed a difference in t$e utensilJs $ardness 'as my fourt$ day into
practicin%, and I $ad practiced for about an $our and a $alf eac$ day +ou may %et it
in less time, or you may need more Just stay calm and focus as $ard as you can
+ouJll %et it eventually
/tart by %ettin% a metal spoon or for& /tainless steel utensils are usually t$e best
to use, but you donJt $ave to use one If you are curious about your utensil of
c$oice, loo& on t$e bac& of t$e $andle It 'ill say Q/TAIN>4// /T44>Q if it is
Cet comfortable, rela= and clear your mind 8old t$e utensil '$ere you plan to bend
it +ou may $old it $o'ever youJd li&e -ost people 'ill tell you to $old it bet'een
your inde= fin%er and t$umb, but you donJt $ave to do t$is 8old it t$e 'ay t$at is
most comfortable for you
Hnce youJre $oldin% t$e utensil, try to feel a connection to it Psyc$o&inesis, in my
e=periences, is easier '$en t$ere is a connection to t$e ob7ect bein% bent To form
a connection, try sendin% ener%y t$rou%$ t$e utensil, t$us mi=in% its ener%y 'it$
your o'n T$e utensil s$ould be%in to feel as if it is a part of you
After you $ave made some &ind of connection 'it$ t$e utensil, '$ile still $oldin% it,
stare at t$e point you 'ant to soften and be%in sendin% ener%y to it )isualize t$e
ener%y %oin% into t$e utensil, softenin% it For t$is, I visualize t$e cells of t$e utensil
as bein% very solid and $avin% a very stron%, clear outline, but as I add more and
more ener%y to t$em, t$ey become softer and t$eir outlines fade As a fe' cells
become soft, t$e ener%y spreads to more and more cells, ma&in% t$em soft as 'ell
Continue t$is until t$e entire section of t$e utensil $as been visualized to be soft,
t$en try to bend it T$is 'or&s pretty 'ell for me, but it may not for you If t$is
doesnJt 'or& very 'ell for you, I $ave t'o ot$er visualizations t$at I use
-y second visualization uses a QcloudQ of ener%y to soften t$e utensil 8old t$e
utensil 'it$ bot$ $ands and send as muc$ ener%y as you can to'ard t$e utensil
Notice t$at I said Qto'ardQ, not QintoQ I say Qto'ardQ because, instead of sendin%
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t$e ener%y into t$e utensil, ma&e a cloud of ener%y around it T$en focus on t$e
ener%y softenin% anyt$in% 'it$in it As t$e ener%y softens t$e utensil, visualize it
bein% absorbed by t$e utensil Constantly add more and more ener%y to t$e cloud
T$is met$od also 'or&s 'ell for me If it doesnJt 'or& for you, you can try t$e ne=t
8old t$e utensil as if you 'ere %oin% to bend it 'it$ brute force )isualize yourself
easily bendin% t$e utensil t$e e=act same 'ay you plan to p$ysically )isualize
yourself easily bendin% it, t$en easily bendin% it bac& 6epeat t$is until you feel as if
t$e utensil is ready to bend, t$en try to bend it As you bend it p$ysically, visualize
yourself bendin% it one more time It s$ould be easier to bend
If none of t$ese met$ods 'or& for you, or if you 7ust donJt li&e t$em for some
reason, come up 'it$ a visualization of your o'n +ou donJt $ave to use someone
elseJs met$ods if you donJt 'ant to Also remember to put a %ood amount of ener%y
into t$e ob7ect youJre bendin% Psyc$o&inesis seems to 'or& better '$en t$ere is
more ener%y involved
T$atJs about it for t$is article Cood luc&I
Psyhokinesis ,6=
.y Ness
>ow (o I get so!e "tensils to pratie?
T?ollar Ceneral, *alN-art and many ot$er stores sell individual pac&s of spoons
and for&s .e sure to c$ec& $o' $ard t$e utensils are before you buy t$em *$ere I
live, t$e *alN-art utensils are )46+ soft, '$ic$ isnJt very %ood for me, since I need
more of a c$allen%e If youJd li&e to start 'it$ softer utensils, t$en %o ri%$t a$ead
ItJs up to you
1hat (o I nee(? 8poons? ,orks? 8o!ething else?
T*ell, if you 'ant to be classic, %o a$ead and %et some spoons 8onestly, I love
bendin% spoons It feels so clic$eJ and t$at ma&es it very fun for me If you 'ant t$e
best deal, $o'ever, I recommend for&s +ou can bend a for&Js $andle, t$en eac$ of
its four pron%s +ou can only bend a spoonJs $andle Eunless youJre very, very %ood
and can bend t$e bo'l of t$e spoon, '$ic$ not many people can Etry, itJs $ardFF
Do yo" ha+e to get into a +ery relaBe( state before yo" try it?
T+ou donJt $ave to, but it 'ill probably $elp ItJs muc$ easier to concentrate on
somet$in% '$en youJre rela=ed
Does the !etal get hot?
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TNo, it doesnJt It simply %ets softer *$en you actually bend it, t$e metal may %et
a little 'armer, but t$at is only from friction, not psyc$o&inesis
>ow (o yo" get the "tensil to feel like it?s a part of yo"?
TI send my ener%y t$rou%$ it and visualize itJs ener%y mi=in% 'it$ mine 4ventually,
I 'ould feel a connection 'it$ it
Does it !atter if the "tensil is s!allDthinDweak or not?
T*ell, t$e c$eaper and 'ea&er t$e utensil is, t$e easier it 'ill be to bend +ou may
'ant to try a fe' 'ea& ones at first and t$en move onto stron%er ones '$en you
%et better, but it really doesnJt matter
5y "ntensil broke' Does that happen a lot?
TIf t$e utensil bro&e, you 'ere usin% more p$ysical force t$an psyc$o&inesis
Concentrate $arder ne=t time, and ta&e your time to soften t$e utensil as muc$ as
you can 6emember, t$e more ener%y you use, t$e softer t$e utensil s$ould %et
Can psyhokinesis soften other things? Plasti# woo(# et'?
TIJm not sure, but IJve $eard a fe' stories t$at su%%est t$at it is possible
4=periment /ee if you can %et any results If you do, let me &no' IJll c$an%e t$is
8o I $"st nee( to onentrate on the "tensil?
TNo, you need to concentrate on t$e utensil %ettin% /HFT46
Is it s"ppose( to get har( again?
T+es T$e psyc$o&inesis s$ould 'ear off in a little '$ile and t$e utensil s$ould %o
bac& to t$e 'ay it 'as If you bent t$e utensil, it s$ould be $arder t$an it 'as before
because '$en metal is bent out of s$ape, t$e cells are dama%ed and become
$arder t$an t$ey 'ere before
8itting in a @"iet plae? 1o"l( that help?
TIf it $elps you concentrate, t$en yes 8onestly, I prefer music playin% ?o '$atever
ma&es concentratin% easier for you
I?! hol(ing !y spoon# now what? I rea( yo"r artile b"t it (oesn?t work for
T-a&e sure youJre puttin% as muc$ effort into t$is as you can C$ances are youJre
not %oin% to %et it ri%$t a'ay Try eac$ met$od a fe' times before %ivin% up t$at
met$od If you $ave a better idea for a met$od, try it T$ereJs no definite 'ay to do
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8o sen( energy to !y han(s like I wo"l( for a psiball?
TT$atJs t$e first step From t$ere, send t$e ener%y into t$e utensil and pro%ram it
to soften t$e utensil
Can I (o this by $"st feeling heat in !y han(s an( trying to !ake the
feeling stronger?
T+ou donJt use $eat to to soften t$e utensil, but visualizin% $eat softenin% t$e
utensil s$ould 'or& +ou donJt actually use $eat, but usin% it as a visualization
s$ould 'or& Try it and see if it 'or&s for you
Do I nee( to lose !y eyes?
TNo, you donJt $ave to, but if it $elps you, t$en by all means close t$em
8o how long (oes a((ing energy to the "tensil take?
TIt depends on $o' 'ell you can control t$e ener%y, but t$e more time you ta&e,
t$en more ener%y you 'ill $ave added and t$e softer t$e utensil s$ould %et
1here (oes the energy o!e fro! when I soften the "tensil?
TItJs up to you It can be your ener%y, or it can be %at$ered from anot$er source
+ou can even use multiple sources if youJd li&e
I o"l(n?t (o it' I felt a onnetion to it an( then trie( to ben( it b"t it was
as har( as before'
TAdd more ener%y to t$e utensil and concentrate more on t$e utensil softenin%
Also remember t$at youJll probably need to practice for a little bit before you notice
any pro%ress
Can yo" soften a "tensil eno"gh to pokeDstab so!ething thro"gh it?
T8onestly, I donJt &no' for sure, but I 'ould say no No utensil t$at IJve ever bent
'as soft on t$e surface li&e t$at T$e utensil simply bent easily '$en I applied a
little bit of force
Cood luc& 'it$ your psyc$o&inesisI
.y Ness
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Tele&inesis is not$in% more t$an movin% somet$in%, ot$er t$an yourself, 'it$ your
mind ItJs a $ard t$in% to fi%ure out at first, but after you find somet$in% called a
Qtri%%erQ, it %ets a lot easier
First of all, youJre %oin% to be movin% somet$in% 'it$ your mind T$atJs pretty $ard
to do Ima%ine t$e amount of force needed to roll a pencil No' ima%ine your -IN?
tryin% to meet t$at reMuirement /eems impossible, doesnJt itG *ell, youJre
probably not %oin% to see any pro%ress for at least a fe' days, but eac$ time you
practice, you %et a little stron%er, and eventually, youJll be able to move t$e ob7ect
No', in t$is article, I 'ill be usin% a psi'$eel A psi'$eel is a sMuare piece of paper
folded so t$at it 'ill balance and spin on t$e tip of somet$in%, suc$ as a tac& T$is is
very %ood to practice tele&inesis 'it$ because t$ere is so little friction bet'een t$e
psi'$eel and tac& 8o'ever, due to t$e lac& of friction, youJll $ave to be very
careful not to move it by accident, suc$ as by breat$in% on it, movin% too fast, etc
All you need to ma&e a psi'$eel is a sMuare piece of paper: preferably a small piece
if youJre a be%inner If you donJt &no' $o' to ma&e a psi'$eel, t$ere is a %uide in
t$e Pictures section
After youJve made t$e psi'$eel, %et somet$in% 'it$ a small point, suc$ as a tac&,
nail, etc, and set it on a flat surface 'it$ t$e point stic&in% up Place t$e center of
t$e psi'$eel on t$e point of t$e ob7ect you c$ose, and let %o of it to ma&e sure itJs
on t$ere Hnce youJre sure itJs balanced, you can continue
T$is is '$ere t$in%s %et a little tric&y Clear your mind and rela= /tare at one
corner of t$e psi'$eel, and try to actually F44> yourself nud%in% t$e psi'$eel in t$e
direction you 'ant it to %o Feel yourself pus$in% it as $ard as you can '$ile stayin%
rela=ed and &eepin% a clear mind *$ile doin% t$is, pay attention to any sort of
QconnectionQ you may feel bet'een yourself and t$e psi'$eel A lot of people use
t$is connection to move t$e ob7ect t$eyJre focusin% on
If you continue to focus on t$e psi'$eel 'it$ t$e above met$od for a '$ile but donJt
feel any sort of connection to t$e psi'$eel, t$e above met$od may not be for you
Clear your mind and rela= a%ain /tare at one point of t$e psi'$eel a%ain, but as
you stare, visualize your ener%y movin% from you to t$e corner of t$e psi'$eel
youJre focusin% on Hnce t$e ener%y %ets to t$e corner of t$e psi'$eel, visualize it
becomin% an arro' and runnin% into t$e psi'$eel -aintain t$e idea t$at t$e arro'
is made of your po'er, and it is tryin% to pus$ t$e psi'$eel
+ou s$ould be able to see at least /H-4 pro%ress 'it$ one of t$e above met$ods,
but c$ances are t$at youJll need to find your o'n Qtri%%erQ A tri%%er is simply '$at
turns your tele&inesis on and off For e=ample, t$e arro' met$od above is my
tri%%er All I need to do is visualize t$e arro' and t$e psi'$eel be%ins to move
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To find your tri%%er, youJre %oin% to $ave to e=periment Try pointin% your fin%ers in
t$e direction you 'ant t$e psi'$eel to move, or try visualizin% your ener%y s$ootin%
from your $ands and $ittin% t$e psi'$eel, t$us pus$in% it Just fool around until you
find a met$od t$at 'or&s 'ell for you
After you find a tri%%er, '$atever it may be, it %ets a lot easier No' all you $ave to
do is practice Continue to use your tri%%er every day, if possible, and continue to
%et better at movin% t$e psi'$eel Hnce you can move t$e psi'$eel 'it$ almost no
effort, try puttin% it under a %lass and movin% it If you %et tired of t$e psi'$eel all
to%et$er, try rollin% a soda can, or somet$in% T$e possibilities are almost endless
T$atJs basically it, but IJd li&e to ma&e one last, -AJH6>+ I-PH6TANT point It is:
even if t$e ob7ect doesnJt move, youJre still buildin% s&ill T$is is incredibly
important to remember For e=ample, '$en I 'as be%innin% in tele&inesis, I %ot
pretty %ood at ma&in% t$e psi'$eel move, so I put it under a %lass and t$en tried to
move it It didnJt move, and I 'as discoura%ed 4ven t$ou%$ it didnJt move, t$ou%$,
I 'as still %ettin% a little bit better, and after some practice, I could ma&e it t'itc$
under t$e %lass
T$e point is: &eep in mind t$at you A64 %ettin% better, even if you donJt see results
ri%$t a'ay *it$ practice, t$ose results 'ill come
And t$atJs it Cood luc&, everyoneI
):T9 ,;:5 9DIT:;< >i# I! 6- Athe one who o!pile( this artile
togetherC' 6nother way I fo"n( "sef"l when pratiing Telekinesis# is to
get a string Alike threa(C an( tie it to a key' >ol( the en( of the string
with yo"r one han(# an( let the key (angle on the en( of the rope' 5ake
s"re yo" keep yo"r ar! an( the string still Athis an be (one by resting
yo"r elbow st"r(y on a tableC# an( try to get the key to swing' Chanes
are# sine yo" are to"hing the string still# yo" will ha+e better l"k
!o+ing it with yo"r !in(' Try to !ake the key swing bak an( forth# than
si(e to si(eE try to !ake it swing in a irle# then !ake it swing the other
way' :ne yo" think yo" are rea(y# yo" an let go of the string an( ha+e
it hang fro! a nail or so!ethingE $"st !ake s"re yo" are neBt to it'
9+ent"ally# !o+e farther an( farther away fro! the string "ntil yo" are on
the other si(e of the roo! an( yo" an still !o+e it'
.y Joe
Coolin% 'aterI
In t$e follo'in% steps, I s$all teac$ you $o' to cool 'ater
" Cet a %lass of 'ater to be%in I su%%est a clear %lass
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! Put t$e %lass in front of you
3 /tare at t$e %lass of 'ater for some time, t$en close your eyes
( )isualize t$e ima%e of t$e %lasss and t$e 'ater t$at you 'ere 7ust seein%
5 )isualize t$e 'ater %ettin% colder and becomin% more li&e ice +ou can also
visualize ice cubes in t$e 'ater or send your ener%y into t$e 'ater 'it$ t$e
intention of freezin% t$e 'ater
0 Try to feel t$e coldness comin% off t$e 'ater, t$rou%$ t$e %lass
9 Practice t$is met$od as muc$ as youJd li&e
H$, and I t$in& you 'ould 'ant to drin& t$e 'ater
.y UP*arrior3
A Psyc$o&ineticJs Cuide to 4lectro&inesis
.ac&%round Information: *$en I initially started tryin% out 4lectro&inesis, I came
across many different places t$at all offered $elpV but t$e information 'as
repetitive ?onJt %et me 'ron%, t$e information 'as of $elp, but only minimal $elp,
and it seemed to me t$at not muc$ is or 'as &no'n about t$is specific
psyc$o&inetic application /o, I decided to delve into met$ods of my o'n Hver a
period of 'ee&s and mont$s and t$rou%$ t$e process of trial and error, I mana%ed
to compile all my notes into t$is $andy, dandy %uide to electro&inesis I $ope you
find t$is %uide useful
I *$at is 4lectro&inesisG
4lectro&inesis is t$ou%$t of as t$e psyc$o&inetic ability to manipulate electricity or
t$e flo' of electrons /ome people t$in& t$at t$is is none=istent and QfluffyQ, but I
donJt 4lectro&inesis isnJt at all difficult to %et do'n ItJs pro%ressin% t$at posses an
issue to most people, but t$at can be done as 'ell Hne %ood t$in% about
electro&inesis is t$at it relates closely 'it$ ener%y 'or&in% /o if youBre a psionic
ener%y 'or&er, youJll find t$at youJre doin% t$e e=act same t$in%, only applyin% it to
a different s&ill
II Types of 4lectro&inesis and .ranc$es
T$ere are t'o main branc$es of 4lectro&inesis E4PF T$e t'o branc$es are internal
4P and e=ternal 4P *it$ internal, you focus only on yourself and t$e electricity you
%enerate *it$ e=ternal, you focus on everyt$in% besides yourself -ost li&ely,
Qeveryt$in% elseQ 'ould be electronic devices suc$ as televisions, radios,
calculators, etc, etc As lon% as you practice eit$er one, t$an youBre considered Eat
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least by meF to be an electro&inetic Practicin% bot$ branc$es is a %ood t$in% to
consider, but I recommend startin% 'it$ internal
III Internal 4lectro&inesis
T$ere are many uses for c$ar%in%, but t$e main reason is to $ave e=cess electrons
to deal 'it$ /o 'it$ c$ar%in%, you store e=cess electrons needed for electro&inesis
Hne t$in% to remember is t$at 'it$out e=cess electrons '$en 'or&in% 'it$ internal
4P, you 'onJt %et any'$ere All you 'ill be doin% is puttin% a strain on your mind
and body, '$ic$ isnJt a %ood t$in%
T$ere is no ri%$t or 'ron% 'ay to c$ar%e because different met$ods %ive different
results to different people IJll present a basic met$od of c$ar%in% >ater on, you can
build off of it and create your o'n tec$niMue No', 4P c$ar%in% is very similar to psiN
ener%y c$ar%in% If you can do psiNener%y c$ar%in% t$en most li&ely you 'onJt $ave
difficulties doin% 4P c$ar%in% No', '$en you c$ar%e for 4P, be%in 'it$ a basic psiN
ener%y c$ar%e and t$en completely and utterly i%nore t$e ma%netic part of t$e
c$ar%e -eanin%, youJll only focus on t$e tin%lin% No', t$at tin%lin% t$at you feel
'ill t$en become t$e representation of electrons As you continue c$ar%in%, 'it$
your focus only directed to t$e electrons, ma&e t$e c$ar%e become more dynamic
and e=cited As you c$ar%e and let t$e electrons out of your body, if youJre a
be%inner, &eep t$em close to you 6emember to stay in control of your c$ar%e
*$ile youJre c$ar%in% t$ose electrons outside of your body, $ave t$e c$ar%e
become more dense and $eavy and even more dynamic Try to visualize t$e
electrons 7umpin% around you Try ima%inin% t$e sound of electricity '$ile you do
t$is as 'ell .y doin% t$is, youJve c$ar%ed yourself
T$ere are no real reasons for spar&in% t$an to $ave fun *it$ spar&in%, you could
s$oc& people and s$oc& yourself T$ere could possibly be practical uses for
spar&in%, suc$ as usin% spar&in% for a QlampQ, so to spea& T$atJs about all I can
t$in& of for no'V ot$er t$an t$at, itJll all be for fun
A%ain, li&e c$ar%in%, t$ere is no ri%$t or 'ron% 'ay to spar& Hne met$od t$at I
su%%est, t$ou%$, 'ould be to start %roupin% t$e electrons As you %roup t$em, $ave
t$em become e=cited and 7umpy -a&e t$em $ave more collisions 'it$ eac$ ot$er
and ma&e t$e collisions more freMuent It also $elps to t$in& about electricity
spar&in% and poppin% and to ima%ine $earin% t$e sounds and feelin% t$e spar&s as
t$ey pop Hf all t$e internal 4P s&ills to learn, IJd say t$at spar&in% is t$e most
difficult for most people Alt$ou%$ it is directly related to c$ar%in%, it 7ust seems to
be $ard to pro%ress in it It ta&es a lot of ener%y
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T$ere are unlimited uses for creatin% and maintainin% electrical currents Hne use
Et$atJs not$in% more t$an flas$yF is to ma%netize pieces of metal A fe' ot$er uses
are turnin% electrical devices onLoff, creatin% ma%netic fields, etc
T$ere are only a fe' ma7or t$in%s to consider before you start ma&in% currents To
ma&e a current, youJd first $ave to $ave e=cess electrical ener%y in your
bodyLsystem Anot$er t$in% to consider is t$at a current is a flo' of electrons from
point A to point . If you 'ant your currents to be stron%, youJll $ave to ma&e t$em
stable /o to ma&e a current, 7ust simply c$ar%e up 'it$ 4P and t$en send electrons
in a uniform 'ay from point A to point . )isualize and feel t$em movin% Muic&ly If
you 'ant, you can visualize bolts of electricity travelin% from point A to point ., but
donJt visualize it as a '$ole bolt )isualize it as bolt comprised of millions of
compacted electrons, all $eadin% in t$e same direction
A 'ay to test t$is is to %et t'o metallic ob7ects Epreferably small nails andLor paper
clipsF and c$ar%e t$em up 'it$ 4P T$en, after youJve c$ar%ed t$em, put t$em
to%et$er and cause all t$e electrons to Muic&ly flo' from one end of t$e connected
metallic ob7ects, t$rou%$ t$e point of connection E'$ere t$ey ob7ects are touc$in%F
and t$en to t$e ot$er end T$en repeat t$is, e=cept send t$e electrons in t$e ot$er
direction t$is time After a '$ile, slo'ly and %ently try to pull t$e metallic ob7ects
apart Can you feel any ma%netismG
I) 4=ternal 4lectro&inesis
4=ternal electro&inesis Eor 4=ternal 4PF is electro&inesis dealin% 'it$ t$in%s around
you t$at carry electrical currents T$ose t$in%s 'ould be t$in%s suc$ as electronic
devices, and ot$er people and life forms 4=ternal 4P can be used to turn electronic
devices on or off as 'ell as a fe' ot$er t$in%s Hne ot$er e=ample is ma&in% an
electronic device do somet$in% Ema&in% a television c$an%e c$annels, for instanceF
No' it is time for t$e tec$niMues
T$ere are different 'ays to produce e=ternal 4P effects Hne 'ay is to find a lo'
volta%e device and %et t$e feelin% of t$e flo' of electrons in t$e device, t$en brea&
or scatter t$e current Anot$er met$od 'ould be to pro7ect ener%y into t$e device,
and t$en scatter t$e electrons Hne t$in% to remember 'it$ e=ternal 4P is t$at t$e
effect 'ill not remain unless you sustain it /o, if you 'ant to maintain t$at e=ternal
4P effect, maintain focus on your %oal
T$at is it for a Psyc$o&ineticJs Cuide to 4lectro&inesis I $ope you en7oyed it, en7oy
practicin% it and en7oy usin% it No' %o out and $ave fun 'it$ your ne'ly acMuired
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Pyrokinesis I G II
.y c0verst0ry
9DIT:;8 ):T9< Please rea( the 9)TI;9 thing# paying lose attention to
part II before atte!pting Pyrokinesis'
Pyro&inesis is t$e ability to control fire T$is is an advanced s&ill, and can be
dan%erous to ot$ers around you if you donJt $ave control over it T$e &ey to
Pyro&inesis is focusin% on '$at you 'ant t$e fire to do, and 'illin% it to $appen
8ere I $ave listed a fe' 'ays to develop and increase you pyro&inesis s&ills
T$e best 'ay to develop and train your Pyro&inesis s&ills is a tec$niMue called t$e
Qdancin% flameQ Cet in a rela=ed position, and %rab a matc$ >i%$t t$e matc$ and
focus on t$e flame Create a QtunnelQ bet'een you and t$e flame )isualize t$e
flame movin%, or reactin% to your movements Concentrate on t$e flameBs
movement No', move your $and in a direction T$e flame s$ould move a'ay from
your $and Cet used to movin% t$e flame a'ay from your $and Practice and
continue concentratin%, but try not to concentrate too $ard or become frustrated
After you are @%oodA at ma&in% t$e flame move a'ay from your $and, try to simply
move it 'it$out movin% your $and +ou may %et varied results, suc$ as t$e flame
7umpin% to'ard you, %ro'in% $otterLlar%er, or movin% a'ay from you Just
concentrate and visualize t$e flame doin% '$atever movement youBre %oin% for
*it$ enou%$ practice, concentration, and belief in yourself, you s$ould be ma&in%
t$e flame @danceA in a sufficient manner T$e ne=t step is puttin% out t$e flame
)isualize t$e flame slo'ly dimmin%, flic&erin%, and finally, %oin% out +ou must be
focusin% only on t$e flame *it$ enou%$ 'ill po'er and $ard concentration, t$e
flame 'ill %o out Puttin% a flame out is NHT t$e easiest part of Pyro&inesis: itJs
more li&e an intermediate step
Cettin% used to t$e $eat and not 7umpin% a'ay from t$e flame '$en it %ets too
close is t$e easiest part of Pyro&inesis Alt$ou%$ t$is step isnBt a necessity, it is a
%ood idea to $elp you not brea& concentration from a simple burn -a&in% t$e flame
reli%$t is t$e $ardest part
Hnce you can ma&e t$e flame %o out, focus on t$e flame reli%$tin%, concentratin%
t$e same 'ay you did before, only tryin% for t$e opposite effect After a fe' 'ee&s
of doin% t$is, you 'ill notice t$at once t$e flame is out, youJre able to see t$e ember
start to turn red a%ain, as if it 'anted to reli%$t Hnce a%ain, '$en you $ave
practiced enou%$, it 'ill reli%$t
9DIT:; ):T9< pt II begins here
Pyro&inesis To many t$is term simply means controllin% and producin% fire by
psionic means T$ereBs more to it t$an t$at, t$ou%$ .efore you can understand
e=actly '$at pyro&inesis is, you s$ould &no' '$at t$e 'ord means It comes from
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t$e Cree& 'ords Pyr, meanin% $eat or flame, and &inetics, meanin% mec$anics /o,
pyro&inesis is t$e mec$anics, or t$e movement, of $eat /o, in t$is article, I 'ill
e=plain pyro&inesis as it is compared to t$e manipulation of $eat, not 7ust fire
+ou $ave to understand e=actly '$at $eat is to be able to manipulate it If you
$avenBt ta&en a $i%$ sc$ool C$emistry or P$ysics course, t$en you may not &no'
$o' t$in%s %ain $eat 4veryt$in% is made of billions or trillions of beyond
microscopic atomic particles 4ven in materials t$at are completely solid, t$ese
particles are in constant motion T$is motion is '$at creates $eat T$e more e=cited
t$e particles are, t$e more t$ey move, collide, and bounce around, and t$en t$e
more $eat t$ey produce No' t$at you understand t$at, youBre ready to be%in
pyro&inesis +ou may need to buy a t$ermometer at some point, but you s$ouldnBt
need it ri%$t a'ay
After you complete any preNe=ercise 'armNups, you 7ust need to sit do'n in a Muiet
place Ta&e a fe' deep breat$s and ma&e sure you are rela=ed +ou need to c$oose
an ob7ect to $eat up It can be anyt$in%, suc$ as a pencil, a candle, a piece of %lass,
yourself, or a piece of paperEt$ou%$ I 'ould advise not to use somet$in% so
flammable, but itBs your decisionF Any surface t$at you can $eat sufficiently and
t$en touc$ to feel t$e c$an%e 'ill 'or& Hnce you $ave your surface, c$oose a small
area no bi%%er t$an t$e tip of your inde= fin%er Touc$ t$is spot and %et a sense for
its temperature, 7ust ma&in% a mental note of $o' $ot it is before you be%in No',
focus all your concentration on t$e spot )isualize t$e countless particles ma&in% up
t$at one spot /ee $o' t$ey move T$e colder your spot 'as, t$e less active t$e
particles 'ere To increase t$e $eat, concentrate on t$e particles becomin% more
e=cited )isualize t$em 7umpin% around, collidin% 'it$ eac$ ot$er As t$ey continue
to move faster and %ro' more e=cited, concentrate on t$e spot t$at you felt slo'ly
increasin% in temperature Continue to visualize t$e particles %ainin% motion and
t$e temperature of your spot increasin% After several minutes of t$is, touc$ your
spot a%ain If t$is is your first attempt, you may not feel any c$an%e in t$e spot
After continuous practice and $ard 'or& t$ou%$, you s$ould be%in to feel a c$an%e
in t$e temperature of your spot As you %ain e=perience, try to %et your spot $otter
every time or even spread out t$e spot so t$at you are $eatin% a lar%er area
Hnce you are confident in your $eat manipulatin% capabilities and you $ave
successfully $eated a spot at least t'o inc$es in diameter, t$en you 'ill need to %et
your $ands on one of t$e simple @$eat stripA t$ermometers t$at you $old a%ainst
your fore$ead Also, to fore'arn you, in t$is e=ercise youBll be $eatin% yourself +ou
'ill be not only visualizin% t$e $eat and e=citement t$is time, but you 'ill feel itEif
you si%nificantly increase t$e temperatureF C$oose an area on your body t$atBs
t'ice t$e size of t$e t$ermometer strip +our body temperature s$ould be
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some'$ere bet'een 1,5 and 1,9 at any %iven time Eunless youBre sic&F, but if it
ma&es you feel better, %o on and c$ec& t$e temperature of your s&in before $eatin%
it Hnce youBve confirmed t$at you $ave t$e natural body temperature of your
species, be%in t$e $eatin% process on your s&in Peepin% t$e t$ermometer strip on
your selected area Etry not to loo& at it '$ile youWre $eatin% your area no matter
$o' temptin% it isF, visualize your s&in cells No', %o deeper t$an t$at and see
everyt$in% inside Co deeper and see all t$e particles t$at ma&e up you )isualize
t$em s'irlin% and spinnin% in e=citement As you concentrate on t$e usual $eatin%
met$od, feel t$e 'armt$ be%in to spread in t$at area As you concentrate on t$e
particles becomin% stimulated, continue to feel t$e $eat build up on you After you
can feel a c$an%e in t$e temperature of your area, c$ec& t$e t$ermometer to see
$o' 'ell you did
No', t$is is t$e part t$at most people 'ant to do ri%$t from t$e start To be $onest,
I started 'it$ manipulatin% a flame rat$er t$an $eat, but t$e t$in% is t$at I could not
e=plain $o' I made t$e flame move to and fro or $o' it %ot lar%er '$en I did
not$in% but stare at it and concentrate on it %ro'in% I $ad to personally learn t$e
above met$od of controllin% $eat before I 'as able to 'rite an understandable
article on pyro&inesis No', t$atBs different To simply manipulate a flame, youBll
first need a flame T$e best c$oice 'ould be to li%$t a candle +ou may also 'ant to
put somet$in% on your face, li&e a clot$ or a sur%ical mas&, to prevent yourself from
breat$in% on your flame Hnce you $ave t$e flame %oin%, 7ust sit and 'atc$ it for a
'$ile As you 'atc$ it, visualize all t$ose particles t$at are 7ust %oin% crazy inside of
it, movin% so Muic&ly t$at t$ey create a mesmerizin% oran%e, blue and yello' li%$t
seemin%ly out of not$in% 8old your $and close to it to feel its $eat and t$e 'ay it
moves T$is flame is 7ust as alive as you It breat$es t$e same o=y%en and produces
CH! 7ust t$e same, and t$at is close enou%$ It can $arm and consume, so be
careful T$ere are several 'ays to proceed from t$is point +ou may 'is$ to $old
your $and t$ere simply for aid in your visualization At t$e same time, you could
$old your $and near t$e flame and c$annel a small amount of ener%y from your
$and to t$e flame to ma&e a connection +ou could even ma&e a small psi ball
around t$e flame, or 7ust put your $and do'n Personally, I 7ust &eep my $and in
place to aid 'it$ t$e visualization, but feel free to c$oose your o'n met$od No',
&eep in mind t$e super e=cited particles concentrate on t$e fire If you c$ose to
&eep your $and in place, feel t$e $eat from t$e flame )isualize t$e particles
movin% li&e a 'ave t$rou%$ t$e air in any direction t$at you 'is$, eac$ particle
movin% individually and pullin% at all t$ose be$ind it as 'ell At t$e same time,
concentrate on t$e entire flame movin% .e sure to move your $and as 'ell because
ifEIF you are successful at movin% t$e flame, you could easily burn yourself
Continue practicin% t$is same tec$niMue, movin% t$e flame $o'ever you 'ant I
'is$ t$at I could be more specific on t$is sub7ect, but from my o'n e=perience IBve
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discovered t$at controllin% t$e flame only becomes easier 'it$ practice and %ood
visualization as 'ell as concentration
T$atBs all t$ere is to t$is article IBm sorry if it 'as not $elpful If t$atBs t$e case,
please let me &no' And to anyone '$o $ad t$e misfortune of readin% t$e ori%inal
pyro&inesis article, I apolo%ize for its lac& of detail Please remember t$at t$is is fire
youBre dealin% 'it$ If you reac$ t$e point '$ere you can i%nite t$in%s easily, you
must be careful I cannot stress t$at enou%$ >i&e I said above, fire breat$es and
can consume 7ust about anyt$in%
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Part & Pereption
9DIT:;8 ):T9< Please be aware# that if yo" pratie Telepathy an(
9!pathy eno"gh# they will start working on their own Aall the ti!eC an(
yo" will start piking "p peoples tho"ghts a"to!atially' If this
happene(# reate a shiel( an( progra! it to blok other peoples tho"ghts
fro! o!ing to yo"' 6lso# 6"ri 8ight !ay start working a"to!atially
too# b"t this isnt too !"h of a proble!'
.y Ness
T$is article differs from t$e ot$er articles in one ma7or 'ay: for t$e e=ercise belo',
you 'ill need a partner +our partner s$ould be someone '$o is interested in
learnin% telepat$y and 'ill put effort into t$e follo'in% e=ercise >ac& of s&ill is
alri%$t if youJre a be%inner, but lac& of s&ill and effort 'ill 7ust result in failure
In t$is e=ercise, you 'ill be sendin% and receivin% a number T$e number 'ill be a
number ran%in% any'$ere from one to nine I donJt believe zero s$ould be included
for t$is reason: if t$e t$ou%$t is not 'ellNsent or 'ellNreceived, or bot$, a zero could
resemble an ei%$t, or viceNversa
/it do'n 'it$ your partner, preferably facin% eac$ ot$er .efore you can %o any
fart$er, you 'ill need to determine '$o 'ill be t$e QsenderQ and '$o 'ill be t$e
QreceiverQ T$e names e=plain it all: t$e sender 'ill attempt to send t$e t$ou%$t,
and t$e receiver 'ill attempt to receive t$e t$ou%$t Hnce you $ave t$at fi%ured
out, you can continue
.ot$ you and your partner close your eyes and clear your minds )isualize a
connectin% structure reac$in% from your fore$ead to your partnerJs fore$ead T$e
structure can be anyt$in%, but common e=amples are cables and small
tunnelsLtubes Continue to visualize t$e cable, in t$is e=ample, and see it %ettin%
stron%er and stron%er as you focus on it more Try to see it from your mindJs point
of vie', as if your mind 'as loo&in% do'n it )isualize t$at you are loo&in% t$rou%$
t$e round openin% of t$e cable and t$at you can see t$e cable run a'ay from you
and into your partnerJs mind Try to ma&e t$e visualization as realistic as possible
*$ile you are visualizin% t$e cable, try to see a sort of Qflo'Q to it T$e direction of
t$e flo' depends on '$ic$ you are: t$e sender or t$e receiver If you are t$e
sender, visualize t$e flo' $eadin% from your fore$ead, t$rou%$ t$e cable, and into
your partnerJs fore$ead If you are t$e receiver, visualize t$e flo' $eadin% from
your partnerJs fore$ead, t$rou%$ t$e cable, and into your fore$ead
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After you feel t$at you $ave a stron% connection establis$ed alon% 'it$ a stron%
flo', '$at you do ne=t depends on, once a%ain, '$ic$ you are: t$e sender or t$e
receiver If you are t$e receiver, simply sit t$ere, t$in&in% of not$in% but t$e cable
and t$e flo' of it into your mind If you are t$e sender, $o'ever, you $ave 'or& to
First of all, of course, you $ave to pic& t$e number t$at you 'ill be sendin%
)isualize it as clearly as you can, and see it sittin% in front of t$e openin% of t$e
cable Hnce you feel t$at youJve visualized t$e number enou%$, visualize t$e cable
suc&in% t$e number in, pullin% it a'ay from you )isualize t$e number %ettin%
pulled by t$e flo' of t$e cable t$rou%$ t$e cable and into your partnerJs mind In
my e=periences, it $elps to repeat t$e visualization several times, but itJs up to you
At t$is point, t$e senderJs 7ob is finis$ed Eassumin% t$ey only sent t$e number
onceF, and t$e receiver no' $as 'or& to do
T$e receiver sits t$ere visualizin% t$e flo' of t$e cable pullin% all t$ou%$ts in t$e
cable to t$e receiverJs mind T$e receiver probably 'onJt &no' '$en t$ey $ave
received t$e number, t$ou%$ In my e=periences, $o'ever, it 'as t$e first number
t$at came to my mind Just to be sure, I created a simple met$od to Qc$ec&Q your
T$e sender 'ill $ave to send t$e number repeatedly until t$e e=ercise is done 4ac$
time t$e receiver receives t$e number, t$ey 'ill clear t$eir mind a%ain, but still
remember t$e number t$at t$ey 7ust received T$e purpose of t$is is to ma&e sure
t$at youJre really receivin% t$e number, and t$at itJs not 7ust your mind ma&in%
t$in%s up If you are t$e receiver, and you receive t$e same number over and over
a%ain, c$ances are t$at you are actually receivin% t$e number successfully
Hnce t$e receiver feels t$at t$ey $ave a stron% idea of '$at t$e number is, t$ey
s$ould open t$eir eyes and as& t$eir partner if t$e number t$ey 'ere seein% 'as in
fact t$e number t$e sender 'as sendin% If so, itJs very possible t$at you performed
telepat$y successfully If t$e number 'as 'ron%, t$ou%$, 7ust try a%ain: t$is does
ta&e a little bit of practice to fi%ure out
Cood luc& on your telepat$yI
.y c0verst0ry
4mpat$y can be described as psionically transferrin% emotions bet'een people Just
as all t$in%s, it can be dan%erous 'it$out control and preparation If you use any
form of s$ield, you may 'ant to lo'er or 'ea&en it before attemptin% empat$y
T$ere are t'o basic types of reception in empat$y: open and closed
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In open empat$y, you open yourself up and simply dra' in t$e emotions of t$ose
around you T$is can be very dan%erous if you are in a lar%e %roup of people and
s$ould only be tried after a %reat deal of practice
Closed empat$y is lin&in% to a sin%le person and ta&in% in t$eir emotions only Also,
you can send emotions to ot$er people usin% similar met$ods
For open reception, you 'ill need to brin% do'n any s$ields t$at you may be usin%
To be%in 'it$, try doin% t$is around a small %roup of people, no more t$an t'o or
t$ree >eave your o'n emotions empty Concentrate on t$e area of c$est over your
$eart )isualize a blac& $ole about t'o inc$es in diameter openin% over your $eart
Ima%ine t$is empty dar&ness actin% 7ust as a real blac& $ole, dra'in% in air around
it No', say to yourself, @I 'onder '$at Jo$n or Jim is feelin%GA Ima%ine pin&
particles of li%$t comin% out of t$e $earts of t$ose around you Allo' t$e blac& $ole
to absorb t$e particles
If done ri%$t, you s$ould be feelin% t$e emotions of t$ose around you If you feel
over'$elmed by t$e emotions, visualize t$e $ole closin% and t$e particles comin%
from t$e $earts of your companions simply ceasin% to be dra'n to you For e=tra
protection, brin% your s$ields bac& up
C>H/4? 64C4PTIHN
Closed reception is less dan%erous in t$e sense t$at you 'ill be dra'in% emotions
from a sin%le person Hbviously, you 'ill need a sin%le partner for t$is met$od +ou
donBt necessarily $ave to brin% do'n your s$ields for t$is met$od, but you may
'ant to 'ea&en t$em a little
Clear your mind: erase your o'n emotions Just as 'it$ open reception, visualize a
blac& $ole openin% over your $eart T$is time, ima%ine a cable comin% out of t$e
$ole, e=tendin% from your $eart to t$e $eart of t$e person you 'ill be dra'in% from
)isualize t$e inside of your cable Personally, I visualize t$e inside of t$is cable as a
lon% tunnel made of metal Alon% t$e 'alls are red trian%les servin% as arro's
pointin% to'ard t$e end of t$e cable '$ere my $eart is Ima%ine a sort of vacuum
effect, dra'in% from your partnerJs end of t$e cable to your end )isualize a pin&
bubble of li%$t comin% out of t$e dar&ness '$ere your partnerBs $eart is *atc$ t$e
bubble ma&e its 'ay alon% t$e cable dra'in% itself into your $eart
*$en t$e bubble enters your $eart, visualize it e=plodin% into a cloud of pin&
particles t$at fill into your $eart and mind If youJvr done it successfully, you s$ould
no' be feelin% e=actly '$at your partner is feelin% C$ec& 'it$ t$em If you no'
feel '$at t$ey feel, t$en you did a %ood 7ob If not, t$en 7ust &eep tryin% 6emember
to practice and al'ays be optimistic
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First off, IBm %oin% to be $onest and tell you t$at IBve successfully sent my emotions
to ot$er people only once T$is section of t$e article is some'$at of a 'or&NinN
pro%ress I apolo%ize for t$at, but please continue
Just as a 'arnin%, you s$ould practice empat$y before even attemptin% to do t$is
No', t$is 'ill 'or& similar to closed reception empat$y +ou 'ill need a sin%le
partner to do t$is I 'ill be e=plainin% t$is as for sendin% $appiness
)isualize a blac& $ole openin% over your $eart Ima%ine a cable e=tendin% from your
$eart to t$e $eart of your partner Personally, I visualize t$e inner 'or&in%s of my
cable for t$is as bein% a dar&, metallic tunnel lined 'it$ red trian%les pointed a'ay
from my $eart to'ard t$e $eart of my partner +ou can visualize your cable to be
anyt$in% you 'is$
No', concentrate on t$in%s or events t$at brin% %reat $appiness /imply t$in& of
t$in%s t$at $ave al'ays made you $appy and concentrate on t$em Hnce you feel
$appy, %rasp t$e emotion and concentrate on it, allo' it to fill you up No',
visualize t$e ra' emotion turnin% into pin& particles of li%$t Cat$er t$e particles at
your $eart
)isualize t$em morp$in% to%et$er into a pin& bubble )isualize an air effect 'it$in
your cable, pus$in% from your $eart to t$e $eart of your partner Pus$ t$e bubble of
emotion into t$e cable Calmly and slo'ly move t$e bubble alon% t$e cable and into
t$e $eart of your partner
Hnce you $ave sent your emotion, disconnect your cable and visualize it retractin%
into your $eart Close t$e $ole over your $eart ?iscuss 'it$ your partner '$at t$ey
felt Try t$is a fe' times in a ro', al'ays sendin% $appiness If every time you
attempt t$e sendin%, your partner becomes $appy, t$en you are successfully
sendin% emotions
I $ope all of t$is $elped I apolo%ize if it 'as va%ue Please remember to continue
practicin% and try not to %et discoura%ed
;e!ote .iewing
.y c0verst0ry
IJm sure you already &no' t$is by no', but remote vie'in% is t$e psionic practice of
seein% t$in%s t$at are usually distant usin% not$in% more t$an your mind IJm 7ust
%oin% to %o strai%$t into e=plainin% $o' to remote vie' somet$in%
To start, simply find a Muiet room +ou can actually perform t$e s&ill any'$ere, but
'$en you first start out, youJre probably %oin% to notice t$at Muiet, rela=in% areas
are a ma7or $elp Hnce youJve found a rela=in% place, be sure t$at t$ere are
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minimal distractions t$at 'ill $inder you Find a really comfortable position >oosen
up and clear your mind +ou donJt $ave to, but I prefer to close my eyes From $ere
on, IJll be e=plainin% $o' to do t$is as if you did close your eyes
8ave you ever noticed $o' you $ave t'o sets of eyelidsG T$e main ones, and t$en
t$e Qsecond setQ t$at closes '$en you $ave your eyes closed and you try to s$ut
your eyes a%ain +ouJll be closin% bot$ of t$ose
*it$ bot$ sets of eyelids closed, concentrate on your tar%et T$e tar%et can be a
random number t$at represents somet$in%, a personJs name, a place, a t$in%, or
even an idea or emotion *$atever your tar%et is, simply concentrate on it and try
to %et a feel for it I usually feel some form of connection to my tar%et after
concentratin% on it +ou may not feel t$is same connection
4it$er 'ay, once youJve concentrated on your tar%et for '$at you feel to be a
reasonable amount of time, open t$at inner set of eyelids '$ile &eepin% your real,
p$ysical eyes closed Hnce t$is is done, continue concentratin% on your tar%et, but
focus your vision on t$e screen of dar&ness created by your eyelids /oon, ima%es
s$ould be%in to appear +ou may see only small balls of color or even faint outlines
of ima%es 4ven so, pay attention to '$at you see 4ven if you t$in& t$at you are
seein% t$e 'ron% t$in%, or 7ust visualizin% somet$in%, pay attention to '$atever it is
t$at you see Just %o 'it$ t$e flo' and pay attention to '$at you see
T$atJs basically it on 8H* to remote vie'
No', letJs tal& about some more t$in%s, suc$ as different 'ays to do t$in%s T$e
first t$in% is t$at you may 'ant to record '$at you vie' I $onestly recommend t$is
I advise for you use one of t$ree 'ays to do t$is
T$e first one is to use pen and paper to 'rite do'n '$at you vie'ed Peep a list of
'$at you 'ere attemptin% to see, t$e date and time, and '$at you actually did see
T$e second met$od 'ould be to record t$e same t$in%, only to do it on t$e
computer usin% a pro%ram li&e Notepad, -icrosoft Hffice *ord, or *or&s *ord
T$e final 'ay 'ill reMuire you to spea& as 'ell as concentrate, so it may be a little
tric&y +ou 'ill use a tape recorder or 7ust a voice recorder to spea& your
information +ou 'ill start by statin% t$e date and time as 'ell as '$at you are
plannin% to vie' before you actually be%in Hnce you be%in, you 'ill e=plain
everyt$in% t$at you see and e=perience Hnce youJre finis$ed, you 'ill described
e=actly '$at you did see in comparison to '$at you 'ere tryin% to see
I almost for%ot, you can al'ays record your information as a post in t$e 6emote
)ie'in% Pro%ress topic on t$e 'ebsiteI
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No', onto 'ays to confirm '$at you sa' If you 'ere tryin% to remote vie'
somet$in% suc$ as 4%ypt or Pluto, IJm sorry to say t$at you probably 'onJt be able
to confirm '$et$er or not you vie'ed t$e correct t$in% 8o'ever, if you vie'ed a
friend, you can al'ays as& t$em if t$ey 'ere doin% somet$in% t$at day t$at you sa'
t$em doin% '$ile you 'ere remote vie'in% Also, you can al'ays 'or& 'it$ t$em
from t$e start 8ave t$at friend %o to a place '$ile you try to remote vie' t$em
Cet to%et$er after'ards and describe '$at you sa' to your friend to see if your
ima%e matc$es t$e place t$at t$ey 'ere
Ne=t is tar%ets +ou can al'ays remote vie' people, places, and t$in%s If you 'ant
a c$allen%e, or are 7ust interested in t$e results, try to remote vie' t$in%s li&e
emotions or ot$er abstract t$in%s For somet$in% else, you can al'ays pic& random
latitude and lon%itude lines to remote vie' If you do t$at, you can c$ec& your
accuracy by loo&in% up on t$e Internet to see '$atJs at t$at point of latitude and
Finally, t$ere are plenty of 'ebsites out t$ere t$at 'ill provide remote vie'in%
tar%ets, but most of t$em %ive lon% number seMuences t$at I personally find $ard to
concentrate on Hne suc$ site is '''6)tar%etscom, if youJre interested
T$atJs all I $ope you learned somet$in% from t$is Practice t$is to fineNtune t$e s&ill
so t$at you can %ain more detail and accuracy 'it$ your vie'in%s Cood luc& and
$ave fun remote vie'in%
6stral Pro$etion
.y Ness
Astral pro7ection occurs '$en your consciousness leaves your body It is also usually
called an out of body e=perience, or HH.4LH.4 /ome people e=perience astral
pro7ection naturally, and itJs no bi% deal, but for t$e rest of us, 'e $ave to 'or& at it
8opefully, t$is article 'ill $elp you 'it$ t$at
.efore 'e be%in, t$ou%$, I $ave a fe' more t$in%s to say Astral pro7ection $as
proven itself to be fairly tric&y -ost people attempt it for mont$s and mont$s
'it$out really %ettin% out of t$e body -any of t$ese people can feel t$emselves
%ettin% close to leavin%, so t$eir $ard 'or& is not completely in vain, and yet, t$ey
$avenJt %otten A>> t$e 'ay out T$is is no bi% deal It seems to be normal to $ave a
bit of a stru%%le 'it$ t$is T$e best advice I can %ive is to practice a lot, at least
once a day, more if you can, and if you ever be%in to %et upset t$at you canJt do it,
7ust stay calm and continue practicin% +ou can and 'ill pro7ect '$en youJre ready
.ecomin% an%ry and tryin% to force it 'onJt $elp you at all
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+ou s$ould also &no' t$at your body doesnJt die '$en you leave, or anyt$in% 'eird
li&e t$at +our body continues to lie t$ere, basically asleep It continues to breat$e,
pump blood, ma&e 'aste, etc, even t$ou%$ youJre not t$ere
+ou also cannot be possessed by somet$in%Lsomeone '$ile astral pro7ectin% *$en
you astral pro7ect, your consciousness is out of your body, but your soul itself is still
t$ere If your soul left your body '$en you astral pro7ected, your body 'ould
probably die +our soul stays in place and you are at no %reater ris& of bein%
possessedLta&en over t$an you are at any ot$er time
Also, you s$ould try to be in a certain mindNset '$en you practice ItJs $ard to
describe, but itJs basically a $alf a'a&eL$alf asleep mode +ou 'ant to be a'a&e
enou%$ so t$at you can lay do'n and not fall asleep immediately, but you also donJt
'ant to be totally 'ired, or else you 'onJt be able to rela= +ou donJt $ave to be li&e
t$is, but in my e=perience, alon% 'it$ several ot$er people, it $elps a lot
*it$ A>> t$at bein% said, 'e can finally be%inI
First of all, you need to be comfortable +ou may sit or lay do'n, '$ic$ever you
prefer, but ma&e sure youJre comfortable -a&e sure t$at you can be completely
rela=ed in your c$osen position, and it ta&es you absolutely no effort +ou also need
to be comfortable in your clot$es If you are not, c$an%e +ou canJt $ave any
distractions '$ile tryin% to astral pro7ect, or youJll probably fail
Hnce youJre completely comfortable, close your eyes and rela= -a&e sure t$at for
t$is, you are A./H>KT4>+, HN4 8KN?64? P46C4NT rela=ed *$en you first sit or
lay do'n, you may feel rela=ed already, but you s$ould do a t$orou%$ c$ec& of your
entire body before continuin% C$ec& eac$ part of your body, even t$e small parts,
suc$ as your fin%ers, toes and especially your face I cannot stress t$e face area
enou%$ 8onestly, I never noticed $o' tense my face 'as *$en I laid do'n to %o to
sleep at ni%$t, I felt completely rela=ed, but once I started practicin% astral
pro7ection and actually paid attention to rela=in% my face, I noticed t$at it $ad been
sli%$tly tensed all alon%
To rela= completely, try fle=in% eac$ body part individually, t$en rela=in% it 6epeat
t$is a fe' times 'it$ eac$ body part, t$en move onto t$e ne=t part 4ventually,
'$en youJre completely done, your entire body s$ould feel sli%$tly numb and
$eavier t$an usual
Hnce youJre completely rela=ed, visualize yourself leavin% your body +ou can
visualize yourself %ently floatin% out of your body, or you can visualize yourself
7er&in% to t$e side and rollin% out of your body +ou can use any visualization t$at
you 'ant, so feel free to e=periment *$ile visualizin% yourself leavin% your body,
you s$ould eventually be%in to enter t$e vibrational sta%e +ou enter t$e vibrational
sta%e '$en youJre on your 'ay out of your body It varies from person to person,
but you 'ill most li&ely feel as if youJre eit$er s$a&in% or s'ayin% +ou may also
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$ear or see t$in%s No matter '$at $appens, remember to stay calm and focused
on leavin% your body If you pay attention to $o' e=citin% t$ese feelin%s are, you
'ill lose focus on leavin% your body and youJll most li&ely $ave to start over from
t$e be%innin% /o, stay focused I%nore anyt$in% you feel, $ear, see, etc /tay one
$undred percent focused on astral pro7ectin%
Hnce you ma&e your 'ay t$rou%$ t$e vibrational sta%e, t$e feelin%s andLor noises
andLor visions s$ould be%in to %ently fade a'ay, and you s$ould be%in to feel as if
youJre actually out of your body In my e=periences, I felt very li%$t and sli%$tly
cooler Continue to focus on astral pro7ectin%, alt$ou%$ no', visualize yourself
leavin% your body completely
.efore 'e continue, I 'ould li&e to ta&e t$is c$ance to 'arn you about t$e poppin%
T$at probably sounds scary, but itJs actually not$in% at all It is NHT dan%erous,
fatal, painful, etc ItJs 7ust an e=tremely loud pop t$at I $eard one time '$en I left
my body I 'as lyin% t$ere, perfectly rela=ed, far into t$e vibrational sta%e, and t$en
t$e vibrations be%an to fade I 'as $appy about %ettin% so far, but I remained
focused on leavin% my body I visualized myself floatin% strai%$t up and out Just as
I felt myself leave my body completely PHPI >i&e a s$ot%un %oin% off in my ear
6i%$t in my ear 6i%$t in my ri%$t ear, actually It didnJt $urt at all, li&e a normal
incredibly loud sound does, but it startled me so badly t$at I actually p$ysically
7umped, and all t$at pro%ress I $ad made t$at ni%$t 'as suddenly %one Needless to
say, I 'as pretty an%ry, so I 7ust rolled over and 'ent to sleep /o, 7ust consider t$is
a 'arnin%: t$ere may be a very loud noise '$en you finally leave your body Just try
your $ardest not to be startled by it I%nore it completely if you can >etJs continue,
Hnce out of t$eir body, some people visualize t$eir eyes openin%, and ot$ers 7ust
'ill t$em to open Ht$ersJ eyes open automatically Hnce youJre out of your body, if
your eyes are still closed, 7ust c$an%e your focus to openin% your eyes T$ey s$ould,
one 'ay or anot$er, open, and you s$ould %et some &ind of vie' -ost people
describe it as bein% very vivid, and, in some cases, a little blurry
/$ortly after %ettin% out and loo&in% around, most people feel as if t$eyJre bein%
pulled bac& into t$eir bodies, and t$ey soon 'a&e up If you %et out and t$en %et
suc&ed ri%$t bac& into your body, donJt be discoura%ed .e $appy 'it$ yourself for
ac$ievin% your %oal, and try a%ain soon
Hnce you can %et out of your body and stay t$ere for a little '$ile, start to focus on
small movements, suc$ as bendin% your arms or le%s, or maybe even 7ust loo&in%
around /tart out small and easy, and 'or& your 'ay up to movin% around t$e
room -ost people describe t$e movement as a QIJll 7ust float over $ere, no'Q &ind
of movement, so ta&e your time learnin% it -a&e sure youJve %ot it do'n
completely before you try to %o out on an adventure of some sort
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*$en youJre finally done astral pro7ectin% and you 'ant to return to your body, you
can try one of several met$ods to return +ou can actually %o bac& to your body, lay
do'n on yourself and visualize yourself sin&in% bac& in, or you could 7ust visualize
yourself bein% suc&ed bac& in from '$erever you are +ou can also 7ust focus on
'a&in% up ItJs up to you
No', if for some stran%e reason, you canJt %et bac& into your body, youJll probably
be%in to panic, and once you become upset enou%$, you s$ould 'a&e up
automatically, as if you 'ere $avin% a bad dream or somet$in% If, by some c$ance,
you are incredibly unluc&y and even panic&in% isnJt enou%$ to ma&e you 'a&e up,
7ust 'ait it out As you astral pro7ect, your p$ysical body is basically asleep, so if
someone &ic&s do'n your door to see '$at youJre doin%, youJll probably stop astral
pro7ectin% and 'a&e up Also, if your body needs to %o to t$e bat$room, t$e ur%e
'ill %et stron%er and stron%er until you finally 'a&e up ?onJt 'orry, t$ou%$: IJve
never $eard of anyone not bein% able to reenter t$eir body +ouJll %et bac& in, one
'ay or anot$er
*$en youJve finally %otten out of your body several times and you can &eep
yourself out for a %ood amount of time, %o $ave fun Co see '$at your friends are
doin% Try flyin% 'ay up into outer space, or divin% 'ay do'n to t$e bottom of t$e
ocean Practice some Psionics '$ile astral pro7ectin% .e creative and $ave funI
*ell, t$ere you $ave it Practice $ard and often, and '$ile practicin%, remember to
stay calm and rela=ed t$e 4NTI64 time ?oin% t$at, you s$ouldnJt $ave too muc$
trouble 'it$ t$is
Cood luc&I
9DIT:;8 ):T9< 6lso# see on how to 6stral Pro$et fro! a H"i( Drea! in
the neBt artile'
H"i( Drea!ing
.y AJ
.asically, t$e 'ay you ac$ieve lucid dreamin%, is '$en you realize you are
dreamin% durin% t$e dream: itJs not as easy as it sounds because you end up
%ettin% a sort of QamnesiaQ '$en you dream Eyou donJt &no' t$at youJre dreamin%F
T$in% is, once you actually realize you are dreamin%, you $ave full memory if youJre
'a&in% life: itJs sort of li&e Q'a&in% upQ inside t$e dream Eif t$at ma&es senseF As
for doin% t$is, t$ere are some 'ays of trainin% yourself to lucid dream
Firstly, you 'ill need to remember your dreams
IJll %ive some tec$niMues on $o' to do t$is:
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Hne of t$e main t$in%s you need to do, is tell yourself Eby QyourselfQ IJm referrin% to
t$e QyourselfQ in c0verst0ryJs article: Communicatin% *it$ +ourselfF T$is is very
.efore you %o to bed, 7ust tell yourself out loud somet$in% li&e: QToni%$t I 'ill be
a'are t$at IJm dreamin%, and I 'ill remember my dreams '$en I a'a&eQ /ay t$is
to yourself about err 50 times Eto $ammer it inF every time you %o to sleep T$is
basically tells your subconscious t$at you 'ant to $ave lucid dreams, and t$at you
'ant to 'a&e up rememberin% t$em
Anot$er t$in% you s$ould do is &eep a Qdream 7ournalQ 8ave it beside your bed, and
'$en you 'a&e up in t$e mornin%, and you remember your dream, 'rite it do'n I
cannot stress $o' important 'ritin% do'n your dreams is: it defiantly $elps you
remember t$em
NHT4: If you donJt remember your dream '$en you 'a&e up, but you remember it
later, %o bac& and 'rite it do'n t$enI
/o, as you start to remember your dreams, it 'ill actually -ATT46 if you $ave lucid
As I said, you 'ill need to realize t$at you are dreamin% '$ile you are dreamin%:
sometimes you 'ill be in t$e dream, and somet$in% 'ill Qclic&Q and you 'ill 7ust
realize, Q8eyI IJm dreamin%IQ T$is $appens to me sometimes Ht$er times it may be
one of your tri%%ers
A tri%%er is somet$in% Ean action, a si%$t, somet$in%F t$at ac$ieves a desired result:
in t$is case, itJs lucid dreamin%
For me, IJve trained myself to Qc$ec& if IJm dreamin%Q EIJll %et to t$atF Anot$er
tri%%er is if I see a deceased relative, t$en IJll realize IJm dreamin%
+ou may discover your o'n tri%%ers, '$ere somet$in% $appens and you 'ill realize
Qt$at canJt $appen, t$is must be a dreamIQ but itJs also %ood to pro%ram a tri%%er It
doesnJt need to be somet$in% really bi%, 7ust somet$in% you 'ill end up doin% in
your dream '$ic$ 'ill remind you t$at you may be dreamin% Et$en your memory
'ill usually restore, and you 'ill $ave a lucid dreamF
Hne t$in% t$at you must do, is Muestion if you are dreamin% all t$e time: even if you
&no' you are not currently dreamin%, as& yourself @Am I dreamin%GA and do some
sort of action after t$at to see if you are dreamin% *$at I do, is loo& do'n at my
'atc$: even if IBm not 'earin% a 'atc$ I still do it, and '$en IBm dreamin%, t$e
$ands are usually spinnin% out of control Eby t$is point, IBm usually lucid dreamin%,
and all my memory is restoredF
Anot$er t$in% you can do, is to loo& at your $ands EpalmsF *$en you %o to sleep,
do it starin% at your palms, and '$en you see your $andsLpalms in t$e dream, it 'ill
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remind you of @loo&in% at your $andsA '$en %oin% to sleep, and it may snap you out
of t$e lucid dream
I $ave found anot$er 'ay to lucid dream t$at doesnBt involve t$e above
8as any of you ever $ad a dream, t$en you 'a&e up and still $alfNasleep, you close
your eyes a%ain, and you can still @seeA t$e dream %oin% onG /ometimes you may
end up 7ust fallin% asleep a%ain and completely reenterin% t$e dream
Hne time t$at very t$in% $appened to me, I 'as $avin% a dream t$at I 'as in a race
car, and I ended up 'a&in% up /o I 'as still tired, and '$en I closed my eyes, I
could faintly see t$e vision of t$e race car still /o I decided to try and e=periment I
&ept rela=in%, tryin% to &eep my eyes closed and to fall bac& asleep, fully a'are t$at
I 'as fallin% asleep T$en eventually Emaybe !N5 minsF I 'as fully in t$e dream
a%ain EI &ne' t$is, because it didnBt feel li&e I 'as layin% do'n and @seein%A t$e
dream, I felt li&e I 'as sittin% up in t$e car speedin% aroundF And I &ne' I 'as
dreamin%, so I told myself I 'asV T$en I 'ent lucid: t$is 'as my first lucid dream
T$ere is one t$in% I s$ould point out t$ou%$, and t$atBs @false a'a&enin%sA ,L"0
lucid dreams I $ave, ends up 'it$ me eventually @'a&in% up@ '$en I $avenBt
?urin% a false a'a&enin%, you 'ill 'a&e up in your bed, %et up li&e you usually
'ould and start your day NN t$en it ends up bein% anot$er dream ItBs e=actly li&e
youBre 'a&in% up in real life /ometimes I 'ould 'a&e up, run in t$e ot$er room and
tell my mom IBve $ad a lucid dream, %o and ma&e brea&fast, 'ait for t$e toast to be
ready, %et in my car and start drivin% off to my colle%e, t$en I 'ould 'a&e up in bed
Efor realF annoyed
Annoyed: t$e only t$in% about a false a'a&enin%, is t$at t$ey are annoyin%
/o, '$at can you do in a lucid dreamG Anyt$in%I -y first lucid dream, I did '$at
anyone 'ould li&e to doV I @'illedA myself to flyI ItBs a dream, you can $ave
anyt$in% you 'ant to $appen, $appen in it If you 'ant to fly, 7ust fly: if you are
bein% c$ased by a monster, c$an%e t$e storyline so you are c$asin% t$e monster
If you 'ere ever $eld bac& from Astral Pro7ection, t$at is even possible in a lucid
ET$e follo'in% may not ma&e sense unless you $ave read NessB Astral Pro7ection
T$ere $ave been t'o times '$ere I $ave tried to Astral Pro7ect XAPY from a lucid
dream: itBs not li&e '$en youBre tryin% in your 'a&in% life T$ere is no vibration
Pa%e 63 of 67 '''psioni=conr
Psi Compiled by AJ Ianozi
.ot$ times '$en I tried to AP from a >ucid ?ream, I succeeded .ot$ times, all I did
'as @'illA myself to Astral Pro7ect, 7ust li&e I 'as able to @'illA myself to fly, or to
c$an%e t$e storyline Eor to teleport myself, to %ive myself super po'ers etcF
If you try to AP from a dream, and it 'or&s, you 'ill end up Ein t$at very secondF out
of t$e dream, and out of your body T$e first time I astral pro7ected, my eyes 'ere
already open, and I &ept floatin% up'ards until I %ot suc&ed bac& into my body T$e
second time, my eyes 'ere stuc& closed, so I didnBt too muc$ of anyt$in%
*ell, I $ope t$at $elps some people 'it$ lucid dreamin% 6emember t$at you may
not %et results over ni%$t: I didnBt start %ettin% results until a mot$er after I started,
it may be lon%er or s$orter for you .ut $ave fun, and remember: '$atever you see,
itBs only a dream
6"ri 8ight
.y Ness
*$at e=actly A64 aurasG *ell, an aura is t$e field of ener%y t$at somet$in% %ives
off 4veryt$in% $as an aura, but t$ey can vary %reatly For e=ample, t$e aura of a
livin% t$in% is muc$ different from t$e aura of a nonNlivin% t$in%: itJs usually bri%$ter
and more colorful t$an t$e aura of, say, a roc&
*e 'ere all born 'it$ t$e ability to see auras, but c$ances are t$at you never paid
any attention to it, and no' itJs %one IJll e=plain t$e process, because IJm %ood li&e
>i%$t is made up of different freMuencies *e can see some freMuencies, and ot$ers
'e canJt *$en 'e 'ere born, our eyes 'ere ne' and sensitive, and t$ey 'ere able
to pic& up all &inds of freMuencies: includin% auras
As 'e %ot older, t$ou%$, our eyes 'ere used a lot and be%an to tou%$en up, t$us
causin% t$em to %et less sensitive, t$us ma&in% us lose t$e ability to see certain
freMuencies: a%ain, auras ?evelopin% Auric /i%$t is actually 7ust a matter of ma&in%
your eyes sensitive to t$e aurasJ freMuencies a%ain
To be%in, c$oose your tar%et +ouJll be starin% at t$is t$in% for a '$ile, so if itJs a
person, ma&e sure youJre comfortable 'it$ t$em so you donJt %et embarrassed
'$en t$ey say, Q8ey, Muit starin% at meIQ
Hnce you $ave your tar%et fi%ured out, stare at one spot on t$em +ou s$ouldnJt
stare directly at t$eir ed%e, because it 'ill be $arder to ma&e t$eir aura appear, but
you also s$ouldnJt stare at a spot too far from t$e ed%e, as it 'ill be $arder to see
t$e aura T$e reason for t$is is t$at you $ave to loo& at t$e aura indirectly: you $ave
to stare at one spot, but observe anot$er T$is is called usin% your perip$eral vision,
and itJs $ard at first, but youJll %et used to it
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/tare at t$e spot you $ave c$osen and allo' your eyes to %o out of focus +ou could
also force your eyes out of focus if youJd li&e, as I do -y met$od is to simply cross
and uncross your eyes 6epeat t$is a fe' times, and be sure to pay attention to
8H* you cross your eyes *$en you t$in& you $ave t$e motion fi%ured out, try
doin% it, but only a little bit If you do it ri%$t, your vision 'ill blur a little, but you
'onJt see t'o ima%es *$en you 'ant to unblur your vision, simply try to uncross
your eyes, and it 'ill all return to normal
As you stare at t$e spot 'it$ unfocused eyes, you s$ould notice 'it$ your
perip$eral vision t$at t$e outline of t$e person, in t$is e=ample, is li%$ter, as if
t$ereJs e=tra li%$t t$ere Continue to stare at t$e spot 'it$out blin&in%, and you
s$ould be%in to notice t$e '$ite spreadin% out a little fart$er as time passes
If you 'is$ to see your o'n aura, sit in front of a lar%e mirror, and repeat all t$e
above steps 'it$ you as your tar%et T$e only difference is t$at as you be%in to see
t$e '$ite outline around yourself, visualize t$e '$ite bein% absorbed into you as
you in$ale, and driftin% bac& out as you e=$ale T$is met$od tends to $elp you focus
on your aura as 'ell as &eep your mind clear
T$atJs basically all t$ere is to Auric /i%$t As time %oes on and you practice more,
t$e '$ite area t$at you see 'ill %et bi%%er and bi%%er to a point, and past t$at point
'ill be color +ou may also see random strea&s of color sometimes, as I do, but IJm
not sure if everyone 'ill e=perience t$is, so donJt be disappointed if it ta&es you a
lon% time to see color T$is is 7ust one of t$ose QpracticeQ t$in%s
Cood luc& on seein% auras
8ight 1itho"t 8ight
.y c0verst0ry
T$is is 7ust as t$e title says: si%$t 'it$out si%$t .asically, it is usin% auric si%$t
'it$out actually seein% anyt$in%: seein% auras 'it$ your t'o p$ysical eyes closed
+ou 'ill need to be fairly e=perienced 'it$ auric si%$t before tryin% t$is 4ven I donBt
$ave muc$ practice 'it$ t$is, so I apolo%ize if it seems va%ue As I develop it more,
IBll re'rite and c$an%e as muc$ information as I can T$an& you for barin% 'it$ me
/tart by closin% your eyes No', you 'ill need to open your t$ird eye )isualize t$e
t$ird eye centered on your fore$ead sli%$tly above your eyebro's )isualize it
openin% Transfer a small amount of ener%y to t$e opened eye to stimulate it
Ima%ine your t$ird eye loo&in% around, seein% your surroundin%s Ima%ine it
transferrin% '$at it sees into your brain and on to your p$ysical eyes *it$ your
p$ysical eyes, loo& at t$e dar&ness t$at appears from t$em bein% closed *$atever
tri%%er you use to activate auric si%$t, do so no'
Pa%e 6& of 67 '''psioni=conr
Psi Compiled by AJ Ianozi
If your results are li&e mine, you s$ould see 7ust a faint circle of li%$t Concentrate
on t$is circle *it$ concentration, t$is circle of li%$t s$ould ta&e s$ape as an eye,
'$ic$ may possibly be your t$ird eye If your t$ird eye appears t$e same as mine
did, it may seem a little fri%$tenin%, but you must concentrate on t$e eye As it
loo&s at you, loo& bac&
After concentratin% on it, and it appears as a luminous, 'ellNdefined eye, try loo&in%
beyond it Concentrate on t$e dar&ness be$ind t$e eye If youJve stimulated your
t$ird eye, and activated your auric si%$t 'it$ your eyes closed: you s$ould be%in to
see blurred ima%es on your dar&ened vision plane T$is is successful auric si%$t 'it$
your p$ysical eyes closed
In my e=periences so far, for inanimate ob7ects, I see colored auras around $i%$ly
distorted ima%es As of yet, people appear to me as blac& blurs lined in '$ite +ou
s$ould continue to practice, as 'ill I *it$ time, auric si%$t usin% only t$e t$ird eye
s$ould become an easy tas&
Pa%e 66 of 67 '''psioni=conr
Psi Compiled by AJ Ianozi
astral pro7ection5,
auric si%$t0(
'it$ eyes closed05
Cro'n c$a&ra35
8eart c$a&ra35
6oot c$a&ra30
/acral c$a&ra30
sendin% ener%y into
seven main c$a&ra 35
/olar Ple=us c$a&ra
T$ird 4ye c$a&ra35
T$roat c$a&ra35
clear your mind"0
clearin% your mind",
coolin% 'ater(5
dra' ener%y!5
dra'in% ener%y
electro&inesis0, 9, (0
ener%y manipulation!5
ener%y sensin%!,
ener%y source"1
4ner%y *or&out39
force bubble"1
%at$erin% ener%y!5
'ound3!, 3(
lucid dreamin%0"
mindJs eye9
pro%ram ener%y5
pro%ram ener%y!9
pyro&inesis0, (1
flame manipulation5"
$eat manipulation 50
receivin% t$ou%$ts5(
6ela=in% t$e body"!
rela=in% your mind"!
remote vie'in%50
6emote )ie'in%(
sendin% t$ou%$ts5(
state of mind""
tal&in% to yourself1
Tele&inesis(, (3
pic&in% up t$ou%$ts
blan& mind"5
vibrational sta%e51
Pa%e 67 of 67 '''psioni=conr

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