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Poster Examples


Doctor Who
As I/peers have said throughout my
planning and feedback I wanted to
create a poster which incorporates
art within it. Having unreadable
written signs all over the body can
connote the work of the devil which
links to my theme of the afterlife and
the antagonist coming back. This is
shown in Doctor Who with a
character becoming possessed
through the writing he has all over
his body. The covered eyes also links
to Maslows need for safety as eyes
are considered the window to the
soul so by being unable to see them
the audience is made to worry what
has happened to her soul. Making
the audience feel unsafe.

Examples of red and white

combo being used within horror
Sweeny Todd uses
white and red on
the title and uses
red in blood

The saw doll is

mainly made
from red and

The last house on the left

using red and white in

Insidious 2 film

The Title
The thought process for the choice of colouring
with simply the connotations of the colours. It
links to blood and bandages but I also linked it
to my narrative in a deeper way. We begin the
trailer seeing the antagonist as a innocent and
sweet girl but she becomes anger after her
death (narrative enigma of how she dies) the
could imply the white was her innocence but
the red is her blood lust we assume for the boy
due to her anger. This idea is reiterated
through the typography having it resemble
blood dripping down the poster a common
convention seen in horror film posters.

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