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Mirna Garcia

Project C Style Sheet

Page Format
size 8.5x11
orientation - tall
margins - 0.5/narrow
headers (content, page #, rules, etc.) section titles
footers (content, page #, rules, etc.) page numbers
numbering (front matter, body) within footers
rules (painted lines that act as dividers) green borders
columns (number, width of each) usually 3, some contain 2
graphic placement and width picture sizes vary throughout
colors (screens, text, graphics, none) various colors and images
document title (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) large with UNCC logo
heading 1 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Title of document, large
heading 2 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) sub titile, medium
heading 3 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) - text font, small
spacing (leading, kerning) varies throughout, space b/w paragraphs
abbreviations to use after first reference- several
acronyms to use after first reference - several
capitalization (any non-standard uses must be specified) - titles
hyphenation (on or off?) on
quotation marks (straight or smart quotes) quotation marks
spelling (U.S. English, British English, other?) U.S. English

active or passive voice - active
imperative voice? no
second person direct address of reader? yes
gender references (acceptable pronouns) neutral
Figures & Tables
captions (numbers & titles)- vary
size & placement varies throughout
textual references to figures & tables (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
units of measure (inches, centimeters, picas, points, etc.) varies throughout

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