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NAZI GERMANY Task: Video Presentation

Adam Barnacle

Use historical terms and concepts.

Presentation is engaging and

makes use of different forms of
media: images, video, narration,
information etc
Successfully communicate
knowledge and understanding of
overall unit.

Address the focus question/s

specifically and have a coherent
and clear response to it.

At least two primary and two
secondary sources:
1) Analyse the
relevance of these
sources by drawing
conclusions about
their usefulness.
2) Identify and
describe points of
view, attitudes and
values in the


21 /35
Some great content in your presentation Adam and excellent
quoting of secondary sources well done!
I would have liked to have seen your focus question in the
presentation to provide an introduction. I liked that you picked up
on the fear and love aspect in the beginning however this was not
returned again throughout the presentation a really vital aspect.
Your use of images was good although more of them at a faster
pace may have increased the overall engagement.
I felt like some of your statements need further
elaboration/explanation they were a bit general.
For example:
Volkssturm blindly followed Hitlers propaganda how did they
do this?
Hitler hid his dirty work in concentration camps what was his
dirty work?
Hitlers dream was the future of Germany what was his dream?
Your conclusion really needed to link back to the focus question
which it did not.
Finally, there is no bibliography included.

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