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Before two weeks I went to Al-Qarayen kindergarten, which was on Tuesday,

October 13th and Tuesday, October 20th. First when I entered the school I
signed then went to the class to help the teacher and welcomed the student.
In the beginning of the day all the school students have morning assembly
then we move on the schedule, on our class they start the day with the
English lesson to one hour only. In the English class they have a routine that
never changes. The teacher starts the lesson by singing the morning song
and ends the lesson by reviewing what they took. While the students are
doing the activities the teacher observed all the students and helped them. I
saw that she encouraged the student and mark their papers and she drew a
star for each student.
On the last Tuesday when I woke up in the morning I saw a message from the
kindergarten teacher she asked me to get a UAE flag because there are a
group whose came from The ministry of education, they called it fazaa group
they came to schools to reinforce the national identity. Erikson was an ego
psychologist. He emphasized the role of culture and society When I
arrived to school it was decorated by flag colors and all the students wore
traditional clothes. Each class had to do a workshop so my students
decorated cupcakes by using fruits. So, that day was an open day. And all the
students went back home at 12:00.

Erik Erikson.S,McLeod.(2008).Retrieved from

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