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Time: 45 minutes
45 Questions
Midterm Exam Second year

Tanta University
Faculty of medicine
Histology Department

A) Choose the best correct answer:

1-The epithelium of intestinal villi consists of all the following cells EXCEPT:
A) Columnar absorptive cells.
B) Enteroendocrine cells.
C) Goblet cells.
D) Chief cells.
2-Protein secreting cell of pancreatic acini has the following characters
A)Abundant basal RER.
B)Many filamentous mitochondria.
C)Supranuclear well developed Golgi apparatus
D)Abundant basal SER
3-Structural characteristics that increase the surface area for intestinal
absorption are all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Plicae circularis and Intestinal villi.
B) Intestinal villi.
C) Microvilli at the apical surfaces of absorptive epithelium.
D) Appendices epiploicae.
4- The filiform papillae are characterized by all the following EXCEPT:
A) Conical in shape.
B) Most numerous.
C) have taste buds.
D) covered by stratified squamous epithelium partly keratinized.
5- For gall bladder, all are true EXCEPT:
A) No duct.
B) No goblet cells.
C) No villi.
D) No submucosa.
6- The cell characterized by presence of intracellular canaliculi is:
A) paneth cell.
B) parietal cell.
C) chief cell.
D) Goblet cell.

7- For human lips, all are true EXCEPT:

A) Formed of orbicularis oris muscle.
B) The outer surface is thin skin.
C) The inner surface is a keratinized mucous membrane.
D) The red margin is a transition zone.
8- The B cells of islets of Langerhans are:
A- APUD secreting cells.
B- Steroid secreting cells.
C- Mucous secreting cells.
D- All of the above.
9- Striated duct of the salivary glands are :
A) Not present in all salivary glands.
B) Lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
C) Ion transporting cells.
D) Non of the above.
10-Muscularis externa of the stomach consist of 3 layers of smooth muscle:
A) Inner circular.
B) Middle longitudinal.
C) Outer oblique .
D) Non of the above.
11- All are correct regarding the portal lobule EXCEPT:
A) It is a triangular mass of the liver tissue.
B) Portal triad is present in its centre.
C) It drains into the bile duct of the central portal triad.
D) Central vein is present in its centre.
12-As regards the blood-air barrier, air in the alveoli is separated from blood in
capillaries by:
A) The surfactant layer on the alveolar surface.
B) The cytoplasm of pneumocyte type I.
C) The fused basal laminae of pneumocyte type I and endothelial cell of the
D) All of the above.
13-The following is true regarding type II pneumocytes:
A) It contains numerous pinocytotic vesicles.
B) Most common type of cells in alveolar lining.
C) Its cytoplasm contains lamellar bodies.
D) It is so thin and can not be seen with L.M.
14- All are correct as regard blood renal barrier EXCEPT:
A) Fenestrated endothelium of blood capillaries.
B) Filtration slits with their covering diagram.
C) The pedicles of podocyte on the basement membrane of blood capillaries.
D) Thick basement membrane.

15- All the following are parts of the juxtaglomerular apparatus EXCEPT:
A) Glomerulus.
B) Juxtaglomerular cells.
C) Macula densa.
D) Polar cushion cells.
16-Bowman s gland is present in :
A) renal cortex only.
B) renal cortex and medulla.
C) Olfactory mucosa.
D) thin skin.
17- The epithelium of the prostatic urethra is:
A) Stratified columnar epithelium.
B) Stratified squamous epithelium.
C) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
D) Transitional epithelium.
18 -All are correct regarding the distal convoluted tubules EXCEPT:
A) It is part of the nephron.
B) It is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
C) It has acidophilic cytoplasm.
D) It has no brush border.
19- All the following are correct about somatotrophs EXCEPT.
A- Rich in lipids.
B- Acidophil.
C- Orange G positive.
D- Rich in ribosomes and rER.
20- Chromaffin cells are present in:
A- Suprarenal medulla.
B- Suprarenal cortex.
C- Adenohypophysis.
D- All of the above.
21- Spongiocytes are seen in:
A- Renal corpuscles.
B- Zona fasciculate of adrenal gland.
C- Pars distalis.
D- Suprarenal medulla.
22- Pars nervosa contain all the following EXCEPT:
A- Pituicytes which are branched supporting cells.
B- Herring bodies in axon terminals.
C- Fenestrated blood capillaries.
D- Pinealocytes.

B) Put (3) on true answer and (X) on false one:

23- The stomach is lined by simple columnar non ciliated epithelium.
24- Von Ebner glands are serous glands open in the groove of filiform papillae
25- Kupffer cell is a respiratory macrophage
26- Brunners glands are present in mucosa of the duodenum
27- Payers patches are present in the submucosa of the large intestine.
28- Classical hepatic lobule is formed of polygonal mass of liver tissue with a portal
tract present in its centre
29- Parietal cells of the stomach secrete pepsinogen
30- Parotid gland is almost entirely composed of mucous acini
31- Glucagon is secreted by B cells of Islets of Langerhans.
32- Clara cell is found in the alveolar wall.
33- Brush cells of respiratory epithelium are considered as sensory receptors.
34- Pneumocyte type I is a simple cuboidal epithelium
35- Proximal convoluted tubules are lined by pyramidal cells having strongly
basophilic cytoplasm
36- Podocytes are seen in the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule.
37- The lower one third of the ureter has three muscle layers
38- The collecting tubule is a part of the urineferous tubule.
39- Thick ascending part of Loop of Henle is similar to proximal convoluted tubules
in structure and function.
40- The terminal part of female urethra is lined by transitional epithelium.
41- The musculosa of the urinary bladder is formed of inner circular and outer
longitudinal smooth muscle layers.
42- Hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract is formed by axons of nerve cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei.
43- Pituicytes are found in par distalis of pituitary gland
44- Cells of adrenal zona fasciculata are rich in RER.
45- Parafollicular cells of thyroid gland are smaller and darker than
follicular cells.

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