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XXXVIII. A Defcription of lonse Thermo

meter, for particular Ufa: By the Right
Honourable the Lord Charks Cavcndiill,
P. P. R. S.
Ilvart loss to. rytHE thermometer (T AB. XI.fig.
I is deigned for !hewing the great-
en degree of treat, which happens in any place dur-
ing the abfence of the obferver. It confifts of a
cylinder of glob joined to a tube, and differs from
common thermometers only in having the top of the
nem drawn out into capillary tube, which enters
into a glob ball C, joined on to the Item at the
place whom it begins to be contraned. The cylin-
der, and wt of the tube, are filled with mercury ;
the top of' which thews thc common degtees of heat
as anal. The upper part of tbe tube above the
mercury is filled with fpirit of wine, and fome of
the fame liquor is kft in the ball C, fo as to fill it
Anon up to the top of the capillary tube.
Now when the thermometer riles, the fpirit of
wine will be driven out of the tube, and will fall
into the ball C. When the thermometer finks again,
as the fpirit cannot return back from the ball, the
top of the tube will remain empty, and the length
of the empty part will be proportional to thc fall of
the thermometer. Therefore, by means of a proper
kale, the top of the fpirit of wine will (hew how
many degrees it has been higher than when obkrved
which being added to the prefect height, will gine
Ow greaten degree of heat it has been at.

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