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Hooray for the World!

Hooray for PK!

10 2012 February 10, 2012 Newsletter

What a week we have had, learning about the Mockingbird, the Iris, the Tulip Poplar Tree and our state fishthe Large Mouth Bass and the Catfish. The highlight of the week was when Mr. Moore brought his Large Mouth Bass that he caught as a child. The children pretended to have large mouths like the fish. What a treat to have Mr. Moore teach us! We learned that God made fish both alike and differentas a Catfish has whiskers and the Large Mouth Bass doesnt. Dont forget Tuesday is our Valentines Day party at 10:30. Hope to see all of you there! After Valentines Day, we will continue our study of Tennessee by learning about the state insects, butterfly, capitol, reptile, and horse. Our Tennessee wilderness continues to grow in our hall try to come in and see it before the end of the month it is beautiful!

We know that we do not use as wide a variety of assessments as other age groups but we

Important To Know:

Coats for recess needed daily daily!

February 13 : Bring Valentine cards to school February 14 Valentines Day Party 10:30 February 20 : Presidents Day Holiday February 23 : Memphis Botanic Garden $2.00 due by February 17 . (More details to come.)
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February 24 : Tennessee Train Ride February 27 : Send a list of the states your child has visited or even driven through.


Newsletter challenge: Have your child draw a heart in

his/her folderWe have practiced! You can draw half of the heart and let him/her draw the other half. I say, up, then down, when drawing a heart. This is a difficult task, so dont stress!!!! Practice is how we learn.

Tennessee Trivia Tennessee touches 8 states. Fireflies actually live underground. The mockingbird has been known to mock the bark of a dog! The Great Smoky Mountains is the most visited National Park in the U. S. A. Tennessee has approximately 3800 caves. Graceland is the 2nd most popular visited house in our country. Reelfoot Lake was formed by an earthquake.

Handwriting Corner Check out our class blog for this weeks Handwriting Corner.
Mrs. Smythe and Mrs. Lucchesi

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