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314 I

the nr pallid very regakirly front one Is* to die

othes 4 Broke, 14iNd 1,.1.0g Oro. 'h. Pir
into thc boiler, ne imagined. lly this, the amok of
deception wit evident which I nni.
of remedying, by having .1 (Emir of Winn*
made. flisfirwhO larr', and much mope, When
this saas find. and tito engine worked a few Itenkcs.
I mu furprifeil to find the bellows did not coma
down, bet remained fully charged with aV, thd it
Ind 4.0o lb. weight Roo it nnd that. tn increarmg
the weight gyadually to t490 lb. which was as math
as the bellows could copper; the ail was not forced
affi made feveral experiments, by looming the
horizontal pipe two feet undcr the furlsuo of the
water, and eadmg it at different times to within four
inches of the furface, and could not at any depth
force the air duo', whilft the engine worked but on
opening the Ileons-pipe, which is a pipe for letting
the ikarn pars from the boiler whenever the engine
lops, the bellows could then readily force the air
tiro', tho' the watehodal ever fo %bong, and fccm-
ingly made furprdmg inutile of Ream.
I had the kaden pipe to convey the air from the
bellows, which was frit put thro' the top into the
boiler, carrkd on the outfak, and puffed horizontally
into it, about the height the water generally Rands,
that by opening a cock, fixed for the purpok Ode to
she boiler, I could readily difcharge all the Ileam
lodged in the pipe and by (honing the cock, and
malting finall holes at three or four inches diftance.
I could almoll find the point, where the air and
Beam row in oppofitioa, cool air being firongly on-
pulled thrd one, and hot Ream thro the other.

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