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Be a New Student in TCIS

in the morning. sarah find someone who is standing alone in front of the learning center.
sarah: Hey! What is your name?who are you?
Dimas: Im a new student in Telkom university. My name is Dimas
Sarah: well, welcome to this university! Im sarah. Do you have any friends in here?
Dimas: not yet. Do you want to be my first friend here?
Sarah: Sure! Lets follow me to meet my other friends!
Dimas: ok, lets go!
after that, sarah and dimas go to the Galaus lake in beside of the TCIS building
Sarah: Hey, guys!
tara: Who is she?
sarah: he is my new friends. he is a new student in our university.
Dimas: hey guys, My name is Dimas
Ulvie: Hey Dimas! Nice to meet you! My name is Ulvie.
Tasa: hello, i am Tasa
Dita: and Im Dita
Dimas: Nice to meet you too guys!
Ulvie: so, what will we do now?
Tasa: how about study together about our progam?
Sarah: its a nice idea!
Dita: you will be a part in TCIS, right?
Dimas: yes. I will be a part of TCIS right now
Dita: Great idea!
Ulvie: thats our faculty, Dimas
Tasa: ok, lets go to the TCIS, guys!
Sarah: lets go!
then they come to tcis building together. And talk about many things.
Ulvie: well, this is our Faculty where we learn about our program study
Sarah: you will learn about your program study in this room.
Dimas: hmm, Okay!
Tasa: cmon guys, lets start to do something
Dita: what next will we do?
Dimas: i want to know more about this university. so, can you accompany me to take a short
Sarah: of course!

Tasa: Sure!
Dita: let's go to TCIS together!
Ulvie: let's go!!
After finished the short tour at TCIS building. sarah,tara,ulvie, and dita must go to the studio to
submit their home work.
Dita : Dimas, we're finished looking around TCIS
Dimas: ok, thanks guys :D
Tasa: your welcome,
Dita : by the way, me, ulvie, dita and sarah must go to studio to submit our home work.
Ulvie: right! let's go to the studio
Tasa: yeah, let's go!
Sarah: see you later dimas.
Dimas: oh okay see you later guys.

eMember of group :
Dimas Lutfiantono / 16061140336
Dita meliani / 1603144156
Sri Inten Puspitasari / 1605144025
Sarah Putri Vindyona / 1605140088
Ulvie Zuhannisa / 1603140168

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