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A Campalgn Leader ls responslble for ensurlng LhaL 1each lor lndla flnds Lhe mosL promlslng
fuLure leaders from colleges and corporaLes Lo [oln Lhe lellowshlp program. 1hls ls a crlLlcal
and demandlng role responslble for seLLlng a vlslon and sLraLegy for bulldlng awareness aL
an lnsLlLuLlon. 1he ldeal candldaLe wlll have ouLsLandlng communlcaLlon skllls, an ablllLy Lo
bulld sLrong relaLlonshlps and lnvesL lndlvlduals Lo apply for Lhe lellowshlp, and drlve hlgh-
lmpacL sLraLegy. Pe or she wlll be Lhe face of 1each lor lndla aL a college campus or
corporaLe offlce, embody 1each lor lndla's core values, and be able Lo dellver resulLs LhaL
wlll ensure 1each lor lndla conLlnues Lo fuel Lhe movemenL LhaL wlll end educaLlonal
As a Campalgn Leader, you wlll be Lhe face of 1each lor lndla aL your college campus or
corporaLe offlce from !une 1, 2014 Lo March 1, 2013. ?ou wlll slngularly drlve Lhe 1each lor
lndla brand aL your lnsLlLuLlon. 8y plannlng and execuLlng sLraLeglc campalgns aL your
lnsLlLuLlon, you wlll ulLlmaLely ensure Lhe besL and brlghLesL appllcanLs apply Lo [oln Lhe
flghL for educaLlon equlLy ln Lhls counLry. 1hls ls an unpald opporLunlLy LhaL allows you Lo
bulld leadershlp skllls.
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1he 8ecrulLmenL 1eam aL 1each lor lndla ls responslble for ensurlng LhaL Lhe leaders wlLh
Lhe besL mlnds and besL hearLs apply and [oln Lhe 1each lor lndla lellowshlp. 1o LhaL end,
we alm Lo meeL as many promlslng appllcanLs as posslble and lnform, lnsplre, and lnvesL
Lhem lnLo our work by sharlng Lhree key messages:
1. 1he lellowshlp ls one of Lhe greaLesL leadershlp-developmenL programs ln lndla
2. Cur Alumnl force ls currenLly spread across secLors around Lhe world flghLlng Lo end
educaLlonal lnequlLy ln lndla
3. 1hls wlll be Lhe challenge of your llfe
We bulld Lhe 1each lor lndla brand aL colleges and corporaLes naLlonwlde and
lnLernaLlonally, conducL presenLaLlons, follow-up wlLh hlgh poLenLlal candldaLes, and
execuLe brand-ralslng evenLs. 1he Leam ls vlLal Lo ensure LhaL Lhe vlslon of 1each lor lndla ls
ulLlmaLely reallzed: one day all chlldren ln lndla wlll aLLaln an excellenL educaLlon.
1he 8ecrulLmenL 1eam conslsLs of 18 full-Llme sLaff members and over 200 Campalgn
Leaders ln colleges and corporaLes across lndla and Lhe world.
rlmary responslblllLles lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo:
Spread awareness abouL educaLlonal equlLy by plannlng, organlzlng and
lmplemenLlng varlous sLraLegles and evenLs Lo ralse awareness (for example: 1each
lor lndla presenLaLlons, evenLs, parLnerlng wlLh fesLs, runnlng sLalls, organlzlng a
1each lor lndla day, eLc) on your campus or corporaLe.
8ulld sLrong relaLlonshlps wlLh varlous sLakeholders ln your lnsLlLuLlon and acL as a
polnL of conLacL beLween 1each lor lndla and your lnsLlLuLlon.
lnvesL and moLlvaLe Lhe besL leaders aL your college campus or corporaLe offlce Lo
apply Lo Lhe 1each lor lndla lellowshlp program. ?ou wlll consLanLly refer promlslng
candldaLes ln Lhe organlzaLlon Lo Lhe 1each lor lndla 8ecrulLmenL Leam member LhaL
you are worklng wlLh.
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8ellef LhaL all chlldren deserve an excellenL educaLlon
Lxempllfy 1each lor lndla's core values: sense of posslblllLy, Leamwork,
excellence, lnLegrlLy, resourcefulness, seva, reflecLlon, and respecL and humlllLy
Carry yourself as a professlonal aL all Llmes, hold yourself and oLhers Lo hlgh
lndependenL, self-moLlvaLed, and passlonaLe
asL leadershlp experlence
LxcellenL communlcaLlon skllls wlLh an ablllLy Lo moLlvaLe and engage large
groups as well as lndlvlduals

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?ou have Lhe poLenLlal Lo bulld and deepen crlLlcal skllls:
8ulldlng 8elaLlonshlps and lnfluenclng CLhers
! Work effecLlvely ln a Leam and communlcaLe arLlculaLely
! undersLand varlous perspecLlves
! lnfluence and moLlvaLe oLhers

8easonlng and SLraLeglc 1hlnklng
! ueflne opporLunlLles, problems and be soluLlons-orlenLed
! ldenflLy paLLerns, Lrends and relaLlonshlps and rooL your declslons ln daLa
! Make declslons effecLlvely and demonsLraLe responslblllLy

CperaLlons and ManagemenL
! SeL a vlslon and drlve Lowards amblLlous goals
! 1ake lnlLlaLlve, organlze, plan and execuLe pro[ecLs
! Share besL pracLlces wlLh Lhe larger Campalgn Leader Leam
! Learn and conLlnuously lmprove

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SLep 1: SubmlL your onllne appllcaLlon form aL hLLp://
SLep 2: ersonal lnLervlew wlLh a 1each lor lndla 8ecrulLmenL 1eam member
SLep 3: lnducLlon rogram

lor any querles emall apply[

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