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Oppression Script

by Conner Wells
(at Osamas house) -Osama, Osamas Mom (voice), TV Reporter
*tv showing 9/11 buildings burning down
*pan over (from the back side of the TV) showing Osama sitting and watching it.
*his mom calls him from a different room:
Osamas mom:
Osama, its time for school!
*Osama gets up and starts walking away from the TV
*(different view of osama walking away from the TV) a reporter comes on and Osama
stops to look back at the TV.
TV Reporter:
We believe that an Islamic terrorist named Osama Bin Laden is behind these attacks.
*Horror is in Osamas face as he hears his name mentioned as the same as the
*heard from the distance
Osamas mom:
Osama! Hurry up!
[Title comes up]
(first day at school- car ride departure) -Osama, Yiwei, James
*shows car pull up to the front of the school
*Osama gets out of the car (has worried look on his face)
*Osama isnt looking and runs into Yiwei
Sorry man, my bad.

(in broken english) Its alright.
*Yiwei walks up to the flagpole (as bell rings for class)

*a random person walks by and Yiwei stops him and asks (in broken english):
(In broken english) Hey, sorry! Can you show me where my class is? Im new here.
(in a mocking tone) What was that chink?
Can you show me where my-
*broken off by James:
(mocks him in some racist way)
*James walks away leaving Yiwei confused
*Camera follows James showing Yiwei left behind
(walk through the school-hallway to dead end) -Yiwei, James, Osama, Eric
*Yiwei is looking at his schedule (walking), trying to find his class still and passes a dead
end hall way in which Osama, James, and Eric are in.
*pan over from the (hallway view) (sees some of James body in the view) seeing Yiwei
walk by and looking over into it
*Osama sees Yiwei and then turns around
*at that moment the camera moves up and sees James throw a punch at Osama (the
*whole scene shot of the hallway seeing Osama being knocked to the ground.
*Osama makes a sharp noise and starts cradling his foot
*Camera pans up from Osamas body and sees Eric
(in a worried tone) Lets get out of here dude!
*Camera follows Erics glance to James
*James lingers to make sure Osama is in pain looking down at him (camera from
Osamas view to James view)
*shows James and Eric bolting away from the hallway (Osamas view on the ground)
*Osama is still making agonizing noises
*camera fades and scene ends (camera zooming away from Osama)

(Next Day at school-hallway) -Maddy, Olivia, Amy, Random People

*In a hallway at school
*People are talking in the hallway:
Random People in the hallway:
*mention Osama getting beaten up in someway.
*Maddy hears this (shown by her looking down aiming at noise) and then camera
switches view to Maddy
*Olivia is getting something out of her locker.
*Camera sees Maddy and Olivia holding hands showing their full bodies
*Olivia and Maddy start talking while still holding hands. Olivia is not looking at Maddy
while getting her things out of the locker.
*one of their friends comes up and when Olivia sees, she quickly drops Maddys hand
*Maddy gives Olivia a weird (sad) look
*Camera stays on Maddys look at Olivia.
*walks by and says hi to both of them
*Maddy is still looking at Olivia while Amy walks by.
Maddy and Olivia:
*Amy leaves and then Maddy says to Olivia:
What was that?!
I thought we agreed that we were going to be more open about this?
Oh. Im just thinking that a lot of people will think badly of us if we let it out that were

But who cares what they think?!
Not everything is about you! I care what everyone thinks!
*Olivia walks away angry
*leaves Maddy upset (camera still on her)

(Next day at school-dead end hallway) Osama, James, Eric, Yiwei

*In a hallway at school
*People are talking in the hallway:
Random People in the hallway:
*mention Maddy someway being gay.
*Osama hears this (shown by him looking down aiming at noise) and then camera
switches view to Osama
*Osama is in moving towards the same dead end hallway from before, this time with a
certificate in his hand and crutches.
*Goes up to James and Eric
See look I changed it!
*shows birth certificate with his name changed to Aslan instead of Osama
*close up of certificate
(Laughs) You think its ok now that you changed your name. You think that because
your name changed that now my mom isnt in a pile of ashes because of your people.
*James rips up the certificate in front of him (camera still on Osama)
*Yiwei walks by and stares (Osama sees this shown by camera. Behind Osamas head)
*Eric looks to James for approval
*James motions Eric with a head nod
*James lifts up his fist aimed at Osama.
*Then a hand (Yiweis) reaches out of stops James fist
*Camera shows James view from looking around of Yiwei stopping his fist

*James is pushed away by Yiwei (still his view)

*Then Eric comes at Yiwei and punches him (still in James view)
*Eric has a horrified look on his face because of the punch (looking at Yiwei on the
ground/his fist)
*Osama grabs one of his crutches and hits James in the stomach (camera shows
Osamas crutch coming at him from James POV)
*James grabs Osamas crutch that was flung at him causing Osama to fall
Crippled Arab. (to Osama)
*Camera switches to Osamas POV
*James runs away with Eric (Eric looking worried and scared) leaving Osama on the
*Osamas head goes down in defeat (staring at the sky)
*A hand sticks out after a couple of seconds (Yiweis)
*Osama is helped up (full body view the both of them)
*Yiweis face is all bloody
Thank you (in a super sincere tone). (to Yiwei)
youre welcome, my name is Yiwei, what is yours.
*Osama looks at his torn up certificate
*Yiwei nods his head and starts walking away leaving Osama
*fade away

(Next day at school-hallway) Osama, Maddy, Olivia, Amy

*Osama walks by on his crutches
*Amy makes eye contact with him (he look miserable)
*Camera is now Amys POV as she walks down the hallway towards Maddy and Olivia.
*Maddy and Olivia are talking in the hallway (leaning on each other in a loving way)
*Amy comes walking by. Neither Olivia nor Maddy see her.

(laughing) Are you guys gay or something?
*Both look a little shocked when they hear her say this.
*Maddy tries to speak up and say something but Olivia cuts her off saying:
eww! Gay for her?! No!
(Laughs), alright just curious.
*Amy starts walking away
*Shows shot of Maddy surprised and dismayed
Oh hey wait you have Beaty right? Ill walk with you.
*Olivia starts walking away with Amy not looking back at Maddy
*Leaves shot (walking away aka Maddys POV of Olivias back)
*Maddy is almost tears looking betrayed.
(Same day at school-hallway towards bathrooms) Maddy, Osama, Yiwei
*Shot of Maddy walking out of the girls bathroom
*Maddy is crying
*Maddy glances over at Osama and Yiwei are walking by. (camera changes to Yiweis
You think we should help her?
We dont know her.
*Yiwei starts walking over to Maddy (not looking back at Osama)
*Yiwei approaches her
*Maddy is looking down and doesnt notice him.
Hey, are you ok?

*Yiwei looks back at Osama and motions (looks at him in a way that says come help)
him to come over and help
*Osama follows after Yiwei (still in Yiweis glance)
*Yiwei then looks at Maddy again as Osama comes over and joins
Yeah Im fine.
*Maddy starts to move away.
*Yiwei watches her leave but feels hesitant (like he wants to help but cant)
Its ok man, we couldnt have done anything. If she doesnt want our help we cant force
it on her.
*Maddy walks away and outside of the hall. (still in Yiweis view)
*shot of Yiwei and Osama leaving with Yiweis head down and Osama (seemingly)
comforting him.
*Fade into black.
(that night-Yiweis bedroom TO the hallway of his house TO the outside of his
house.) Yiwei
*Yiwei is laying in bed. (Arms crossed behind his head)
-darkish room with only a couple lamps lit*It looks like he is in deep thought.
*Another view of Yiwei from his bed side
*Yiwei starts to sit up and after a couple of seconds stands up and heads out.
*Shot of Yiwei putting on a jacket and then exiting his door. (door shuts in Cameras
*Shot of Yiwei closing his door and getting a phone from his pocket.
*(close up of Yiweis phone-) as he scrolls through it and calls Osama.
(that night-Osamas bedroom) Osama
*Shot of Osamas phone ringing with Yiweis name visible. Osama in view sleeping in
his bed.
*Osama gets up and answers the phone.
Dude what do you want, I was sleeping.

(that night-on the street) Yiwei

*Yiwei is walking on the street (camera following him from across the street as he talks
on the phone.)
-Street lights are the only light above himYiwei:
I had an idea.
Could it not have waited till tomorrow?
Its important. Ill be there soon.
Wait what?!
*Closer shot of Yiwei walking with his phone. He hangs up and continues walking into
the camera.
(that night-Osamas house (FRONT OF HOUSE)) Yiwei, Osama
*Yiweis hand reaches out to ring Osamas doorbell.
*Osama opens the door right then.
Dude what are you doing? My parents are asleep!
um sorry.
Here, lets go in the garage.
(that night-Osamas garage) Osama, Yiwei
*as they are walking to the garage:
ugh, this better be important.
*door to garage open and they walk in.

*Osama turns on the light and they go sit on some chairs/a couch.
So what is it?
I was thinking a lot... and, I well-
*cut off by Osama
Come on man, I gotta get back to sleep before my parents wake up.
*Osama glances over to the door
Alright. Well you know how we get in fights like every day right?
*Yiwei looks at Osamas leg.
We need to do something about it.
Let me just stop you right there. There are more of them than us, we cant fight them,
and we sure as hell cant avoid them. So unless if you found some way that we can
become superheros and save the world, its hopeless to even try.
I know. But I was thinking. We cant be the only ones that feel this way towards them.
What if we found others with they picked on and form a group together?
Like a club?
I mean, do you really think people would join and stuff?
Well remember how we saw that one girl today?

I think we could have her and some others like her.
Like a support group sort of thing?

Yeah, something like that. I think we could have everyone talk about whats going on
with them and the group can try to help.
Ok. Lets do it. But we cant let James and Eric know though, they will ruin it before we
even get a chance.
I think this may work.
(one week later-Osamas garage) Osama, Yiwei, Mark, Maddy
*One week later text underneath landscape
*Garage has a sign that says: The Oppressed Club
*Mark, Osama, and Yiwei are sitting on the couches.
welcome to the first meeting of The Oppressed Club. Yeah, we are working on a name
(laugh). So we are gonna start by sharing some stories or our experiences with
oppression. Yiwei, you wanna go first?
Sure. Well I am originally from China and so I dont speak much English. I go to school
for the first day and then get called names and things for not being able to speak
english very well. Then I get into a fight later for trying to help Osama. Its all because of
James and Eric.

But now we have this club to try and prevent that. You see-*Cut off by a knocking on the garage.
*Yiwei walks over and opens the garage.
*When it opens, Maddy is standing there.

Is this the The Oppressed Club?
*Osama and Yiwei look at each other
*scene fades
(The Oppressed Club Montage-Osamas Garage) Maddy, Yiwei, Mark, Osama
*Sound over all of Montage
*Montage of the four of them talking and having fun (laughing etc)
*Show Maddy talking and starts to crying/put head in hand
*Yiwei comforts her with a hand on the shoulder.
(Still in Montage-school, dead end hallway) Eddie, Eric, James
*Still in montage
*Eddie is getting beaten up by James in a corner
*Camera pans to Eric and him in thought and not happy about the beatings
(The Oppressed Club Montage-Osamas Garage) Eddie, Yiwei
*Still in montage
*Show Eddie sharing (hand movements and talking)
*Eddie has a bruise or black eye
*Show Yiwei talking (in reply to Eddie, hand movements and talking)
(One month later- Osamas Garage) Yiwei, Maddy, Mark, Eddie, Eric, Osama
*Three months later text underneath
*Everyone is sitting down in the garage talking.
*Sharing something about his story and is cut off--

*There is a knock on the garage

*Yiwei goes to open it
*The garage opens and Eric is standing right there
*Everyone is in shock and dont say anything
Hey. Um.. I am not here to hurt anyone. I dont agree with James about anything he
has done to you guys. I cant stand it anymore. He makes me help him with all these
fights and things, hes just a terrible person. I want to help you guys. I really do.
*Everyone looks at each other.
*After a few seconds of silence
How can we trust you.
I dont expect you to at first. But I truthfully want to help and get away from him.
*Yiwei looks to Osama (camera follows glance)
Here can we all talk about this for a minute. You wait outside Eric.
Of course.
*they all get in a smaller circle.
I dont know about this.
*Eddie and Maddy nod in agreeance
Look, I know what he has done to us in the past but think about his perspective. James
forces him to do all these things to kids but he doesnt want to. Then when he finally
reaches out for help from a supportive club he gets denied? I think we should give him a
chance. Whos with me?
Im with Osama.

ok, but he gets one chance, thats it.
*Osama heads over to Eric (outside the garage).
Welcome to The Oppressed Club
*Eric smiles (genuinely)
*Scene fades
(the next day-Osamas Garage) Maddy, Eric, Osama, Yiwei, Eddie, Mark
*Everyone is in a circle
*Maddy is sharing
I just dont know what to do about Olivia. I still love her but its just so hard.
Im sorry Maddy. But the things is, if Olivia isnt ready to publicly display her affection,
you cant force her to. It feels like a small thing, but if you just tell her how you are
feeling and let her know that you understand her, it can help a lot. If you are both on the
same page, it will be easier to talk about these things and itll push you both closer
(almost in tears) Youre right. Ill talk to her.
(the next day-Olivias house) Maddy, Olivia
*Maddy rings the doorbell to Olivias house.
*Olivia opens the door
(a little bit in shock) Oh hi Maddy.

I just wanted to talk for a little.

*Camera is on Maddy for most of this, if not all at the end of her talking.
Well Ive been thinking. And firstly, I wanted to say I am really sorry. I didnt think about
your feelings or side of things enough. I just wanted to overcome our situation and move
forward. But I didnt understand that you werent ready and took that personally. You
honestly mean the world to me and I dont want to lose you. Will you forgive me?
(crying) Yes.
*they hug
(the next day- Osamas garage) Maddy, Olivia, Eric, Osama, Yiwei, Mark, Eddie
*They are all sitting in a circle.
*Maddy and Olivia are holding hands
So I brought Olivia, my girlfriend today.
Hi everyone.
Firstly, I wanna thank Eric. Without you (looks at Eric) I couldve never gathered the
courage to go and talk to Olivia. So thank you.
*Eric nods his head with a modest smile.
So Im glad you are all here today cause Eric and I have been forming a plan to get rid
of James.
*Osama looks towards Eric (camera changes to Eric)

Yeah. We were thinking that if all of us went to the principal and complained it could do
the trick.
But what if he doesnt believe us? We dont have any actual proof.
Well thats the thing. We need to get proof. So we need to record a couple of us being
beaten up by him.
So Mark, Ill give you my camera to record the beating. Yiwei and Osama, would you
guys be willing to be the victims?
Osama and Yiwei at once:
But you have to understand, you guys cant fight back. If you do, then youll be looked
at as just as guilty. You guys have to take the beating for as long as it goes and not say
anything to provoke him.
*Osama and Yiwei look at each other and nod.
Alright lets do this.
(the next day- school in the hallway before the deadend) Eric, Osama, Yiwei, James
*Mark, Osama, Yiwei, and Eric are standing by the hallway before the deadend.
*Eric hands Mark the camera
Alright guys this is it.
*Eric walks into the deadend hallway
*Camera stays on Yiwei, Osama, and Mark.
Alright, Im ready when you guys are.
*Osama and Yiwei walk into the hallway

*Camera follows Osama and Yiwei into the hallway from behind.
*Eric has his arm around James.
*James has red eyes (after crying sort of thing).
*James looks up at Osama and Yiwei.
(cry sort of yell) Get away from me!
*Osama and Yiwei step closer.
Didnt you hear me!? Get away!
*James pushes away from Erics arm. Goes in his pocket and grabs out a knife
*View from Marks camera, Osama and Yiwei are blocking the view of the knife
*Closer view of James up close to Osama and Yiwei (Osamas POV)
*James is point his knife at them
If you ever go against what I say again, I am going to use this. Now get out of here!
*Osama and Yiwei look at each other
*View from Marks camera. Osama and Yiwei run away and Mark turns the corner to not
be seen.
*scene fades.
(that night- Osamas garage) Osama, Yiwei, Eric, Olivia, Eddie, Maddy
*Everyone is sitting around the computer, Yiwei is standing.
*Video is playing from Marks camera on the computer.
*Camera sees the footage of when James came up with a knife blocked by Osama and
Yiweis bodies in the footage.
Did we get anything that we can use?
*Yiwei gets frustrated and starts kicking things and getting angry.

Calm down Yiwei, we will find a way.

What happened, why didnt he come after us?!
His dad. He passed away from alcohol poisoning last night. (pause as everyone is
quiet) He abused him, hurt him every night in a drunken rage. (pause). But you guys
won. He is moving away to live with his aunt and uncle outside of town.
So- so was he acting out because of his father?
Yes, but that doesnt make it justified. Look we got rid of the biggest bully the school
has ever seen. Just because his home life was terrible, doesnt mean he can be
excused from hurting people.
Now that he is gone we can really make this club huge. Lets get more people, lets
expand, lets move forward.
Shes right. Nothing can stop us now from helping more people.
Lets do it.
*Everyone puts their hand on top of each other. Eric is the last to do it and smiles when
he puts his hand in.
(the next day- James house) James, Eric, (drivers for car)
*A car with 2 people in the front seats are outside a house while James puts in a
suitcase in the trunk.
*Eric walks up to James as James opens up the door to the car.
So i guess this is it.

Hey can you do me a favor at your new school?
What is it?
Please dont hurt people. Even if they deserve it, hold back (pause) for me.
*looks down for a moment
Ill try.
*James puts out his hand. Eric shakes it.
Good luck bud.
You too.
*James turns around and goes into the car and closes the door.
*the car starts driving away.
*Eric waves to James.
*Scene fades
(next day- new school) James, Moksh, Blake, Spencer
*Inside the car shot. James opens the door and walks out.
*Shot of new school (landscape) as James walks into the new school.
*Close up of James as he is looking at his schedule.
*Blake comes up to James with Spencer.
Well look what we have here.
*James looks up.
Oh hey Im new here.

Oh well welcome. I suppose it is time for your inciation.
*Blake and Spencer come up closer to him (ready to give a beating)
*Then Moksh cuts between them.
Hey leave him alone.
*James is looking in shock.
Get out of here.
*Blake and Spencer leave. Glaring at them.
Hey sorry about that, Just stick with me, youll be fine.
Thank you.
Its no problem. Im sure you would do the same for me if the roles were reversed.
*Camera closes up on James.
Right (smiles).
*Scene fades.
(New day- Osamas garage) Eric, Osama, Yiwei, Maddy, Olivia, Mark, Eddie, Alec
*Everyone is sitting and talking, having a discussion.
*A knock is heard on the garage.
*Yiwei opens it up.
*Alec is standing outside
Is this The Oppressed Club?

*Osama and Yiwei look at each other and smile.

*Scene goes blank.
*credits roll.

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