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Used to + infinitive

We use used + infinitive to talk about past habits, repeated actions or states that we no
longer do:
Structure of Question ; Did+ subject + used to ?
Structure of negative ; Subject + did not + used to or Subject ++ used not + to


to bite my nails but now I dont.

used to drive me to school but now I walk there by myself.

We used to play clapping games but now children like playing on computer games.
My father

Did you used to eat a lot of chocolate ?

NO, I didn't used to .

Would + verb

We use would + verb to talk about repeated actions in the past We dont generally use
would in the negative or interrogative form to describe past actions When we use would
we usually need to a set of occasions or a specific time .
When we were children, we WOULD visit my grandmother every Sunday.
My Dad


always read to me story before bad.

Choose the correct answer.

I didn't ( used to would - both ) live in a city.

When I was a child, I (would - used to - both)play football every Saturday.

My grandfather says winters (Used to - would - both)be colder when he was young.
When I was a student, I (would - used to - both)often go climbing with my friends.

Rewrite these sentence in a correct way.

We /go to the beach /every summer.

He/ not /smoke.
He /play golf / every weekend ?
They both /have short hair.

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