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Name: Mahra Al Qassimi

ID: H00330597
Instuctor: Mr. Basel Badran
EPC 1903 Practicum 1b

Reflections on Journal 10
On April 11, 2016, my partner and I mixed things up and did a mistake, we sent
Mr. Basel an email inviting him for observation at 8am instead of 8:30am. I talked
to Mr. Basel and explained what happened exactly, we apologized and asked if he
can come back later at 8:30am once the children finished Free Play. At 8:30am we
discussed our lesson plans with our MST, Ms. Tammy and Mr. Basel, we explained
to them that my partner, Nada and I thought that teaching separately meant that
each of us teach different lessons. We realized that we were supposed to teach one
lesson but divide it in half, we asked if its alright to go with our original plan,
Nada teaching math and I teach English. We decided to be each others assistant
during our lessons, handing out papers and providing the materials on the table,
etc. We explained that it was an honest mistake and that well try to do our best
next time. My partner, Nada, taught Teen numbers while I did a procedure about
building a snowman and procedure words, such as: First, Next, Then and Last. I
reflected on the beginning of my lesson, and decided it was going to be too
difficult, I asked Ms. Tammy for her approval to change it up for all the children to
be able to complete the task. When we finished teaching, we went to Ms. Tammy
to discuss about next week, our feedback formative assessment report and how we
can improve doing our job and avoid such mistakes next time. I was disappointed
that we messed up, but tried to be optimistic and remind myself and Nada that a

classroom is a place where countless mistakes are allowed to occur and that were
still learning.

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