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Cfiirtral Japan Chnstfan Kfasfon

The Tim Turners

Forwarding Address:

"Taking the Good News of the Risen Son

tO the Land Of the RlsIng Sun"

M/M Dan Spencer

9699 2nd St Nortli
St. Petersburg. FL 33702

The Paul Pratts

Forwarding Address





9699 Second Street North


St Petersburg, FL 33702


April, 2001

Dear Friends/Prayer-Partners:

*Traise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits". Psalm 103.
CJCM IN TRANSITION: The transition has been taking place for several years. Our
goal has always been to turn the work in Japan over to the younger generation. That time
has come,so soon!

Most of you know that CAROL SPENCER is now Forwarding Agent for CJCM. MARY
LOU BAUER has been our efficient and feithfiil Forwarding Agent for 25 years. She has
sacrificed time and money for this labor of love. We pray(jod's special blessings on her
and Harry for this very special service for Christ and His church in Japan. We couldn't
have served without them. We are glad the Lord lead TIM AND LISA TURNER to serve
Japan, in Machida City Tokyo.(Mark and Lynn began this work in 1975).

ICARIS, our granddaughter, went to Japan in January, to take a course in Japanese

language study at Senshu University. She was able to attend churches at Hiroshima,
where Mark was serving when he became ill. She also attended the Yokosuka church
where she gave a mini concert on Saturday night and Simday morning, a testimony and
special song. LYNN went to visit Karis March 7-17 and was able to meet many, many
friend- -very wonderful and emotional days for everyone.

Just recently LYNN received the bad news that Mark's insurance company will not pay
his hospital bills, saying it was a pre-existing illness!! This is a shock to Lynn. To know
more about it please write to LYNN PRATT,5759 Desertgold Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247
ore-mail: Phone: 513-385-4570

Now aboid our health: Paul's neurologist was very surprised to see that Paul's health has
improved. He praised Aricept(the medication he prescribed for AD),but we know GOD
ANSWERS PRAYER. I, Kathleen, am seeing God answer prayers and directing the
Doctor in issuing the right medication - - all very expensive($$$$$$)but beneficial.
Thank you for praying for us. We pray for you!
"When we all get to heaven what a day ofrejoicing that will be."
In His Love,

Cl\urch PlaitlfncjSluilEttt Eyaiitjelismlitcraliini Dislnbulfotr-lBadBrsKip Training

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