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Theory of Architecture
Taken from UST Architecture Undergraduate Assessment Test
by Arch. Norma I. Alarcon
Recommended review material for UST Preboard Exam
Prepared by:

1. The space reserved for the bishop at

the end of the church is _____.
a. Nave
b. Dome
c. Bema
d. apse

2. Church plan of the Early Christian is

a. Basilican
b. Greek cross
c. Latin cross
d. Calvary cross

3. In the E. Christians church atrium is a

fountain of water for ablutions that is
similar to our present day.
a. Stoup
b. Water basin
c. Cistern
A deep, wide ditch surrounding
a castle, fort, town;
d. moat
defense against attack.

4. The high altar is covered above by a

canopy called _____.
a. Ambo
b. Confession
c. Baldachino
d. Carpet

5. The space for clergy and choir is

separated by a low screen wall called
a. Podium
b. Ambo
c. Cancelli
d. Ciborium

6. The Iconoclastic Movement during the

Byzantine period forbade the use of
______ for representations.
a. Glass mosaic
b. Statues
c. Gargoyles
d. Carvings

7. Due to its length, the E.Christian

church gives an impression of ____.
a. Horizontality
b. Airiness
c. Spaciousness
d. Magnificence

8. When the dome and the pendentives

are part of the same sphere, the dome
is classified as ____.
a. Acute
b. Double
c. Simple
d. Complex

9. The masterpiece of Byzantine

architecture is ____.
a. S. Vitale, Ravenna
b. S. Mark, Venice
c. S. Sophia, Constantinople
d. S. Theodore, Constantinople

10. For pictorial representations, the head

and shoulders of Christ is placed on
the ____. A, B & C: Byzantine
a. Walls
Representation of Saints
& life of Jesus
b. Ceiling of apse
c. Ceiling of the dome
Virgin child
d. Pendentives
For Evangelist

11. Principal material for the Byzantine

architecture ____.
a. Marble
b. Granite
c. Adobe
d. Brick

12. Church plan of the Romanesque

Church _____.
a. Fleur de lis
b. Papal cross
c. Latin cross
d. Greek

13. Character of Romanesque

architecture is _____.
a. Sober and dignified
b. Simplicity and harmony
c. Lofty and inspiring quality
d. Structural honesty

14. In Romanesque architecture, door

and window openings have jambs or
sides formed in a series of receding
moulded planes known as _____.
a. Orders
b. Piers
c. Mouldings
d. Ornaments

15. Characteristic feature of Romanesque

in N. Italy is the wheel window and the
a. Flying buttress
b. Central projecting porch
c. Caryatid porch
Greek architecture
d. fanlight

16. Walls of the Romanesque churches

are relieved by shallow buttresses or
pilaster strips, connected at the top by
a. Wheel window
b. Corbel arches
c. Cornice
d. Columns

17. The church which is half-Gothic, halfRenaissance and known present as S.

Maria del Fiore is ____.
a. Pantheon, Rome
b. Florence Cathedral
c. S. Andrea, Mantua
d. Superga, Turin

18. In Gothic architecture, the upper story

of the nave walls rising above the aisle
roof which is pierced with windows is
the ______.
Gothic Architecture:
a. Aisle vault
-flying buttress
b. Walkways
- stained
- pointed arch
c. Blind story
d. Clear story

19. The characteristic Renaissance wall that

have cut stones with strongly emphasized
recess joints and smooth or roughly
textured block faces is ____.
a. Polychrome brickwork
b. Sgraffito
c. Rusticated masonry
d. Polygonal facing

20. It is known as the architecture of the

curve line ____.
a. Renaissance
b. Art nouveau
c. Greek
d. Baroque

21. It is very usual in English Gothic

cathedrals to include a chapel in honor
of the Virgin Mary called _____.
a. Chantry chapel
b. Perpetual chapel
c. Widows
d. Lady chapel

22. The ornamental pattern work in stone

filling upper part of a Gothic window is
a. Stained glass
b. Billet moulding
c. Tracery
d. Keystone

23. The characteristic Norman church in

England is _____.
a. York
b. Durham
c. Oxford
d. Guildford

24. The third largest Gothic cathedral in

Europe is ______.
a. Bristol
b. Doges palace
c. Ameins
d. Cologne

25. The forerunner of Gothic in France

was _____.
a. Francois Mansard
b. Villard de Hannecourt
c. Arnolfo di Cambio
d. Christopher Wren

26. The period known as the Early English

period of the Gothic style in England and
which is less massive in character and
simple in ornament is the _____.
a. Lancet
b. Rayonnant
Rose window
c. Rectilinear
d. parallel

27. It is the period in French Gothic which

is characterized by flame-like or freeflowing window tracery.
a. Rectilinear
b. Curvilinear
c. Arcuated
d. Flamboyant

28. One characteristic feature of German

Gothic is its use of _____.
a. Limestone
b. Brick
c. Marble
d. Concrete

29. Gothic character of verticality was

neutralized in Italy by_____.
a. Corbel arches
b. Ancones
c. Horizontal cornices
d. Sgraffito
Graffiti. Decoration
on walls..

30. Spanish Gothic interiors are

characterized by the use of ____.
a. Rajas
Deco. Grilles
b. Iconostas
c. Tore
d. Piedra china

31. Gothic means _______.

a. Architecture of the curve line.
b. Departure of the curve line.
c. Restoration
d. Resurrection of the curve line.

32. The earliest form of dwelling

developed by man is the ______.
a. Hut
b. Rock cave
c. Megaron
d. tipi

33. The Stonehenge is an example of

Dolmen - tomb of standing stone capped
with large horizontal slab.
a. Ziggurat
Cromlech-enclosure formed by huge stones
on the ground in circular form.
b. Stone circle Menhir-planted
single, large upright monolith, sometimes
In parallel rows reaching several miles.
c. Stone row
Monolith- stone
d. Pyramid

34. Early type of tomb architecture in

Egypt was the _____.
a. Mastaba
b. Pyramid
c. Tholos
d. Assuary

35. Characteristic feature of Egyptian

external wall is that it is ______.
a. Levered
b. Battered
c. Plain
d. Embattled

36. The torus mold in Egyptian temples

were used to cover the _____ of the
a. Angles
b. Base
c. Cornice
d. Jambs

37. Persian architectural character is

described as _____ and airy
a. Heavy
b. Vertical
c. Light
d. Serene

38. Assyrian system of construction is

essentially _____.
a. Trabeated
b. Arcuated
c. Buttressed
d. Cantilevered

39. The favorite motifs of design of the

Egyptians include the lotus papyrus
and ______.
a. Palm
b. Scarab
c. Rope
d. Feather

42. Structures which corners were made

to face the four cardinal points were
the _____.
Cardinal point: one of
a. Ziggurat
each of the four points of
the compass - north, south,
b. Temple
east, west.
c. Tombs
d. Pyramid

41. The four-seated colossal statues of

Rameses III are carved in the faade
of the ______.
a. Mammisi Temple
b. Great Serapeum
c. Ramesseum
d. Great Temple, Abu Simbel

42. The palace proper found in Assyrian

palaces called _____.
a. Seraglio
b. Khan
c. Thalamus
d. Caravanserais

43. Ziggurats are also called ______.

a. Sacrificial altars
b. Dwelling house of the gods
c. Precinct
d. Holy mountain

44. The famous Hanging Gardens is

found in the _____.
a. Temple of Marduk
b. Palace of Nebuchadnezzar
c. Palace of Sargon
d. House of the Rising Sun

45. A style of decoration in architecture and

applied art developed principally in France and
Belgium toward the end of the 19th Century,
characterized by organic and dynamic forms,
whiplash lines and curving design.
a. Art deco
b. Art nouveau
c. Beaux-arts
d. Neo-classic

46. One of the most important

architecture of the Early Victorian
period and designed by Sir Joseph
a. Art deco
b. Crystal palace
c. Eiffel tower
d. Library of St. Genevieve, Paris

47. Romanesque revival in the USA was

introduced by ______.
a. Louis Khan
b. Henry H. Richardson
c. Frank Lloyd Wright
d. Richard Upjohn

48. The architect whose works clearly

express the principle of functionalism
and was call the Father of Modern
Architecture in the USA.
a. Louis Sullivan
b. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. Robert Venturi
d. Philip Johnson

49. The chief chamber containing the

statue in Greek temple is___.
a. Opisthodomos
b. Naos
c. In-antis
d. Peribolus

50. The passageway leading to the main

vault of the tholos is called ______.
a. Stele
b. Columbaria
c. Spina
d. Dromos

51. The slight curvature of the Greek

column is called ____.
a. Entasis
b. Plinth
c. Abacus
d. Echinus

52. The Roman palatial public bath.

a. Gymnasium
b. Laconicum
c. Triclinia
d. Thermae

54. Structure used for gladiatorial

Center of hypodrome
a. Spina
b. Amphitheaters
c. Skene
d. Tholos
Beehive, sleeping area

55. The Greek wrestling school is called

Colonnade shelter
a. Stoa
b. Gymnasia
Physical fitness
c. Palaestra
d. Bouleuterion
Council house

56. The sunk panels found in the ceiling

of Greek temples is the______.
a. Metope
b. Quadrigas
4 horses
c. Agora
d. Lacunaria
Lacunar: ceiling, soffit or vault adorned with pattern of recessed panels.

57. A temple arranged with a single line of

columns surrounding the naos is
called _____.
Part of roman house,
Inner colonnade
a. Peristyle
b. Peripteral
Parthenon - all sides
c. Dodecastyle
12 columns
d. Apteral

58. A recess or alcove with raised seat

where disputes took place is the ____.
Roof ornament
a. Crest
Also rowlock, arrangement of bricks
b. Rollock
Part of church; large apsidal
c. Exedrae
extension of interior volume,
Also Exhedra. Ching p.35
d. Niche
Shallow recess in wall
For display

59. The triangular termination of the roof

of a Greek temple.
a. Pediment
Smaller Dentils
b. Mutules
c. Antefixae
d. Triglyph

60. The popularly used column in the

Greeks is _____.
a. Tuscan
b. Corinthian
c. Ionic
d. Doric

61. The traditional Maranao house for the

ordinary members of the community is
Tower at torogan; ladies
a. Walay
b. Lamin
Upper class
c. Torogan
d. Dema
Greek house

62. The only surviving structure of the

1945 war in Intramuros is the _____.
a. San Juan de Letran College
b. Manila Cathedral
c. San Agustin Church
d. Iglesia de San Ignacio

63. The private sleeping room in the

bahay kubo is called ___.
a. Calado
b. Bangahan
c. Silid
d. Tampipi

64. The mezzanine floor in the bahay na

a. Alcoba
b. Latrina
c. Entresuelo
d. Volada

65. Found in the ground floor of the bahay

na bato, it is where the carriages and
saints floats or andas are usually
a. Patio
b. Entresuelo
c. Garahe
d. Zaguan

66. This is the cistern found underneath

the azotea.
a. Dema
b. Aljibe
c. Calado
d. Dulang

67. The church in Bohol that contains the

biggest number of murals on the walls
and ceilings. 2nd oldest
a. Loboc
b. Cortes
c. Laon
Burned down
d. Jagna
Baclayon is the oldest

68. It is the first all steel building in the

a. Manila Hotel
b. San Sebastian Church
c. Intendencia building
d. Philippine Normal School

69. The architect of the Philippine

General Hospital.
a. William Parsons
b. Juan Arellano
c. Ralph Doane
d. Tomas Mapua

70. The Chicago architect who prepared

the Manila Plan under the American
Colonial Period.
a. George Fenhagen
b. Edgar Bourne
c. Pierce Anderson
d. Daniel Burnham

71. He defined architecture as: utilitas,

firmitas, venustas - generally
translated as utility, firmness, and
Venustas translates as Beauty.
a. Violet Le Duc
b. Vitruvius
c. Louis Sullivan
d. Henry Richardson

72. Roofs, domes, vaults and balustrades

comprises the ______.
a. Circulatory elements
b. Structural elements
c. Protective elements
d. Decorative elements of a structure

73. The _____ forms of a structure are

organized according to their origin,
composition and treatment.
a. Decorative
b. Structural
c. Protective
d. Circulatory

74. The line that is described as sturdy,

a. Straight
b. Curved
c. Amorphous
d. Irregular

75. Is a decorative treatment when forms

and shapes are arranged in a
diminishing or increasing manner.
a. Repetition
b. Alternation
c. Gradation
d. Radiating

76. It has two dimensions and articulated

with color, tone and texture.
a. Platonic solids
b. Volume
c. Surface
d. Mass

77. The ____ of a form depends on its

geometry as well as its orientation relative
to the ground plane and our line of sight. It
also signifies the degree of concentration
and stability of a form.
a. Orientation
b. Visual inertia
c. Position
d. Silhouette

78. It works together with a practical design to

the end that out of this collaboration grows
a building which is not only functional but
also pleasing in appearance.
a. Parti
b. Aesthetic design
c. From within to without
d. Functional design

79. It is a term used to describe the work of those

architects who prefigured the International
and Fucntionalist Period of the Modern
Movement. It is the outward manifestation of
a design through an individual articulation.
a. Organic
b. Eclectic
c. Expressionism
d. Deconstructivism

80. The easiest and simplest kind of balance is

the purely symmetrical type in which the
elements are arranged in precisely the
same manner on either side of a central
axis or line.
a. Occult balance
b. Formal balance
c. Symmetrical balance
d. Asymmetrical balance

81. A German design school founded in Weimar

in 1906. It became the most important and
influential design school of the 20th Century.
b. Bauhaus
c. Deutscher Werkbund
d. Chicago School

82. Style fashionable in the 1920s and 1930s in

industrial design, interior design and
architecture. One of the best known building
in this style is the Chrysler Building in New
York City.
a. Art Deco
b. Jugendstil
c. Functionalism
d. High Tech

83. The architect of the AEG Turbine

Factory, Berlin.
a. Max Berg
b. Walter Gropius
c. Peter Behrens
d. Gunther Bernisch

84. A movement initiated by Le Corbusier

and characterized above all by the use
of beton-brut raw, unfinished concrete.
a. Classicism
b. Brutalism
c. Baroque style
d. Expressionism

85. English architect and engineer, a leading

representative of High Tech architecture. His
projects include HK and Shanghai Bank,
Hongkong, the Carre dArt Gallery, Nimes, the
Reichstag, Berlin and the Great Court, London.
a. Sir Norman Foster
b. Richard Buckminster Fuller
c. Theo van Doesburg
d. Robert Venturi

86. Swiss architect active in France, one of the

most influential architects and theorists of the
20th Century. His works include Villa Savoye,
Poissy; the Unite d;Habitation, Marseille; and
the Pilgrimage Church, Ronchamp.
a. Charles Edouard Jeanneret
b. Charles Rennie Mckintosh
c. Richard Meier
d. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

87. Japanese movement founded in 1960 by a

group of architects and city planners. Their
aim was to ease urban congestion and
expand cities by adopting innovative types
of structure.
a. Megastructure
b. Metabolism
c. Modernism
d. Functionalism

88. American architect of Chinese origin. His firm is

one of the largest architectural firms in the US.
Buildings he designed included the Hancock
Tower, Boston; Bank of China, Hongkong; and
the Pyramid at the Louver, Paris.
a. IM Pei
b. Cesar Pelli
c. Ken Yeang
d. Renzo Piano

89. Less is a bore. Is the famous saying

of _____.
a. Louis Sullivan
b. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. Robert Venturi
d. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

90. A Filipino architect who designed the much

acclaimed stage setting for the New York
premier of Lucifer, danced by Fonteyn and
Nureyev in honor of the Martha Graham
dance companys golden anniversary.
a. Juan Nakpil
b. Felipe Mendoza
c. Pablo Antonio
d. Leandro Locsin

91. The actual dimension in terms of

length, width and depth.
a. Shape
b. Height
c. Length
d. Size

92. The part of a connected series.

a. Line
b. Link
c. Sides
d. Arc

93. The contour and structure of an object

as distinguished from its substance or
from the matter composing it.
a. Area
b. Faade
c. Form
d. Perspective

94. That which deceives the eye.

a. Entasis
b. Superimposition
c. Point
d. Trompe Loeil

95. One of the most influential architect of the Italian

Renaissance who proposed the seven most
beautiful and proportionate manners of rooms.
a. Palladio
b. Bramante
c. Michaelangelo
d. Bernini
*not sure. Might be Palladio? Bramante was student of Palladio,
Michaelangelo was a stone mason, Bernini was last St.Peter

96. A center of interest to the most

important aspect of a design scheme.
a. Focus
b. Faade
c. Elevation
d. Contrast

97. Architecture characterized by free,

abstract, monumental form.
a. Minimalism
b. Functionalism
c. Expressionism
d. Brutalism

98. Outline of the human face, distinctive

a. Dominance
b. Side view
c. Profile
d. Picture

99. The line or point where two things are

joined or hinged.
a. Corner
b. Junction
c. Angle
d. Boss

100. General formula to explain a

phenomena ______.
a. Theory
b. Research
c. Survey
d. Test

Done! :)
Source: USAT 2006 History and Theory of Architecture
For additional review materials or contributions go to:
Good luck!

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