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ESTE OM ON 1/8 i Ly 2 Cees s ey veer be Poe ee ee ~~} wa A rn Greetings, you MAD readers! You're now holding in your MAD hands the very first MAD issue of MAD! For us, the editors, chis is a great occasion . .. for in the next few moments, you will be one of the many who are deciding the fate of MAD all over the country. Many months ago, we had a meeting in the New York offices of Enter- taining Comics. We decided we wanted to add another mag to our line . . . 0 we met behind locked doors to figure out what our new book would be. Well, we looked through our mail for a lead . . . we thumbed through our idea files we paced the floor, beat our heads against the wall, and bic off all our finger- nails! Should we do another war mag? No! Plenty of them on the stands already! Another science-fiction book? Nah! Market is filled to capacity! A horror book? Nyeh! Far too many of them around! Romance? Adventure? Western? Nope . .. nope . .. nope! We were tired of the war, ragged from the science-fiction, weary of the horror. Then i hic us! Why not do a complete about-face? A change of pace! A comic book! Not a serious comic book . . . but a COMIC comic book! Nor a floppity rabbit, giggily girl, anarchist teen- age type comic book . . . but a comic mag based on the short story type of wild adventure that you seem to like so well. THAT WAS IT! Immediately we leaped to our typewriters, our drawing boards, and our india ink... we worked like a crew of inspired demons! In no time at all, MAD was born. You are now holding our dream child in your hands. We had a swell time creating MAD . .= and we hope that MAD will have a long successful life. But you, the reader, will decide that! All right! We've said our piece. Now read! Enjoy yourself! When you're through with MAD, we'd like to know what you think of ie. Any suggestions or criticisms you have to make will be greatly appreciated. Subscriptions to MAD, as to any other E.C. mag, will set you back 75c for six issues . . . full year's output! The address for letters or subscriptions is: ‘The Editors MAD Room 706, Dept. 1 225 Lafayette Street N.Y.C.12,N.¥. AMAD MUMBLINGS 2 CQ a re: The following is a complete list of titles published by in the order of, t Publication, . THE HAUNT OF FEAR ° WEIRD SCIENCE ° CRIME SUSPENSTORIES ° FRONTLINE COMBAT TALES FROM THE CRYPT WEIRD FANTASY ° THE VAULT (OF HORROR . SHOCK ‘SUSPENSTORIES ° TWO-FISTED ‘New York, A, 3 Gue fear. subseription in the Phi for clog” hd, tailing eval. lvewhere TRE tay of thupe Living or Qead fw iavended, and any such sinfaelty te purely edlacldental, Printed in U. 8° A TERROR DEPT, 7 ¥LEASE! WE WARN YOU! DO NOT READ THIS STORY! THROW THIS COMIC BOOK AWAY BEFORE 11 15 TOO LATE!...VERY WELL, RASH FOOL! READ ON.’ BUT REMEMBER J 1 WE WARNED yOu / THERE ARE MANY THINGS NOT MEANT FOR THE EYES OF MAN / OOOHMEEEHEEEHEEE... Meds inci, WEE POURING NIGHT. MIGHT. ROARING VELETY NGXT FUNC: MGHT!..WHEN NEN SEED AND Evi. WAT THE MUEFLEO MONOTONOUS SIZZLE TUATED BY BLUE-WHITE FLICKERING | WAKES!...A BLACK SEDAN CAREENS THROUM OF PAT RAINDROPS HTTING THe GROUND! LIGHTNING AND BONLING BALL THUNDER! WE NIGHT SHENG MADLY ON THE WET ONE [GALUSHA! STOP SWERVING MADLY OH THE WET ROAD AND DRE WITH THO HANDS! must yOu Lust WANT, HUG ME ALL THE TIME 2 PROTECTION! Your OF Gas w A RANSTORN EX, GAWSHAT WELL TLL JUS Ye oN A DesERTED ROADIVOW ‘GET OUT AND WALK! CONVENIENT, GALUSHA! “TEN, DAPHNE / WE WEED NELP! oT THAT. HOUSE...ON TOP TO GET A BUCKET 50'S OF THAT Hitt! OW GOTO A GAS STATION AND W-NO, NO, GALOSHA.. SOME GA: BACK, / I MEAN GALUSHA! wah NOT THAT HOUSE J ES Peas SPSS) SS a= ALL RIGHT! WHOEVER 1S. IN_THAT ROOM! COME ON our. WE HEAR YOU! SCREAMING... RUNNING ‘OWN THE STEPS... CLUMPITTY CLUMP... THEY'VE STOPPEDI 1 KNOW THEY RE ie Bu Z a lee MR (2 t/t) =) BUT THEY'VE GALUSHA, AND PROTECT ME! Tm Aul THE EXCITEMENT OF THE MOMENT GOT ME, BUT SUODENLY I KNOW THAT. IM ALL RIGHT NOW! NOW MY NERVES ARE STEEL! GET AWAY? AY ILL CALLA GET AWAY / ME. COPS! CARETAKER! ‘HAUNTED HOUSE WITH A CARE- Al AKER? OF GASOLINE! YOU MAY Have iT! lon, causa irs STOPPED | YEP/ HE'S WAVING TO US T GUESS THERE REALLY RAINING! IT WAS NICE OF ) FROM THE DOORWAY! AREN'T ANY GHOSTS! HE LITTLE OLD MAN / wave Back! WAT AN | | LTT 5 HOW SilLy WE WERE! THE EVENING THIS: Thar IMAGINE! THINKING HAS BEENT THERE WERE HOSTS ORRIES s WITH NEADS CHOPPED ore? HEN, HEH! THERE THEY si] [i REMEMBER... THERE RENT ANY Al GO! SWERVING MADLY AND AREN'T ANY 6A Gllosts aT Au! 2! HEH /HEH! SCIENCE-FICTION DEPT. / GO FORWARD.’ GO FORWARD INTO SPACE, FORWARD INTO TIME! GO FORWARD...'952! 1962! 1982/ GO! GO TO 1,000,000 A.0.! THAT'S FAR ENOUGH! BACK UP A LITTLE./ LOOK! THE EARTH.'A MASS OF STEELY CITIES ANO MEN/ MEN NO! NOT REALLY MEN! MORE LIKE. SPEED! MORE SPEED! I'VE GOT TO SEE MELVIN, MELVIN, MY FRIEND! HE is MELVIN, MY BUDDY! ONE OF | [MELVIN, MY PAL JHE WILL UNDER: ONE OF THE FEW ACTIVE mins || THE RARE BRAINS THAT sruL | | STAND WHAT T AM THINKING! AROUND TODAY T'VE GOT TO || THINKS! r've Gor TO TELL | |He WiLL SYMPATHIZE WITH ME ! TELL HIM MY HORRIBLE HUA OF THE CALAMITY THAT) | Aaan... THERE'S MELVIN'S THOUGHT! MIGHT OVERTAKE US! ‘SkySCRAPER WOW! [mean] melvin an 7 ecap youre fone ie Nae SO Lat cae Baie A AORRIsLe INOuehy SrRUCK ME? JUMpIne PLUTONIUM! Lie vod, aura? FOLLOW ME, MELVIN! To THE THOUGHT- VIEWER! I HAVE A. VERY ALARMING IDEA I. WANT | TO TELL You ABOUT! A Tor! AUL PLEASURE! NO 6000 HARD THINKING. TMG SOLAR, ‘SYSTEMS. Waar is ITE LET ME JUST PLUG IN MY THOUGHT TRANSMITTER, CABLE... THERE! WELL GIVE THE SCREEN A MOMENT TO WARM LIP/...TM SCARED, MELVIN! I WHAT_IN THE NAME ‘OF ELECTRONS, IS BOTHERING YOU, ALFRED! USTEN TO ME, MELVIN! THis 15 IMPORTANT, GET RID OF THAT DISPOSABLE PREFABRICATED ROBOT WOMAN! T'LL BUY YOU ANOTHER ONE , LATER! LISTEN TOME GALLOPING GALAXIES! IT's THE END OF HUMANITY! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! THAT'S WHAT IT (Sou. AK! THE THOUGHT VIEWER! 11'S THIS MACHINERY! ALL THIS MACHINERY! EVERYWHERE... EVERYTHING 15 MACHINERY! 11'S WRONG! AND TILL TELL YOU WHY/ MILLIONS OF YEARS AGOaLIFE WAS COMPARATIVELY SIMPLE! TAKE THE CAVE-MAN, FOR INSTANCE! FROM WHAT I READ IN OUR HISTORY BOOKS, THE FiesT PRIMITIVE CAVE MAN WAS MUCH LIKE A WALKING APE! WIS SOCIAL LIFE WAS EQUALLY SIMPLE/ AS T UNDERSTAND IT, IF HE SAW A FEMALE HE MIGHT DESIRE FORA MATE, THERE WAS NO TAKING HER OUT TO A MOVIE OR SOME HE WOULD THEN DRAG THE FEMALE OFF TO His CAVE, AND THERE SHE WOULD REMAIN AS HIS WIFE / SIMPLE! EFFECTIVE! AMERICAN !... BUT EVEN THEN, THE SICKNESS WAS SETTING’ IN! ete HIS LIFE WAS VERY UNCOMPLI- CATED! WE NEVER RODE ANY- WHERE, AS’ WE DO TODAY! HE HAD TO WALK... POOR CREATURE... ON HIS FEET! [E.CAN'T UNDERSTAND Wry. BUT THE WRETCHED THING NEVER HAD VITAMIN PILLS, OR... OR DEHYDRATED MEALS! JUST RAW FRUITS, BERRIES, AND ‘SOMETIMES, MEAT! HE SIMPLY WOULD BASH THE FEMALE ON THE HEAD WITH HIS FIST, OR SOME CONVENIENT BLUNT INSTRUMENT, AND TWAT WOULD BE. TWAT! THERE WOULDN'T BE ANYTHING ELSE 70 IT! THAT BLUNT INSTRUMENT... THAT TOOL... THAT. WAS MAN'S MISTAKE! FOR THAT TOOL, WAS THE FIRST INA HISTORY OF TOOLS THAT, MAN WOULD FASHION TO DO HIS WORK FOR HIM / ‘30 WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE, ALFRED? PATIENCE, MELVIN? NOW tet us JUMP FORWARD... HOUSE” Wire AND INTHE KITCHEN, MACHINES MUSHROOMED UKE FUNGUS GROWTHS AUTOMATIC MIXING MACHINES! SUICING MACHINES! WASHING MACHINES! TOASTING, BAKING, ERYING MACHINES! DRYING Atnines Poo ou Sek wnat Was ameENne, meteor =F = — es Ly FORWARD 10. THE ANCIENT YEAR GF 1952 HISTORY BOOKS TELL US OF THE TYPICAL CIVILIZED BY THEN, MACHINES WERE JUST IBEGINNING TO SURROUND HUMAN My! PUSH BUTTON ELECTRIC IGHTS! ELECTRIC TIME CLOCKS! VACUUM CLEANERS! A/R- CONDITIONING! [out IN THE STREET, MEN WERE BEGINNING TO. |R/DE_AND WOT WALK) AUTOMOBILES, THEY FALLED "EM! THEY HAD SO. MANY AUTOMOBILES, HEY HAD NO PLACE. TO PARK THEM! FRIENDS WOULD DRIVE OVER TO OTHER FRIENDS’ HOUSES HEY WOULD GO TO FRIENDS’ HOUSES, AND STEAD, OF TALKING TO THE FRIENDS, THEY WOULD LOOK AT TELEVISION MACHINES FOR A FEW HOURS, JAND THEN THEY’ WOULD RIDE HOME! NOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE, MELVIN © WHEN THEY GOT HOME, THEY WOULD REGULATE He TEMPERATURE OF THE HOUSE WITH A THERMOSTAT, THEN MAYBE GO TO BED Gi IBY AN ELECTRIC BLANKET, AND FALL AS| LISTENING TO A RADIO CLOCK THAT SHU! OFF AND ON? SEE IT, MELVINZ. FRIZZELING, PHOTONS! THAT's THE WAY IT WAS IN THE CRUDE DAYS OF 1252! BY 2000 A.0,, WORKING MAN'S OFFICE Was A mass OF BY 20,000 AD. 17 WAS NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR A MAN TO LEAVE His SEAT ONCE HE SAT DOWN TO BUTTONS AND SWITCHES / AND BY 100,000 A.D, WOMEN WERE PERMANENTLY] FIXED IN A COMBINATION MACHINE THAT WAS KITCHEN, LIVING ROOM, BED ROOM. BATH, ENTERTAINMENT, E1C, ETC, ETC! FINALLY, WE COME TO TooAY? WE HAVE MACHINES TO FEED Us, MACHINES TO CLOTHE US, MACHINES TO AMUSE Us, MACHINES TO COMFORT US! MACHINES TO CARRY US? MACHINES TO MARRY US! We HAVE MACHINES TO TAKE CARE OF ANY POSSIBLE PROBLEM ! 1,200,000 A.D.! EVERYTHING... EVERYTHING 15 TAKEN CARE OF BY MACHINES! WE REST ON A CUSHIONED, MOTOR- POWERED COUCH, WHILE MACHINES TAKE CARE OF Que BVERY NEED! We NEVER Have TO MOVE 70 SATISEY ANY DESIRE! [AND 200K AT US/ THROUGH YEARS OF D1S- use, CUR MUSCLES HAVE SHRUNK, OUR GODES HAVE WITHERED! WERE JusT A BUNOLE OF NERVES’ WE ARE BLOBS, T TELL YOU! BLOBS OF FLESH! PEANETOIDS! TAKE IT EASY, ALFRED! YOUR RIGHT PINKY |S QUIVERING! YOU REALLY ARE Excite! "AND THE HEART OF OUR WHOLE CIVILIZATION 15 THAT MASTER: MONSTER MACHINE THAT HOLDS THE COMPLEX MECHANISM THAT CONTROLS OUR WHOLE EXISTENCE! THE MACHINE WITHOUT WHICH WE WOULD BE LOST! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? WE WAVE EVEN DEVELOPED A MACHINE TO TAKE CARE OF OVER THERE! THAT ONE WANTS ONE OF THOSE DISPOSABLE PREFABRICATED ROBOT WOMEN... ANCIENT. 1952 HOLLYWOOD STYLE! HE PUTS A COIN INTO THE MACHINE AND GETS A ROBOT WOMAN. HAVE YOU NCTICED HOW LESS AND LESS MEN ARE GETTING MARRIED, AND MORE [AND MORE OF THESE ROBOT WOMAN ARE BEING AN WITHOUT THE MACHINE, WE ARE COMPLETELY. HELPLESS { SE= OVER THERE!| He ONLY HAS TO THINK OF AN ICECREAM SODA! THE MACHINE GIVE IT TO HIM! oes 00K! LOOK OVER THERE! THxT FELLOW WANTS His BACK SCRATCHED, HE SENDS A THOUGHT JEOMMAND INTO. THE MACHINE... IT SCRATCHES HIS BACK, Cue CIVILIZATION 1S GOING TO POT! We LIE JARGUND FROM DAY 10 DAY SEEKING PLEASURE / DOING NOTHING! GETTING MORE AND MORE HELPLESS WITH EACH PASSING MOMENT! 30... ALFRED! WHAT ARE Yell teyINe TO PROVE T PROVE? PROVE? MELVIN’ WHAT... WHAT iF THE MACHINE THAT REPAIRS THE MACHINE... BREAKS? ae ‘f Vie NS] pa OBONG! Ps Ke Bn ye MACHINE BIO BREAK! WE AT E.C. ARE PROUDEST OF OUR SCIENCE - FICTION MAGAZINES! LOOK FOR... enue Te faa cme ol ey ON SALE NOW AT ALL NEWSSTANDS! che Bureau ole the what of the missing cherub? ayak began the strange «ale: amid sobs and wails. ‘Our dear little Lemur was a healthy, alert and normal boy until ehe day [ brought home chat box of rable sale from he grocer's What's so unusual about a box of salt?”, asked Cosmo. Nothing! It was a famous brand. You've seen it! Ircomes in a round red box with a yeh low top and a liede tin spout for pouring.” "Yes, zo on please!” ‘Well, on the box, in a-diamond shaped | 144, BIG PAGES IN 232, TTS IN frame, is a picture of @ Shaker lady with a] —coouimme the comple Here under one cover in brown bonnet on her head. The lady is smil story of the Life of Chrise full color continuity, re GEIL Lec heeR Meebo | ei seen sy Meats ae eae a of salt and on it isa picture of another Shaker Chia Cinek Jace’ | | tie rie a7 ea lady holding another box of salt on which |“ RePGCSeus and four issues of the manszine theres apickire phe Shonloal ies “ot rned in fog aon I know ,.. a Shaker lady witha box of | fure‘teerences to episodes sith. bvigily vernizhod salt!!! They keep diminishing. Goon, please! ilustrered. aio jeer corer Well, our dear little Lemur just sat for hours on end and stared from one Shaker lady fon to the next. He seemed fascinated! And then one day... (sob) ,. he»: «,(sob) disappeared! And just when I was about to change t0 a brand of sale with just ane litle girl with ‘an umbrella on the package! That's life! When itraing. ... it pours! ‘Cosmo MeMoon stroked his beard thought fully. Captain O'Malley dried some. wilted Kleenex by. the heat of his desk lamp. The poor Kayaks just sobbed. ‘Then the magnifi cent-mind of McMoon came up with the solution! ‘My, dear friends! Your fictle boy has gone off into another dimension—and Tam sure he’s (Write for special school prices) yery happy there. Yes, he has gone into IN-] = — — = — — — = > — — — FINITY .... with the Shaker lady! The infinite EDUCATIONAL COMICS, INC. 225 LAFAYETTE ST., NEW YORK 12, N. ¥. is the unattainable limit of an unending proc- | | ess of construction. The extended objects of | | enc our ordinary perception do nor occupy all the span of our field of vision. Objects hast for a] | COMPLETE NEw TESTAMENT longer or shorter period, before which they | 4 wicture sroRits #rom were not experienced and after which :hiey are NCTURE STORIES FROM ¥ " infinity down co the last Salt box,in = the hands of the last unseen Shaker lady! l 1 Now Mr. and Mrs. Omar Kayak were very happy. They hurried right home to talk co their little box of sale Tiberius O’Leary— Roman Counterspy! Rome 106 B.C. Senator Gaius Tobey assigned his best secret. operative, Tiberius O'Leary, io crack down on gamblers who were fixing the spear-point spreads in the gladiator matches. TI: Romans had been shocked by the re- cent bribing of schoolboy athletes in the Colosseum! Tiberius, working incognito, put on @ zoot-toga and headed for a little poolroom just off the main drag, the Appian Way! Inside the empotium, Marcus Sumatra, a dixicland lyre-player, crooned a tender refrain, “The Cry of the Wild Helvetian"! Tiberius quickly joined in & game of Roman Parchisi, Amid cties of “You're faded, Brutus,” "VII come XI,” and "Baby needs a new pair of sandals,” Tibe- rius raked in the chips! Suddenly, one of the heavy losers rapped Tiberius with a roll of denarii clenched in a closed fist, When Tiberius came to, the joint was raided by Chief Lucius Patton and the Forum Police, who put the bracchia on che and all! Tiberius was thrown into solus con- finement for 24 years and 8 moni despairing of ever fuliilling his secret mission. Ai this time, all men in Rome, between the ages of 18 and 25, re- ceived Greetings from the Emperor! You are hereby ordered to report to local draft board MCXXV for a pre-induc- tion physical!” The Romans put Tiberius on their shoulders and marched with him to the Grand Central Forum. They sang rousing choruses of "When Graccus Comes Marching Home Again,” “The Chariot-Wheel of Fortune,” “Bell Bot- tom Togas,” “This is the Pedites, Mr. Tiberius,” and “I'm a Roman Doodle Dandy’’!! At the draft board, Tiberius was im- mediately classified 1-A and sent to Fort Dixiebus for basic training, At the fort, he was given a glass of milk; some gefuelte fish, and then an Rl. (Roman Issue) haircut. Now he ‘was ready to relieve a Vestal Virgin for active duty! He entered the Chemical Corps at the out-break of the Second: Punic War. He was assigned to a place called Oak Ridge to carry on his ex- plosive experiments. Then the Romans invaded the Whife Cliffs of Dover! They discov- ered.that the white cliffs were made of chalk, so they broughtthome a gal- ley-full! The Roman Board of Educa- tion was elated! Roman students could write on their slates at last! But the triumph of progress was short-lived! The kids were ruining their togas with chalk-dust. Tailors and cleaners were living off the fad of the land!! Tiberius retired to his lab, and after 32 years of research, came out with an implement to clean slates. It was called “Eradico Scribendi’! But, as-he emerged from his sanc- tudry with his wonderful discovery, Rome fell!! And that's how ERASERS were born! ‘CRIME DEPT. ! COME AWAY FROM YOUR CLEAN LINEN, YOUR. UNDERWORLD! COME FOIST, WE CALLED DE MAYOR AN’ TOL Hum DAT | [ DEN, 17” GONNA PUT ON DIS COAT WIT’ FAKE HE GOTTA FORK OVER TEN GRAND Oe WE'LL HANGS HANGIN’ BY MY SIDES! DEN, 1 GONNA BUMP OFF HIS FAMILY! DEN, We TOLD HIM HOW HE SHOULD LEAVE DE MONEY IN & BROWN PAPER PACKAGE ON TOID AN! MAIN STREET! DEN TM GONNA WALK OVA WIT DIS FAKE STOMACH ‘me? DEN, I WALKS OVA TO Dis BROWN PAPER PACKAGE WHICH 1S LAYIN' LIke Dar SAMPLE PAPER PACKAGE IS LAYIN'/ DEW, WHILE MY FAKE WANDS HANG BY MY SIDES, I REACHES lig ‘OUT WIT" MY REGULA’ HANDS, WATCHIN: DEY DON'T KNOW NUTTIN’S HAPPENED! —— ‘A STINK VY WHAT A THE TIME HAS. 6. COME! SyN- SOF GRONSE Your INSTEAD OF DEIR MONEY, DEY FNC A STINK BOMBS WE'RE COMING CLOSE! FLATTEN AGAINST THE WALL! THAT'S IT! IF WE'RE FLATTENED UP UKE THIS... PEOPLE DONIT NOTICE US! THEY THINK WE'RE JUST AN ORDINARY FLAT LOCK LIKE NORMAL HUMAN al Pik WALL! HAH! LOOK! THERE IT BEINGS! ! 1S! THE PACKAGES FWAtk narygat! $A. Leg, tA. LOO", act uNton-cerneo! | TAKE iT Easy! , NOT Too FAST! g Tae yp EASY! A iA..too at q peek 2 Wax over 70. 3 § THe BAA ACKAGE [tbe 10) cum Sy TA NOW TAKE iT qe PACKAGE! 1A- LEE... A oe COPS! THEY'VE SPOTTED US! THE FLATFEET ARE FIRIN’ ON US! OUIEKLINFO THE GETAWAY ear! Spe ON IT, BUMBLE, ANO DON'T < 'T GONNA GET ME, UMBLE! COPPERS AIN'T GONNA COPPERS/ NOT ME? GET ME! N 7 _ YAHAHAHAHA! aE THEY'VE SHOT THE SIDE )\ | THEY'VE SHOT THE OTHER THEY'VE SHOT THE ROOF oi gue a OFF! BUT THEY AIN'T SIDE OFF / BUT THEY. OFE! BUT THEY AIN'T J GONNA GET ME! GONNA GET ME! AIN'T GONNA GET ME! "YEAH, BOSS!" YEAH, ee YOU'RE RNS, AZY WI ‘ 0 QUICK LINTO CATA TEAE BO. TWE GETAWAY OUR OPERATION 18 GOING SMOOTH, BUMBLE! Wow, NO FUMBLING AND HEAD FOR THE WIDE-OUT/ THEY'VE GOT THE CoasT GUARD AFTER US! YAMAHANAHANAAS YOU COAST GUARDS Li NEVER TAKE ME ALVES Dis 154 GOOD WELL! THEY'VE Lost us! now \] |wow, goss? ) yea, sumsie you IEA, BOSS... 4] | THERE'S Just YOU AND Me MIME HUN? J FINALLY PULLED OFF BREATHING AND THE TEN GRAND! RiGhT, % TROUGH OUR, BUMBLE? THERE! LET Me CARRY IT FOR A WHILE! WE GONNA SPLIT IT UB, SNIFF /G-GOOD-6YE, BUMBLE! THIS HURTS YOU MORE THAN IT DOES mE... BUT. THAT "YEAH, BOSS" ROUTINE! T'S PRIVING ME OUTTA MY MIND! YEAH, BOSS!" YEAH, BOSSI” “YEAH, BOSS!’ AND NOW THe MONEY ¥ 1S MINE! ALL MINE / AWAY! 70 THE (purr) im Gerrine WEAK! Fes T | [ve mpe-our!r, MELVIN, HavE Yoo |CPUEED) TIRED! (PUFF!) CAN iN MADE IT To THE HIDE-OUT! Jom MARDLY LIFT MY BRMS 5 (PUP I'VE CHEATED THEM , ECLIMB. UP... HIHIMIHL.. TO THE HIDE-OUT SHACK... HINA HAUT THE SECRET COMBINATION... OPEN 2O0R . HIMIHM. BUMBLE... FUMBLED! ), YOU SET OUT ON THE RAIL. TO HUNT DOWN THAT. i YOU MANES Ue BEEN RIDIN.-CAUSE WHEN I T BEEN RIDIN CAUSE WHEW I MAKES UP MUM MIND TO 00. Im Hoo, ) THe Fastest ) Tex ICKIMINA- pCHAH! JORAW WEST, BELLY, f JOP tARECO! Keuy? ‘BUST OFF A PLOT OV S00T- HILL BOYS, CAUSE IM REACHIN’ FOR my GU. JOOWN ms 6LASS O'MULK, DICT SOREW HIS GUNS, FIRED, HOLSTERED HIS GUNS AND PIEKED UP HIS MILK! Tent) supeen aan, YO ensernin THE GAMBLIN’ BA-LA- 600. anes Yanan tay ute i Pi Y WAR, TEKIN SLIPPERY } sou HAD HIDDEN UNDI z z Aaa WAIL OIDK'T FOOL ME ONE iT SaiD.. WHEW I MAKES UP MU 70 00 Somer, Z DON'T CHANGE EASY/ SUN-UP/ I HEAR THE cLINKIN’ oF | [SUN-UP/ x SEES THE Hal SET ©! SPURS COMIN’ UP THE | | TALL HOMBRE, OVER THE SILENT STREET! THE Pi6-FACED | | DOCRS! THE Ple-FACED. KD... MEANEST KILLER 1, THE TERROR OF ABILENE THE WEST, 13 A-cOMIN'/ MMM) aw’ ALL POINTS NORTH OF fim | THE RIO...75 A-CoMIN'/ n ioe TEX 18 ALIVE suuces. AND THE Aie-FACED. ALL kip 15 Daib!, z EASY! GOT ANY PRAYERS TO SAY, Ol MANE 4 DON'T 00 17, BOY! WUIN'T THE VARMINT WHO KALED MELVINE BUT I DO KNOW WHO THE VARMINT Wiz! ALL THESE Y'ARS, WHILE YOU BEEN RIDIN, RIDIN! ION! Lr BEEN A°KEEPIN’ THE SECRET IN Mut OLD LEATHERY HEART! AN’ NOW, CSNIEF) NOW TM A GONNA HAFIA TELL ALL (SNIFF)! WHO WAS IT? WHO WAS THE VARMINT THAT KILLED MELVINZ | WHO DID TEX JUST SHOOTT Tell US! WERE TOOK, FELLAS! THE SMOKE'S LFTIN'/ THAR'S & BODY ON THE FLOOR / T'S. T WU2 THAR, THE NIGHT MELVIN. Wu" EDIT WAZ THAR WHEN Th VARMINT CAME WALKIN’ OUT © HE DONE DONE ‘CAUSE ME DONE WUE ASLEEP ALL THE TIME! 20_SOMETHIN; HE DIDN'T. CHANGE EASY / cIMMe A DRINK. JOE! Company! Bena coupan TOOK 32 40 mum. Power ro Clee Views 1, Modera Design © Contee-Facusing Wheel 4 big Size ond Big Power © Sorisfuction Guarantees SEE NO MONEY —Try at our it fhe Joace! M Joure

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