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Miesner - 2nd Grade September 2014

Word of the Month
This month our class will be learning about responsibility.
Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with or
something in which you take control over. We will include
responsibility in our classroom activities with the goal being they
obtain the knowledge and use it outside of the classroom as well.
Jacob " 10th
Melissa " 13th
Lauren " 20th
Max " 23rd
Luke " 25th
Your child will be treated with an ice cream sandwich, courtesy of
the school cafeteria. Feel free to send your child with a special
treat: cupcakes, cake, etc.; on their birthday to share with the
Whats New
The lunch bell will now ring at
11:45 a.m. instead of 11:20
a.m. This change was made
due to the cafeteria being too
crowded by the previous class.
Snack Time
Instead of assigning a student
to bring snacks everyday now
the school will be providing
nutritious snacks daily.
Talent Show!
CES will be hosting a talent
show for students. Anyone in
grades K-4 are welcome to
participate. The deadline to
sign up is September 26th. If
your child is interested in
participating there will be a
sign up sheet in each
classroom. The talent show will
take place on September 30th
at 2:00 in the auditorium.
Parents and family members
are welcome.
Whats New | Birthdays | Word of the Month | Upcoming Events | Month of Leaders | Quote of the Month
Mrs. Miesner - 2nd Grade September 2014
Month of Leaders
Week 1 : Jason
Week 2: Emily
Week 3: Josh
Week 4: Carson
When you are the leader remember you must be a role model for
the rest of your classmates. You will get to be the line leader,
door greeter, and passing out/taking up papers. You will also be
in charge of feeding our class pet for an entire week!
Quote of the Month
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The
more that you learn, the more places you will go.
" Dr. Seuss

Upcoming Events
The county fair will be taking
place the 25th-27th of
September. Our class will be
taking a eld trip on the 25th
to explore the fair. Please sign
the permission slip in your
child's homework folder
before Sept. 23rd.
If you have any questions
about this months yer please
feel free to email me at
or call at (479)-555-0000. Id be
more happy to answer any
questions you or your child
may have.

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