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Mathematical Modeling of FluidizedBed Chlorination of Rutile

Presented By Rohit Yadav

M.Tech : Chemical Engineering (CAPPD)

Model Description
A = c/s area
F0 = feed rate of solid
particle size density
function P0
yb = fraction of entire soid
present in bubble phase
r = particle radius
w = solid weigh per unit
volume of bed

Mass balance in gas phase

The gas phase mass balance in bulk and emulsion phase

= + , (, )

= + , (, )

when =

Gas phase
Emulsion phase

when = 5

Constitutive relationship

= k ()1.29 0.55 2 0.74

(Zohu 1994)

Mass Balance of Solid




For bubble phase




Mass Balance of Solid


3 1 ,

Similarly for emulsion phase


3 1 ,

Mass Balance of Solid

Heat Balance

0 , , =
1 + 2 0 , +, +, , +

Method Of Solution

Effect of superficial velocity
Concentration coefficient increases with gas velocity
Gas exchange coefficient increases with gas velocity

Does not have influence on particle size distribution in

It affects the density function in elutriation.

Effect of gas exchange coefficient
With increase in gas exchange coefficient reactant
gas conc. increases substantially in emulsion
Decreases in bubble phase

Effect of reaction rate constant

CO concentration decreases with increasing
reaction rate constant.

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