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Problems to solv

Pre-Work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial)

Standard Essential Question:

Name:Yareli Gaytan
AVID Period: 5

Pre-Work Inquiry












Calculate the average atomic mass of Nitrogen if

N-14 has a percent abundance of 95%, N-15 has a
percent abundance of 3%, and N-16 has a percent
abundance of 2%.?

Source Page # and Problem: Fall Final


Key Academic Vocabulary/Definition Associated with Topic/Question:

1. Electron

What I Know About My Question:

1.I know that i have to use one of the the given formulas in order for me to solve the problem.
2. I have to find the measurement of each side of the shape.

Critical Thinking About Initial Question

Identify General Process and Steps:


Question From Point of Confusion:


Three - Column Notes

Tutorial Reflection (In Class-After the Tutorial)

My point of confusion is based on a focus area from my Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection: ___YES ___NO
I was a student presenter during tutorial today: ___YES ___NO
My point of confusion was Figuring what i had to do , in order to figure out each side of the shape.

What I learned about my point of confusion is

I gained a new/greater understanding of my point of confusion by/when i look trough my note and i got help
from the college tutors.

This learning is important because it connects to my previous learning/experience, myself and/or my world in
the following way becaue i will need this in the future for my upcoming test.

What I found meaningful about todays tutorial session is how everyone helps one another in order for us to
all get help and have a great tutorial day.


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