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r 191 I
height of the water Mika tfifferenee of about id+
tons in the weighl ofrffise thip. lato this upOghe
trough water svas Otm'to-the height of 36 inches,
and the 616A:being iottheitid; theatitet was railed
t '0 that the tioelistka'aqitifikt Magni-
tude to so tiiralklopipeded of la inektlf kittg, 6 t
inchesWide, and 61 maws deep, Or to 149 cultic
&thee: from whence I find the weight of the 414,
ou be ton; tons, C. a qta. 69,. And altho' 1
thke this ntiatblt d'rMeiI the tortit, yet k may
be </bland, that it is no cafy matter to C011lt at ac-
govath3.,. f,!!ieet bir t.1 a the methods in corn-
,,,l,"ilirt./..peat inquiry .13,' to fi nd how Mock of thk
t -WM aad how to propartion k among
the mewl and maul-Men : bat in this, lefs accuracy
mull be expelled than in the pieceding inquiry ; for
the naafi number of men employed n not known ;
neither can it be told, how many worked at the
fumes, and how many with the mawla ; and only
a goers can he made at the part lifted. However,
footeshing may be gathered, which may, perhaps, be
Worth the knowing.
Let the weight railed be taken at half the weight
of the kip ; fat 64, feet, the length of the keel
coifed, is not Far from half the whole kngth add
to this the fally of ehe head, the weight of the
&meanie, the (Maim ol the timber. end the refill-
1114 of the parts bent by the combo*: befide, the
mewls worked at &semi ikon fee op abaft the laid
4 fcct.
Now the weight by the &ft experiment was
30906+ pounds coe lualf, or t74953z it,. I take

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