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Team Newburgh,

I hope you are all as excited as I am with the opening of Rockland

Bakery in our store; I have received a lot of positive feedback from our
customers, and associates. It is my hope that as a team, we all continue
to rally around our new Bakery, and take advantage of the expected
new customers coming to visit our store, it is a great opportunity to
really show our customers that we ALL take pride in our store, and that
if they didnt shop our store before, now is the time to start!
We have also started to create a lot of buzz with our selling events
in the store, and that is working out very well. I want to also take the
time to thank everyones hard work and efforts, for servicing our
customers at a high level.
So far in this Quarter, with ten mystery shops done in our store,
we are currently averaging a 99.2%, and we have got the last ten BOB
(bottom of the basket) in a row! And I must mention, thanks to
everyone putting a focus on sanitation, we were all able to achieve a
food safety score of 97.3%. Great job!

Thank you all for your efforts, and keep up the good work!

Mike Fallen
Store Director 246

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