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Philosophy of Education

I believe my purpose as a teacher is to motivate each and every

student in my classroom to be active members of society. I am committed
to building a new culture in which my students may become known as
leaders in our community. Education not only frees an individual into the
world of vast opportunities but it ultimately frees an individual from the
limitations placed upon them by others. I believe that education is the
great equalizer and it is my passion to give each of my students the tools
needed to have an equal fighting chance.

Therefore, I Will

Appreciate the diversity embedded in each and every student in my

Focus on the process of learning in preparation to the product
Incorporate collaborative group work to develop leadership in my
Differentiate my instruction to the best suit the learning preferences of
my students
Provide opportunities for community service and service learning
projects to emphasis the importance of being an active member of
Deliberately focus my classroom on the application of knowledge;
creating purpose and meaning to learning
Involve parents as an essential part of the effectiveness learning

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
With passion: Vanessa Rogers

A teachers dedication to the enhancement of education in order to break the

chains of limitations

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