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Korach and Hamas: Sharing PR Tactics

Thoughts for Parshat Korach 5770

By Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Director of Recruiting and Special Projects

F ollowing the recent flotilla fiasco facing the IDF last week,
Israelis are wondering: Is Everyone Crazy? How is it that only we
can appreciate the missiles raining down from Gaza, even today?
not saved myself from them, they are forbidden to me!" He
said to her, "If they are forbidden, then they all belong to
me!" He took them and left, leaving her crying with her two
How can the world watch Hamas continue to vow to destroy Israel, daughters.
send terrorists to attack civilians, holds Gilad Shalit hostage – and
still consider us to be the villain. In the words of Yossi Klein Halevi In her Commentary on the Weekly Parshah, Nechama Leibowitz
in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, "Has the World Lost its points out the insidious nature of Korach's oratory, emphasizing
Mind"? two main aspects of his PR tactics.
No, it hasn't lost its mind. Rather, to our great dismay, the First and foremost, Korach doesn't argue about the facts. He
Palestinians have long last learned the media savvy and publicity doesn't complain about the burden of the laws of Terumah and
techniques of Korach. Ma'aser. Rather, he pulls at their heartstrings. He tells a tragic tale
The Torah tells us that during his rebellion against Moshe, ‫ויקהל‬ about a poor widow and her pathetic plight. He knows that people
‫" – עליהם קרח את כל העדה‬Korach gathered against them the entire respond not to intellectual arguments, but instead to emotional
congregation." (Bamidbar 16:19) How did Korach manage to rile up pulls at the heartstrings. He realizes that better than argue the
the people against Moshe and Aharon? A very famous Midrash nuances of economic theory, he should emphasize the human
(Midrash Tehillim 1) shares light not only on Korach's tactics, but tragedy that sometimes results from the normal application of the
also on our own human nature, and why we're losing the PR war. rules.
Secondly and even more importantly, Nechama points out that
‫ ואמר‬,‫התחיל לומר לפניהם דברי ליצנות‬ Korach deliberately ignores the facts.
‫ ועמה שני נערות‬,‫אלמנה אחת יש בשכונתי‬ Numerous mitzvot throughout the Torah
,‫ באתה לחרוש‬.‫ והיה לה שדה אחת‬,‫יתומות‬ demand compassion, charity and kindness
‫אמר לה משה לא תחרוש בשור ובחמור יחדו‬ towards the widow and orphan:
‫ אמר לה שדך לא‬,‫ [באת לזרוע‬,)‫(דברים כב י‬
‫ באתה לקצור‬,])‫תזרע כלאים (ויקרא יט יט‬ )‫כא‬,‫ְמנָה וְיָתֹום לֹא ְתעַּנּון (שמות כב‬ ָ ‫כָל ַאל‬
,‫ אמר לה לקט שכחה ופאה‬,‫ולעשות ערימה‬ You shall not afflict any widow, or
‫באתה לעשות גורן אמר לה תני לי תרומה‬ fatherless child.
‫ הצדיקה עליה את‬,‫ומעשר ראשון ומעשר שני‬ ‫ָתת לֹו‬ ֶ ‫ְאֹהב גֵר ל‬
ֵ ‫ְמנָה ו‬ ָ ‫ש ַפט יָתֹום וְַאל‬ ְ ‫עֹשה ִמ‬ֶ
.‫ מה עשתה עניה‬,‫הדין ונתנה לו‬ )‫יח‬,‫ְש ְמלָה (דברים י‬ ִ ‫ֶחם ו‬ֶ‫ל‬
He opened before them with words of He (God) executes justice for the fatherless
scoffing and said: There is a widow in my
and widow, and loves the stranger, in
neighborhood with two orphan giving him food and clothing.
daughters, who owned a field. She went ‫ש ַפט גֵר יָתֹום וְלֹא ַת ֲחבֹל ֶבגֶד‬ ְ ‫לֹא ַת ֶטה ִמ‬
to plow her field, and Moshe said to her, )‫יז‬,‫ְמנָה (דברים כד‬ ָ ‫ַאל‬
"You may not plow with an ox and a You shall not pervert the justice due to the
donkey together. (Devarim 22:1). She stranger, or to the fatherless; nor take the
went to sow seeds, and he said to her, widow's clothing to pledge.
"You may not sew your field with mixed ‫שדֶה‬ ָ ‫עֹמר ַב‬
ֶ ָ ‫ַח‬ ְ ‫ְשכ‬
ָ ‫ש ֶד ָך ו‬
ָ ‫כִי ִת ְקצֹר ְקצִי ְר ָך ְב‬
seeds." (Vayikra 19:19) She we to cut her ‫ִהיֶה‬ ְ ‫ְמנָה י‬
ָ ‫ְק ְח ֹו ַלגֵר ַליָתֹום וְלַָאל‬ ַ ‫לֹא ָתשּוב ל‬
stalks and make a pile and he said to her, ‫ֲשה יָדֶי ָך‬
ֵ ‫לֹהי ָך ְבכֹל ַמע‬ֶ ‫ְב ֶר ְכ ָך יְקֹוָק ֱאא‬ָ ‫ְמעַן י‬
"Leave the uncollected, forgotten and )‫יט‬,‫(דברים כד‬
corner sheaves." She brought her When you reap your harvest in thy field,
produce to the granary and he said, and forget a sheaf in the field, do not go
"Give me Terumah, Ma'aser Rishon and back to fetch it; it shall be for the stranger, for the
Ma'aser Sheni." She accepted his judgment and gave [all of fatherless, and for the widow;
this] to him. What happened to her? She became
impoverished . It should not surprise us that the very mitzvah of charity Korach
,‫ כדי ללבוש מגזותיהן‬,‫ וקנתה שתי כבשות‬,‫מכרה את השדה‬ cited as a complaint against Moshe actually helps the poor widow,
‫ בא אהרן ואמר לה תני לי את‬,‫וליהנות מפירותיהן כיון שילדו‬ explicitly. But to Korach, facts don't matter. It's all about the
‫ הגיע‬.‫ ונתנה לו את הולדות‬,‫הצדיקה עליה את הדין‬...‫הבכורות‬ narrative of the poor, pathetic widow and her sad, starving
.‫ בא אהרן ואמר לה תני לי ראשית הגז‬,‫זמן גזיזה וגזזה אותן‬ orphans, victims of a ruthless and reckless regime.
She sold the field and bought two sheep to clothe herself We now watch Korach's tactics once again on display worldwide.
from their shearing, and to benefit from their offspring. No, the world hasn't lost its mind, because it was never watching
When they gave birth, Aharon came and said, "Give me the with its mind. It watches with its heart, feeling sorrow for the poor
firstborn"… She accepted his judgment and gave him the victims of an evil blockade, preventing women and children from
firstborn. When the time for shearing came and she sheared going to school, cooking breakfast, and living a normal life. And
them, Aharon came and said, "Give me the first shearing ". facts don't matter either. All the arguing in the world about
‫ כיון‬,‫ הריני שוחטתן ואוכלתן‬,‫אמרה אין בי כח לעמוד באיש הזה‬ whether there is a humanitarian crisis or not, and whether Hamas
,‫ בא אהרן ואמר לה תני לי הזרוע והלחיים והקבה‬,‫ששחטתן‬ steals from its people to try and kill Jews – it's all beside the point.
,‫ הרי הם חרם עלי‬,‫אמרה אחר ששחטתי אותן לא נוצלתי מידך‬
Korach's uprising didn't just hurt him and his men. He hurt all of
‫ והניחה בוכה עם‬,‫ונטלן והלך לו‬...‫אמר לה אם חרם הן כולן שלי‬
Klal Yirsrael. And as long as the world care more about the
...‫שתי בנותיה‬
narrative than it does the truth, Israel will continue to suffer.
She said, I have no strength to stand up to this man. I will
slaughter [the sheep] and eat them. When she slaughtered
them Aharon came and said, "Give me the shoulder, cheeks
and maw." She said, since I have slaughtered them and still

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