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Mg egy esly
Angol nyelvknyv s tmutat l- s jrakezdknek

Kedves Nyelvtanul!
Ha n is gy rzi, hogy n+1 v angoltanuls utn mg mindig a kezdetekhez kellene visszatrnie, akkor nnek is szl ez a knyv. Felsoktatsi intzmnyben tantok, s llandan szembeslk azzal a problmval, hogy a hallgatim nyolc tz, uram bocs tizenkt vi angolrkon eltlttt id utn is kpesek semmit sem tudni. Hogyan lehet ennyi ideig mentesnek maradni minden angol hatstl? Hol azt mondjk, hogy x v alatt x+ sok angoltanruk volt, s ht ugye, mind az elejtl kezdte, hol pedig valami ms kls krlmny volt a hibs. Pedig drga Olvasm, a hiba bell van. Ha az ember gyereke, illetve maga az ember meg akar valamit tanulni, akkor megtanulja, akrmilyenek is a krlmnyek, ha pedig nem, ... mindenki fejezze be a gondolatot magnak. Mindegy. Ami elmlt, elmlt, nincs olyan dolog, amit helyre ne lehetne hozni, s egybknt is, angolul tudni kell, akr azrt, hogy nyelvvizsgzzunk s diplomt kapjunk, akr valami ms ok miatt. Gyakorlott nyelvtanr vagyok,tbb, mint 25 ves tantsi tapasztalattal. Tbb knyvet is rtam mr. Most viszont kt szerepben llok n el. Ha ezzel a bettpussal rok, akkor n beszlek, a nyelvtanr. Viszont

ezzel a betvel n, a nyelvtanul , legalbbis aki voltam, amikor a gimnziumban megtanultam angolul. 1972 ben kezdtem a kzpiskolt, hol voltak mg akkor a modern audio-vizulis eszkzk? Mgis kt v alatt a nullrl, de tnyleg a nullrl megtanultam angolul rni, olvasni, beszlni. Ha nekem sikerlt, nnek is fog, igazn csak akarat krdse. Mg sok mindent elmeslek magamrl, de most vgjunk bele a tanulsba. Sok sikert!

Jezerniczky va

Sifok, 2007

I Love You
Teht ahogy mr mondtam, 1972-ben kezdtem gimnziumba jrni. Kicsi kis faluban laktam a Balaton szaki partjn, mg iskola is csak a szomszd faluban volt. Olyan rzsem volt mr akkor is, s ksbb mg jobban, mintha egy korbbi genercival jrtam volna iskolba. Fekete olajos padl, sznnel fttt klyha, dleltt a felssk, dlutn az alssok. A tant nnim egy ids egykori apca volt, aki minden dlutn iskolakezdskor elmondatta velnk a Himnusz, az rk vgeztvel pedig a Szzat els versszakt, ksbb gy gondoltam, hogy imdsg helyett. Akkor csak fjtam a tbbiekkel egytt, anlkl, hogy brmit is gondoltam volna. Minden nap egyforma volt az iskolban, s n az egszet untam, untam s untam. Alig vrtam, hogy felsbe mehessek, mert a felssk 1. dleltt jrnak iskolba, 2. tanulnak idegen nyelvet, jelesl oroszt, amit n mg sosem hallottam. s amikor vgre oda kerltem, maga az igazgat bcsi tantotta az oroszt, valsznleg egy leckvel jrt a nebulk eltt, de n nagyon rltem, hogy vgre jat hallok, s igyekeztem mindent megtanulni. Sikerlt is. Szleim ebbl azt a kvetkeztetst vontk le, hogy j nyelvrzkem lehet, s nyelvi tagozatos kzpiskolba akartak iratni. Vlaszthattam, a kzeli kisvros gimnziuma,(bejrs, vonatozs ismersk) illetve a tlnk 150 km-re lev nagynev gimnzium, ahov a testvrem jrt (kollgium, nagyvros, ismeretlenek) kztt. Termszetesen az utbbit vlasztottam, vonzott az ismeretlen. Abban a gimnziumban a nyelvtagozat az angolt jelentette, gy kezdtem angolt tanulni, tizenngy ves koromban. Az sszes, amit azeltt tudtam az a fejezetcmnek adott I Love You volt. Az osztly kt csoportra oszlott, kezdkre, ez voltam n is, st maga az abszolt kezd, s haladkra, akik angol tagozatos ltalnos iskolba jrtak, s br szerettek bennnket kvlllkat, llandan reztettk velnk, hogy csak szpek lehetnk, okosak nem. Mg sok mindent rhatnk arrl, hogy n voltam az egyedli falusi gyerek a sok vrosi kzt, s hogy a szeretett kis iskolm tnyleg olyan volt, mintha szz vvel korbbi lett volna, s mennyi mindent nem tudtam s nem ismertem, amit mindenki ms igen, de kt dologban lekrzhetetlen lettem, nttem, mint a bolondgomba, 10 centit ngy hnap alatt, s tanultam angolul, mint a gp. Nagyon hamar n lettem az egyik legjobb a kezd csoportban, s kt v alatt a haladkkal szembeni htrnyomat is ledolgoztam. A tanulsi mdszeremet megosztom nnel, a nvekedsrt a gnek s a hormonok voltak felelsek.

Huszont ve tantok. Szeretem a tantvnyaimat. k is megvannak velem, legalbbis remlem. Viszont van egypr dolog, amit nem hisznek el nekem, (a Piroskt s a farkast igen) pldul, 1. hogy meg lehet tanulni angolul, 2. ehhez erfesztsek kellenek, csak gy nem stl az ember fejbe semmi. Ne felttelezzk, hogy valaki valamit is tud, gy csak kellemes meglepetsek rhetnek bennnket, gy itt van nhny alap dolog, amit meg kell tanulni. Lenni, vagy nem lenni To be or not to be I am (Im) n vagyok you are (youre) te vagy, ti vagytok he is (hes) , (frfi) van she is (shes) (n) van it is (its) (llat, trgy vagy jelensg) van we are (were) mi vagyunk they are (theyre) k vannak

Mlt idben I was, he/she/it was we/you/they were Az n, te , azaz a szemlyes nvmsok, s a ragozsi tblzatuk. Ez az egy ragozsi tblzat van az angolban, jegyezzk meg jl.

Alany E/1 I E/2 you E/3 he she it T/1 we T/2 you T/3 they

Trgy me you him her it us you them

Birtokos jelz my your his her its our your their

Birtokos lltmny mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

Visszahat myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

I love you. Az I az alany, a you a trgy. n szeretlek tged. A you alany s trgyesete megegyezik. De csak az. You love me. Ha szerepet cserlnk, azaz te szeretsz engem, az I trgyesete me. Hasznos dolog tudni a fonetikai trs jeleit, mert gy magunk is megnzhetjk, hogy kell egy j szt kiejteni. Nem mindig gy, ahogy gondolnnk. Angliban kinevettek a pitypang miatt, mert gy gondoltk, hogy aki ezt tudja, annak tudni kellene kimondani is, pedig n addig ezt a szt csak lerva lttam, gy: dandelion, s szerintem a msodik sztag volt a hangslyos s nem a harmadik, ahogy a valsgban. Pedig, ha vettem volna a fradsgot, hogy megnzzem a sztrban a kiejtst, amikor elszr tallkoztam vele, akkor tudtam volna, de gy szereztem egy kellemes percet annak, akivel beszltem, s n is jt nevettem. Ez a plda arra is j, hogy merjnk butasgot mondani. Ha nem szlalunk meg idegen nyelven, mert mi lesz, ha kinevetnek, sosem fogunk megtanulni. Igenis, jogunk van butasgot mondani. Mg magyarul is, ht mg idegen nyelven. Egybknt, nem lesz semmi. Butasgot mondtunk, jt nevetnk rajta. Nem kell mindig, mindenhol tkletesnek lenni. Azrt is j dolog idegen nyelvet tanulni, mert jra tlhetjk, hogy nem tudunk teljes rtken kommuniklni, jra gyerekek lehetnk s lvezhetjk magt a nyelvet. s ha mr a fontos dolgokat az elejre gyjtttk, tudni kell az igk hrom alakjt. Sajnos, ezt nem lehet kihagyni, egyszeren le kell lni s meg kell tanulni.

A legtbb esetben az ige Past Tense s Past Participle alakja, azaz a msodik s a harmadik alak egyforma, s az els alakbl, azaz az Infinitive-bl kpezzk ed vgzds segtsgvel. Pl.: want wanted wanted, like liked liked , de van egy sor rendhagy ige, amelynek a msodik s harmadik alakja klnbz. Segtsgkppen itt egy tblzat a leggyakoribb rendhagy igkrl:

Infinitive be bear beat become begin blow break bring build burn buy catch choose come cost cut do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forget get give go grow have hear

Past Tense was, were bore beat became began blew broke brought built burnt bought caught chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forgot got gave went grew had heard

Past Participle been born beaten become begun blown broken brought built burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forgotten got given gone grown had heard

Magyar jelents lenni szl t vlik valamiv kezd(dik) fj tr(ik) hoz pt g(et) megvesz vmit megfog, elkap, felszll jrmre vlaszt jn kerl vmibe vg tesz, csinl hz, rajzol iszik autt vezet, autval elvisz eszik leesik, elesik etet, tpll rez harcol, verekszik, veszekszik tall repl elfelejt kap, szerez, eljut vhov ad megy nvekszik, vlik vmiv van (neki) hall

hide hold keep know lay lead learn leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set shake shine show sing sit sleep speak spell spend stand swim hid held kept knew laid led learnt left lent let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set shook shone showed sang sat slept spoke spelt spent stood swam hidden held kept known laid led learnt left lent let lain lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set shaken shone shown sung sat slept spoken spelt spent stood swum elrejt(zik) tart vmit tart, megtart tud, ismer fektet, helyez, tert (asztalt) vezet megtanul, megtud elmegy, elhagy klcsnad hagy, enged fekszik meggyjt elveszt kszt, csinl jelent, szndkozik, rt vmin vmit tallkozik fizet rak, tesz, helyez olvas lovagol, biciklizik cseng(et) emelkedik, felkel (nap) fut, szalad, mkdtet mond vmit lt(ogat) keres elad kld helyez, bellt rz fnylik, ragyog mutat nekel l alszik beszl betz, helyesen r eltlt, elklt ll szik

take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woke(n) worn won written fog, vesz, visz tant eltp elmond gondol dob megrt bred, breszt hord, visel nyer, gyz r

Elg sok rendhagy igt tartalmaz, de nem az sszeset. A ritkbban hasznltakat, ha elkerlnek, rjuk ki a hrom alakjukkal egytt a sztrfzetnkbe.

Words, Words Words

Odig rendben is van, hogy meg kell tanulni a szavakat, de hogyan tanuljuk meg gy, hogy ne feljtsk el ket azonnal a msnapi szdolgozat utn. Sok iskols s nem iskols is kampnyszeren tanul, hogy aszongya holnap szdoga, szz (ktszz, tszz stb) szbl, hogy enn meg a fene, s lel mell, betanulja listbl, megrja a szdogt, megkapja r a jegyet aztn jl van, marad ennyiben a dolog, hrom nap mlva egyet sem tud bellk. Els j tancs.. Ne hagyjunk sszegylni tl sok szt, azaz, tanuljunk meg egyszerre kis mennyisget, de tanuljuk meg jl. Msodik, jegyezzk meg a sz krnyezett, vagy kssk valamihez, hogy bent is maradjon a kicsi fejnkben, ha mr egyszer sikerlt betuszkolni. Tanuljunk olyan szavakat, amelyeket szeretnnk angolul tudni, s a legfontosabb, hogy gyakoroljuk ket. Brhol, brmikor, amikor csak egy kis idnk van. Mindig arra gondolunk, amire akarunk, a fejnk rkk a nyakunkon van, s akr, ha a buszmegllban llunk, vagy az utcn ballagunk, netn vrakoznunk kell valahol, vagy dugba kerltnk, az idt dhngs helyett akr azzal is tlthetjk, hogy vgiggondoljuk, milyen szavak is voltak tertken mostanban. A kollgiumban hossz volt a sor az ebdl eltt. Ezt arra hasznltuk, hogy szmoljunk angolul. Szmolni nagyon nehz idegen nyelven. Mg aki vtizedekig l klfldn, az is az anyanyelvn szeret szmolni. Elszr csak sorba mondtuk a szmokat, majd kettesvel, hrmasval, visszafel, ahogyan csak ki tudtuk tallni. Ha szerencsm volt, az osztlytrsammal egytt hangosan, ha egyedl voltam, magamban. Majd, amikor a szmols mr jl ment, akkor mondatokat fogalmaztunk egytt, vagy n egyedl. Gyakori panasz az, hogy azrt nem tudnak az emberek idegen nyelvet, mert nincs kivel

8 gyakorolni. Nos, nem igaz, magammal olyan nyelven beszlgetek, amilyenen akarok, s milyen j trsasgban vagyok! Na j, az angol az a nyelv, amit meg kell tanulni kiejteni s lerni. Az rsra is van megolds. Kamaszlnyok lvn egyetlen dolgot nem akartunk, hogy az anyuknk elolvassa a levelezsnket, illetve a feljegyzseinket. gy az angol amolyan titkosrs szerepet is betlttt. Ma mr azrt nem olyan biztonsgos, mint a hetvenes vekben, de igenis lehet leveleket, feljegyzseket, uram bocs naplt rni angolul. Hogy ne mindjrt a legbonyolultabb dolgoknl kezdjk, egyszeren mondatokat, ksbb kis trtneteket. Jt tesz a fogalmazsi kszsgnknek, gyis olyan keveset runk a sajt keznkkel.
Teht, tanuljunk szavakat! Vlasszunk egypr tmt, s gyjtsnk hozz htkznapi szavakat s nem olyan htkznapiakat is. Tz gyakran hasznlatosat, s t klnlegeset. Ez a tizent sz alkosson egy egysget. Olvassuk el ket a magyar jelentskkel egytt, lehetleg hangosan. Majd takarjuk le a magyar oldalt, olvassuk az angol szavakat, s mondjuk hozz a jelentst. Utna takarjuk le az angol oldalt, olvassuk magyarul, s mondjuk hozz az angolt. Persze, ha nem megy, lehet lesni, de csak vgszksg esetn. Szoktassuk hozz magunkat, hogy hrom olvassra meg kell jegyeznnk a szavakat. Az ember hajlamos mindennel elpiszmogni, ezrt szabjunk magunknak idkorltokat.Elszr tizent percet, aztn tzet, amikor mr jl begyakoroltuk a mdszert, ne adjunk magunknak t percnl tbbet tizent sz megtanulsra. De ez mg csak a kezdet. Utna tegyk le a szjegyzket, s gondolatban fussuk t, mi is volt ez a tizent dolog ehhez a tmhoz, magyarul s angolul. Majd hagyjuk pihenni pr rig s ksbb gondoljuk t mg egyszer mi is volt ez a tizent sz, majd msnap reggel is, s ha van olyan sz, amit nehezen tanultunk meg, akkor azt tbbszr is idzzk vissza. Ha valaki nem bzik magban, felrhatja a szavakat cdulkra, egyik oldalra magyarul, a msik oldalra angolul. Tegye a cdulkat a zsebbe, s amikor egy perc res ideje van, hzzon el egy cdult, nzze meg a szt egyik nyelven, mondja a msikon, ha megy, tegye t a msik zsebbe, ha nem, tegye vissza a tbbi sz kz, s hzza ki a kvetkezt. J jtk, s unalomznek sem utols, mgiscsak mank, ezt az egszet fejben jobb jtszani. Vegynk nhny htkznapi tmt s a hozz tartoz szavakat. Family - Csald father - apa Neighbourhood - Krnyk village - falu town - vros city - nagyvros district - kerlet street - utca road - t square - tr park - park playground - jtsztr city- centre - vroskzpont suburb - kertvros inner city lerobbant belvros alley - siktor House - Hz detached house csaldi hz upstairs fels szint/ fent downstairs als szint / lent bedroom - hlszoba bathroom - frdszoba living-room - nappali kitchen - konyha pantry - kamra front door bejrati ajt hall - eltr cellar - pince attic - padls terraced house - sorhz lavatory/toilet - WC

mother - anya brother - fivr sister - nvr son fia vkinek daughter lnya vkinek husband - frj wife - felesg parents - szlk grandparents - nagyszlk great- grandparents - ddszlk married with six children hzas s hat gyereke van in- laws a hzastrsam rokonai

stepfather nevelapa/mostohaapa avenue - sugrt

cousin - unokates (fi is, lny is) junction - tkeresztezds laundry - moskonyha

Everyday objects htkznapi trgyak mobile - mobiltelefon paper hanky - paprzsepi pen - toll pencil - ceruza scissors - oll notebook - notesz key - kulcs chewing gum - rggumi cigarette lighter - ngyjt wallet irattrca, pnztrca driving licence - jogostvny car - keys - kocsikulcs students D card - dikigazolvny fibre pen - filctoll lipstick - rzs

Food - lelmiszerek bread - kenyr roll - zsemle meat - hs pasta szraztszta, kiftt tszta fruit - gymlcs vegetables - zldsg chocolate - csokold milk - tej egg - tojs spice - fszer doughnut - fnk pastry - stemny

Jobs - foglalkozsok secretary- titkr/n waiter/waitress pincr/n labourer - munks employee - alkalmazott businessman - vllalkoz shop- assistant - elad nurse pol/n driver - sofr plumber - vzvezetkszerel engineer - mrnk street cleaner - utcasepr clerk - kistisztvisel

breakfast cereals - reggelizpehely politician - politikus biscuits/cookies keksz, aprsti soup - leves jailor - brtnr sales representative gynk

Ezek persze csak tallomra elrngatott szavak, de n is tud ilyen listkat csinlni. Elszr azokat a szavakat vegye sorra, amelyekre emlkszik, vagy azokat, amelyeket mindennap lt. Igen hasznos dolog elolvasni mi van a klnbz rukra rva. Pldul az dtsdobozomra angolul is fel van rva az sszes hozzval.Ezzel el is rkeztnk a sz s nyelvtanuls kvetkez lpshez, tessk olvasni angolul. Mindegy mit, de lehetleg elszr ne az angol vagy amerikai napilapokat. Az emberek ahhoz igazn rtenek, hogyan lehet elkedvetlenteni magukat. Elveszik a The Guardiant, nekifekszenek a vezrcikknek s csodlkoznak, hogy egy bds kukkot nem rtenek belle s gy rzik, hogy kptelenek megtanulni angolul. Vegyenek el mst, pldul a fent emltett dtsdobozt, vagy valamilyen prospektust, vagy vegyenek a knyvesboltban egy nyelvtanulknak sznt olvasmnyt. Elg sok angol knyvkiad ad ki Graded Readers t, azaz klnbz szinten ll nyelvtanulknak olvasmnyokat, fleg klasszikus irodalmat tdolgozva. Egszen kezd szinttl kaphatk ezek a knyvecskk, vkonyak, olvashatak, s j gyakorlst jelentenek. Olvassunk, s gondolkodjunk azon, amit olvastunk. Ne akarjunk minden szt kisztrazni. Nincs elkedvetlentbb dolog a vilgon, mint amikor rjvnk, hogy tz sor angol szvegben tven ismeretlen szt talltunk. Igen, annyit, de kit rdekel. Prbljuk meg kitallni, mit jelent a szveg, s csak azt a hrom-ngy szt keressk ki a sztrbl, amit tnyleg muszj, s ha mr sztrazunk, akkor se a szt nzzk magban, mert a sztrban huszonhrom s fl jelents van felsorolva, hanem a szt a mondatban, s akkor knnyebben megtalljuk, hogy mit is jelent. Ugyanez vonatkozik a halls utni rtsre. Az emberek hajlandak elkedvetlenedni, mert nem rtik azt ami az angol nyelv tvcsatornkon megy. Persze hogy nem rtik. Ha rtenk, nem ezt a knyvet olvasnk. Viszont fleljnk. rdemes bekapcsolni azt a bizonyos angol nyelv csatornt, s hagyni, hogy a flnkbe folyjon az angol nyelv. Ne ljnk a tv eltt , csinljuk, amit egybknt csinlnnk, az angol nyelv msor legyen hozz a httr. Annak rljnk, ha sikerl elkapnunk egy-egy szt. Egy id utn a flnk megszokja, hogy az angol is nyelv, nemcsak halandzsa, s egyre tbb szt fogunk felismerni. Manapsg igen sok filmet lehet DVD-n megszerezni. Nzznk filmet angolul, magyar felirattal. Aztn ugyanazt a filmet angolul angol felirattal, aztn megint magyar felirattal. Mire megunjuk a filmet, jpr dolgot megjegyznk belle. Elbb-utbb el kell szakadnunk a magyar nyelvtl, ezrt ne akarjunk mindent lefordtani. Klnskppen vonatkozik ez a zeneszmok cmre, csnya szavakra, kpes kifejezsekre, szlengre meg az ilyesmikre.Csodlkozzunk rjuk, hogy j, ezt gy mondjk, de ne akarjuk megtallni a pontos magyar megfeleljket, mert ahny nyelv, annyi kultra, s teljesen ms dolgok viccesek, vagy srtek, mint des anyanyelvnkn.


ptsnk mondatokat
Vegynk egypr alap dolgot. Ez this, az that. Ezek mutatnvmsok, akkor hasznlom ket, ha r akarok mutatni valamire. Sokkal gyakrabban hasznlom az ez it szemlyes nvmst. (egyes szm harmadik szemly semleges nem) ha valamit meg akarok nevezni. Teht, megyek az utcn, s mondom magamban, amit ltok. This is a house. Ez egy csaldi hz. That is a block of flats. Az egy tmbhz. This is a car. Ez egy aut. That is a truck. Az egy kamion. This is a bicycle. Ez egy bicikli. That is a motorcycle. Az egy motor. This is a tree. Ez egy fa. That is a bush. Az egy bokor.

Nevezznk meg egypr dolgot, amivel az utcn lehet tallkozni: lorry fence stray dog puddle litter bin shop chemists pub car park flower bed teheraut kerts kbor kutya pocsolya szemetes bolt gygyszertr kocsma parkol virggys hedge pedestrian zebra crossing bus stop kiosk newsagents bridge chocolate paper beer can signpost svny gyalogos gyalogtkelhely buszmegll bd, trafik jsgos hd csokipapr srsdoboz jelztbla

Ezeket a szavakat mind fel lehet hasznlni a This is a / That is a kezdet mondatokba, mert mind olyan sz, ami megszmolhat, teht lehet el hatrozatlan nvelt (a/an) tenni. Persze emberekkel is tallkozhatunk, velk kapcsolatban is mondhatunk ilyen tpus mondatokat. This is a man. - Ez egy frfi. That is a woman. Az egy n. This is a boy. Ez egy fi. That is a girl. Az egy lny. Tegynk a fnevek el jelzt.

jelz (mellknv) young nice pretty beautiful handsome blond dark tall short plump fat fiatal szp, kedves csinos gynyr jkp szke stt (haj) magas alacsony duci kvr

fnv boy girl woman child man mother father guy lady stranger neighbour fi lny n gyerek frfi anyuka apuka fick hlgy idegen szomszd

thin slim sovny karcs cyclist motorist biciklis auts This is an old man. Ez egy regember.

That is an old woman. Az egy regasszony. Kvetkez lpsben tegynk kt jelzt, ugyangy, mintha magyar mondatot ptennk. This is my new neighbour Ez az j szomszdom. That is a beautiful young girl. Az egy gynyr, fiatal lny.

Mivel a this is a szszerkezet hajlamos tlsgosan is rgzlni, mondjuk ezeket a mondatokat ktflekppen. This is a young boy. Ez egy fiatal fi. This boy is young. Ez a fi fiatal. This is my new neighbour. She is a beautiful lady. Ez az j szomszdom. egy gynyr hlgy. This beautiful lady is my new neighbour. Ez a gynyr hlgy az j szomszdom. St, ha ismerssel tallkozunk, miutn kszntnk s tovbbmentnk llaptsuk meg magunkban angolul: Its Peter. He is my friend. He is a nice guy.- Ez Pter. a bartom. Kedves fick. Its Katie. She is my friend. She is a pretty girl. Ez Kati. a bartnm. Csinos lny. Ha csak szimpla bartsgrl van sz, mindkt nembeli bart friend. Peter is my boyfriend. Pter az a fi, akivel jrok. Katie is my girlfriend. - Kati az a lny, akivel jrok. Ez ms tpus bartsg.

Mondjunk minl tbb s tbbfle mondatot egy-egy szituciban. Legfeljebb tpreng arckifejezsnk lttn az emberek azt hiszik, pp a vilgot kszlnk megvltani. Igazn akkor hatsos ez a gyakorlat, ha az ember el tud vonatkoztatni a magyartl s fordts nlkl tudja a szituciban megfelel mondatokat megalkotni.

Krdezznk btran!


Kezdjk az alapoknl. Nzznk krl a szobban, ahol vagyunk. Whats this? Mi ez? Its a book. Ez egy knyv. Ha sok van bellk, What are these? Mik ezek? They are books. Knyvek. ltalban a fnevek tbbes szmt s vgzdssel alkotjuk meg, de vannak kivtelek, pl.: man men frfi frfiak, woman women n nk, child children gyerek gyerekek, person people szemly emberek stb. Figyeljk meg a krds s az llt mondat eltr szrendjt. Are these my books? Ezek az n knyveim? These are my books. Ezek az n knyveim. Lerva, a magyar krd s llt mondat csak az rsjelben klnbzik, kimondva teljesen ms a hanglejtsk. Az angolban viszont nekelhetjk akrhogy, addig krds nem lesz belle, amg a szrendet meg nem vltoztatjuk. Elre kerl a segdige, jelen esetben are, s csak utna jn az alany, these. Ktfle krds van. Az eldntend krds, amikor igen vagy nem vlaszt vrunk, s a kiegsztend krds, amikor bvebb magyarzatot, tbb informcit szeretnnk. Az eldntend krds a segdigvel kezddik. Is it my notebook? Ez az n noteszem? s a kt vlaszlehetsg: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. aszerint, hogy az, vagy nem az. A krdsben hasznlhatjuk a mutatnvmsokat (this, that, these, those), de a rvid vlaszokban hasznljunk szemlyes nvmst. (Egyes szm harmadik szemlyben leggyakrabban it, de lehet a nemnek megfelel he vagy she, tbbes szm harmadik szemlyben they.) Most trjnk vissza a szobhoz, ahol vagyunk. n az idsebb lnyom szobjban vagyok, s itt igazn van mit ltni. Teht a krds.: Whats this? Mi ez? A vlasz: Its a door. rucksack. map. wardrobe. chair. soft toy. German dictionary. candle. bikini top. glass. computer. fan. curtain. lamp. heater. bed. pillow. cushion. blanket. shelf. notebook. dustbin. Ajt. Htizsk. Trkp. Szekrny. Szk. Plssllat. Nmet sztr. Gyertya. Bikinifels. Pohr. Szmtgp. Ventilltor. Fggny. Lmpa. Fttest. gy. Prna. Dszprna.(kisprna) Pokrc.(takar) Polc. Notesz. Szemetesvdr.

s mr vissza is rtnk az ajthoz. De nehogy azt gondoljk kedves olvasim, hogy ez minden, ezek a dolgok csak azrt kerltek egy csoportba, mert megszmolhatak s egy van bellk. Az angolban a megszmllhat/ megszmllhatatlan szembellts fontos, mert csak a megszmllhat fneveket tehetjk tbbes szmba, mr ha tbb van bellk, s csak eljk llhat az a, an hatrozatlan nvel (egy). A megszmllhatatlan fnevek, az anyagnevek (water vz, bread kenyr, money pnz ) az elvont fnevek (love szeretet, health egszsg, information informci) s a gyjtnevek (furniture btor, luggage poggysz) csak egyes szmban llhatnak, eljk nvelknt a some egy kevs, valamennyi llhat.

A krds mg mindig ugyanaz.: Whats this? Mi ez?


A vlasz viszont: Its some paper. dirty washing. body lotion. rubbish. water. make-up. perfume. Papr. Szennyes. Testpol. Szemt. Vz. Smink. Parfm.

Most nzznk olyanokat, amelyekbl sok van s megszmllhatk, azaz a krds s a vlasz is tbbes szm. What are these? Mik ezek? They are books. glasses. clothes. films. CD-s. shoes. toys. candles. dried flowers. handbags. Knyvek. Poharak. Ruhk. Filmek. CD-k. Cipk. Jtkszerek. Gyertyk. Szrtott virgok. Kzitskk.

s mit kezdjnk azokkal a dolgokkal, amelyek mr egybknt is tbbes szmban vannak, mint pldul a zokni (socks), a szemveg (glasses) vagy az oll (scissors)? Ezeknek a kt rsze alkot egy prt, teht egy pr zokni stb. Whats this? Mi ez? Its a pair of socks. slippers. sunglasses. jeans. scissors. tweezers. Egy pr zokni. Egy pr papucs. Napszemveg. Farmernadrg. Oll. Szemldkcsipesz.

s ezenkvl legalbb mg ezer apr cikk, azaz a lot of odds and ends.Ksztsen leltrt a sajt szobjban. Ha valaminek elfelejtette, vagy soha nem is tudta a nevt, nzze meg a sztrban. n is most nztem meg a szemldkcsipeszt. St, ha akarja, rja fel a neveket egy- egy cdulra s cmkzze fel az adott trgyat. Akkor mindig a szeme eltt van.

n nem ragaszthattam semmire semmit, mert nem j nven vettk volna a kollgiumban a pedns neveltanrnk, de egybknt is szerintem minden ilyen jtkot jobb fejben jtszani, mert aktvan knnyebb megjegyezni a dolgokat. Szerintem. De mindenkinek az a j, ami, s ha n teleragasztja a hzat angol nevekkel, ht tegye. A lnyeg az, hogy soha egyetlen napot ne hagyjon ki a gyakorlsban, s hogy olyankor lehet legjobban tanulni, ha az embenek ppen van egypr perc res ideje. Nem kell sri csend, nem kell specilis nekikszlds, csak gondolja vgig a ltottakat angolul.


Jhet a kvetkez tpus krds s vlasz. Where azaz hol. Where is the dustbin? Hol van a szemetesvdr? Its in the corner. A sarokban. Where are the dried flowers? Hol vannak a szrtott virgok? They are on the shelf. A polcon. Where is my new pair of blue jeans? Hol van az j kk farmernadrgom? Its on the chair in the corner. A sarokban lev szken. A helyviszonyokat (s sok ms egyb viszonyt is ) az angolban gy fejezzk ki, hogy a fnevek el elljrszavakat tesznk. Eredeti, helyviszonyt jell jelentsk szerint a kvetkezk a leggyakoribbak. in on under above next to near in front of behind between among to into out of at - ban, ben - rajta, -on, -en, -n - alatt (trben) - fltt - kzvetlenl mellette - kzelben - eltt (trben) - mgtt - kztt (kt dolog kzt) - kztt (sok dolog kzt) - vhov, vmi fel - bele - ki vhonnan -nl, -nl

Mg mindig a szobban vagyunk, ahol eddig, s krdeznk s vlaszolunk a felcmkzett, vagy csak a fejnkben megnevezett dolgokrl, de ne mondjuk eltte magyarul. Where is the bikini top? Hol van a bikinifels? Its on the floor. A padln. A bikinifels, a padln. Tessk, itt a hatrozott nvel: the. Akkor hasznljuk, ha tudjuk melyikrl van sz. Jelen esetben az idsebb lnyom vilgoszld bikinifelsje az szobja padljn. Mg egy dolgot tisztzni kell, mielttt valami komoly dologba fognnk. It is - Ez There is Van Most mr mindent tudunk ahhoz, hogy le tudjuk rni, mi is tallhat abban a szobban, ahol vagyunk. Elosztom a paprt kt hasbra, az egyikbe lerom n, hogy mi van krlttem, a msik fele nre vr. This is my daughters room. Its very small. There are three cupboards in it. One is next to the door, the other is behind the door,and there is another one in the corner. There is a shelf above her bed. Her dried flowers and some of her candles are on it. There are candles everywhere. On the top of the cupboards, on the other shelves and on the floor. The computer is on a small table between the two cupboards. There are a lot of small things on the table, too. There are small toys, films, papers, CDs, a pair of scissors and a pair of tweezers on the computer table. Also, there is a box for the floppy discs. Next to the computer table, in front of the other cupboard there is a fan.Her bed is in the middle of the room. Its a double bed and takes most of the place in this small room.


Most, hogy ezzel a komoly feladattal kszen vagyunk, vegynk el paprt, tollat, de mg jobb, ha rendszerestnk egy gyakorlfzetet magunknak, s tegynk fel magunknak krdseket mg mindig a szobnkkal kapcsolatban. Csak a krdseket rjuk le, legalbb tz darabot, a vlaszokat adjuk meg rjuk szban, vagy gondolatban. Nhny plda: Are there posters on the wall? Vannak poszterek a falon? (Yes, there are. a lot of them.) Igen, egy csom. Where are they? Hol vannak? (Some of them are above the computer, but there are others above the bed and on the door, too.) Nhny a szmtgp fltt, de vannak az gy fltt s az ajtn is. Are there any pot plants? Vannak cserepes nvnyek? (No, there arent. There are only dried flowers.) Nincsenek. Csak szrtott virgok vannak. Where are the handbags? Hol vannak a kzitskk? (They are on the bed, but there is one on the shelf, too.) Az gyon, de van egy a polcon is. Csak azrt rtam oda a magyar jelentseket, mert hasznltam olyan szavakat, amelyeket eddig mg nem. De termszetesen, ha n csinlja ezt a gyakorlatot, ne tallja ki elszr magyarul, hogy mit fog krdezni s vlaszolni, az ilyen gyakorlatoknak pont az az rtelme, hogy megtanuljunk angolul gondolkozni. s igenis mondja ki hangosan. Sok ember megijed a sajt hangjtl, fleg, ha idegen nyelven mond valamit, Gyakoroljunk. A macska, vagy a kutya kivl trsalkodpartner, s nem is beszl vissza. De ugyangy megteszi egy plssllat, a spr, vagy ha szpnek tartjuk magunkat, a sajt tkrkpnk is.

Amikor rettsgire kszltem, kellett volna valaki, akinek felmondom az rettsgi tteleket. Csak ppen ilyen szemly nem akadt, mert mindenki a sajt ttelsorval s a sajt bajaival volt elfoglalva. Teht fogtam a sprt, fellltottam gy, hogy a cirok fele legyen fll, odatmasztottam az egyik emeletes gyhoz, s kineveztem az rettsgi bizottsg elnknek. Szpen elmondtam neki az sszes ttelt. St, mg cdulkra is felrtam a ttelcmeket, odatettem el az asztalra, kihztam a ttelt, vgiggondoltam, s szpen elmondtam neki. Igen trelmes hallgatsgnak bizonyult. Amikor tnylegesen az rettsgi vizsgra kerlt a sor, ugyanolyan szpen el tudtam mondani a ttelemet, mint a kollgiumban a sprnek, s krlbell ugyanannyi lehetsget hagytam, hogy beleszljanak, mint gyakorls kzben. Szpen tst is kaptam mindenbl. Az egyetlen ngyest matekbl kaptam, de abbl rsbeli volt.

Ki mit csinl?
Elrkeztnk egy sarkallatos ponthoz, az igkhez, s vele egytt a rettegett igeidkhz. Ne fljnk tlk, nem harapnak, s egszen rthetek, ha tnylegesen belegondolunk dolgokba. Az egsz nyelvtanuls lnyege, hogy gondolkodjunk. A hiedelemmel ellenttben nem kiprnzott hts kell a nyelvtanulshoz, hanem jzan paraszti, vagy magyar kirlyi (kinek melyik tetszik jobban) sz. Ki csinl mit? n csinlok valamit. Mikor? Most, ebben a szent pillanatban. What are you doing? I am sitting at the computer and writing a book. Mit csinlsz? lk a szmtgpnl s knyvet rok.

Mg egyszer. Mikor is? Most, ebben a pillanatban. Nem kell odatenni hozz, hogy now, azaz most, mert az igeid pontosan kifejezi. Az igeid neve Present Continuous (jabb nyelvknyvekben Present Progressive), a

nv (rossz) magyar fordtsa folyamatos jelen id, ahol a folyamatos azt jelenti, hogy ppen folyamatban van valami, azaz most trtnik. Az igealak kpzse: I am (Im) You are (youre) He, she, it is (hes, shes, its) + ige - ing We are (were) They are (theyre) Nzzk a pillanatnyi helyzetet: Its four oclock. Im sitting at the computer and writing my book. Ngy ra van. lk a szmtgpnl s a knyvemet rom. Im waiting for my private student. Vrom a magntantvnyomat. My husband is sleeping. A frjem alszik. My elder daughter is watching TV. Az idsebb lnyom tvt nz. My younger daughter is listening to some music in her room. A kisebbik lnyom valamilyen zent hallgat a szobjban. Vegynk el egy csaldi fott, amelyen trgyak s emberek is ltszanak, s kombinljuk az eddig megtanult mondatokat. De mieltt hozzkezdennk, tisztzzunk mg egypr dolgot. Valakinek a valamije s, pldul a lnyom macskja - my daughters cat. Valaminek a valamije of, pldul a kp kzepe the middle of the picture. Na most mr kezdhetjk.

This is a room in my parents house. My younger daughter is standing in the doorway. She is holding our cat. In the background of the picture there is another door to another room and some furniture in the hall. In the foreground of the picture there is a chair with some clothes on it. My daughter is smiling. She is wearing a blue jumper.


In the next picture you can see my elder daughters room in our flat. It is an old picture, so she has her old furniture and her small bed. She is lying on her bed and eating a salami sandwich. In the background of the picture there is her bookshelf with a lot of books and small things. On the wall there is a picture of a dragon. It is cold in her room, so she has a lot of blankets.

This picture is a new one. My daughters are sitting at a table in the garden. We are having a barbecue. In the middle of the picture there is a table. There are a lot of things on the table. There is a bowl of salad, some ketchup and mayonnaise, a bottle of mineral water, two cans of beer, a bag of rolls, a bottle of coke and another bottle of orange drink, some plates of food and some knives, too.My daughters are eating and enjoying the nice weather. It is the back of the garden. Behind them there is the fence and beyond there are the fields and the radio tower. The table is under a big cherry tree . Their father and I are also there, only not in the picture. I am sitting at this end of the table, and my husband is tending to the barbecue. My elder daughters boyfriend took this picture.


It is him. I mean my elder daughters boyfriend. He is sitting in my daughters room. This is her new bed, but the dragon is still on the wall. There are a lot of things on her bed, because she likes it this way. Her green handbag is in the middle of the bed and so is her teddy-bear. Or is it his teddy-bear? I dont know for sure. Both of them have a lot of soft toys. This young man is reading a book. Hogy tovbb tudjunk lpni, s el tudjuk mondani azt, ami a kpekrl esznkbe jut, egy msik jelen idt is meg kell jegyeznnk. Ha ltalban akarunk valamirl beszlni, Simple Present igeidt kell hasznlnunk. Az igeid magyar neve egyszer jelen id, s ltalnos, vagy ismtld cselekvsekhez hasznljuk. Alakja: az ige els alakja ( Plain Infinitive ) illetve egyes szm harmadik szemlyben s szemlyragot kap. Ez az egyik olyan igeid, amelyikhez llt mondatban nem hasznlunk segdigt, de tagad illetve krd mondatba kell do s egyes szm harmadik szemlyben does. Legyen a pldamondatunk az, hogy Szeretem a csokoldt. Szereted a csokoldt. Szeretjk a csokoldt. Szeretik a csokoldt. I like chocolate. You like chocolate. We like chocolate. They like chocolate.

Ha ezekben a szemlyekben krdeznk, vagy tagadunk a do segdigt hasznljuk. Do you like chocolate? We dont like chocolate. Egyes szm harmadik szemlyben az llt mondat: He/She likes chocolate. A krd mondat: Does he/she like chocolate? A tagad mondat: He/She doesnt like chocolate. A krd s a tagad mondatban a segdign mr jelltk, hogy egyes szm harmadik szemlyrl van sz, ezrt mg egyszer az ign mr nem jelljk. Az angol igen takarkos nyelv, amit egyszer elmondott, azt mg egyszer nem mondja. Lpjnk vissza a kpekhez, s egsztsk ki a mondanivalnkat ltalnos dolgokkal, pldul gy.


My elder daughter doesnt like getting up early, especially in winter. Az idsebbik lnyom nem szeret korn kelni, fleg nem tlen. She says its too cold to get up, so she likes having breakfast in bed. Azt mondja, tl hideg van felkelni, gy szeret gyban reggelizni. I usually make her a sandwich if she asks me to. ltalban csinlok neki szendvicset, ha megkr. Its strange, that the cat is not there with her. Furcsa, hogy a macska nincs ott vele. When she is at home, the cat usually sleeps in her room and comes out only when she comes out. Amikor itthon van, ltalban a macska ott alszik a szobjban s csak akkor jn ki, amikor a lnyom is kijn. This is her old furniture. Ez a rgi btora. Now she has more shelves and wardrobes to keep her things in, but most of the time all her things just lie around in her room. Most tbb polca s szekrnye van ahol tarthatja a holmijt, de ltalban minden szanaszt hever a szobjban. She doesnt tidy up her room very often. Nem tl gyakran rak rendet a szobjban. What does she do then? Akkor mit szokott csinlni? When she is at home she sleeps most of the time, or works at some project for her studies or listens to music or plays computer games. Amikor itthon van, legtbbszr alszik, vagy valamin dolgozik, ami a tanulmnyaihoz kell, vagy zent hallgat, vagy szmtgpen jtszik. She goes to college and works part- time, so she is always very busy. Fiskolra jr s mellette rszmunkaidben dolgozik, gy mindig nagyon elfoglalt.

Gyakoroljunk tbb kppel. Nhnyrl rjuk is le a mondanivalnkat, de a tbbirl csak gondoljuk vgig, hogy mit is mondannk. St mondjuk is el hangosan, mi jut esznkbe, ne felejtsk el, nem kell aktv hallgatsg, neknk fontos, hogy halljuk a sajt hangunkat.

Hny ra van? Whats the time? Egy ra, kt ra stb. Its one oclock. Its two oclock etc. Dlutn is! Nincs tizent ra, csak dlutn hrom. Its three oclock in the afternoon/ p.m. Negyed egy. Negyed kett. stb. Its quarter past twelve. Its quarter past one. etc. Fl egy, fl kett stb. Its half past twelve. Its half past one. etc. A negyed egy az negyedrval mlt tizenkett. A fl egy az fl rval mlt tizenkett. Fl utn a kvetkez rhoz szmolnak, gy a hromnegyed egy az negyedra mlva egy . Its quarter to one. A rendszer ugyanez, ha percekrl van sz. Flig az elz rhoz, fl utn a kvetkez rhoz viszonytjk. 12.05. five past twelve 12.10. ten past twelve 12.20. twenty past twelve

12.25. twenty-five past twelve 12.35. twenty-five to one 12.40. twenty to one 12.50. ten to one 12.55. five to one Elszr mondjuk a percet, utna az rt, mert az angolban a kisebb egysg ll ell. Az oclock csak az egsz rknl ll, de el is maradhat. Mikor? Egykor. What time? At one (oclock). Egy krl. At about one (oclock). Mindenki emlkszik Micimackra, nem? A csekly rtelm medvebocs tizenegykor szokott valamit enni. Winnie-the- Pooh usually eats something at about 11. Tizenegy ra van. Micimack tzraizik. Its 11 oclock. Pooh Bear is having his elevenses. Az els mondatban azt mondjuk, amit Micimack ltalban csinl, teht Simple Present, a msodik mondatban azt, hogy ppen most mit csinl, teht Present Continuous az igeid.( A tzrai angolul tulajdonkppen tizenegyrai, elevenses, mert az angol iskola kilenckor kezddik, a dleltti sznet, amikor enni lehet tizenegykor van.) Most vegyk el a fzetnket jbl, s rjuk le, hogy mit szoktunk csinlni htkznaponknt, valahogy gy:

On weekdays I usually get up at six. Then I go to the bathroom and have a wash, clean my teeth and get dressed. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts for work in the summer. Then I have breakfast, usually a cup of coffee and a sandwich and start to work. I start work at half past eight, so I usually leave home at ten to eight. I usually walk to work, but sometimes when Im late I drive. It takes twenty minutes to get there. I usually have a lot to do in the morning, but sometimes at 11 I stop for a coffee. I have lunch at work at about one. Sometimes I have lunch in the cafeteria, but most of the time I take a sandwich from home. I have only half an hour lunch break, so I cant go to a restaurant or go home for lunch. I finish work at about four in the afternoon, then on my way home I do the shopping. When I get home I usually cook some dinner and we have dinner when my husband comes home from work at about six. When my daughters are at home they usually eat before six because they watch their weight and say its unhealthy to eat after six. After dinner I do the washing up, have a chat with my family and watch TV. I dont like watching TV too much, but my husband does, I usually watch the TV news and then read a book. He always watches the

Htkznaponknt ltalban hatkor kelek. Aztn kimegyek a frdszobba, megmosakszom, fogat mosok s felltzm. ltalban farmert s plt hordok munkba nyron. Aztn megreggelizem, ltalban iszom egy kvt s eszem egy szendvicset s munkba indulok. Fl kilenckor kezdek, gy ltalban tz perccel nyolc eltt indulok. ltalban gyalog, de, ha kssben vagyok , nha kocsival. Hsz percig tart az t. Dlelttnknt mindig sok a dolgom, de nha tizenegykor megllok kvzni. A munkahelyemen ebdelek egy ra krl. Nha a bfben ebdelek, de legtbbszr otthonrl viszek szendvicset. Csak fl ra az ebdid, gy nem mehetek tterembe vagy haza ebdelni. Dlutn ngy krl vgzek s hazafel menet szoktam bevsrolni. Amikor hazarek ltalban fzk valamit vacsorra, s amikor a frjem hat krl hazar a munkbl, vacsorzunk. Amikor a lnyaim itthon vannak, k hat eltt szoktak vacsorzni, mert vigyznak a slyukra, s szerintk egszsgtelen hat utn enni. Vacsora utn elmosogatok, beszlgetek a csaldommal s tvzek. Nem nagyon szeretek tvzni, de a frjem igen. n megnzem a hreket, aztn olvasok. mindig megnzi az esti filmet s az

evening film and the late night film , too. We go to bed at about 10, but he watches TV from bed and sometimes he switches it off only after midnight jszakait is. Tz krl le szoktunk fekdni, de az gybl nzi a tvt s nha csak jfl utn kapcsolja le.

Tbb nyelv tanulsval is megprblkoztam. Az angol a negyedik volt a sorban. Gyerekkoromban oroszt s nmetet tanultam. Szerettem volna francit is tanulni, de nagyon nem ment, gy abbahagytam. Felnttknt tanultam lengyell, igen gyorsan, igen magas szintre jutottam. Ezt a hasbos elrendezst a lengyel nyelvknyvekben lttam, ahol angol volt a msik nyelv. Nagyon knnyen meg tudtam ezek segtsgvel jegyezni a mondatszerkesztst s br biztos vannak ilyen tpus nyelvknyvek magyar s idegen nyelv vonatkozsban is, n nem tallkoztam velk. Pedig szerintem felntt nyelvtanulknak hasznos lehet.
Nem is kell mg egyszer elmondanom, ugye, hogy amikor n alkot ilyen szveget ne tallja ki magyarul elre, hogy mit is szeretne a vilggal kzlni. Az anyanyelvn egy icipicit jobban tud, mint angolul, s nagyon el tudja venni az ember kedvt, ha nem tudja kifejezni azt, amit szeretne. Gyerekkorban ilyenkor vistani s toporzkolni kezdett, vagy valami hasonl, ezt azrt ngy v fltt mr nem illik, teht, hasznlja azt, amije van, s mindjrt angolul tallja ki, mit szeretne mondani. Meg kell tanulni idegen nyelven gondolkozni, ha folyamatosan akar beszlni, ha a magyart beilleszti a kpbe, csak magt lasstja. Talljon ki szvegeket magrl, a csaldtagjairl, vagy amirl csak akar. Nem kell ehhez sem sok elkszlet, sem sok id. Egyszeren gondolja vgig, hogy mit mondana rluk, ha valaki krdezn. J gyakorlat megint, ha kitall krdseket, lerja ket egy paprra, s magban vlaszol a krdsekre. Soha nem egy egyszavas mondat a vlasz, vlaszoljon olyan informcigazdagon, ahogy csak tud. Mondhat magban lesjt vlemnyt is, gyse hallja senki. A lnyeg az, hogy fogalmazzon magban angol mondatokat. Elindulskppen itt van egypr krds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What do you like doing in your free-time? What does your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/brother/sister do? How are your weekends different from your weekdays? How do you usually spend the evenings at home? Do you often go out? Do you sometimes go to the cinema or to the theatre? Why do you study English? What is your day at work like? What are you doing at the moment? How do you share housework in your family?

Sznek, tulajdonsgok, llatok, azaz, mg mindig kplers.


Ez egy killts a lnyaim plssllataibl. Milyen llatok is vannak a kpen? kacsa rnszarvas nyl nyuszi tekns rozmr jegesmedve szamr tigris csirke medve jtkmack Milyen szn? What colour? fehr srga narancs barna kk zld ibolyakk/ lila fekete szrke rzsaszn piros white yellow orange brown blue green violet black grey (US gray) pink red duck reindeer rabbit bunny turtle walrus polar bear donkey/ass tiger chicken bear teddy bear

sttkk dark blue, vilgoskk light blue, zldeskk greenish blue llati testrszek: leg lb beak csr antler agancs paw mancs

ear fl tusk agyar shell pncl (tekns, egybknt kagyl is) What colour is the duck? Its yellow, only its legs and beak are orange. It is Ez There is Van. Ha valaminek a helyt, vagy ltezst akarjuk mondani, vagy vletlenl helyhatrozval kezdtk a mondatot, a there is/ there are szerkezetet hasznljuk. Whats this? Mi ez? Its a duck. Ez egy kacsa. Whats there in the picture? Mi van a kpen? There are a lot of plush animals. Egy csom plssllat. (van) Jegyezzk meg: in the picture a kpen in the street az utcn in the sun a napon Milyen? Ha ez egy egyszer krds, akkor What is it like? s az it helyre lehet behelyettesteni azt a dolgot, amirl rdekldni akarunk. What is your new boyfriend like? Milyen az j fid? Well, he is absolutely fantastic. Ht, egyszeren csodlatos. Milyen nagy a jegesmedve? How big is the polar bear? Milyen szn a jegesmedve? What colour is the polar bear? Milyen how + mellknv, what + fnv nemcsak krdsben, hanem felkiltsban is. Milyen szp! How beautiful! Micsoda szpsg! What a beauty! Hogy nz ki? What does it look like? It looks good. Jl nz ki. It looks like a green frog. gy nz ki, mint egy zld bka. Ha csak mellknevet mondok azt kzvetlenl tehetem az ige utn, ha fnevet, kell hozz a mint, azazlike. Krdsnl a like mindig ott van az ige utn. Az sszes tbbi rzkelst kifejez ige, hangzik sound, tapintsa van feel, ze van taste, szaga van smell, is ugyangy viselkedik. What does it sound like? Hogy hangzik? It sounds like a rock concert. gy hangzik, mintha rock koncert lenne. What does it feel like? Milyen? (tapintsra, hrzetre) It feels cold. Hideg. What does it taste like? Milyen az ze? The soup tastes salty. Ss a leves. What does it smell like? Milyen szaga van? It smells like bad eggs. Zptojs szaga van.

Nemcsak egy jelzt hasznlhatunk a fnevek eltt, hanem tbbet is. Az egyelem jelzk a jelzett sz eltt llnak, a kifejezsrtk jelzk viszont mgtte. Az egyelem jelzk krlbell gy llnak a fnv eltt, mint a magyarban, de a pontossg kedvrt a szably a kvetkez: nvel vagy szm nagysg, ltalnos tulajdonsg alak kor szn nemzetisg fnvi jelz fnv, azaz a

hasonl the that these some first one two strong nice expensive big small round new old young red blue green French garden American village Lithuanian north jelzett sz frog house book post-office

Ezek csak pldk, nem lehet ket rtelmes szerkezett sszeolvasni, s fleg ennyi egy mondatban nem szokott szerepelni. Nyugodtan hagyatkozzunk a megrzseinkre, nem sokban klnbzik a magyartl. Ha emberekrl beszlnk, gyakran van olyan jelzkre szksgnk, hogy kkszem, vagy hossz fekete haj. Fnevekbl ktflekppen gyrthatunk jelzt: blue-eyed kkszem one-armed flkar hard-hearted kemnyszv, azaz sszektjk ket ktjellel, s ed vgzdst tesznk hozz, s a fnv el tesszk. blue-eyed girlkkszem lny Ha ennl bonyolultabb a helyzet, azaz nem tudjuk ilyen egyszeren sszekapcsolni a dolgokat, akkor a fnv elre kerl s with elljrval tesszk hozz a tulajdonsgot, pl. hossz fekete haj n a woman with long black hair Vltogatni is lehet ezeket a szerkezeteket, pl . a blue- eyed girl with long blond hair Ha a ruhjrl is akarok valamit mondani, akkor a wearing visel sz fog segteni. This blue-eyed girl wearing a red T-shirt is my friend. Ez a kkszem, piros pls lny a bartom. Most mr nagyon sok tpus mondatot tud, brmilyen kpet lerhat vele. Vegye csak el a csaldi fotalbumot, s gondolja vgig, hogy mit is mondana a kpekrl. rdemes egyprat vgig is mondani, st lerni a gyakorlfzetbe, ugyanis nagyon gyakran az a nyelvtanul problmja, hogy nem tud kitallni dolgokat. Mint minden, a fantzink is jobban mkdik, ha gyakorolunk. Mivel a hosszabb mondatokat is be kell pteni a gondolkodsunkba, a htkznapi trgyakrl mondjunk kiss tbbet magunkban, mint a puszta megnevezsk. Ez is j unalomz, brhol is kell vrakoznunk. Nyugodtan elemezgessk magunkban az embertrsainkat angolul. Hasznljuk az elljrkat, a jelzs szerkezeteket, s a neki van he/she has s az visel he/she is wearing igket. Pl.: The man opposite me is tall. A velem szemben lv frfi magas. He has a big nose and big ears. Nagy orra s nagy fle van. He is wearing black trousers and a pink shirt. Fekete nadrgot s rzsaszn inget visel. I think pink shirts are ugly. Szerintem a rzsaszn ing ronda. The woman next to him is his wife, I think. A n mellette a felesge, azt hiszem. She is a short, fat woman with long brown hair. egy alacsony, kvr, hossz barna haj n. Her shoes look uncomfortable. A cipje knyelmetlennek ltszik. s gy tovbb.

Mindennek megvan a maga trtnete

Mg a plssllatoknak is. Pldul az a kzpen lev fehr nyuszi az egyik legrgebbi jtk, mg azeltt vettem, hogy a lnyom megszletett volna, teht idsebb mint . De elmondhatnm a nagy fehr maci trtnett is, vagy a svd rnszarvast illetve brmi ms trtnetet a mltbl, csak tudnom kellene hozz a mlt idket. Teht , ha tudom mikor trtntek a dolgok illetve lezrdtak, befejezdtek a mltban, mlt idket, azaz Past Tense-t hasznlok. Ezekhez az igeidkhz szksges meghatrozni, hogy mikor trtnt a cselekvs. Ezt megtehetjk a szvegkrnyezettel, mint amikor a plssllatok trtnett akartam mondani, vagy msik igvel, ami egyszerre trtnt az eredeti cselekvssel, mert klcsnsen meghatrozzk egyms idejt, pldul: amikor ezt komponltam, a Dunn egy kompon lltam, vagy pedig tehetnk a mondatba egy konkrt idhatrozt, mint pldul tegnap, t vvel ezeltt, a tizentdik szzadban stb Kezdjk a legegyszerbbel, amit magyarul gy is hvnak, hogy egyszer mlt, vagyis Simple Past Tense.

Hasznlhatjuk az ltalnos s ismtld cselekvsek kifejezsre a mltban, illetve, ha tbb ilyen idej igt hasznlunk egy mondatban az azt jelenti, hogy a cselekvsek egyms utn trtntek a maguk logikai sorrendjben, teht ez az igeid a legalkalmasabb trtnetek meslsre. Az alakja legtbbszr ige+-ed, pldul wanted, listened, helped, persze az e vg igkhez nem tesznk mg egy e-t, pl: liked. Kiejtsben van klnbsg, mert a magnhangzra ill. zngs mssalhangzra vgzd igknl a kiejts /d/ pl: enjoyed, listened. A zngtlen mssalhangzra vgzdek esetben a kejts /t/ pl: liked, washed Csak a t, -d vgeknl /id/ a kiejts pl: mended, wanted A legtbb ige rendes, de van egy tblzatra val rendhagy ige, amit a knyv elejn megtall. Ez a msik igeid, amelyiknl az llt mondatban nem hasznlunk segdigt. Viszont tagadshoz s krdshez nlklzhetetlen a segdige, hasznljuk azt, hogy did minden szemlyben. Az ige els azaz infinitive alakban fog llni a segdige mellett, mert ha mr valamit jelltnk a segdign, mg egyszer mr nem jelljk mshol. Mondjuk egy Simple Past llt mondatot. Yesterday I got up late. Tegnap ksn keltem. tagadst: I didnt get up at 6 as usual.- Nem keltem fel hatkor, mint rendszerint. krdst. What time did you get up? Mikor keltl? Most mondjuk el, mit csinltunk tegnap, krlbell gy:

Yesterday I got up late. I just wanted to sleep in a little but it got really very late when I got up. Then I got dressed and went to the shop. I bought some food for breakfast and some newspapers. Then I walked home.I had breakfast then cleared the table. I didnt do the washing up. I did it later, in the afternoon. It was Sunday yesterday, so I didnt have to work. I just watched TV and read the papers in the morning, then cooked something for lunch. After lunch I played some computer games then read a book. In the afternoon I did the washing up, washed the clothes and hang them out to dry. In the evening I went for a walk with my family and we had some ice- cream and beer. That is my husband and my daughters boyfriend had some beer, my daughter had some ice-cream and I didnt have anything, because I felt unwell. The weather was a little cool and windy. We came home after dark and after a shower I went to bed and fell asleep. The others watched the film on TV but I didnt.It was some thriller, and I thought it was stupid.

Tegnap ksn keltem. Csak egy kicsit akartam tovbb aludni, de mr nagyon ks volt, mikor felkeltem. Aztn felltztem s lementem a boltba. Vettem valami kajt reggelire, s pr jsgot. Aztn hazaballagtam. Megreggeliztem s leszedtem az asztalt. Nem mosogattam el. Csak ksbb, dlutn. Tegnap vasrnap volt, gy nem kellett dolgoznom. Tvztem s jsgot olvastam dleltt, aztn fztem valamit ebdre. Ebd utn jtszottam a szmtgpen, aztn olvastam egy knyvet. Dlutn elmosogattam, kimostam s kiteregettem. Este a csaldommal stlni mentnk s fagyiztunk meg srztnk. Azaz a frjem s a lnyom bartja srztt, a lnyom fagyizott, n nem ettem semmit, mert nem reztem jl magam. Kicsit hvs s szeles volt az id. Stteds utn mentnk haza s zuhanyozs utn lefekdtem s el is aludtam. A tbbiek egy filmet nztek a tvben, de n nem nztem. Valami krimi volt, szerintem hlyesg.

Most pedig mesljnk el egy trtnetet a gyerekkorunkbl.


Amikor gyerek voltam egy nagy hzban ltem. Nagyon szerettem azt a helyet, mert olyan nagy volt s egy szlskert kzepn volt. Volt egy kis kert krltte fknt bokrokkal s virgokkal, s volt egy hts kert, ahol neknk is volt szlnk, csemegeszl, megenni val, s a sorok kztt termelhettnk zldsget. Semmi sem termett jl, az olyasmi sem, mint a rpa vagy a bors, mert tl sok volt a k a talajban, de azrt prblkoztunk. A hz hegyoldalra plt, gy az udvar enyhn lejtett. Az alsbb rgiban volt a gazdasgi udvar, pletekkel a csirkk vagy a msmilyen llatok szmra. A legtbb pletet lomtrnak hasznltuk, de volt tykl, fszer s disznl is. Pr vben voltak disznink, de ksbb csak csirkk. A nagyanymnak nha voltak kacsi, s azokban az vekben ehettnk slt kvs kacst tlen. Az pletek mgtt nagy bokrok voltak, leginkbb orgona, s a lpcsk a kertbl, amelyek arra a rszre vezettek, ahol apm barackfi s klnleges virgai voltak. A btymmal nha ezeken a lpcskn ltnk s a rovarokat s a gykokat nztk a hossz meleg nyri dlutnokon. Szabadon kszlhattunk a szlben, csak a vasti snekig nem mehettnk, s a msik oldalon az tig. De nem is akartunk. Az egsz hatalmas volt s szmunkra az egsz vilgot jelentette. Volt egy msik hz is a mienk mellett, de res volt. Az emberek dolgoztak benne, ha ott kellett valamit csinlniuk. Legtbbszr nem volt ott senki, csak egy regember, aki amolyan felgyel volt s az egszre vigyzott. Nagyon szerettk t a btymmal, mert igen kedves reg volt. Gyakran azzal tltttk a dlutnt, hogy vele beszlgettnk, vagy vele mentnk a krtjaira. Nem meslt neknk trtneteket, nem is jtszott velnk, gy beszlt velnk, mintha vele egyenrangak lennnk s ez tetszett neknk. Nem volt valami nagy trsasgunk, kicsi hely volt, a hzak messze voltak egymstl s nem volt sok gyerek, velnk egykor egy sem. A btym kt vvel idsebb, mint n. Neki volt pr bartja a szomszd faluban, ahov iskolba jrtunk, br nem sok, mert sosem szeretett focizni vagy verekedni, ami a legjobb szrakozs volt a falubeli gyerekek szmra. Nekem nem voltak bartaim, amg el nem kezdtem az ltalnos iskola fels tagozatt. Ott egy csom teljesen j emberrel tallkoztam, s sszebartkoztam nhny j lnnyal. Azok a gyerekek, akikkel vodba s als tagozatba jrtam nem kedveltek, mert n nem hittem a klikkekben s nem akartam egyik vagy msik kislny barti krhez tartozni. Egybknt sem szerettem kislnyos jtkokat jtszani, inkbb knyvet olvastam. Magamtl tanultam meg olvasni ngyves koromban. Igazbl nem is emlkszem azokra az idkre, amikor nem tudtam olvasni. Emlkszem, hogy apm olvasott fel valami knyvbl, s lveztem hallgatni, de nem azrt mert nem tudtam volna olvasni magamnak, hanem mert lveztem a trsasgt. s persze n sem szerettem a tbbi lnyt, szerintem gyerekesek s ostobk voltak. Ha a trtnetnket igazn letszeren akarjuk elmeslni, szksgnk van mg egy mlt idre a Past Continuous Tense-re, aminek a magyar neve folyamatos mlt id. A folyamatos most is azt jelenti, hogy ppen folyamatban When I was a child I lived in a very big old house. I liked that place very much, because it was so big, and it was in the middle of a vineyard. There was a small garden around it with mostly bushes and flowers, and there was a backyard, where we had some vine, actually grapes for eating and between the rows we could grow some vegetables. Nothing like carrots or peas grew well, because there were too many stones in the soil, but we tried. The house was built on the hillside, so the yard sloped gently. In the lower regions there was a farmyard, with buildings for the chickens or whatever animals we had. Most of the buildings we used for storage, but there was a henhouse, a barn and a pigsty. We had pigs for some years, but later we had only chickens.My grandmother had ducks sometimes, and in those years we could eat fried fat ducks in winter. Behind the buildings there were big bushes, mainly lilac, and steps from the garden to the section where my father had some peach trees and his special flowers. Me and my brother sometimes sat on these steps and watched the insects and the lizards on long warm summer afternoons. We had the freedom to roam the vineyards freely, only we couldnt go as far as the railway track and on the other side as far as the road. But we didnt want to. The whole place was very big and for us it meant the whole world. There was another house next to ours, but it was empty. People worked there when there was some work to do there. Most of the time there was nobody there only an old man who was a kind of a supervisor and watched over the whole place. Me and my brother liked him very much because he was a nice old man. We often spent the afternoons talking to him or following him when he made his round trips around the place. He didnt tell us stories or played with us, he talked to us as if we were his equals and we enjoyed that. We didnt have too much company, it was a small place, the houses were far from each other , and there were not many children and none of our age. My brother is two years older than me. He had some friends in the next village where we went to school, though not many, because he never liked playing football or fighting, which was entertainment number one for the other children in the village. I didnt have any friends until I started the upper classes of the elementary school. There I met a completely new bunch of people and made some friends with the new girls. Those children I went to kindergarten and the lower classes with didnt like me, because I didnt believe in groups and didnt want to belong to one or the other little girls circle of friends. Also, I didnt enjoy playing girlish games, I rather read a book . I taught myself how to read when I was only four, Actually, I cant remember the times I couldnt read. I remember that my father read me some book, and I enjoyed listening to it, but not because I couldnt read the book for myself, but because I enjoyed his company. And of course I didnt like the other girls, I thought they were childish and stupid.

lv. Egy igs mondatban azt jelenti, hogy a cselekvs ppen akkor trtnt, amikor dupla idhatrozval legalbb napszak pontossggal meghatroztuk. Pl. Mit csinltl tegnap este hatkor? What were you doing at 6 yesterday evening? Az igeid alakja a was, were s az ige+ing I was s he/she/it was, minden ms szemlyben were. Amikor mesljk a trtnetnket, azaz tbb igs mondatben van r szksgnk, akkor a Past Continuous Tense, Simple Past Tense sszellts azt jelenti, hogy valami trtnt s kzben hirtelen trtnt valami ms. Pl: pp a tvt nztk, amikor valaki csengetett. We were watching TV when somebody rang the bell. Mit csinltl, amikor hazartem? What were you doing when I came home? Ha tbb Past Continuous Tense kerl egy mondatba, azt jelenti, hogy tbb cselekvs egyszerre, egyms mellett futott. Amg mi dolgoztunk, a tbbiek fociztak. While we were working, the others were playing football. Fordtsuk visszafel, ha a mesnknkben olyan dolgokat mondunk, amelyek szpen, sorban , egyms utn trtntek, akkor hasznljunk Simple Past Tense igket. Ha valami valami mssal egyszerre trtnt, akkor hasznljunk Past Continuous Tense-t az eredeti cselekvsre, ami ezt flbeszaktotta, az Simple Past Tense, illetve, ha azt akarom mondani, hogy a kt cselekvs egyms mellett sokig futott, akkor kt Past Continuous Tense t. Als tagozatos hzi feladat, hogy rjunk mest. rjunk most angol trtnetet, hasznljuk a ktfle mlt idt, s persze az ltalnos igazsgokra a Simple Present Tense-t. A lnyom alkotta a kvetkez rkbecs irodalmi mvet, amelyet idemsolok pldakppen. The Careless Bearcat Once upon a time there was a big forest. In the middle of the forest lived a bearcat. This animal was very special, so a hunter wanted to catch it. The hunter was desperate to catch a bearcat so he made traps everywhere and put different things in them because he didnt know what bearcats liked to eat. But the bearcat didnt go into any of them. It didnt like the things that were in the traps. One day the hunter put some gingerbread into his next trap and when he went to examine it there was the bearcat sitting in the trap. It ate up all the gingerbread and as its tummy was full, it couldnt run away. So the hunter took it home and wanted to put the bearcat into a cage, but it was too fat and couldnt go in. The hunter had no larger cage so he just closed the door and went to bed. But at night the bearcat opened the door, went to the pantry and ate up all the gingerbread the hunter had at home. It was quite a lot, so it felt sleepy and went to the bed where the hunter was sleeping and curled up at his legs. Next morning the hunter woke up and saw the sleeping bearcat at his feet and he thought the bearcat would make a cute pet, so they became good friends. There was only one problem. He had to bake fresh gingerbread every day. Az vatlan medvemacska Hol volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy nagy erd. Ennek a kzepben lt a medvemacska. Nagyon klns llat volt, ezrt egy vadsz meg akarta fogni. Mindenkppen meg akarta fogni, ezrt mindenhov csapdkat rakott le, s tett beljk mindenflt, mert nem tudta, mit szeret a medvemacska. De az nem esett a csapdkba. Nem szeretett semmi olyasmit, ami a csapdkban volt. Egy szp napon a vadsz mzeskalcsot tett a kvetkez csapdba, s amikor ment, hogy megnzze, ott lt a medvemacska. Megette az sszes mzeskalcsot, tele volt a pocakja, nem tudott elszaladni. gy a vadsz hazavitte, s be akarta tenni egy ketrecbe, de a medvemacska tl kvr volt s nem frt bele. A vadsznak nem volt nagyobb ketrece, ezrt csak becsukta az ajtt s lefekdt aludni. De a medvemacska jszaka kinyitotta az ajtt, kiment a spjzba s felfalta az sszes mzeskalcsot, ami csak volt. Mrpedig volt bven, gy ellmosodott s bemszott abba az gyba, ahol a vadsz aludt, s sszekuporodott a lbnl. Msnap reggel a mikor a vadsz felbredt, megltta a medvemacskt a lbnl aludni s arra gondolt, hogy a medvemacska aranyos hzikedvenc is lehetne, s j bartok lettek. Csak egy baj volt. Ezutn a vadsznak minden nap friss mzeskalcsot kellett stnie.

Interneten olvastam a kvetkez trtneteket. Olvassa el ket egyesvel, s gyrtson krdseket rluk a fzetbe. Amikor ezzel ksz van, nzze t a krdseket, gondolatban vlaszolja meg ket, vgl pedig sszefggen prblja elmondani a trtnetkket. Pldul az els trtnethez tartoz krdsek lehetnek a kvetkezk: -Is the speakers sister older or younger than her? -Did they get on well when they were children? -What did her sister look like? -Was she religious? -Did she go to church when she turned 15? -Who cooked on Sundays? -Did she cook well? -Could the speakers mother cook well? 1. Before I was born, my sister was the princess of the house. She was nine when I popped on the scene and she turned into a sullen, angry child and later an unhappy adult. I was 22 before she forgave me for living. My sister was 12 years old when she confirmed in the Methodist Church in our town on Long Island. I think she looked beautiful. By the time she got to be 15 though, she didn't want to go to church anymore. So my mother said that she'd then have to prepare the Sunday midday meal, so that she wouldn't be idle. We had great dinners- she turned out to be a super cook, much better than mom.

2. There are about more than half a dozen of pictures of me and my cousin Eric at home. He is five months older than me, and we grew up together. We played everyday in the backyard, and the big tree out there was a spaceship, a giant octopus...or whatever it needed to be to get our adventure going. He liked to punch me on the back just to see me grasp for air. I don't remember a day that he didn't make me cry. My mom scolded him, saying that that was no way of treating a lady. That was the first time that I recall being referred to as "a lady". After our sixth birthday, Eric came to visit on weekends only. After our fifteenth birthday, I rarely saw him. He was "in a band". He never went to college. Around 20 years of age, he showed up at family parties with a different girlfriend every time, and he already had a pretty stable job at a reputable loaning agency. Eric married at age 25 to a rich girl (a co-worker), and a year later he started an independent financial consultation business, or something like that.

3. This picture looks like my school portrait from third grade. I had a similar hairstyle, one that my mother prided herself on because she cut it herself and the blunt cut was perfectly straight. She'd sit me on the kitchen stepchair (the kind where the seat pulls up to make it a step ladder for reaching cans on the top shelf of the pantry), and she'd tell me to sit still. When the scissors tickled the back of my neck I'd squirm, only to get poked by the scissors when I moved. Like the girl in this picture, I also had a space between my two front teeth that everyone thought came from sucking my thumb, which I did until I was twelve. My mother blamed Dr. Spock for my thumb-sucking: she'd read in his book that she should take me off the bottle at one and a half, too soon she now insists. When I immediately started sucking my thumb, she turned again to Spock, but read that she should not to give in. Most of all, I remember the comfort of sucking my thumb...I couldn't go to sleep without it. But sleepovers were tough. I'd wait until the other girls were asleep, or I'd roll over and hide under the covers. My very best friend, Roxanne, knew I sucked my thumb but she didn't care. One night my thumb didn't taste good's as simple as that. My teeth gradually grew together and everyone in my family considered it good fortune that I didn't need braces.

4. It's never easy, isn't it, when you're in a foreign land. I was born in UK and then moved to Singapore. I remembered the first time I came to Indonesia (I was 8 years old), people were speaking to me in Bahasa which I didn't understand at that time. Dad's Indonesian, mom's Japanese so we only speak English at home. I don't blame these people, I mean, we're Asians - mom looks like Chinese Indonesian and I look in-between the two. When we order food, dad would speak in Bahasa and when the waiter directed a question at mom and I, we would smile to the waiter and look at dad for translation. "You're not Indonesians?", that's what we always got.

I recalled telling my dad that I hate having to fit-in in school. In UK, there were only 2 Asians in the whole school. In Singapore, I was known as the Indo girl who doesn't speak Bahasa in school. What's worse is that I have to learn Bahasa Melayu as a 2nd language. It was so confusing, even dad got confused. My parents managed to change my school then where I could omit the 2nd language. When I was in high school, I always complained to my parents that I'm tired of explaining to people at school my background. At least now I could write and speak Bahasa Indo moderately, still learning. I still have to explain to people though why I don't speak Japanese once they find out that my mom's a Jap. Well, I guess I have to learn Japanese soon! For now, I'm happy that each time I return to Jakarta, I feel a great sense of belonging.....

5. Helms Bakery For anyone who was living in Southern California prior to 1969, the Helms' man was a welcome sight. Helms' Bakery, based in West Los Angeles, sold their goods one of two ways: They had outlet stores, just like other bakeries where day-old items were sold. The other, more popular way was a little yellow panel truck that went from neighborhood to neighborhood. Inside the truck were more baked goods than one would find in a supermarket, a cash register, and barely enough room for the driver/vendor. Generally, the Helms man would arrive in neighborhoods about the time we kids were coming home from school. If we were fortunate to be at the end of the route (about 4:30-5:00 in the afternoon), and if it were hot, the driver would either sell us his doughnuts for a couple of pennies or give them away. There was no air conditioning in the truck and so he couldn't keep them (bread kept pretty well). My mom could never figure why the Helms' Thrift Shop never had doughnuts! She had the idea they were so good that they sold out quickly. Well, Mom, if you're reading this right now, I can tell you the reason why I had such a poor appetite on those hot days when I was 6-10 years old and I wouldn't eat my supper: That Helms man kept stuffing me with doughnuts! It was his fault!

6. Some Things Don't Taste as Good Now! Most of my memories of food during my childhood are from the times I lived with my Morgan grandparents in Vardaman. They had a garden plot and raised most of the vegetables that we ate. A small area at the end of the garden was used to raise a few chickens for their eggs. Except for meals where special company was expected, we rarely had chicken. Although I helped plant the garden, hoe it, and pick the vegetables, I can't remember all that we grew. The main vegetables I remember were Irish potatoes, butterbeans, okra, crowder peas, blackeyed peas, tomatoes, cabbage, English peas, corn, runner beans, purple hull peas, carrots, cantaloupe, squash, and hot pepper. These must have been the vegetables that Papaw and Ninny Morgan (as we called them) were used to growing and liked. Other family gardens in Vardaman had these vegetables as well as such things as eggplant and bell pepper. Our meals were all similar. Breakfast usually consisted of oatmeal and toast or eggs, biscuits, and gravy. The main meal of the day was dinner, served around noon. This meal always had fresh cornbread and potatoes (boiled and then thickened with flour). A couple of vegetable dishes (depending on what was in season, but usually including one pea or bean dish) rounded out the meal. The evening meal, supper, usually consisted of the left-overs from the noon meal. The cornbread would be wrapped in a moist cloth and reheated in the oven and the vegetables would be warmed up as well. If they were in season, fresh sliced tomatoes would accompany both dinner and supper. When they first moved to Vardaman from Reid, my Morgan grandparents lived on the highway just east of the town limits and had room for a cow. This provided their milk and butter. Almost all of the milk was allowed to "sour" and was then churned. After the butter was collected, the buttermilk was saved and this was the form of milk most often drank. When they moved into town, they bought fresh milk from a family down the street who were still keeping a cow. Vegetables that I buy in the supermarkets now just don't taste as good as the ones that I remember. The tomatoes are picked green and are forced to turn red by being exposed to a gas. Even the so-called 'vine-ripened' ones in the supermarkets are hard and have little taste.


7. Melanie - remembers her first day: I don't really remember walking in on my first day of school, but I do remember that I met a girl called Sophie. Sophie was really kind and we soon became best friends!! There was also a boy called Jordan who used to chase me around the classroom and in and out of the play area trying to catch me!! I once went to Sophie's house and she had swings in her back garden, we went on the swings and I fell off, banged my knee and started crying! Overall I had a really good first day at school, and I don't remember crying! I wasn't scared to leave my mom for kindergarten, really. I believe I was the 1st person there. I remember I had a clear & pink backpack, and a pinkish red crayon box. A pink and blue sleeping mat I also had. Mrs. Connell put me to a table in the front. More kids filled the room. I became friends with Ashley and Peggy first. I remember sitting with a group of girls in a circle with a record player toy in front of us. This moment was when I had a terrible accident. From that moment, no one wanted to talk to me, play with me, or even be around me. This went on for 6 years.

8 First day at high school The night before the first day of school, I couldn't sleep. I was too busy worrying. First of all, I worried about what I was going to wear. I wanted to wear something nice, something that set the tone for the year, something that made me feel good. But everything I tried on didn't feel right. Nothing was me. In fact, I didn't know exactly who I was. Anymore. I'd been away to camp all summer. I'd had really close friends at camp, friends I played all-day games of Risk with, friends who I wrote songs with, friends who I swam across the lake with. Now I worried about who I would be friends with at home. I didn't feel close to anybody, especially not to my two former closest friends, Debbie Rose and Karen Bloom, who had spent their summer together. They'd already told me stories about the fun they'd had going water-skiing and riding their bikes to the beach and hanging out with my boyfriend, Eugene Pasillio. I felt on the outside of things. Friendless and unsure of myself. I worried that I would have Mr. Van den Heek for chemistry class. I'd heard that he was a hard grader and gave homework every night. I worried about where my locker would be and where I would eat. I worried about how I would find my classes. My mother said: Don't worry. You'll do just fine. But I didn't feel fine. I spoke to Eugene on the phone. He said that he wasn't worried at all about high school. One teacher was the same as another, one school as bad as the next. But I cared. I was a good student. I wanted to enjoy high school, to do well, to feel part of things. The next day, my teacher called me Shirley instead of Sherri. I couldn't find the chemistry class and Mr. Van den Heek glared at me when I walked in late. I was the last in lunch line. Debbie and Karen ignored me. I couldn't remember the combination to my locker. At the end of the day, I was just happy that it was over. I waited outside for Eugene. He walked out laughing with Debbie and Karen. Then he took my hand. The four of us walked together and talked about our terrible teachers. Eugene did a great imitation of Mr. Van den Heek. Then he turned to me. "I'm building up my shoulders," he said. "Hop on." He squatted down and I put my legs over his shoulders and he lifted me and we walked home that way, my legs dangling over his chest. And I forgot all about Mr. Van den Heek and the strange hallways and the locker that wouldn't open. I forgot about feeling strange and lost and friendless. I felt like I was on top of the world.


Miutn elolvasgatta ezeket a trtneteket, gondolom rjtt, hogy ezekhez hasonlkat brmikor csinlhat. Mondja el, st, rja le milyen volt az els nap az iskolban, kik voltak a gyerekkori bartai s mit csinltak egytt, egszen odig, hogy mi trtnt tegnap. rjon, vagy talljon ki rvid trtneteket. Ha van hozz trelme s ideje, vezessen naplt angolul. Megri, higgye el. Most pedig folytassuk az elmlkedst az igeidkrl. Foglaljuk ssze, hogy eddig mit is tanultunk! Kt jelen idt, s kt mlt idt a kvetkezkppen. nv alak hasznlat plda

Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

1. alak (E/3 1. alak+s) segdige do, does krdsben, tagadsban am, is are + ige-ing

ltalnos s ismtld cselekvsek a jelenben, ami mindig gy van ppen most folyamatban lv cselekvsek ltalnos s ismtld cselekvsek a mltban, logikailag egyms utn kvetkez cselekvsek ppen akkor folyamatban lev cselekvsek, prhuzamosan egyms mellett fut cselekvsek, az az eredeti cselekvs, amit flbeszakt valami ms (ami flbeszaktja: Simple Past)

I like fish. Do you get up early every day? Are you sleeping? I am playing the piano. I started school in 1964. He got up and went to the bathroom. Did you meet him yesterday? I was watching TV at that time. While she was cleaning the house he was working in the garden. The children were playing when I entered the room.

2. alak segdige did krdsben, tagadsban

Past Continuous Tense

was, were + ige-ing

Ez csak a kezdet, sszesen tizenkt igeid van az angolban. azaz ngy mlt id, ngy jelen id s ngy jv id, de mivel nem akarunk ajtstl rontani a hzba, ezrt vegynk valami egyszer mdot arra, hogy azokrl a dolgokrl beszljnk, amelyek mg csak ezutn fognak megtrtnni. Going to a kzeljv s a szndkaink kifejezsre, illetve, ha ltjuk, mi fog trtnni. will a tvoli bizonytalan jv kifejezsre s a hirtelen elhatrozsokra. Im going to buy a book next time I go shopping. Veszek egy knyvet legkzelebb, amikor vsrolni megyek. (ez a szndkom) Look at those dark clouds. Its going to rain. Nzd azokat a stt felhket. Esni fog. Where are you going to put the money? Hov akarod/fogod tenni a pnzt?

Do you think we will have enough time to do the shopping? Gondolod lesz elg idnk bevsrolni? To the pub? Of course Ill go. A kocsmba? Ht persze, hogy megyek. (most dntttem el.) Man will travel to the Mars in less than fifty years time. Kevesebb, mint tven v mlva az ember a Marsra fog utazni. ( eljn az is, csak gyzzk kivrni.) A ha akkor tpus mondatokban will t hasznlunk. If I win the lottery jackpot I will buy a big house for myself. Ha megnyerem a lott fnyeremnyt, veszek magamnak egy nagy hzat. When I grow up I will work as a truckdriver. Ha nagy leszek, kamionsofrknt fogok dolgozni.

A mondatnak abban a rszben, ahol az idhatrozsz (if, when, as soon as, etc) tallhat, Simple Present Tense-t hasznlunk. Jegyezzk meg! Egy mondatba egy jv idej ige kerl!

Szeressk a Perfect igeidket!

A magyar igeidrendszer vgtelenl egyszer, csak jelen s mlt idre korltozdik, s ezzel krlbell ki is mertettk az egyszer dolgokat a magyar nyelvre vonatkozan. Radsul, nem is volt ez mindig gy. Ha valaki olvasott mr Jkai regnyt s Petfi verset, s ki ne olvasott volna, szrevehette, hogy mg a tizenkilencedik szzadban is tbbfle igeidt hasznltak, mint manapsg. St, mg az az aranyszably is kiment a divatbl, amit ltalnos iskola msodik, vagy harmadik osztlyban prblt (sz szerint) a fejnkbe verni a tant nni, miszerint a jv idt a fog szcska s a ni toldalk kombincijval ksztjk. Manapsg egyszeren egy jelen idej mondatot hasznlunk, s vagy az idhatroz, vagy a szvegkrnyezet az, amibl eldntjk, hogy tnyleges jelen idrl, vagy jv idrl van sz. Az angol ennl sokkal tbb igeidt hasznl, s az egyik leggyakoribb az a bizonyos Present Perfect, amitl mi magyarok dzkodunk, mert furcsa a szmunkra. Ne fljnk tle, nagyon hasznos tud lenni. Kpzeljk el az idt egy egyenes vonalnak, amelyet pontok bontanak meg, a mindenkori itt s most, azaz a jelen, illetve az ott s akkor, a mlt s a jv.




Ez a magyar agyunkkal is befoghat, rzkelhet. Most pedig rendeljk a pontszer idkhz a folyamat jelleg, azaz Perfect igeidket, mgpedig gy: ami a Present eltt trtnt s hozz tartozik, az a Present Perfect, ami a Past eltt trtnt s hozz tartozik az a Past Perfect, ami a Future eltt trtnt s hozz tartozik, az a Future Perfect.




Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Future Perfect

A Perfect igeidk nem pontszerek, egy dtum, vagy egy idpont nem kapcsolhat hozzjuk. Nzzk akkor azt a bizonyos Present Perfect igeidt, amit szeretnnk kellene. Perfect igeid, teht a kpzsben a have segdige rszt vesz. Present, teht a have segdige jelen idej alakjai kellenek, egyes szm harmadik szemlyben (he, she, it) has, a tbbi szemlyben have. A segdige have/ has, teht a jelentst hordoz ige harmadik (Past Participle) alakban ll. sszefoglalva, a Present Perfect alakja: have/has + 3. alak. Hasznlata: ahogy a grafikonon ltjuk, minden, ami a jelen pont eltt trtnt, de nem tudjuk pontosan megmondani mikor, azaz a hatrozatlan idej, mltbeli cselekvsek. Pldul: Megittad mr a kvdat? Tegyk fel magunknak a krdst, hogy mikor is van a mr. A vlasz, lehet hogy t perce, lehet hogy tz, egy biztos, nem tudom pontosan. Ha egy cselekvs idejre krdeznk, s a fene jobban tudja az egyetlen vlasz, akkor az angol mondatban Present Perfect igeid kell. Teht a pldamondatunk angolul: Have you drunk your coffee (yet)? Ha nem tesszk bele a yet mr idhatrozt, akkor is tkletes a mondatunk, mert az igeid pontosan kifejezi, hogy mirl van sz. Nemcsak a hatrozatlan idej cselekvsek tartoznak ide, hanem, ha jl megnzzk a grafikonunkat, azok is, amelyek a mlt egy bizonyos pontjn kezddtek, s mg most is tartanak, akkor is, ha a kezdpontot nem ismerjk, csak azt tudjuk, a cselekvsnek mg nincs vge. Pldul : Tz ve ismerem ezt az embert. I have known this man for ten years.

Karcsony ta nem tallkoztam a szleimmel. I havent seen my parents since Christmas. Ha egy idpont ta, akkor az idhatroz since, ha valamennyi ideje, akkor for. Ha egy cselekvs kezdpontjt egy msik igvel adjuk meg, mindig since az idhatroz, s az az ige, ami tulajdonkppen az idhatroz szerept tlti be, Past Tense. Pl: Nem tallkoztam vele amita msik hzba kltztnk. I havent seen him since we moved house. Itt jegyezzk meg, hogy a magyar nyelv nem kvetkezetes a valamennyi ideje idhatrozval. Van amikor egy pontos dtumhoz kttt cselekvshez hasznlja. Pldul: Hrom ve vettem ezt az autt. Mikor is? Hrom vvel ezeltt. Akkor mirt nem azt mondjuk? J krds. Az angolban ez a mondat, mert tudom, hogy mikor volt, Simple Past Tense, s az idhatrozja az ezeltt ago. gy a pldamondatunk angolul: I bought this car 3 years ago. Ha viszont azt akarom mondani, hogy : Hrom ve hasznlom ezt az autt, akkor tnylegesen Present Perfect igeid kell, s az idhatroz for. I have used this car for three years. Mondjunk pldt a befejezetlen cselekvsekre, amelyeknek nem felttlenl jelltk meg a kezdpontjt, csak mg nincs vgk. Nagyon jellemz idhatrozjuk a this week, this month, this year, today, etc. Pl.: Ittl ma mr kvt? Have you drunk coffee today? Vagy ittam, vagy nem, ez most nem rdekes, de a mai nap mg tart, s ha akarok, mg ihatok hat liter kvt is. Mirt mondtam, hogy bartkozzunk meg ezekkel a mondatokkal? Mert az let tele van olyan szitucikkal, amikor nem ktm a cselekvst egy adott idponthoz. A magyarban ilyenkor mlt idej mondatot hasznlok idhatroz nlkl. Pl: Lttad? Hallottad? Az angolban ezek a mondatok Present Perfect igeidben llnak. Have you seen ( it)? Have you heard? Mirt nem j a Past Tense? Mert nem tudom, mikor trtnt a cselekvs, s mert a magyar nem angol. Neknk, magyaroknak nem ll rendelkezsnkre annyi igeid, mint az angoloknak, csak kett, a jelen s a mlt. Ezzel kell sakkoznunk. De azrt ha magunkban rkrdeznk az igkre, hogy tulajdonkppen mikor is trtntek a dolgok, pontosan meg tudjuk vlaszolni az idhatrozkbl, mert azokbl hasznlunk egy vagonravalt. Az angolok is. Teht az idhatrozk igaztanak el, illetve a cselekvs tnyleges ideje, ami a mondatbl, vagy a szvegbl egyrtelmen kiderl.

Egszen idig tiszta s vilgos volt a helyzet nekem kzpiskols koromban, csak nem volt megfogalmazva, mert plda s hangzs utn tanultunk angolul. Ez egy darabig nagyon jl mkdtt. Ksbb viszont problmt okozott. Knnyebben tudtam volna haladni, ha tudatosabban ptem magamba a nyelvet. Azt reztem, hogy nem haladok olyan jl, a kzpiskola msodik kt vben, mint az els kettben, s az addigi gyakorlataimat, szvegpts, mondatalkots, olvass, kiegsztettem azzal, hogy vettem egy nyelvtani gyakorlknyvet, angol kiadst, s elolvastam a mirteket s a hogyanokat, majd megoldottam a feladatokat s ellenriztem a megoldkulcsbl. Az eredmny? Siralmas, s mg annl is siralmasabb. J. Elolvastam mg egyszer, megcsinltam mg egyszer. Aztn megint. Harmadszorra mr volt valami fogalmam a dolgokrl, de egszen addig, amg sajt magamban fel nem tudtam pteni a rendszert, nem trtnt igazi javuls. Kzben elmentem nyelvvizsgzni a Rig utcba, mert az n idmben mshov nem lehetett, st, mg ezzel is meg kellett vrnom, hogy elmljak tizennyolc ves, mert akkor ennyi volt az als korhatr, s gy rtam meg azt a bizonyos

34 nyelvtani tesztet, hogy magamban kimondtam a megoldsokat, gy vlasztottam ki a szerintem helyeset. tmentem elsre, teht mkdtt a dolog, de ahogy tovbbmentem angol szakra a fiskolra, csak lestem az angol nyelvtan rkon, s egyms utn rtam a nulla s mnusz pontos dolgozatokat. Amikor mr kezdtem volna ktsgbe esni, eljtt a megvilgosods pillanata, ppen az igeidket tanulmnyoztuk, amikor az egsz a helyre esett, meglttam a nyelv logikjt s felptettem magamban azt a rendszert, amit elkezdtem itt taglalni. Onnantl kezdve mr nem volt nulla pontos dolgozat, st. .
Szval, vissza az igeidkhz. Mint minden igeidbl a Present Perfectbl is van Continuous. Az alakja have/has been ige+ing, s arra hasznljuk, hogy kifejezzk vele, hogy valami hossz idn keresztl, megszakts nlkl trtnt. ltalban a mltban kezddtt, most is tart, vagy a befejezetlen cselekvsek esetben alkalmazhatjuk, ha akarjuk. Pldul: Amita sszehzasodtak, egyfolytban veszekszenek. They have been quarreling since they got married. Nem kell bele semmi nyomatkosts, mert az igeid pontosan kifejezi, hogy megszakts nlkl trtnik, ami trtnik. He has been working in this factory for twenty years.- Hsz ve dolgozik ebben a gyrban. Hsz v hossz id, ezrt Continuous. De ha kt hete, akkor aszerint Simple vagy Continuous, hogy szerintem, azaz a beszl szerint ez hossz, vagy rvid id. Egyformn helyes nyelvtani szempontbl mindkt megolds, azaz: He has worked in this factory for two weeks. He has been working in this factory for two weeks. Csak az utbbi mondatnak megvan az a plusz jelentse, hogy mr kt hete egyfolytban, holott msok mr t nap utn felmondanak, vagy az, aki hrom napnl hosszabb idt mg soha sehol nem brt ki. Nincs vlasztsi lehetsg, azaz minden esetben Present Perfect Continuous igeidt kell hasznlnunk, ha a jelen llapotunk okrl beszlnk, azaz, hogy mirt vagyunk fradtak, hesek, szomjasak, stb. Pldul: hes vagyok, mert nem ettem semmit tegnap ta. Im hungry because I havent been eating since yesterday. Fradt vagyok, mert egsz nap a kertben dolgoztam. Im tired, because I have been working in the garden all day. Soha ne felejtsk el, hogy nem minden igt lehet Continuous igeidben hasznlni. Pldul a ltigt sem, s az ltalnos, vagy a pillanatnyi cselekvst jelent igket sem. Most mr hozztehetjk az jabb igeidket is a tblzatunkhoz. nv alak hasznlat plda

Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense

1. alak (E/3 1. alak+s) segdige do, does krdsben, tagadsban am, is are + ige-ing

ltalnos s ismtld cselekvsek a jelenben, ami mindig gy van ppen most folyamatban lv cselekvsek meghatrozatlan idej mltbeli cselekvsek mltban kezddtt, most is tart cselekvsek befejezetlen cselekvsek

I like fish. Do you get up early every day? Are you sleeping? I am playing the piano. Where have you been? He has stayed here for an hour. I havent listened to music today.

have/has + 3. alak

Present Perfect Continuous Tense have/has been + ige-ing mltban kezddtt, most is tart cselekvsek s a befejezetlen cselekvsek kzl azok, amelyeknl ki akarjuk hangslyozni, hogy megszakts nlkl trtntek llapot oka He has been watching TV for five hours. I have been waiting for this all my life. I have a headache because I have been watching TV too long.

gyesen megcsinltuk az sszes jelen id tblzatt, most jhetnek a mlt idk. A ngy mlt idt csak akkor tudom hasznlni, ha lezrult, befejezdtt cselekvsekrl van sz. Nem azonos a magyar mlt idvel. Ha egy cselekvsnek a vge a jelenig r az Present Perfect, csak az a cselekvs Past igeid, ami semmi hatssal a jelenre nincs. Az angolok olyan gyesek, hogy a Past pontot ugyangy viszonytsi ponknt tudjk hasznlni, mint a Present pontot. Mi magyarok erre kptelenek vagyunk, neknk mindig a valsgos jelen az egyetlen viszonytsi pontunk. Persze kt igeidvel nem nagyon lehet ugrlni, de tizenkettvel annl inkbb.Ha vetnk mg egy pillantst az idgrafikonunkra, ltjuk, hogy amikor tugrottunk a Past pontra, ezzel trltk a Present s a Future pontot, azaz, ha egy mondatot Past igvel kezdtnk, akkor maradjunk is ebben a krben.


Past Perfect
Ha mltbli, lezrult dolgokrl beszlnk, akkor a Simple Past igk egyms utn azt jelentik, hogy a dolgok a maguk termszetes sorrendjben trtntek. Ha valami valamivel egyszerre trtnt, akkor kt lehetsg van. Ha az egyik dolog ppen folyamatban volt amikor hirtelen kzben trtnt valami ms, akkor az eredeti cselekvsre Past Continuous, a hirtelen kzben trtnt cselekvsre Simple Past cselekvst hasznlunk. Pl.: pp a kertben ldgltem amikor kitrt a vihar. I was sitting in the garden when the storm broke out. Elestem ahogy szlltam le a buszrl. I fell over when I was getting off the bus. Ha a kt dolog egymssal prhuzamosan trtnt, mindkett Past Continuous. Pl.: Amg n a kertben ldgltem, a gyerekek fociztak. While I was sitting in the garden the children were playing football. Ha a kt dolgot sszekapcsoljuk s az egyik elbb trtnt mint a msik, akkor a korbbi cselekvs Past Perfect, a msik cselekvs Simple Past. Ugyanez az igeid fellls, ha megfordtjuk a termszetes sorrendet, s elbb azt mondjuk el ami ksbb trtnt (Simple Past) s csak utna azt, ami korbban (Past Perfect).Ez idig mind nagyon szp s j, csak mi az rdg az a Past Perfect Tense. Perfect igeid, teht a have segdigvel kpezzk. Past Perfect, ezrt a segdige msodik alakjra van szksgnk: had, s a jelentst hordoz ige most is harmadik (Past Participle) alakban ll a segdige utn. Lssunk nhny pldt. Miutn megreggeliztem, elmentem dolgozni. After I had had breakfast I went to work. Megreggeliztem, mieltt elmentem volna dolgozni. I had had breakfast before I went to work. Teljesen mindegy, hogyan csrm-csavarom a mondatot, akkor is elszr reggeliztem (Past Perfect) s csak utna mentem akrhov is. (Simple Past) Jl gondolja, ebbl is van Continuous, s ez is azt jelenti, hogy megszakts nlkl trtnt valami. ltalban ll mellette egy msodik idhatroz, ami kihangslyozza, hogy milyen sokig is trtnt a dolog.

Pl: Miutn rkig vrtam rd az esben, hazamentem. After I had been waiting for you for hours I went home.

Most szpen megcsinlhatjuk a mlt idk tblzatt is a kvetkezkppen: nv alak hasznlat plda

Simple Past Tense

2. alak segdige did krdsben, tagadsban

ltalnos s ismtld cselekvsek a mltban, logikailag egyms utn kvetkez cselekvsek ppen akkor folyamatban lev cselekvsek, prhuzamosan egyms mellett fut cselekvsek, az az eredeti cselekvs, amit flbeszakt valami ms (ami flbeszaktja: Simple Past) kt mltbeli cselekvs kzl a korbbi, a vele ll msik igeid Simple Past. kt mltbeli cselekvs kzl a korbbi, ha ki akarom hangslyozni, hogy megszakts nlkl trtnt, a vele ll msik igeid Simple Past. Mltbeli llapot oka

Past Continuous Tense

was, were + ige-ing

I started school in 1964. He got up and went to the bathroom. Did you meet him yesterday? I was watching TV at that time. While she was cleaning the house he was working in the garden. The children were playing when I entered the room. After I had called her I went to bed.

Past Perfect Tense

had + 3. alak

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been + ige-ing

After I had been talking to her on the phone for twenty minutes I went to bed.

I was tired because I had been working all day.

Ne felejtsk el. Ha lezrult esemnyekrl beszlnk, csak a mlt idket hasznlhatjuk. Ha mgis a jvre akarunk utalni, legalbbis ami a mlt pontbl jvnek ltszik, hasznljuk a would segdigt, s mellette a jelentst hordoz ige els alakjt. Pl.: Azt hittem, meg fogom kapni a levelet idben. I thought I would get the letter in time. A would segdigt mg ms jelentsben is hasznljk, ha rg elmlt esemnyekrl van sz. Ugyangy, mint a used to, ez is jelentheti azt, hogy rgen szoktunk valamit csinlni, de mr nem. Pl.: Amikor gyerekek voltunk sokat jtszottunk a kertben. When we were children we used to /would play in the garden a lot. Most mr nagyon kiokosodtunk, ideje, hogy olvassunk valamit. Nhny ember r sajt magrl. Olvassa el a szvegeket, rjon rluk krdseket a fzetbe s vlaszolja meg ket az emlkeire tmaszkodva, majd rja le n is azt, amit sajt magrl a vilg tudomsra akar hozni. Adagolhat hozz j nagy adag fantzit, az igazsg most nem a legfontosabb. St, hogy tovbbmenjnk, rjon trtneteket a kedvenc szappanoperahsnjrl vagy

futballsztrjrl, mesehsrl vagy pornsznszrl. Akr igaz a trtnet, akr nem, n nagyon sokat tanulhat belle. 1. I have always loved children's books, and have amassed quite a collection over the years. Just over a year ago, my fianc and I decided to start a "bookfinder" service for other children's book collectors. Because my collection was growing beyond the capacity of my house I decided I would keep each book for a little while and then sell it on to another collector. First we set up the website, Kidz Books. Then we told all our family and friends about it, and even got a few orders, but things soon dried up. One day I had an email from a collector in America. She said she had seen a copy of a book I was looking for on eBay. I had been aware of the website for a while, but didn't know much about it. After two or three successful purchases we decided to have a go at selling some of the books on eBay. We started slowly at first, not sure of how much the books would go for, or if they would sell at all - but I had no need to worry! The books immediately started selling, and the enthusiastic bidding meant we made more than we would have asked for on our Website. Not only that, but orders started poring into the Kidz Books website. We now have several regular customers on eBay, from Australia, Malaysia and the USA, and have made a couple of good friends through eBay, too. We have great fun trying to find the weirdest auctions, the best bargains and the funniest item descriptions. Since our first experiences with eBay, we have expanded our selling to Harry Potter memorabilia, dolls, comics and anything else we think someone else might be looking for. And thanks to eBay, we hope to be getting married very soon! 2. I have been married to Peter for 20 years and we have two girls. I have lived in Hampton for 19 years. I have battled most of my life with my weight, always going on a diet then giving up again. I have been on every diet going, always losing some weight but then ended up putting it back on again with a bit more each time, till I got to 18 stone. While I was never happy about being overweight I used to make out to others that I was fine about it. But when I was on my own I would quite often look at myself in the mirror and cry my eyes out. Then I thought to myself I am the only one who can do anything about it, so I went on a diet, counting calories, and lost 6 stone. But yet again, when I stopped I ended up putting it back on. I carried on like that for a couple of years, losing it then putting it back on again. I then thought I had to do something that would lose the weight and keep it off. Diets were no good to me as I always put the weight back on when I stopped the diet. So I started to change everything I was eating to low-fat. First the milk from full fat to skimmed, then the butter to low-fat marge. I knew I was eating far to much chocolate and bread, so, although it was very hard, I stopped eating them altogether. I started to eat fruit and vegetables, which I had never liked too much and the weight really started to fall off. 3. Short story of my life so far. I was born on 25.4.61 at Bucanhan hospital. As you know if you have lived in Hastings as long as I have that the Bucanhan hospital is no longer here and thats among a lot of things and places that have changed in Hastings since I grew up. I also have changed a lot over the years, more than most people. I have spent most of my life in Hastings. I was brought up in Hollington and went to Grove school. As a teenager it was very hard for me and spent most of time with girls. When I left school my dad wanted me to join the firm he was working for as a plumber, which I did not, and after about six months I left and went to college to do interior designing. I did a year then took a year out to backpack around Europe with my best friend, Clare. It was great fun and adventures. It was best thing I ever did in my life .I have done a lot of travelling over the years, but I still love living in England I spent about four years running my designing company, then I gave that all up and started a new career in care where I still work in today. I have now worked in care for the last sixteen years or more and enjoy my job very much. I am now applying to do my nurse training to start next year in September. I am looking forward to doing this. My life is otherwise happy. I have a great partner and friend in Dee whom I love dearly and many other friends around me. 4. I'm 24 and single (which I know is kind of sad!), what can I say, except that I have'nt found the right woman yet, though I'm enjoying the single lifestyle. I guess my story really begins about six years ago when I moved from my home town of Shannon, to Cork in order to go to college. I spent three great years studying Automobile Engineering (well some of the time

anyway). I managed to complete the course and achieved my Diploma. This was followed by a year of working in an Established Toyota dealership as a Sales Administrator. I loved the work itself but I wasnt particularly happy there. This was followed by eleven months working for a contract manufacturing company on the northside of Cork city. Currently I'm living in Dublin, having only been here a few weeks. I moved up here from Cork with a friend of mine called Mark. The reason behind the move was for a new job in IBM. Its grand work and the pay is'nt too shabby, and it afforded us a move from Cork to somewhere new. Its shift-work and I'm on the red shift. We ,now, have a lovely apartment. Its a comfortable 3 bedroom place which I'm sharing with Mark, a Spanish girl called Patricia and her American boyfriend Jeff. Its a nice place with a view. We've got Sky satelite TV in the apartment which equates to 60+ channels including 15 Movie channels. This coupled with the Internet make lazing about very easy - some might say too easy! As I mentioned already I'm originally from Shannon, where my parents and three sisters are still living. I would like to visit there more often but my car can be a little unco-operative at times (its currently in the garage AGAIN!) I love and hate the damn thing! My hobbies, so to speak, include music, movies, the odd good book, surfing the net of course, clubbing and driving. My passion in life is cars, with some people referring to it as an obsession. I love to just hop in the car and drive, no destination is necessary. 5. How I got into triking or how triking got into me The way I got into triking is a long story so, please, bear with me. Ever since I first saw a trike as a youngster I decided that one day I was going to own one. But as I was always a dreamer I often wondered if it would ever happen. I have always been around the biking fraternity ever since I left school in one way or another but I never did get past the moped stage apart from riding pillion on what must be hundreds of bikes over the years, and living to tell the tale. Anyway I digress, As I reached the ripe old age of 38 years old I kept getting those letters from my bank telling me that I was able to apply for a loan and as I was on a reasonable wage I felt that I just had to oblige and took out a loan in cash. It felt so nice to have all that money in my pocket for a change and the first thing I bought with it was a copy of 'Back Street Heroes' and as soon as I got it home I went straight to the classified section with a view to buying my first trike. The first two that I saw had already been sold which was a bit disconcerting but I thought I would try the last one that I had circled and, sure enough, the nice person on the other end of the phone said that it was still there and still for sale and would I like to go and look at it ? Would I ? "Just try and stop me" I said. So I got my brother to take me down the very next day to Basildon in Essex with my money burning a hole in my pocket. When we got there we went into the back gate to see a green tarpaulin and the lady of the house said would we mind waiting until a friend came round as he was the guy that built the trike and he could tell us anything we needed to know about it. So we waited for a while and suddenly we heard a sweet roar coming down the road which turned out to be the sound of two trikes. After the introductions had taken place we got round to taking the tarpaulin off the trike in the garden. Well it was love at first sight I knew there and then it was going to be my trike. We pushed the beast out onto the road and fired it up. It actually sounded rather tame for a 1600cc engine with no body work around it but I knew I could overcome that once it was mine. The guy who built the trike took me out round the block on it and I have to say the experience was fantastic, I had such a grin on my face that I must have looked like the proverbial Cheshire cat. When we got back he said to me "why don't you take it for a spin?" well I was really nervous and I said that I would just take it up and down the estate a couple of times. As I pulled away the power was quite unbelievable and I'd never experienced anything quite like it but it felt so good. I knew this was going to be the start of a long and happy relationship. Anyway we did the dirty bit and I really didn't mind parting with the money as it was all in a good cause. The journey home was something else, every time I pulled up at a junction I stalled it and my mate who was brave enough to sit on the back was putting it into neutral so I could start it again because I was getting so flustered with trying to get used to riding such a monster. But the one thing I did notice was all the stares we were getting as we went past any people. As we got out onto the open road it felt so good with the wind in our faces and the sun on our backs, in fact it was about as close to heaven as I've ever been. that is until I tried to take a long sweeping left hand bend at 70mph and found it just didn't want to turn, which, I might add, slightly worried the lorry driver who was coming in the opposite direction and let me know this fact by flashing his lights and blasting on his air horns. Oh, well, you live and learn, well, in theory you do. Well, to cut a long story short (ish), by the time I got the beast back home I wasn't sure if I had done the right thing in buying it as I was totally worn out from fighting it around every bend, but I decided that I would just take a few days to get used to it on the roads that I know . In the next three days the only times I got off the trike

were to go to bed or to eat and some of the time I even ate on the trike. It is the best thing I have ever done and I hope to keep triking for many a year to come.

Most a jv idknek kellene kvetkeznik, majd arrl is beszlnk, de most nzznk t valami mst, mgpedig a can segdigt. Azt jelenti, tud, kpes, -hat,-het. Csak akkor hasznlhatjuk a segdigt, ha jelen idre vonatkozik, vagy ha mellette idhatrozval jv idt akarunk kifejezni vele. Pl.: I can help you now. I can help you tomorrow. Tagad alakja a cant, ha kirjuk, cannot. A tbbi segdige tagad alakjait nem rjuk egybe, csak ezt az egyet. Gyakorlskppen vegyk sorra, hogy mit tudunk s mit nem. I can cook quite well. Elg jl tudok fzni. But I cant make good cakes. De nem tudok j stemnyeket kszteni. My daughter can play the violin. A lnyom tud hegedlni. But she cant play the guitar. De gitrozni nem tud. Miutn mindenkinek kitrgyalta a kpessgeit, soroljon fel egy csom llatot, s rja le mire is kpesek. Pl.: Birds can fly.- A madarak tudnak replni. Krdezni a mdbeli segdigkkel is ugyangy kell, mint a tbbivel. Pl.: Can cats swim? Tudnak a macskk szni? I think they can. Azt hiszem, tudnak. Ha mltbeli ltalnos dolgokrl akarunk beszlni, hasznljuk a can mlt idej alakjt: could Pl. I could swim when I was five. Tudtam szni mr tves koromban. I couldnt ride a bike until I was seven. Nem tudtam biciklizni, amg htves nem lettem. Mindenki csodagyerek volt, n is. Szedje ssze gondolatban, hogy mi mindent tudott kicsi korban. Ha nem emlkszik, krdezze meg a szleit. Ha van ideje, rja is le ezeket a mondatokat, hogy ne merljenek a feleds homlyba. A can s a could segdige gyakran csak azrt kerl a mondatba, mert udvariasabbak akarunk lenni. Pl.: Can I have a sandwich? Kaphatok egy szendvicset? Could you help me a little? Tudnl egy kicsit segteni? Mindegyik krdsre j vlasz : Sure. Ja. De ha ennl udvariasabban szeretnnk vlaszolni: Certainly. Termszetesen. Ha vissza akarjuk a krst utastani, krltekintbben kell eljrnunk, mert ha azt mondjuk No. egy letre elkapartuk magunkat az illetnl. A szendvicses krst nehezebb visszautastani, mert meg kell magyarznunk, hogy mi az oka, pldul nincs itthon semmi. Im afraid we dont have any food at home. Attl tartok, nincs itthon kaja. A segtsgkrst elutasthatjuk azzal, hogy nincs idnk. Well, actually, Im rather busy at the moment. Maybe, tomorrow? Ht iz, elg elfoglalt vagyok most. Taln holnap? Mint minden nyelvben, angolul is nehz nemet mondani udvariasan. De ez nem azt jelenti, hogy mindenre igent kell mondanunk, hanem azt, hogy meg kell tanulnunk finoman de hatrozottan elutastani a teljesthetetlen krseket.

Teht a can s a could segdigket hasznlhatjuk meghatrozott igeidkben, de mi van, ha valami msra lenne szksgnk, mondjuk idhatroz nlkli jv idre, Present Perfectre esetleg ms hasonlra. Ilyen esetekben a segdigt nem hasznlhatjuk, helyette a to be able to kpesnek lenni jelents ige ll. Meg tudod ezt majd csinlni? Will you be able to do it? tves korom ta tudok biciklizni. I have been able to ride a bike since I was 5. Amikor a segdigt nem tudjuk hasznlni, az ige teljesen tveszi a can jelentst. Abban a kt esetben, amikor az igt s a segdigt is hasznlhatjuk, az ige mst jelent.Jelen idben s idhatrozs jv idben kpesnek lenni, azaz ersebb jelentst hordoz, mint a segdige, mlt idben viszont azt jelenti sikerlt. Nem vagyok kpes ezt megtenni. Im unable to do it. Azaz inkbb a kptelen vagyok szerkezetet hasznljuk tagadsnl, jelen idben. Though I didnt have a key I was able to open the door with my hairpin. Habr nem volt nlam kulcs, ki tudtam/sikerlt nyitni az ajtt a hajtmmel. Az rzkelst vagy megrtst jelent igkhez nagyon gyakran hasznljuk a can/could segdigket. I can see you. Ltlak. I cant understand what you are saying. Nem rtem, amit mondasz. I could smell something burning in the kitchen. Valami gett szagot reztem a konyhban. I cant find my socks anywhere.- Sehol nem tallom a zoknimat. Ahhoz, hogy ezeket a ki mit tud tpus mondatokat mg vltozatosabban tudjuk mondani, eleventsk csak fel, hogy kell mellkneveket fokozni. A rvid, egy- vagy ktsztag mellknevek er, s est vgzdst kapnak kzp- s felsfokban. A hossz, kpzett, vagy idegen mellknevek vltozatlanul maradnak, csak a more s a most szcska jrul eljk. s ne feledjk el, vannak a rendhagy mellknevek: j rossz kevs sok messze good better the best bad worse the worst little less the least many, much more the most -far farther the farthest trbeli tvolsgot jelent far further the furthest idben, vagy elvont rtelemben tovbbi

A mint, azaz a hasonlts is ms, ha alap- vagy kzpfokrl van sz. Alapfoknl as . as, not as/so as, kzpfoknl pedig a than kerl a mondatba. Pl. Dogs can run as fast as horses.- A kutyk ugyanolyan gyorsan futnak, mint a lovak. Both dogs and horses can run much faster than people.- A kutyk is s a lovak is sokkal gyorsabban futnak, mint az emberek. sokkal gyorsabban much faster, egy kicsit gyorsabban a bit faster Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world. A geprdok a leggyorsabb llatok a vilgon. They are by far the fastest. k a legesleggyorsabbak. Dolphins are by far the most intelligent animals. A delfinek a legeslegintelligensebb llatok. Most jtt el az ideje a gtlstalan dicsekvsnek. Krem, gondolja vgig, miben zsenilis s miben mg annl is zsenilisabb. St, hasonltsa magt brkihez, szlja le nyugodtan az embertrsait, csak hasznljon szp szablyos mondatokat. Ha akarja, rja is le. Jt fog tenni az nbizalmnak. Ha ltalnossgokrl beszlnk ne hasznljunk hatrozott nvelt, s a megszmolhat fneveket tegyk tbbes szmba. Az emberek azt mondjk - People say Az alma des. Apples are sweet.


Kinek mit kell csinlnia?

Gyjtsnk foglalkozsokat: architect baker bricklayer builder businessman businesswoman carpenter cook dentist doctor electrician farmer ptsz pk kmves ptsi vllalkoz zletember zletasszony cs szakcs fogorvos orvos villanyszerel fldmves gardener hairdresser jailor lawyer mechanic nurse policeman policewoman post office clerk railwayman truck driver waiter waitress kertsz fodrsz brtnr jogsz szerel pol(n) rendr rendrn postatisztvisel vasutas kamionsofr pincr pincrn

Most pedig mondjunk olyan mondatokat, hogy kinek mit kell csinlnia. Nem azrt, mert muszj, hanem azrt, mert gy szoks, vagy mert a krlmnyek olyanok. Hasznljuk a have to ige jelen idej alakjait. Ne feledjk, ha ltalnossgokrl beszlnk nem hasznlunk nvelt s a megszmolhat fneveket, mint pldul a foglalkozsok neveit, tbbes szmba tesszk. Pl.: Bakers have to work at night. A pkek jjel dolgoznak. Businesssmen have to wear smart suits. Az zletemberek elegns ltnyt hordanak. (Az angol mondat sz szerint azt jelenti, hogy kell viselnik, de ez magyarul butn hangzik.) Farmers have to get up early. A fldmveseknek korn kell kelnik. (Nem azrt, mert kirugdalja ket valaki az gybl, hanem azrt, mert az llatokat korn szoks etetni.) Most pedig vegynk mg foglalkozsokat, mondjuk el mit szeretnnk csinlni, s mit nem, s egsztsk ki egy olyan indokkal, amiben a have to igt, vagy a can segdigt hasznljuk. Szeretnk I would like (to) Nem szeretnk I wouldnt like (to) I wouldnt like to be a soldier because they have to go to war. Nem szeretnk katona lenni, mert (nekik) hborba kell mennik.


I would like to work as a cook, because they can taste all kinds of dishes. Szeretnk szakcsknt dolgozni, mert (k) megkstolhatnak mindenfle telt.

Beszljnk a csaldunkrl s arrl, hogy mit kellett s mit nem kellett csinlnunk gyerekknt. A have to ige mlt idejt hasznljuk: had to. When I was a child I had to get up early every day, even at weekends and in school holidays. Not because I had to do a lot of work, only because my mother thought it necessary. Gyerekkoromban mindig korn kellett kelnem, mg htvgn s iskolai sznetben is. Nem azrt, mert sokat kellett dolgoznom, csak azrt, mert anyukm azt gondolta, gy szksges. When I went to school all schoolchildren had to wear dark blue schoolgowns to school. It was a kind of a uniform. Amikor iskolba jrtam, minden iskolsnak sttkk iskolakpenyt kellett viselnie. Ez egyfajta egyenruha volt. I had to help my grandmother in the kitchen. I didnt like it all the time. Segtenem kellett a nagymammnak a konyhban. Nem mindig tetszett. I either had to walk to school or ride my bike. Neither is very pleasant in the November rains. - Gyalog, vagy biciklivel kellett iskolba jrnom. Egyik sem kellemes a novemberi esben. I did my homework right when I came home from school. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to finish it as quickly as possible. Ahogy hazartem az iskolbl azonnal megcsinltam a hzi feladatomat. Nem azrt mert gy kellett, hanem mert olyan hamar be akartam fejezni, ahogy csak lehetett. We had to go to school on Saturdays, too, but we didnt have to stay long in the afternoon. Actually we couldnt, because the small kids went to school in the afternoon. Szombaton is kellett iskolba jrnunk, de nem kellett dlutn sokig bent maradnunk. Tulajdonkppen nem is lehetett, mert a kicsik dlutn jrtak iskolba. Krdsben did you have to? Pl.: Did you have to go to extra maths classes when you were a child? Kellett kln matekra jrnod gyerekkorodban? Yes, I did, I went three times a week. Igen heti hromszor jrtam. No, I didnt, but I had to go to extra German classes. Nem, de kln nmetre igen.

Osszunk j tancsokat, (s kevsb jkat is)

kellene should, nem lenne szabad shouldnt Segdigk, teht a jelentst hordoz ige els (infinitive) alakban ll utnuk. Ha j tancsokat akarok osztogatni hozzm kzel ll szemlynek, hasznlhatom ket btran. Idegeneknek, fleg ha nem krtk, ne osszunk tancsokat, felletes ismersknek pedig csak akkor, ha krtk, s jval krltekintbben, mint ahogy ezek a segdigk megengedik. Teht bartok kzt: We should work harder. Kemnyebben/Jobban kellene dolgoznunk. You shouldnt drink so much coffee. Nem lenne szabad annyi kvt innod. Mg gy is megkaphatjuk azt a vlaszt, hogy Its none of your .. business Semmi kzd hozz. A kipontozott helyre bekerlhet egy nem tl szp nyomatkost jelz. Ha finomabban akarunk tancsokat osztogatni tegyk a mondat el: Azt hiszem I think, we should work harder. I dont think you should drink so much coffee.


Az angolban az Azt hiszem, nem kezdet mondatok tulajdonkppen Nem hiszem, hogy kezdetv vlnak, mint az elz pldnl. I dont think you Igazbl ezek a segdikk akkor vlnak nlklzhetetlenn, amikor mstl vlemnyt krnk. Pl.: Szerinted hov menjnk nyaralni? Where do you think we should go on holiday? Szerinted mikor induljunk holnap? What time do you think we should start tomorrow? Szerinted busszal menjnk, vagy vonattal? Do you think we should travel by coach or by train? A vlasz mindegyik krdsre gy kezddik : I think we should Ha vetnk mg egy pillantst a krdsekre, ltjuk, hogy a magyarban a krdsz, ha van, htrbb helyezkedik el, mint az angolban, ahol az els helyre kerl. Azutn jn a do you think szerinted, mit gondolsz, krd szrendben, s utna a tnyleges krds, de llt szrendben we should. Ez azrt van, mert az angolban csak a mondat az els igje llhat krd szrendben, a tbbi llt szrendben lnytelen llni. (Persze azrt kivtelek vannak, de azokrl majd ksbb.) Btrabban vagdalkozhatunk, ha megtrtnt esemnyeket kommentlunk, s ha a szenved alanyok nincsenek jelen, mert akkor nem tudnak megsrtdni, fleg azrt, mert nem halljk, mi is rluk s viselt dolgaikrl a vlemnynk. kellett volna should have + 3. alak nem lett volna szabad shouldnt have + 3. alak Peter really should have got up in time. Pternek igazn fel kellett volna idben kelnie. They really shouldnt have travelled to the Middle East. It is dangerous Egyltaln nem lett volna szabad a Kzel-Keletre utazniuk. Veszlyes. Olvassa el a kvetkez, nyaralsrl szl trtnetet, s kommentlja, hogy mit kellett volna ennek az embernek msknt csinlnia. A fantastic holiday Something really wonderful happened while we were sitting and watching the wonderful evening view of the sea. At some point, I got a genuine feeling that the restaurant was actually moving. This happened to me before. When I was a kid, I was sitting in the car with my mom, in front of a place from where people would collect drinking water in huge container. People who lived in Saudi Arabia would know what these places are. Every month, dad would take us to this place, and wed return with a big container (which was called a gallon for reasons not known to me) full of water. Thered always be an ice cream car there, and I almost always managed to convince mom about having a cone. So I was sitting in the car, and there were two other cars parked in both sides of ours. Suddenly, both of those cars started moving, simultaneously. Instantly, I experienced one of the scariest feelings of my life I thought our car was moving. The feeling was so realistic! My mother also had the same feeling. It totally freaked us out as the car was turned off and father was not inside the car. But it didnt take more than 30 seconds to realize the truth. The same thing happened in Angel drop. I thought that the restaurant was actually moving forward, along with the gigantic waves that were splashing. But this time I was not afraid. It gave me the marvelous feeling of riding a ship. We considered plans for going to St. Martin Island, but dared not to due to bad weather and off-season warnings from multiple people. But at that moment I really regretted the decision. If we went to St. Martin, we could, actually ride a sea trawler, which is very much like a ship. Maybe next time.Should be next time.Needs to be done next time. Yeah, we already have plans for our next trip. We were really tired, and gradually all of us fell asleep. The day after would be a big day, as we were supposed to do most of our traveling within Coxsbazar that day. Not too surprisingly, everyone woke up late in the morning. It was a bright and sunny Friday. My friends were really nice to me, and I wasnt awakened before everyone else got ready. Maybe I was sleeping like a baby. After getting fresh, all of us dared to go to the restaurant belonging to the cottage owners. We had our breakfast there, which was moderate in taste but heavy on our pockets!

After that, we went to a Jeep depot for hiring a hoodless Jeep. The journey from Coxsbazar to Inani beach is one journey which no-one would ever want to miss. There were both hooded and hood free Jeeps in the depot. The hood free ones were a bit cheaper. However, from my past experience, I was not going for the hooded cars. After heavy bargaining, we finally rented a Jeep that would take us all the way down to Inani beach, and en route we would also get to see Himchori. Both Inani beach and Himchori are famous tourist spots of Coxsbazar. During the tourist season, lots of people go there. The tourist season is usually the dry season, mostly during winter and spring. Lots of people flock over to Coxsbazar in October, November and December. When we got on board the hoodless Jeep, it was drizzling. We went to the market adjacent to Kolatoli beach and bought some food and drinks for the journey. At around 10:30, we set sail towards Inani beach. It was already late, and we were getting impatient. There was one driver and a helper. Both of them appeared to be jolly good fellows. The car quickly paced up, and we were speeding through a village-like place. Soon all of us were standing. There was a thing similar to an iron cage, over our heads. It was not a totally hood free Jeep. But there was no cloth above our heads. The wind was hitting me hard on the face, and I had to duck multiple times to avoid getting hit by tree branches. There were lots of local people around, and they kept on passing comments at us in their very unintelligible dialect. The most enjoying portion of this journey started when our Jeep left the usual roads and we started driving beside the sea shore. That is one hell of an experience. The wind here was even stronger, and at a point of time I removed my glasses and put them inside my pocket, for fear of losing them. Suddenly, the car stopped. One tire came out, and the car was immediately stopped. I and the others literally saw the tire falling out of the car. We came out and watched around. It was moderately raining that time. There were a few straw huts there, inhabited by lots of kids and some grown ups. It was a beach very near to Kolatoli, but no tourists were there. We took a lot of pictures here. Now that I'm here in Dhaka, going through the pictures, I can say that we took a little too many over there. However, we were almost one and half hours stuck there, and Sam took a lot of photos. It was a beach, and we were actually going to another beach for getting ourselves wet. I decided to check out the water. Ann and Tommy soon followed, and we had a great time inside the water. Peter and Mary joined us for brief moments, but Sam didn't even get near. We spent some of our best times of the tour here. The water was quite clear, and the waves were moderate and enjoyable. After what seemed like forever in the water, the driver told us that the car was ready to go. We got aboard and continued the journey towards Himchori, again. Soon we reached Himchori. My legs were not moving... spending so much time in the water was taking its toll. Feeling tired, I suggested we have a cup of tea. There was a small market in the foot of the hill. We had tea in a small restaurant, and started climbing up. There were two places of interest in that place. A really long stairway that leads to the top of the hill, and a spring.

rdekes lenne, ha n is lern egy olyan nyaralst, ami j lmny is volt, meg nem is. s belern, hogy a mostani eszvel mit csinlna msknt.

Mi lenne, ha?
Jtszhatunk msknt is a gondolatokkal. Kpzeljk el, mi lesz, ha megnyerjk a fnyeremnyt, megkapjuk a diplomnkat, megszletik az els (msodik, tizenkettedik) gyermeknk, nyugdjba vonulunk, stb. Vegyk pldnak a kvetkez szitucit. Ha sok pnzem lesz, elutazom Egyiptomba. If I have a lot of money, I will travel to Egypt. Ha megnyerem a lott tst, veszek neked egy hzat. If I win the lottery, I will buy a house for you. Ha lnyunk lesz Klaudinak fogjuk nevezni. If we have a daughter, we will call her Claudia. A mondat szerkezete: If + jelen id will + 1. alak. Az if ha, helyett hasznlhatunk ms idhatrozszt is, pldul when amikor, as soon as mihelyt , after miutn, de az ige utnuk jelen idben ll, illetve a mondat msik felben a will helyett hasznlhatunk can

segdigt, ha egy lehetsgrl beszlnk, vagy Simple Present Tense igt, ha ltalnossgrl van sz, vagy felszlt mdot, ppen gy, mint a magyar mondatokban. Nzznk mindenre pldt! When I grow up I will work as a truck driver. Ha nagy leszek, kamionsofrknt fogok dolgozni. As soon as I arrive in New York I will call you. Mihelyt megrkezem New Yorkba, felhvlak. After I finish work, I will go to the pub with my friends. Miutn befejezem a munkt, elmegyek a kocsmba a haverjaimmal. If you are still hungry, you can eat my sandwich. Ha mg mindig hes vagy, megeheted az n szendvicsemet. If we are cold in winter, we put on an extra jumper. Ha fzunk tlen, felvesznk mg egy pulvert If it is dark in the room, turn on the lights. Ha stt van a szobban, kapcsold fel a villanyt. Rugaszkodjunk el a valsgtl s engedjk szrnyalni a fantzinkat. Mondjuk gy.: Ha megnyernm a lott tst, krbeutaznm a Fldet. If I won the lottery, I would travel round the world. Ha eljnne rtem a herceg fehr lovon, azonnal igent mondank. If a prince on a white horse came for me, I would immediately say yes. Ha egy hres modellt tallnk az gyamban, nem mondank nemet. If I found a famous model in my bed, I wouldnt say no. Ha n lennk a miniszterelnk, sok mindent megvltoztatnk. If I were the Prime Minister, I would change a lot of things. n a te helyedben rvid hajat hordank. If I were you I would wear my hair short. If + 2. alak would + 1. alak Az if utn ltalban were-t hasznlunk, mg akkor is, ha egyes szm els (I), vagy harmadik (he,she, it) szemlyrl van sz. A would helyett hasznlhatunk could segdigt, ha egy lehetsgrl beszlnk, s might segdigt , esetleg jelentsben. I could eat ten sandwiches. Meg tudnk enni tz szendvicset. If you were older, you might understand it. Ha idsebb lennl, taln megrtend. s vgl talljunk ki olyan helyzeteket, amikor mr ks a bnat Ha bedobtam volna a lottszelvnyemet, megnyertem volna a fnyeremnyt. If I had posted my lottery ticket, I would have won the jackpot. Ha te talltad volna meg a pnzt, leadtad volna a rendrsgen? Would you have given the money to the police if you had found it? (If you had found the money, would you have given it to the police?) A mondat kt fele szabadon felcserlhet, de mivel krds, tegyk elre a krd szrend igt. Ezekben a mondatokban az If utn had + 3. alak van, a mondat msik felben pedig would have + 3. alak. a would have helyett llhat could have, lehetsg,vagy might have, bizonytalansg kifejezsre. Mindkt esetben a jelentst hordoz ige harmadik alakban ll. Van olyan szituci, amelyiknek az egyik fele a mltbeli hibinkra, a msik fele pedig a jelenbeli kvetkezmnyekre utal, ilyenkor a kt tpust egy mondatba tehetjk. Pldul: Ha befejeztem volna az egyetemet, most sokkal tbb pnzt keresnk. If I had finished university I would earn much more now. Ha a Paula a Hufngel Pistihez ment volna felesgl, vele veszekedne minden nap. If Paula had married Steve Hufnagel, she would quarrel with him every day.

Tovbbi kvnsgok, hajok shajok kifejezsre, ha csak gy kvnunk valamit bele az res levegbe, I wish vagy if only brcsak. Brcsak valami lenne I wish/If only + 2 alak Brcsak valami lett volna .. I wish/If only + had+ 3. alak. Brcsak jobb id lenne! I wish the weather was nicer. Brcsak fiatalabb lennk! If only I was younger. Brcsak sose ismertelek volna! I wish I had never known you. Brcsak a Hufngel Pistihez mentem volna felesgl! If only I had married Steve Hufnagel.

Igazn j idtlts volt tanulszobn, vagy ahogy a mi kollgiumunkban hvtk, szilencium alatt buta mondatsorokat rni, mondjuk gy: If I stop smoking I can save a lot of money every week. If I save a lot of money every week I will buy a car in two years time. If I buy a car I will drive it fast. If I drive it fast I will have an accident. If I have an accident I will go to hospital. So, if I stop smoking, I will go to hospital. Azonkvl, hogy abszolt lehetetlen kvetkeztetsekre jutott az ember az utols mondatban, jl meg lehetett jegyezni, hogy a mondat kt fele klnbz szerkezeteket tartalmaz.
Prblja meg n is. Minl hosszabb a mondatsora, s minl abszurdabb kvetkeztetsre jut a vgn, annl jobb. rjon mondatsorokat a msik kt tpussal is.

Htkznapi udvariassgok
Nagyon gyakran a krdsforma csak udvariassg, vagy csak azrt hasznlunk segdigket mert udvariasabbak akarunk lenni. Fontos, hogy udvariasak legynk, de csak az egyszer formkat hasznljuk. Ez minden msra is igaz. Ha sokat olvasunk, s sok eredeti nyelv filmet s tvmsort nznk, megtanulunk nagyon sok udvariassgi formult s gorombasgot is. Mindegyikkel bnjunk csnjn, csak azokat hasznljuk, amelyikekrl pontosan tudjuk, hogy a szvegnkbe valk. Kezdjk az alapokkal. Felszltani valakit valamire a kvetkezkppen lehet: Come out of the kitchen. Gyere ki a konyhbl. Nem tesszk ki az alanyt, az igvel kezdjk a mondatot. Ha tiltani akarunk, Dont a mondatkezds.azaz: Ne gyere ki a konyhbl. Dont come out of the kitchen. Ez nem valami udvarias, st!!! Ha gy rezzk, a felszlt mondat felel meg a szndkainknak, s mgsem akarunk gorombk lenni, kezdjk azzal, hogy Lgy szves Please Ha jegyet akarunk venni, vagy a boltban a pultnl krnk valamit, csak nevezzk meg, mit szeretnnk, s a vgre tegyk oda, hogy please. A return ticket to Oxford, please. Egy retrjegyet krek Oxfordba. A ham and cheese sandwich, please. Egy sonks-sajtos szendvicset krek. (Ha kocsmban krek srt, a szerkezet ugyanilyen egyszer, csak pontosan tudnom kell, mit akarok A pint of lager, please. Egy kors vilgost. A half of stout, please. Egy pohr barnt.) Ha mg egy fokozattal udvariasabbak akarunk lenni, tegyk a vgre, hogy j?- will you?

gy nz ki az alapmondatunk most. Lgyszi, gyere ki a konyhbl, j? Please, come out of the kitchen, will you? Ha megfordtjuk, mg udvariasabb vlik. Krem, jjjn ki a konyhbl.- Will you come out of the kitchen, please? A krds mindig udvariasabb, mint a felszlt mondat. Ha magamnak szeretnk valamit, bartok kztt, vagy teljesen htkznapi szituciban gy kezdem a mondatot, hogy Can I Pl. Hasznlhatom a tolladat? Can I use your pen, please? Bemegyek a boltba, az elad gy fogad: (How) Can I help you? Segthetek? (Miben lehetek a szolglatra?) Vlasz: Yes, please. I would like a - Igen, krem. Szeretnk egy s rszletezem, hogy mit is szeretnk. No, thank you. Im just looking. Ksznm, nem.Csak nzegetek. Ha az utcn megszltok valakit, hogy tbaigaztst krjek tle, kezdjem gy: Excuse me. Elnzst. Mire a megszltott: Yes? krdsknt teszi fel, azt jelzi vele, hogy meghallotta, hogy szltottam s vrja a folytatst. Could you tell me the way to the post office, please? Meg tudn mondani, krem, az utat a posthoz? Yes. (Certainly. Sure. Of course) Igen. (Termszetesen. Ja. Ht persze) vlaszolja a vrmrsklete szerint s elkezdi magyarzni mr direkt felszlt mdban, mert megtettk a kell udvariassgi tnclpseket. Go along this street, then take the first turning on the right - Menjen vgig ezen az utcn, aztn forduljon be az els utcn jobbra Amikor befejezte, s van is valami fogalmam arrl, hogy legalbb merre kell elindulni, akkor megksznm s elksznk. Thank you, good bye. is elkszn, (ha nem felejti el.) Good bye. Ezerszer elfordult mr, hogy idegen vrosban tbaigaztst krtek tlem, amire csak azt lehet mondani: Sorry, Im a stranger here. Bocs, nem vagyok idevalsi. Ne lepdjnk meg, ha erre azt mondjk: No problem. Its all right. Never mind. Nem baj. Rendben. R se rnts. Csak nyugtzzk, hogy nem kaptak informcit. Ha fizikai segtsget krek valakitl, mondjuk brndcipelshez: Could you lend me a hand? / Could you help me with the suitcases? Could you mert igazn udvarias akarok lenni, hogy segtsenek is cipelni azokat a dgnehz cuccokat. s megksznni is igazn kell. - Thank you ever so much. Mire a vlasz: You are welcome. Szvesen. Not at all./ Dont mention it.- Szra sem rdemes. (ha flre akarjk sprni a hllkodst.) Arra, hogy Thank you. nagyon gyakran csak egy gynyr mosoly a vlasz, vagy I thank you. n ksznm, s ekkor a msik fl villant egy ragyog mosolyt. Ha meglknk valakit az utcn, vagy valami kellemetlensget tesznk a msiknak, mondjuk: Sorry. (Akkor is mondjuk, ha minket lktek meg.)Ha elkstnk valahonnan, gy szabadkozzunk : Im sorry, Im late. (The traffic is really bad this morning.) Bocs, hogy elkstem. (Ma reggel igazn nagy a forgalom.) Nincs olyan nap, hogy ne lenne nagy forgalom, teht ez egy j kifogs. ltalban, mint magyarul is, kell kifogs. Ha mr tizedszer kstem el, mondjam azt: Im terribly sorry, Im late again. s jhet a kifogs. Vlasz ltalban: Its alright. Rendben van. (ha undokok akarnak lenni azt mondjk: Oh no! Not again!- Na ne! Mr megint?)

Ha knlok, vagy krek valamit, hasznlhatok krdsben some-t - nhny, egy kicsi jelentsben. Would you like some chocolate? Krsz egy kis csokit? Yes, please. Igen, krek. No, thank you. - Ksznm, nem krek.

Kaphatok egy kis csokit? Can/Could I have some chocolate? Igen, persze.Vegyl. - Yes, certainly. Help yourself. Igen. - Yes, you may. ( engedlyt adnak) Nem. - Ezt nem illik mondani. Ha mgis nemet kell mondani egy ilyen htkznapi dologra, nagyon krltekinten kell eljrni. Pldul: Nem hiszem, hogy j tlet. Allergis vagy r. I dont think you should. You are allergic to it, you know.

Persze, ha valami abszurd dolgot krnek tlnk, rmondhatjuk, hogy Egy frszt de ez nem tkrz j modort. May I borrow your pink panties? Klcsnkrhetnm a rzsaszn bugyidat? No way! Egy frszt! Ugyanez udvariasabban: I dont think you should. Nem kne. Ha viszont odaadom, akkor: Here you are. Tessk.

Ha igazn udvariasak akarunk lenni, hasznljuk a do you mind szerkezetet. Sz szerint azt jelenti: nem zavar? Ezrt a nem vlasz jelenti a beleegyezst, s igen-t nem lehet egyszeren mondani. Do you mind if I sit here? Nem zavar, ha idelk? No, of course not. Egyltaln nem. (engedlyt adok, hogy lelhessen) Well, Id rather you didnt. - Inkbb ne. (The seat is occupied.- A hely foglalt. Kell valami kifogst mondani.) sszefoglalva: a krds mindig udvariasabb a felszltsnl. Htkznapi udvariassghoz a can, udvariasabb formkhoz a could alkalmas. May segdigvel engedlyt krnk, vagy kapunk. Ezek egyszer formk, de maradjunk csak meg nluk. Rcsodlkozhatunk, ha valamilyen kacifntos udvariassgi formt ltunk, vagy hallunk, de ne prbljuk meg utnozni, mint mindenben, itt is az egyszersg a clravezet. Ha meg akarunk lepdni, vagy gorombasgot akarunk mondani, akkor a legenyhbbek kzl vlasszunk. Pl. Oh, dear! - Te jszag vagy Oh, no! Na, ne! A dolgokra mondhatjuk, hogy stupid, de emberekre mr ne hasznljuk, s ezt a hatrt ne lpjk t. Az amerikai filmekben rondn beszlnek, de az amerikai trsadalomban nem. (Angliban sem.)

Ez valakinek a vlemnye az udvariassgrl. Olvassa el, s tegyen fel krdseket a szveggel kapcsolatban, majd gondolatban vlaszolja meg ket, a sajt vlemnye alapjn. Throughout my life I have always tried to be a very polite person. I've been the type who has always said "excuse me" and " thank you". I've held open doors for others and let those with less items go before me in the checkout line but not often have I seen a shred of appreciation. I've gone out of my way and walked that extra mile only to get doors slammed in my face, both figuratively and literally. My mother always taught me to treat others with respect. I've tried to live by the directive, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", yet it seems that the respect given is not reciprocated. It is so simple to use good manners, but, for some people it seems rather difficult. At times the rudeness of others makes me wonder why I even bother to be polite. There's no point in being nice if rudeness is the reward. Although I get upset at the behavior of others, I still continue to try and be well-mannered. It seems to be part of my nature, which is why I find rude behavior so difficult to understand. If good manners can come so naturally to some, why can't they come easily to others as well? I used to believe that a rude person was just someone having a bad day or perhaps the individual doesn't feel well. They could be worried about something that is the cause of their irritating behavior. In some cases, this is true, but not always. Politeness is not the only problem when it comes to manners. Some people have terrible table manners, no respect, lack common courtesy, and are just plain obnoxious. Throughout the years, I've dealt with so many people like that, I find it hard not to be just as rude as they are. I become very perturbed by know-it-alls, those who are excessively competitive, and the type of individuals who must constantly hurl insults. I will admit that I take pleasure in proving a know-it-all wrong. The competitive ones irk me the most. I'm sure you know the type. For example: You buy toilet tissue for $1.79 and they buy a better brand for $2.49, then gloat that the tissue they bought may have been more expensive, but it's a better

brand and they would rather pay a bit more to have the better product! Get real, it's all going down the toilet anyway! There's also the copycat type. They are very similar to the competitive ones. Here's an example: You buy a new outfit and they go buy the same outfit. The only difference is that they paid more for theirs (so they say) and they had theirs first (at least they swear they did! Then there are the chronic insulters. For example, you say, "The weather is beautiful today," and they reply, "If you like it hot and sticky." You ask, "Would you like a cup of coffee?" And they reply, "If that's all you have." You try to be gracious by saying, "I'm glad you dropped by. It's good to see you." They reply, "Well, I didn't have anything better to do and I knew you needed the company." I try so hard not to succumb to the pressure, but when surrounded by people who do nothing but insult I have to insult them back. Maybe I'm not as well-mannered as I thought I was.

Igazi, eleven, l angollal harmadikos gimnazista koromban tallkoztam elszr. Addig is volt alkalmam angolul beszlni, mert az angoltanrom, aki mellesleg osztlyfnkm is volt, azt mondta, hogy amikor halljuk, hogy valakik angolul beszlnek az utcn, egyenesen menjnk oda hozzjuk, mutatkozzunk be, mondjuk el kik vagyunk, mik vagyunk, s beszlgessnk velk angolul. Tnyleg mkdtt a dolog, igaz, hogy az els pr alkalommal gy gett a fejem, mint a rongy, de mindig rltek nekem az emberek, s szvesen beszlgettek pr szt. gy beszlgettem Budapesten amerikaiakkal, de legtbbszr a Pcsi Orvostudomnyi Egyetemen tanul afrikai dikokkal. De j volt, s tnyleg csak az els alkalom volt igazn szrny, mrmint az, hogy legyzzem a gtlsaimat s fecsegjek idegen nyelven. Msodik utn az nnekkar Dniba ment, s az angol tagozatosokat, tbbek kzt engem is, kifejezetten azrt vittek magukkal, hogy tudjon valaki szt rteni. Ezzel sem volt semmi baj, az mr csak az n egyni problmm volt, hogy az egyetlen hely ahol szuvenr koppenhgai sellt lehetett kapni az egy szexbolt volt. A kirakatban nem volt ms, csak kavicson l sell, mindenfle mretben, de bent Krl sem mertem nzni, tizenhat ves voltam, s mg a koromhoz kpest is zld bka, de a sellt megvettem, azta is megvan. Szval a gimnziumomban angol tbort rendeztek a harmadikos s negyedikes angol tagozatosoknak, nem tudom, milyen szervezssel, 1975 nyarn, s meghvtak hrom tanrt s hrom korunkbeli dikot. Az egyik lnnyal nagyon sszebartkoztam, s a tbor utn mg kt htig nlunk volt. Minden este tollasoztunk a hz eltt, s ha rosszul ttte a labdt, mindig azt mondta,Sorry. Ezt n ott s akkor, furcsnak talltam, mert nekem eszembe sem jutott egy nem pontosan elttt tollaslabdrt bocsnatot krni. Kvetkez vben n mentem volna hozzjuk, de nem kaptam tlevelet, indok, mert tl fiatal voltam. Idsebbek mg emlkeznek ezekre a felemel idkre. A rkvetkez vben is csak egy vvel voltam idsebb, s nem is mehettem Angliba egszen 1981-ig, amikor is egy hnapos fiskolai rszkpzsen vettem rszt Exeterben. Addig is szorgalmasan leveleztnk, s amikor hazautazs eltt pr napot

50 Londonban tltttnk, megltogattam a rgi bartnmet, aki akkor ott jrt egyetemre s egy brelt laksban lakott a bartaival. .De ez mr egy msik trtnet

Ahny hz annyi szoks, azaz, beszljnk az idjrsrl

Mirt beszlnek az angolok az idjrsrl? Mert kzenfekv, s mert ez egy teljesen szemlytelen tma, s az angolok nem szeretnek idegenekkel szemlyes tmkrl beszlni, s mert errl mindenkinek, az iskolzatlanoknak s az iskolzottaknak is egyformn lehet vlemnye. Teht az idjrs igazn demokratikus tma. Ezen kvl j alkalmat nyjt arra, hogy vadidegenekkel szba elegyedjek, ha k is akarjk. Mr nem szksges mindenhol, hogy egy harmadik szemly mutasson be bennnket egymsnak, de azrt az az igazi. Teht, elszr beszljnk az idjrsrl, utna arrl, hogy hogyan lehet szba elegyedni az angolokkal, ha melljk sodor az let, s persze arrl is, hogy milyen nyelvtani tudnivalk szksgesek az egszhez. The weather is nice today. - Ma szp az id. The sun is shining but there are some clouds in the sky. St a nap, de van nhny felh az gen. The temperature is about 25 degrees centigrade. A hmrsklet krlbell 25 Celsius fok.(Mennyi is ez Fahrenheitben?) Van nhny sz, amire szksgnk van:

season spring summer autumn/fall (US) winter nice miserable wet dry cloudy foggy cold chilly climate continental Atlantic changeable

vszak tavasz nyr sz tl szp, kellemes csnya, szomor (id) ess szraz felhs kds hideg csps ghajlat kontinentlis ceni vltoz

mild cool warm hot rain shower downpour drizzle fog mist / haze snow wind storm/ gale thunderstorm blizzard hail unpleasant

enyhe hvs meleg forr es zpor felhszakads szemerkl es kd pra h szl szlvihar zivatar hvihar jges kellemetlen

What is the typical summer weather in Hungary? As the climate of Hungary is continental, the typical summer is hot and dry. Then what about this summer, the summer of 2005? It was rainy and cool. Wasnt it a typical summer? But it was, because the weather is changeable, and even the extremes are typical. So, usually, summer in Hungary starts in mid-May and lasts till the last week of August, when usually there is a drop in the temperature, and a week-long rainy period before the much quieter Indian summer that can last as long as mid-October. The first part of summer is usually hot and sunny with rainy periods. But these are typical summer showers, quick to come and quick to go away. They feel good, refresh the air, and are very good for the crops. June is like that, fresh and sunny, but July usually brings hot and dry weather, the depth of summer can be scorching, with temperatures above 35 degrees centigrade, and sometimes without rain. But when it rains there are downpours, hailstorms and thunderstorms. In August, the situation is the same, only the temperature can go up around 40 degrees centigrade, and the storms can be even more intense. Sometimes absolutely hot and cool and rainy periods follow each other, so one week you think you are in the desert, next week you look for an extra sweatshirt or even a jacket.Umbrellas were not designed for the hard rains of Hungary, the summer raindrops are big, and no silk or such material can stop them, and when it rains, usually there are high winds, so you will get wet if you dont wear a raincoat. Gyakorlskppen, mondja el, milyen az id ppen. Ne felejtse, hogy a jelenben ppen trtn dolgokra Present Continuous Tense-t hasznljon. (Az ismtld cselekvsekhez pedig Simple Present Tense-t.) Vgiggondolhatja, st, le is rhatja, hogy milyen a tbbi vszak Magyarorszgon, mi jellemz az n lakhelye idjrsra, melyik a kedvenc vszaka, milyen idt szeret s milyet nem, stb, stb. De hogyan lesz az idjrsbl trsalgskezds? Vegyk azt az alapesetet, hogy egszen elfogadhat az id. lnk a parkban egy padon, s csak mellettnk van res hely. Valaki letottyan oda s azt mondja: Nice weather, isnt it? Szp id van, nemde? Ha azt vlaszoljuk, Yes, it is.- Igen. Egyben azt is kzltk az illetvel, hogy nem kvnunk trsalogni vele, mert nem krdeztnk vissza. Ha trsalogni szeretnnk, hosszabb mondatot kell mondanunk, s vissza kell krdeznnk, azaz Yes, it is. Its quite unusual in this season, isnt it? Vagy valami hasonl, de a lnyeg a vgn a visszakrdezs. Nem azrt krdezek vissza, mert meg akarok gyzdni, hogy helyesen tudom-e, hanem csak azrt, hogy elbbre vigyem a trsalgst, jelen esetben kinyilvntom azt a szndkomat, hogy beszlgetni szeretnk. Lssuk a visszakrdezs mdjt. llt szrenddel kezdjk a mondatot, majd a vgn visszakrdeznk a f mondatunkkal ellenttesen. Tulajdonkppen azt krdezzk, hogy vagy igen?, illetve vagy nem?. A fmondat alanyt ismteljk szemlyes nvmsknt, s a segdigt a fmondat igjvel ellenttes alakban. Azaz, ha a fmondatom llt, a visszakrdezs tagad s viszont. Vannak dolgok azonban, amire gyelni kell. Nem a forma, hanem a tartalom szmt, mint mindig. A tagad jelents szavak tagadv teszik a mondatot akkor is, ha az ige llt alakban ll, mert ,ugye, dupla tagads nincs. Pl. You like Coca-Cola, dont you? You dont have any brothers or sisters, do you? Peter can play basketball, cant he? You have already learnt this, havent you? This isnt mine, is it? It never rains in the desert, does it? Ugye, sohasem esik az es a sivatagban? A never tagadv teszi a fmondatot, ezrt llt a visszakrdezs. Ugyangy viselkedik a nobody, nothing, hardly, etc. Mg nhny tudnival: There is/there are kezdet mondatok visszakrdezsnl there-t hasznlunk. pl. There is a church in Queen street, isnt there? Somebody, anybody, nobody visszakrdezsben they pl. Somebody will help him, wont they? A lets visszakrdezse shall we?, a felszlt md will you? pl. Lets buy some chocolate, shall we? Open the door, will you?


Az Im visszakrdezse arent I? pl. Im very ill, arent I.

Folytassuk a beszlgetsnl. A visszakrdezssel kzltk azt a szndkunkat, hogy beszlgethetnk is. A msik mg egypr dolgot mondhat az idjrsrl, aztn folytathatja azzal, hogy bemutatkozik, mondjuk gy: By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Peter/Mary. Mire a megszltott, And my name is Frank/Susan. Majd a kezdemnyez fl, Nice to meet you Frank/Susan. A msik, Nice to meet you Peter/Mary. Az, hogy csak keresztnvvel mutatkoznak be egymsnak, azt jelenti, hogy ez csak felletes imeretsg lesz, most beszlgetnek, hogy elssk valamivel az idt, de ez nem igazn szmt. Viszont innen kezdve lehet beszlgetni brmilyen tmrl, de nem szemlyes tmkrl, mert ez csak felletes viszony. Minden npnek megvannak a maga kedvenc tmi s a tabutmi is. A magyarok szabadon beszlnek a pnzrl. Az angolok nem, s nem is illik megkrdezni, hogy mennyibe kerlt, ha megdicsrjk valakinek a holmijt. Megdicsrni illik, st szinte ktelez, a megdicsrt pedig megkszni a bkot, s nem mondja, hogy tzves cska vacak, ami megint mennyire elterjedt magyar szoks. Politikrl s vallsrl sem beszlnk, csak kzeli j ismerskkel, ha egyltaln, s mg ezer ms dologrl sem, gyhogy mgis j valamire az idjrs. Ha a bartaimat be akarom mutatni egymsnak, a kvetkez a formula: Mary, meet Tom. Mire a megszltott, Nice to meet you Tom. A msik, Nice to meet you, Mary. Kiss hivatalosabban is mkdik, azaz Miss Black, meet Mr Jones. Vlasz ugyangy, csak vezetknvvel. Egszen hivatalosan azonban a kvetkezkppen: Miss Black, may I introduce Mr Jones to you? Ilyenkor a megszltott azt mondja: How do you do, Mr Jones?.s a vlasz hasonl: How do you do? Bemutatkozskor kezet is fognak, de napi tallkozskor mr nem. Hlgyek megpuszilhatjk egymst, de a magyar szokstl eltren csak egyik oldalon. ltalban a puszi a levegben csattan, csak egy kis arcdrglgets lesz belle. Azzal, hogy bemutatkozskor kimondjk egyms nevt, a megjegyzst segtik, ugyanis, ha mr hivatalosan bemutattak valakit valakinek, onnantl fogva tudni is kellene a msik nevt. Ugyancsak illik a frissen bemutatott szemllyel legalbb pr szt vltani, gy ksbb tudjuk hov tenni az illett. Persze, ha mgis elfelejtettk, krhetjk a bartunk segtsgt, aki bemutatott bennnket egymsnak. A huszonegyedik szzadban kiss kacifntosnak tnhet a dolog, de nem az. Nem knny az angolokkal megismerkedni, de ha egyszer sikerlt velk sszebartkozni, az hosszan tart, igazi, szoros bartsg lesz. Ha az ember Angliba ltogat s ktetlen csevegsre vgyik, menjen el a legkzelebbi pub-ba, lehetleg olyanba, ahov a helyiek jrnak. Lehet, hogy nem fog tizenhatodik szzadi kocsmabelst tallni, viszont tud a helyiekkel beszlgetni. A pub a trsasgi let szntere, ahol szabad idegenekkel szballni, s ha olyan helyre megy, amit nem znlttek el a turistk, akkor rdekld, kedves helyi embereket fog tallni, ha a turistahelyekre megy, akkor viszont nemzetkzi ismeretsgekre tehet szert, ami ugyanolyan j, csak ms. Ha mr az udvariassgi formknl tartunk, ejtsnk szt a ksznsrl is. Napszak szerint lehet ksznni. Good morning! - J reggelt!/J napot! dleltti kszns Good afternoon! J napot! dlutni kszns Good evening. J estt! - stteds utn Illetve informlisabb alkalmakkor mondhatom: Hello! Elksznni pedig. : Good bye! Viszontltsra! Good night! J jszakt! Ha este megyek el valahonnan. Informlisabb szitucikban : Bye! / Bye-bye! Viszlt!

See you! (soon / later) (A mielbbi/ ksbbi) viszontltsra. Amerikban a Hi! How are you? kb. Szia, hogy vagy? a legelterjedtebb, s elksznskor Bye. Have a nice day. Egybknt pedig az idjrs helyett arrl beszlnek, ki hova val, s ha tallnak egy fldrajzi kapcsoldsi pontot, mr meg is ismerkedtek, jhet a nv s a felletes trsalgs.( A pnz mg nagyobb tabu) - Where are you from? Hov val vagy? - Im from Hungary. mondja a magyar. - Really? I once knew a guy, whose grandparents were Hungarian. They used to live in Boston. - Oh, in Boston. I once had a friend from Boston. s innentl kezdve gy veszik, hogy rgi haverok. A friend nem igazi bartsgot jell, csak ismeretsget. Az iskolatrs a friend from school, a munkatrs a friend at work stb. Ha valakit a vezetknevn szltunk, tegyk hozz, hogy Mr, Mrs, vagy Miss Black. Hlgyeknl, ha nem tudjuk, hogy hzas vagy hajadon az illet, esetleg most vlik az tdik frjtl a Ms (kiejtve miz) tehet j szolglatot. Megszltsknt, nv nlkl csak a Sir- uram, s a Madam - asszonyom hasznlhat. (A Master s a Miss legfeljebb csak a fiatalr t s a kisasszony tizenkt ves korig.) Azt hiszem, ennyi illemtan pp elg. Mivel ostoba klfldiek vagyunk sok mindent elnznek neknk, de udvariasnak s illemtudnak lenni kifizetdik, mert akkor velnk is azok lesznek az emberek, s nemcsak klfldn.

Salta, vagy ami idig kimaradt

Mg mindig az igkrl Jv idk Eddig azt mondtuk, hogy hasznljunk kt egyszer mdot a jv id kifejezsre. A szndk s kzeljv esetben going to + a jelentst hordoz ige els alakja. Ez felel meg krlbell a ni fog magyar szerkezetnek, s ahogy butn hangzik az hogy meg fogom fogni a going to szerkezetet se hasznljuk a jvs-menst kifejez igkkel. (come, go) Mivel ez a szerkezet kifejezhet azonnali jv idt is, a come s a go igknl helyettestsk a Present Continuous igeidvel, amelynek szintn megvan ez a jelentse, csak idhatroz kell hozz. Teht going to, ha szndkot s kzeljvt akarok kifejezni, vagy ltom, mi fog trtnni, s ha elre tervezgetem, mit fogok csinlni. A msik egyszer md a Simple Future Tense, will + 1. alak, ha most tallom ki, mit is fogok csinlni, illetve, ha valami teljesen ltalnos dolgot mondok a jvben. Akkor is ezt hasznlom, ha elkt teszek a mondatom el, pl: I think, I hope etc. Ezt a kettt hasznljuk az egyszersg elve szerint, de azrt a jv idknek is megvan a maga teljessge, s vannak olyan esetek, amikor szksgnk lehet r, megrtennk pedig az sszeset meg kell. nv alak hasznlat plda

Simple Future Tense

will + 1. alak - ltalnos s ismtld tagadsa : wont cselekvsek a jvben (rgebben E/1s T/1 ben - hirtelen elhatrozsok shall, de mr nem)

People will find a solution for the oil crisis. To the pub? Of course, Ill go.


Future Continuous Tense will be -ing

- ppen akkor a jvben This time tomorrow I will - nem azonnali kzeljv be lying on the beach. idhatrozval In a few minutes we will be having lunch.

Future Perfect

will have +3. alak

- valamikorra mr valami ksz lesz ( a vele ll igeid Simple Present, jellemz idhatrozja: by)

I will have finished it by three oclock. I will have known this man for two years in April.

Future Perfect Continuous

will have been -ing

- valamikorra mr valami He will have been sokig tart staying with us for two ( a vele ll igeid weeks by Monday. Simple Present, jellemz idhatrozja: by)

A jv s a jelen idket hasznlhatjuk egy mondatban, st hasznlnunk is kell, ha tbb cselekvst akarunk egy mondatba foglalni. Van egy gyakorlati szably, mely szerint egy mondatba csak egy jv idt hasznlhatunk. Ez azrt van, mert az idhatroz szavak nem viselik el a jv idej igket, ezrt ugyangy, mint a feltteles mondatoknl, a mondat idhatrozszavas fele jelen idej, a msik jv idej. Pl: As soon as I arrive in London I will phone you. Amint odarek Londonba, felhvlak. While Im cooking, you will be cleaning the flat. Amg n fzk, te kitakartod a lakst.

Segdigk Beszltnk mr a segdigkrl, de nem rt, ha mg egyszer tudatostjuk magunkban, hogy a segdigk utn a fige els alakjt hasznljuk, kivtel a have s a be, mert a have utn harmadik alakot, a be utn pedig ing, vagy harmadik alakot tehetnk. Id - Honnan tudom, hogy a d had vagy would rvidtse-e? Megnzem, mi jn utna. Ha harmadik alak, akkor had, ha els alak, akkor would. Mindenfle segdigrl beszltnk, kivve a must neednt ellenttprrl. A must egy ers segdige, jelentse: muszj, ers kls knyszer, vagy bels ksztets kifejezsre hasznljuk, de gondoljuk meg milyen szitucikban. Magamrl mindig mondhatom, de msok esetben mr vigyzzunk, nem illik parancsolgatni. Egybknt is, csak jelen idben, vagy jv id kifejezsre, idhatrozval hasznlhatjuk, ms esetben a have to tveszi a szerept. A mustnt tilos, mg ersebb, mg jobban gondoljuk meg, mikor hasznljuk. A neednt nem szksges jelentssel segdige, de az llt alak, need, ige, s igeknt is kell rkrdezni. Jelentse: szksg van vmire. Pl: What do you need? Ha nem kellett volna valamit megcsinlnom, de az ostoba fejemmel mgis megtettem neednt have + 3. alak nem lett volna szksges. Pl: I neednt have got up at 5.- Nem kellett volna 5-kor felkelnem. (De felkeltem, s most majd leragadnak a szemeim.) Ha nem kellett, s nem is csinltam meg, hasznljam az igt tagad alakban. Pl: Yesterday I didnt need to get up early. Tegnap nem kellett korn felkelnem. (s mg a dli harangszt is az gyban hallgattam.) Nem tudom, mi a nevem, illetve a fgg beszd Az angol mondatban nagyon sok mlik az els ign. Tbbek kztt az els ige ll krd szrendben. (ltalban.) Ezrt, ha a mondat el tesznk egy kis bevezetst, mint pldul azt, hogy nem tudom, a msik ige llt szrendben fog llni, azaz a cmben emltett pldamondat gy hangzik : I dont know what my name is.

Az eredeti krds krdszavval ktttk ssze a a kt mondatot, de mit csinljunk, ha nincs a krdsben krdsz? Erre is van megolds, mghozz az if, vagy a whether. Mindkett azt jelenti: vajon, a klnbsg kzttk az, hogy csak a whether llhat az or vagy szval prban, teht ha tbb dolgot akarunk emlteni, ez utbbit kell hasznlnunk. Pl. I dont know if he comes. Nem tudom, eljn-e. I dont know whether he comes by car or by train. Nem tudom, busszal jn-e, vagy vonattal. Persze, ha az eredeti krdsnk krdszval kezddtt, akkor a krdsz fogja sszekapcsolni a kt mondatot. Pl. I dont know where he lives. Nem tudom, hol lakik. Peter doesnt know what the time is. Pter nem tudja, mennyi az id. A mondat els igje hatrozza meg a tbbi ige idejt is. Ha az els ige jelen idej, akkor ltalban jelen vagy jv idej a tbbi is. (Ne felejtsk el, amikor egy idrl beszlnk, mind a ngyflt rtjk rajta, azaz lehet Simple, Continuous, Perfect s Perfect Continuous) Ha az els ige mlt idej, akkor a tbbi is az. Ha viszont az eredeti mondat el kis bevezet mondatot tesznk, az igk helyzete megvltozik, s most mr a bevezet mondat igje foglalja el az igen elkel els helyet, ehhez kell a tbbinek igazodni. Ha a bevezet ige jelen idej, akkor a tbbi ige idejt nem rinti a vltozs, azaz csak kt dolog fog vltozni a mondatban, mgpedig az alanyok az els alanyhoz igazodnak, s az esetleges krd szrend lltv vltozik, az elz bekezdsben trgyalt szably miatt. Pl. Peter: Where do you live? Hol laksz? Peter wants to know where I live. Pter azt akarja tudni, hol lakom. Ha viszont a bevezet mondat igje mlt idej, a mondatban mg kt vltozs trtnik, azaz az alanyok s a szrend vltozsn kvl megvltoznak az igeidk s a jelen ponthoz rendelt idhatrozk is. Pl. Peter: Where do you live? Hol laksz? Peter wanted to know where I lived. Pter azt akarta tudni, hol lakom. Emlksznk mg az igeid-grafikonra?




Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Future Perfect

Kpzeljk azt, hogy a Present egy magas hegycscs, a Past pedig egy fstlg vulkn, ami sokkal alacsonyabb.


Past Perfect


Present Perfect


Future Perfect


Ha a mondat els igje, azaz a szituci jelen idej, akkor az emberknk a hegy tetejn ll, s majdnem mindent lt, kivve a Past Perfect igeidt, azaz a mondat tovbbi igi ezt kivve, minden igeidben llhatnak. Viszont, ha az els ige s vele egytt a szituci mlt idej, az emberke knytelen a vulkn oldalra llni, ahonnan szinte semmit nem lt, csak magt a Past igeidt, s azt, ami eltte volt, azaz a Past Perfectet. Azt csak sejti, hogy a fstn tl is lehetnek dolgok. Teht, ha a szituci (els ige) mlt idej, minden, ami vele egyidben trtnt szintn Past, ami eltte trtnt Past Perfect, s ami ebbl a nzpontbl jvnek ltszik, azt would + els alak szerkezettel kpezzk. A fgg beszd ennl azrt sokkal bonyolultabb, most viszont legyen annyi elg, hogy ha az els ige mlt idej, akkor a tbbi is az, ami az els igvel egyszerre trtnt az Past, ami eltte, az Past Perfect, ami utna fog, az would. Pl. He said that he had never met anybody famous. Azt mondta, mg sosem tallkozott hres emberrel. Peter told me that he liked chocolate very much. Pter azt mondta, hogy nagyon szereti a csokoldt. Mary said that she would travel to Egypt next summer. Mary azt mondta, hogy jv nyron Egyiptomba utazik. Ha felszlt mondatot akarunk fgg beszdben hasznlni, a bevezet igt vlasszuk gy, hogy lehessen utna to+els alakot hasznlni. Ilyen ige a tell megmond, ask megkr, order megparancsol, promise meggr stb, de a say mond valamit nem. Pl. Mondd meg neki, hogy jjjn ide. Tell him to come here. Megkrt, hogy nyissam ki az ajtt. He asked me to open the door. A fgg beszdrl ennl sokkal tfogbb magyarzatot brmely angol nyelvtanrl szl knyvben tall, vlassza ki azt, amelybl n legjobban rti a dolgot. Itt s most, viszont hadd adjak egy gyakorlati tancsot. Mivel a mlt idej fgg beszd nehz, amg be nem gyakorolta, ahol tudja, kerlje. Az esetek nagy tbbsgben nem

hatrozzuk meg pontosan azt, hogy az illet mikor mondta azt, amit mondott. Ilyenkor lehetsg van bevezetknt Present Perfect igt hasznlni, s mivel ez jelen id, nem kell hozzigaztani az igket s az idhatrozkat. Pl. Peter has told me that he will travel to Germany tomorrow. Pter azt mondta, hogy holnap Nmetorszgba utazik. Ha az egyszerbbnek ltsz mlt ids bevezet igt vlasztannk, meg kellene vltoztatni az igeidt is s az idhatrozt is a kvetkezkppen: Peter told me that he would travel to Germany the following day. Pter azt mondta, hogy holnap Nmetorszgba utazik.

Igenevek A magyar nem angol, s fordtva, ezrt nem meglep, hogy ugyanazt a dolgot ms szfajjal fejezzk ki az egyik nyelvben, mint a msikban. Erre a legjobb plda a to be late elksik pr. Az elksik a magyarban ige, a late angol sz viszont mellknv, ezrt kell el a to be. Pl. Hurry up or youll be late for school. Siess, vagy elksel az iskolbl. A klnbzsgek az igeneveknl is megvannak, azrt mert a magyarban ilyen vagy olyan igenevet hasznlunk az angolban lehet hogy teljesen mst, s viszont. Pr dolgot azonban nem rt tudni az igenevekrl. A folyamatos mellknvi igenv az ige+ing. Pl. smiling girls mosolygs lnyok, running water foly vz, stb. A befejezett mellknvi igenv az ige 3. alakja (Past Participle). Pl. boiled egg ftt tojs, used car hasznlt aut, stb. A bell mellknvi igenv to+ els alak. Pl. books to read olvasni val knyvek (elolvasand) Az Infinitive a fnvi igenv is. Lehet to Infinitive, lsd Shakespeare : To be or not to be, that is the question... Lenni, vagy nem lenni, az itt a krds...(Arany Jnos) Van plain Infinitive is ami az ige els alakja. Pl. Help me do my English homework. Segts megcsinlni az angol leckm! A hatrozi igenv lehet az ige+ing. Pl. Two policemen came running in the street. Kt rendr jtt futva az utcn. De amg a mellknvi igenvnek hasznlt ige+ing jelz, s a jelzett fnv eltt ll, a hatrozi igenv az ige utn. Az igenevek nem a maguk szpsgrt rdekesek, hanem mert az angol nagyon gyakran igeneves szerkezeteket hasznl ott, ahol a magyar sszetett mondatot alkalmazna, s gy egy elg bonyolult krdskrhz rkeztnk, ami gy hangzik: mi jn mi utn? Sima els alakot (Plain Infinitive) hasznlunk: - segdigk utn, kivve have s be - let hagy enged, s a mveltet make utn - help utn (lehet to + 1. alak is) - nhny kifejezsben pl: You had better leave now. Most jobban tennd, ha elmennl. I would rather go to the cinema. n inkbb moziba mennk. Ebbe a mondatba beletehetnk mg egy alanyt, n azt szeretnm, ha te de akkor a kvetkez ige msodik alakba kerl. Msodik alany, msodik alak, ne felejtsk el. pl: Id rather you went home now. Jobban szeretnm, ha most hazamennl. - rzkelst kifejez igk utn, ha ltalnossgban beszlnk valamirl see, hear, feel, watch+ 1. alak lttam, hallottam, stb, hogy see, hear watch, feel, smell + ige+ing lttam, hallottam stb, mikzben smell+ ige+ing mindig ez az alak ll utna, mert szagot rezni, csak akkor lehet, ha szag van, ltalnossgban nem. I can smell something burning. Valami gett szagot rzek.

Why? krdsz utn pl: Mirt segtsek neki? Why help him?

To + els alakot hasznlunk: - szenved igk utn Pl: I was told to go home. Azt mondtk, menjek haza. - mellknevek utn Its good to see you again. J jra ltni. It was too cold to go swimming. Tl hideg volt ahhoz, hogy szni menjnk. Its important for me to talk to him. Fontos, hogy beszljek vele. - Its time + to , egyes vagy tbbes szm els szemlyben. Ha ms szemlyben ll, az ige msodik alakba kerl. Pl: Its time you bought a new suit. Ideje lenne j ltnyt vsrolnod. - sok ige utn Pl: ask, tell, promise, order etc. - az akaratot kifejez igk utn Pl: want, wish, refuse, would like etc. - krdszavak utn (kivve why?) Pl:Melyik knyvet olvassam el elszr? Which book to read first? - azrt, hogy szerkezetben, ha a kt tagmondat alanya megegyezik. Pl. Did you come to help me? Azrt jttl, hogy segts? Ha a kt tagmondat alanya klnbz, vagy a mondatban van egy plusz felttel a szerkezet ms: so that can/could/should Pl: He works day and night so that his daughter can go to university. Azrt dolgozik jjel-nappal, hogy a lnya egyetemre jrhasson. Ige +ing: - az ige+ing a cselekvs neve pl: Running is a sport. A futs egy sport. - ezt hasznljuk a szerets-utls igk utn (hate, dislike, prefer, would mind/ dont mind, like, enjoy,love etc) - nhny ige utn (finish, avoid, deny, admit etc.) - nhny kifejezsben pl: it is worth rdemes, its no good/use semmi rtelme I cant help Nem tehetek rla, de A magyartl eltren ez nem sszetett mondat, s nincs benne de. I couldnt help laughing when I saw her new boyfriend. Muszj volt nevetnem, amikor meglttam az j fijt - minden elljr utn pl: Who is responsible for watering the flowers? Ki a felels a virgntzsrt? nha a to is elljr: pl: Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Mielbbi vlaszt vrom. He isnt used to getting up early. Nincs hozzszokva a korai felkelshez. - Ige +ing lehet a mondatban hatroz a.)egyidej idhatroz: pl:Going to school I met the postman. Az iskolba menet tallkoztam a postssal. b.) having + 3. alak (Perfect Gerund) elidej idhatroz pl. Having done my homework I went out to play. Miutn megcsinltam a leckmet, kimentem jtszani. c.) Mivel pl: Not having a work permit he worked illegally. Mivel nem volt munkavllalsi engedlye, feketn dolgozott d.) llapothatroz pl: Two policemen came running down the street. Kt rendr jtt futva az utcn. He was sitting at the window watching us. Az ablaknl lt, s minket nzett. s ez csak a jghegy cscsa. Ez gy is ezer apr szably, de van mg legalbb ugyanennyi, ha nem tbb, nem is akarom terhelni vele. A kocka el van vetve, avagy a szenved szerkezet Most mr tnyleg ez az utols nyelvtani dolog, amirl rni akarok. Ez nem nyelvtanknyv, hanem tmutat, s mr gy is sok szraz adat kerlt ide a vgre. A szenved szerkezet sem boszorknysg, csak a mai magyar nyelvben nem hasznljuk, legalbbis nem gy, ahogy az angolban. Ahhoz, hogy btran lhessnk vele, elszr

is, azt kell tudni, hogy ki vgzi a cselekvst. Ha a mondat alanya tnylegesen el is vgzi a cselekvst, akkor cselekv alanyunk van s cselekv igt kell hozz tennnk. Pl. Pter mondott nekem egy viccet. Peter told me a joke. Ha viszont nem tudjuk, ki vgzi a cselekvst, a mondat alanya az lesz, akire/amire a cselekvs vonatkozik, teht szenved alany s szenved ige kerl a mondatba. Pl. Mondtak nekem egy viccet. I was told a joke. Ki mondta? Nem tudom, nem is rdekes. A lnyeg az, hogy a vicc elhangzott, n meg meghallgattam. A szenved ige kt rszbl ll, a be segdige megfelel idej alakjbl, s a jelentst hordoz ige harmadik alakjbl (ami itt igenv). Pl. A kocka el van vetve. The dice is cast. Az ige harmadik alakjval nem lehet semmit sem csinlni, teht minden vltoztatst a segdign kell elvgezni, gy ha azt szeretnnk mondani, hogy a kocka mg nincs elvetve, a segdigt kell Present Perfectbe tenni, azaz: The dice hasnt been cast yet. A szenved ige is ige, mindent tud, amit a cselekv igk, csak a kpzse ms.

Mirt is kerltnk az rk kezdk kategriba s hogyan mszhatunk ki belle? Gondoljuk vgig, hogy mik is voltak a buktatk eddigi tanulmnyaink sorn. Nem rdemes klnsebben bnkdni rajtuk, csak azrt tudatostsuk magunkban a rossz stratgikat, hogy ne kvessk el ket jbl. Zrjuk le s tegyk a htunk mg a nyelvtanuls eddigi sikertelensgt, azt is, ha nem szerettnk tanulni, s azt is, ha rossz lmnyeink voltak az iskolban. Elmlt, vge van, s nem ez fogja meghatrozni a tovbbi sorsunkat. Ne higgyk el, mg magunknak sem, hogy nincs nyelvrzknk, mert egy nyelvet legalbb megtanultunk, akkor a msik is menni fog. Viszont azt se higgyk, hogy erfeszts nlkl, valami csoda folytn, holnap gy brednk, hogy tudunk angolul. Mindenrt meg kell dolgozni, s ez gy van rendjn, de a megdolgozs nem szenvedst jelent. Ne dljnk be a gyors, knny , pr nap alatt megszerezhet tudst gr reklmoknak, gyorsan, knnyen rjuk kltnk egy csom pnzt, s ugyanott tartunk, ahol elkezdtk. De azt se higgyk, hogy vrrel-verejtkkel kell megszereznnk a tudst. Inkbb gy, mint a tarts fogyshoz, letmdvltst ajnlok. Ahhoz, hogy egy nyelvet megtanuljunk, meg kell tanulni halls utn rteni, beszlni, olvasni s rni. Gyakoroljuk a rszkpessgeket. Kapcsoljunk be angol nyelv rdit az interneten, nzzk az angol nyelv tvcsatornkat, vagy DVD-n filmet (angolul, angol felirattal). Nem baj, ha nem rtjk elszr. A flnknek, s persze az agyunknak meg kell szoknia, hogy a msik nyelv is kd s nem zaj. Meg kell tanulnunk rteni angolul anlkl, hogy a magyar jelentseken gondolkodnnk. Ez a legfontosabb. Ha nem hiszi, hogy ezt meg lehet csinlni, krdezze meg magtl, ki fordtott, amikor az anyanyelvt tanulta? Csak a vletlen, vagy a Gondvisels mve, hogy Magyarorszgra, magyarnak szletett s magyarul tanult meg elszr. Tartsa inkbb szerencsnek, mert a magyar nyelv sok hangot tartalmaz, s gy n knnyen tanulhat meg idegen nyelveket. De azt is meg kell szokni, hogy nem magyar szavakat mond. Gyakorolja a beszdet is. Igen, egyedl. Nem kell az elejn kznsg hozz. Valszn, azrt nincs elg btorsga idegen nyelven megszlalni, mert vagy furcsn hangzik, vagy mert kinevettk az iskolban. (Lehet, hogy nem is nevettk ki, csak n rettegett ettl, kisgyerek korban.) Nem kell teljes mondatokat mondania, kezdje szavakkal. Ha nem megy spontn, elszr rja le a szavak listjt, s mondja ki ket. Ha a kiejtssel problmja van az interneten lehet hangos sztrt tallni, annyiszor ismtelheti, ahnyszor szksge van r. Persze, az is lehet, hogy azrt nem mer beszlni, mert tkletessgre trekszik. Szp dolog az igyekezet, de nagyon megnehezti a dolgt. Merjen hibzni. Nem fog a vilg sszedlni egy helytelen igeid miatt, mg akkor sem, ha esetleg az iskolban gy gondolta. Olvasson. A mai vilgban igazn sok minden hozzfrhet. Brmelyik knyvesboltban kaphatk az angol tanknyvkiadk knnytett olvasmnyai, de a vilghl is tele van angol nyelv olvasnivalval. Ha nem szeret olvasni magyarul sem, annak valsznleg nem az idhiny az oka. Csnya dolgot fogok mondani, haragudjon rm, ha akar, de lehet, hogy nem tanult meg jl olvasni. Akkor lvezet az olvass, ha gyorsan megy, nem a szavak jelentsvel van elfoglalva, hanem tud a trtnetre figyelni. Ezt is, mint mindent, helyre lehet hozni egy kis odafigyelssel s gyakorlssal. Ha gyorsabban akar olvasni, a szemt kell trningeztetni, hogy egy sz helyett szcsoportokat, egy sort, vagy akr tbb sort is t tudjon ltni. Ennek egy egyszer mdja, hogy egy viszonylag

knnyen olvashat knyvben (ltalnos iskolai ktelez olvasmny) a lap kzepn ceruzval hz egy vonalat, s a szemvel azt a vonalat kveti a lap aljig, mikzben a szveget olvassa. A gyorsolvass technikjval tbb tanulsmdszertani knyv foglalkozik, knyvtrban, interneten, knyvesboltokban ezek hozzfrhetk, ha ennl tbbet szeretne tudni rla. Az idegen nyelv olvassnak is az a lnyege, mint a magyar nyelvnek, azaz, hogy a szveg tbb, mint a szavak sszessge. Ne a szavak magyar jelentst keresglje, hanem a szveg rtelmt prblja felfogni. Ha nem megy elszr, ne a sztr utn kapkodjon, hanem olvassa el jra a szveget, htha jobban rti. Gondolja vgig amit olvasott, s csak a legvgs esetben nyljon sztrhoz. lvezze az olvasst, rljn minden megrtett sznak, mondatnak, ne knozza magt nehz, vagy unalmas szvegekkel. Ha nem rt egy szveget, keressen msikat, ami sikerlmnyt okoz. Nemcsak unalmas dolgokbl lehet tanulni, keressen az rdekldsi krhez kzelll szvegeket. rjon trtneteket. Az emberek mostanban leszoktak az rsrl, fleg a kzrsrl. Pedig nagyon fontos lenne rni. Gondoljon arra, hogy mindenki trtneteket, st knyveket r, a valsgshow-k sztrjaitl kezdve az ilyenolyan njellt dvskkig, belertve engem is, n mirt ne rhatn le, hogy mit gondol s mit rez. Ha ezt idegen nyelven teszi, akkor kt legyet t egy csapsra. Gyakorolja az idegen nyelvet, s a sajt gondolatait is paprra veti. Ne javttassa ki ezeket az iromnyokat, viszont tartsa meg egypr htig, olvassa t ket akkor, s ha hibt tall, javtsa ki. Ha sikeres nyelvtanul akar lenni, tartsa szben, hogy a nyelv nem egy megtanuland unalmas iskolai tantrgy, hanem maga az let, s olyan ajtkat nyithat ki vele, amelyekre eddig nem is gondolt. Ha elsznta magt, hogy vgre megtanul angolul, ne keressen kifogsokat. Bzzon magban s gyakoroljon minden ldott nap. Ha kevs az ideje, akkor is sznjon r. Tudja, brhol, brmikor arra gondol, amire akar, akr angolul is. A kvetkez fejezetben ehhez a gyakorlshoz tall anyagot. Egyedl is vgig tudja csinlni ket, de ha segtsgre van szksge, rjon e-mailt a kvetkez cmre:, igyekszem minden krdsre vlaszolni.


MSODIK FEJEZET szvegek, krdsek, kpek, szavak, gyakorlatok


Family and friends

Text one I come from a large family, if I mean my relatives, but my family consisted of four members,my parents, my brother and me. Later, my grandparents, my mothers parents moved in with us, so there were six people, but unfortunately my Grandpa died when I was 13. My brother is two years older than I am, which is not too much of a difference and we used to spend all our time together when we were children. We have a lot of cousins, as my father comes from a really big family, but he was the tenth and last child, all his brothers and sisters were much older, so when we were old enough to visit family with our father, all my cousins were grown men and women, most with children of nearly our age. Actually, my oldest cousins, twins, a woman and a man, were as old as my mother. Still, the woman behaved as a cousin should, and when I think about my cousins, she is the only real cousin I had. She was married by that time and had two sons, only a few years younger, than I was. The man, her twin brother, was cold and unfriendly. He has never had children, and Im sure, being the oldest of the cousins, he had enough of his young relatives. On the other hand my mother was an only child. She and her cousin grew up as if they were sisters. Her cousin lived in the same house as my grandparents, so they could play in the garden together, and though my mother is a year younger, they went to school together, altogether they were cousins and best friends. I, myself, didnt have friends until I went to secondary school. It may sound a litle lonely, but I didnt feel lonely at that time. Me and my brother were always together, so I didnt really need any friends. He had some, because a boy should have friends, but he didnt go in for sports and things, so he met them a few times a month after school and that was enough. Anyway, they went to school together, and if they had something important to discuss, they always could talk in the breaks. Unfortunately, me and my brother grew a little bit apart during the years. He has a wife and two sons, and his own problems, and I have my own family, too. I have two daughters. Text two I must have been about eight when I went to spend the summer with my Mom's Godmother somewhere near the Czech border. Her kids were all quite a bit older than me and the boys had great fun pulling my leg all day long (which was real easy for them given that, due to the difference in dialects, I didn't understand half of what they were saying) and making me believe the strangest things (like that I would get freckles if I went into the woods shouting "cookoo" - I did, in fact, return home with my formerly pale complexion forever cursed/blessed with over-pigmentation). The girl, though, Helga was her name, really took me under her wings and pretended to be my mummy, although she was barely 5 years my senior, and decided one day that she would show me how to bake a cake. We did an impressive job, considering the age, and had great fun - until Helga's plaits (over a metre long, I swear) got caught in the electric mixer. A day that had started with such beautiful intentions ended with a teenage girl sporting the same hairstyle as her brothers, wailing at the loss of her beautiful braids, and of course, we didn't get any cake either... Text three My Grandfather, Patrick Clarke, was a sailor and fisherman. Sometime in the late eighteen hundreds he got married and moved to what was then a small fishing village, just outside Dublin. That village was Ringsend -- now part of greater Dublin. Their tiny cottage was the first in a line of cottages newly built on reclaimed land which formed part of the sea wall where the rivers Dodder and the Liffy flowed in to the Irish Sea. It was called Pigeon House Road and it provided a safe anchorage for the small fleet who plied their trade there, with the added advantage of being close to their main market, Dublin. This was where the Da grew up, in a hard but happy home enviroment. He was the eldest of six; four boys, two girls. My Grandfather married a woman named Mary Jane Swain, reputedly the daughter of an English soldier. She was born in India and came to Ireland when her father was transferred to a garrison in Dublin. Its curious how things come around. I was thinking the other day of how as a kid I would hear my Da talk of Ringsend, Pigeon House Road., and the Half Moon Lighthouse where they had a men only swimming club, where the men swam naked. Questions Where do you live? Who do you live together? What is your earliest/fondest memory about your childhood? Where did you spend your holidays when you were a child? Have you got any brothers and sisters?

What about your cousins? What is your relationship with your relatives? Does family mean much to you? Did you have a lot of friends when you were a child? Do you still keep contact wiht your old friends? Lexical units have strong sense of family adolescent serdl an only child egyke argue vitatkozik aunt nagynni be born szletik be fond of szeret be in his/her early/mid-/late twenties/thirties etc hszas/harmincas vei elejn/kzepn/vgn jr best friend a legjobb bart bring up felnevel brother fitestvr bunch of friends barti kr care for szeret caring szeret christening keresztel consist of ll valamibl contact kapcsolatba lp cousin unokatestvr dad, daddy apu daughter lnya vkinek distant relative tvoli rokon divorced elvlt drift apart eltvolodik egymstl educate nevel elderly ids extended family rokonsg fall out sszeveszik family reunion csaldi tallkoz father-in-law aps fond memories kedves emlkek funeral temets get divorced elvlik get engaged eljegyezkedik get married meghzasodik get on well jl kijn vkivel go out with jr vkivel godchild keresztgyerek godfather keresztapa godmother keresztanya grandchild unoka granddaughter unoka (lny) grandma, granny nagyi grandpa, granddad nagypapa grandparent nagyszl grandson unoka (fi) grow up feln half-brother fltestvr (fi) half-sister fltestvr (lny) have a lot in common sokban hasonlt have a row veszekszik ersen ktdik a csaldjhoz

husband frj inherit rkl in-laws hzassggal szerzett rokonok keep in touch kapcsolatban ll large family nagy, kiterjedt rokonsg look after gondoz, vigyz vkire make friends bartkozik married hzas member tag mother-in-law anys mum, mummy, mom anyu nephew unokacs niece unokahg old-age pensioner nyugdjas outgoing nylt parent szl personality szemlyisg relative rokon relaxed nyugodt reliable megbzhat rely on sy szmt vkire resemble hasomlt reserved visszafogott retire nyugdjba megy scattered sztszrt separated kln l share megoszt sibling testvr single egyedlll single parent egyedlll szl sister lenytestvr son fia vkinek stepfather mostohaapa stepmother mostohaanya take after hasonlt vkire a csaldban teenager tizenves toddler totyog kisbaba tolerant trelmes, tolerns tough times nehz idk triplets hrmasikrek trust bzni, bizalom twins ikrek uncle nagybcsi visit ltogat, ltogats wedding eskv widow zvegy widower zvegy frfi wife felesg youngster ifjonc youth fiatalsg


Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


House and home

Text one I was very lucky to live in a very big house in the middle of vineyards. It gave me and my brother a lot of opportunities to live in freedom and play whatever games we invented. The house was some old villa, built in 1896. I know the exact date because it was engraved into one of the floor tiles at the entrance. It had a terribly long corridor, a kitchen, two relatively small and a really big room, and because it was a modern villa when it was built, there was a bathroom, a toilet and a pantry in the north-eastern part of it. The pantry was OK, it was cool enough to store milk or whatever without needing to refrigerate them, but we couldnt use the bathroom in winter, as it was terribly cold. A big cellar and an attic belonged to the house. The staircase to the attic opened from inside, but we could go to the cellar fom the outside only. Me and my brother often spent time in the first part of the cellar, as it had windows and wasnt dark at all, and he had a kind of workroom there, where he took apart every old washing machine and other household gadgets he could lay hands on. Actually instead of throwing old things away people used to bring them to our house, knowing my brothers obsession of making one out of three. By the way, he never managed to put together anything useful, but as a child he learnt a lot about machines and their parts.We hated to go to the back section of the cellar where potatoes and the like were stored because it had no natural light, and there were frogs. We used to play in the attic, too, we built shelters out of old cardboard boxes and spent the morning or the afternoon there, reading or working on projects or perhaps playing with the cats. The cats were allowed into the kitchen, but not into the rooms.When we were small we shared a room. We called the rooms in that house by the directions. There was a West room, that was the one we shared, a South room, my parents bedroom, and an East room, where my grandparents lived. The South room was really big, had two windows with beautiful view of the lake, and a door to the porch, which could have been the most beautiful feature of our house, only my parents didnt use it for any other purpose than storing. Actually, my mother didnt like the place, because it stood alone among the vineyards, and she was afraid there. I, myself, never knew fear when living there. It was a fortress. It had thick walls, bars on the windows, and an iron door at the front and a ten centimetres thick oak door at the back. No unwanted visitor could enter, still, my mother was always afraid, I couldnt understand why. I was happy there and would move back tomorrow if I could. Unfortunately, my parents couldnt buy that house, they rented it from their company, and when they retired they moved away to another village, to their own house, which my mother doesnt like, either. But neither me nor my brother live together with them, so the house is too big for the two of them. Text two Inside an English house Hi, my name is Erik. I live in a small town in the south east of England. I live in a semi-detached house. This means that my house is joined to another house. My house is made of bricks.In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. We have central heating which keeps our house warm. Some houses have an open fire place but we don't. (Over 90 per cent of homes have central heating.) Rooms Downstairs Kitchen If you come in to my house through the back door, you will find yourself in the kitchen. There is a carpet on the floor. In my kitchen there is: The fridge (refrigerator ) - This is the place where mum keeps things cool. There is also a freezer under the fridge where mum freezes things. Dads computer - Not everyone in England has a computer in their kitchen but my dad has. Cupboards - We have cupboards for food and for plates etc. The Cooker - We have an electric cooker. It has four rings on top and a grill and oven underneath. Microwave - Very quick and easy to use. Washing Machine - Mum washes our clothes here and hangs them out in our garden to dry. Sink - I help my mum wash up the plates in the sink. We wash the dishes in washing up bowl in the sink. We take the bowl out when we wash our hands. Dishwasher - We put our plates, cups and cutlery in here to wash them. Living Room Some people call this room the lounge. It is where the television is and the comfy chairs. We have a carpet on the floor to keep our feet warm. In my living room there is:

A table with chairs - to eat our food at Settee - In America I think they call this a sofa. It is a comfy 2 seater chair. Two comfy chairs. Television, DVD Player and Video Recorder - We also have satellite TV. Cupboards. Bookcase Bathroom Most houses have a bathroom upstairs but ours is downstairs. In my bathroom there is: A toilet. A bath - We fill the bath up with water and then climb into it to wash ourselves. A sink with two taps (one for hot water and one for cold) I clean my teeth at the sink and also wash my hands and face. A shower .Laundry basket - This is where I put my dirty clothes for washing. I like having a shower best. Rooms Upstairs The three rooms upstairs are all bedrooms. They all have carpets on the floor and are kept warm by radiators in the room. In my bedroom I have: My own computer .Wardrobe - to hang my clothes in .Cupboards with drawers for my other clothes Cupboards for all my toys. Bookcase for my books. My bed. My bed is high up as I have my desk underneath it and my computer. Telly. I have my own television Outside my House We have a back garden and a front garden. In the back garden there is a swing and a lawn (an area of grass) for me to play football on and to ride my bike. Mum likes to grow vegetables in the garden and plant flowers. At the bottom of my garden is a river.In the front garden is a small lawn surrounded by loads of flowers and plants. Text three The building industry is currently the subject of considerable government interest and discussion. The conclusion of various reports and papers is that construction industry practice must change in order to reflect current thinking on environmental and ecological issues. Greater consideration has to be given to the environmental impact of buildings, not only to the direct effect on the environment (visual, transport, infrastructure, etc), but also to the indirect effects such as the cost of transport of materials, embodied energy cost, and eventual recyclability (hoped to be some way off!). Frequently little thought is given to the finite availability of some resources and the fact that current levels of usage cannot be sustained. However, the design of ecologically friendly housing can become an exercise in extremes, with architects striving to design the ultimate house, regardless of cost, and incorporating many features offering only minimal advantage. It is obvious that for techniques to become widely adopted (without being forced by the government!) they must be economically viable as well as ecologically sensitive. Having a wide range of experience in the building industry as speculative builders and developers, we obviously keep a keen eye on cost, and hope to steer a middle course between the ideal and practical. Questions Where do you live? Did you live somewhere else when you were younger? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house or in a flat? What rooms should a house /flat contain? Would you like to have a study or a workshop? Do you like modern homes or old ones? What kind of furniture do you have? Do you think everybody should have their own rooms? Where would you live if you could choose? Would you buy or build your home?


Lexical units architect attic back door back garden balcony bar bath bathroom bed bedroom block of flats bookcase brick build builder building building industry ceiling cellar central heating coffee table comfy construction convert cooker corridor creeper cupboard decorate desk detached house digs dishwasher door double bed downstairs electricity energy cost environment fence floor floor tiles floorboards French window fridge front garden fully fitted green belt hedge high-rise block impact inhabitant insulation kitchen lamp laundry basket living room ptsz padls hts ajt hts kert erkly rcs frd(kd) frdszoba gy hlszoba tmbhz knyvespolc tgla pt pt plet ptipar mennyezet pince kzponti fts dohnyzasztal knyelmes pts(i) talakt tzhely folyos ksznvny rakods szekrny falat fest, dekorl rasztal csaldi hz albrlet mosogatgp ajt franciagy als szint, lent elektromossg energiakltsg krnyezet kerts padl padllap parketta erklyajt ht elkert teljesen felszerelt zldvezet svny magashz hats lakos szigetels konyha lmpa szennyestart nappali lounge nappali, hall material anyag microwave mikr mortgage jelzlogklcsn move kltzik open fire place kandall opportunity lehetsg oven st pantry kamra plumbing vzvezetk population npessg porch terasz privacy magnlet rent brel residental area laknegyed rug sznyeg semi-detached house ikerhz settee kanap share a room egy szobban lakik vkivel shelf (tsz.:shelves) polc shower zuhany sink konyhai mosogat sofa pamlag staircase lpcshz suburb kertvros switch kapcsol() tap vzcsap television televzi telly tv terraced house sorhz toilet WC upstairs fels szint, fent villa villa vineyard szlskert wall falat fest, dekorl wallpaper tapta wardrobe akaszts szekrny washing machine mosgp well located j fekvs whitewash meszel window ablak wiring villanyvezetk within easy reach knnyen elrhet

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Cities, towns, villages

Text one As I have already told you, as a child I lived in a very small village, actually in the outskirts of one, as where I lived we didnt have any neighbours or institutions, houses were just scattered among the vineyards. But when I was 14 and went to secondary school, I moved to Pcs, which was a city, even in the first half of the 70s. Actually, a lot of development took place when I was there, so I could see the big housing estates grow out of the ground. Pcs has a special atmosphere which caught me at the moment I went there. I spent all my free time exploring the city in the first year. I walked the whole length of the city, and admired the obvious and hidden beauties of it. Later, when I was a college student I was still fascinated by the details, but not with the bustling noisy modern city Pcs had turned into by the end of the decade. So when I finished my studies in 1981 I was happy to leave it. I have been there since, but have never spent more than two days, and the whole place was alien. I feel nostalgia for the city of my teenage years but of course you cannot travel back in time, and the modern-day city is not what I like. So I left the city in 1981 and went to work in a moderate size village on the Plains. That place is a town now, but it used to be a village then, although the population was twice as much as it is today.It had a secondary school where I taught English and the people were friendly, and the whole place was OK. I was happy there, but circumstances took several turns and I moved to the village where my parents lived at that time, and a few years later to the town where Im living at the moment. I have been living here for 15 years but town life is not for me. I would much rather live in a village where I could have a garden and could go out in such bright autumn sunshine we are having at the moment. I dont know whether I will have the opportunity to move, Im not making any plans. Text two I was riding on the bus with my mother and I was very exited. My mother was on her way to work in an ice cream kiosk on the promenade at the seaside resort of Hunstanton. We lived in the village of Dersingham just six miles from Hunstanton and it was the start of the school summer holidays in 1947. We had just got over a very rough winter with lots of snow but now in July the weather was dry and warm. My father had just come out of the army after 25 years and he had started work as a school caretaker. My mother said she would take me to work with her and I could play on the beach. I was only eight years old and that summer I spent most of the days, weather permitting, playing on the beach. I made lots of friends with other local boys and girls. By the time I went back to school in September I had fallen in love with Hunstanton beach. When the next summer arrived I was a year older and a lot more adventurous so my mother let me go in the blue lagoon swimming pool where I soon learnt to swim. But once again I spent a lot of my time on the beach. There was so much to do and see with the rock pools full of shells, mussels, crabs of all sizes, cockles and small fish. Each day I could not get down on to that wonderful beach quickly enough. After the great flood of 1953 my mother changed her job and I left school and went out to work. I would still go to Hunstanton every weekend and the first thing I would do was to have a walk on the beach, my beach. The years went by but then in 1962, after serving two years in the army, I got a job in a public house right beside the beach at Hunstanton. I would stand in the doorway on a summer's evening and watch the sun set over the sea. It was truly wonderful. You can go all around the world and not see a sight like that. Then in 1966 I got married and we went to live in a house right next to the beach. At the same time I started to dig bait in my spare time. So here I was, not only living beside the beach, but also working on it nearly every day. I dug bait on Hunstanton beach for the next 30 years and I got to know every nook and cranny. From the wonderful red, white, and brown cliffs to the north, along the golden sand as far south as the rich black mud that would squelch through your toes when you walked across it in your bare feet. And even now, in my 66th year, I still go down to that beach every day. My beach. The beach that I fell in love with way back in that summer of 1947. Text three My kind of town By Sorrel Downer You wouldn't believe how many people want to buy a town." When Rudy Nielson says this, you can't help but doubt him. Given the money one must need to acquire a thriving settlement and the hassles that would certainly come with rescuing a declining one, town ownership seems like an option for only the most foolhardy investor. But for romantics and visionaries those people who see dusty streets, abandoned houses and a for sale sign and think "opportunity" it makes perfect sense. There are dozens of mountain villages, medieval hamlets and

mining communities on the market around the world, many for less than half the price of a flat in London or New York. And buying one is about buying a dream; having the freedom to play, to have things just so, to be an altruist one day and a small-scale despot the next. The buildings are just a bonus. Nielson knows this because he has bought and sold a few towns. His company, Niho Land & Cattle, based in British Columbia, acquires them from mining companies, usually breaks them down into lots and then sells them to people looking for a place to park a mobile home for hunting and fishing weekends. But sometimes he brokers them whole. Questions Do you live in a city or in a small place? How long have you been living there? Would you like to stay there all your life or would you like to move? Is your place a nice place to live? What kind of shops are there? What are services like? Whats the best thing about your place? Do you have a lot of traffic? Are there any historic places, museums or exhibitions? What would you change/develop if you could? Lexical units abandoned acquire admire adventurous alien altruist bait bare foot broker bustling but for... caretaker circumstances cockles crabs cranny decade declining despot development dig doubt explore fascinated flood foolhardy hamlet hassle elhagyott elsajtt csodl kalandos idegen emberbart csali meztlb tzsdealkusz nyzsg ha nem lenne ... gondnok krlmnyek kagyl rk rs vtized hanyatl zsarnok fejlds s ktsg feltr elbvlt rads ostoba kunyh vita, kavarods hidden rejtett housing estate laktelep institution intzmny investor befektet kiosk bd length hosszsg lots itt: telek medieval kzpkori mining communities bnyszfalvak moderate size kzepes mret mussels kagyl neighbour szomszd obvious nyilvnval opportunity lehetsg outskirts szle (vrosnak) ownership birtokls promenade stny public house kocsma rough durva scatter sztszr(dik) settlement telepls small-scale kicsi squelch cuppog, tocsog thrive virul to have things just so legyen minden gy, ahogy vki szeretn vineyards szlskertek weather permitting ha az idjrs engedi

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Travel and holidays

Text one As a child I travelled a lot. My grandparents used to live in Budapest, and I often travelled either to them or with them. My grandfather worked for a factory that made train carriages, so both he and his wife could travel at discount prices. so anytime they travelled by train I could accompany them if it was a school holiday. I loved travelling by train. I remember the fast trains to Budapest were drawn by two big steam engines. At that time they looked enormous for the small child I was.Later, when I was at secondary school in Pcs, I could travel home only once a month. By train, of course, the coach network was not so good at that time and was terribly expensive. I had to change trains several times, but only when I was 21 years old did I take the wrong train, and only once, and of course I got off at the next station and waited for the right train. I loved travelling by train and I hated cars and coaches. The Budapest trams and buses were even worse, I felt sick while travelling on them, so I rather walked if it was possible, no matter how far I had to walk. The same in Pcs. I never used the local buses.First I travelled abroad when I was ten. My mother, brother and I went to Germany. By train, of course. Both my brother and me had pen-friends in East Germany, those children were neighbours and we were invited for a visit. It was unforgettable, partly because we didnt use to go on holidays. My parents could go on holiday after the works in the vineyards were over, that is in November, and then they usually went to a hot water spa for two weeks, but we couldnt go with them, because of the school or because they didnt want to take us. We usually spent time with our grandparents during the summer holidays, later with friends, and even later we took up summer jobs. When I was a student I travelled a lot to Poland, I even learnt to speak Polish, but I have forgotten most of it since then. I still love travelling and when I had young children I always took them on holidays and travelled with them everywhere in the country. Unfortunately, I couldnt afford too many holidays abroad, but I tried my best. When I retire I will visit every country I have always wanted to visit, but never had the opportunity. Text two My Trip to Northern Thailand By Kirstin Graber, 11years old, Golden, Colorado The best vacation I have ever had was when I went to Thailand. My mom had to write an article about it so I got to go with her. Thailand is much cheaper than the U.S. In Bangkok, I went to a restaurant like McDonalds, but it was much cheaper. I got a kids meal for about 75 cents. Then I went to a Baskin Robbins, and got a small ice cream cone for about a quarter. A donut on a stick was just 50 cents. My favorite city is Chiang Rai in the northern part of Thailand. There are many hills in this area, and it is green and beautiful. In the hills of Thailand there are six hill tribes: the Ahka, Karen, Lisu, Yao, Hmong, and Lahu. They have their own languages and customs. We went on a boat upriver to a Karen village. They had a big boa constrictor. It was really gross, and I did not touch it. In the Karen Village, I rode elephants. It was not very fun because elephants take big steps, and so it kind of makes you sick. The teen life in the tribal villages is different than ours because they dont have very nice homes. Sometimes they dont even have homes. In Thailand, though, you dont have to worry about the children playing alone in the front yard because the parents know their children are safe and nobody is going to take them. In the city, I went with my mom to a girls orphanage called the House of Grace. There were a lot of Akha girls around my age there, and some as young as age 6. They always smiled and I liked them. We played a lot of basketball together. The girls built their own basketball court, and it was a good one too. They thought my blond hair was the coolest thing. I let them have a couple of my hairs, and they thought that was cool. If you go to Thailand, bring lots of shorts and a few pairs of pants. There is a lot to buy in Thailand and it is not expensive. I bought an Akha doll with a china face and Akha clothing. Thailand has a royal family, and I went to visit the Queen Mothers gardens and home in the mountains. On the way home, we stopped at a market and they were selling wine with a big centipede in it. In Chiang Rai, I went to a night bazaar (an outside market with lots of vendors), and they were selling food that included bamboo larvae, and cooked crickets and grasshoppers. I tried one bamboo larvae, and it tasted a little bit like a French fry. It helps to know to know a few Thai words, such as I dont speak Thai. You say it differently depending if you are a boy or girl. I met some friends in Chiang Rai who kept trying to teach me Thai words, but I couldnt get it right. I kept practicing, and finally I learned several words. That was my trip to Thailand and I hope you get to go there some day. Text three Holidaying at home 14. August 2006 August is traditionally the busiest month of the year for holidays and this is a particularly topical subject at the moment because of all the disruption that people are having to endure at airports. It would seem that the police

have managed to thwart a terrorist attack on this occasion, but I wonder what implications this will have for air travel in the future and the holidays people choose to take. Even before the events of recent days, there was a definite trend in Britain towards people choosing to holiday in their home country. And why not? There are lots of good reasons to do so. If air travel is becoming less pleasant and straightforward with all the new security checks, people may well prefer to drive somewhere and have a holiday closer to home. Also, with global warming on the increase, the weather is much better in summer in northern Europe than it was maybe thirty years ago. It is no longer necessary to flock to the Mediterranean to find hot weather and good beaches. There was even a report on the news a few weeks ago suggesting that many hotels will have to be built at British seaside resorts to accommodate the many more holidaymakers in the future who will be attracted by the hotter weather. So, what makes a good British holiday? Well, traditionally people have liked to sit in their deckchairs at the seaside enjoying an ice cream or a good portion of fish and chips. Kids like to play on the beach and maybe take a ride on a donkey. There are so many other things to do on holiday in Britain as well. You can go walking and explore the Highlands of Scotland, or maybe take a city break in London, Edinburgh or Bath. The possibilities are endless. You dont have a language problem in your own country and you often dont have as far to travel either. Whilst people will undoubtedly still want to travel to far-flung destinations all over the world, maybe the rising cost and difficulty of air travel will persuade many to stay at home. What do you think about the idea of taking a holiday in your own country? Questions Do you like travelling? Do you prefer inland holidays or going abroad? Which countries have you visited so far? Where would you travel if you had a lot of time and money? Do you prefer weekend breaks or longer holidays? Have you got a favourite means of transport? What do you like doing when on holiday? Have you ever stayed in a camp? Have you ever flown a plane? How would you promote your place as a tourist attraction? Lexical units accompany afford centipede cone cool deckchair definite destination disruption donkey donut endless endure enormous far-flung flock gross implication occasion ksr megenged magnak szzlb tlcsr hvs/men nyuggy hatrozott cllloms trs, szakads szamr fnk vgtelen elvisel hatalmas messzi nyj,tmrl durva, otromba feltteles kvetkeztets alkalom on the increase opportunity orphanage pen-friend persuade recent retire spa steam engine stick straightforward thwart train carriage tribe try ones best unforgettable vacation vendor whilst nvekszik lehetsg rvahz leveleztrs rbeszl mostani nyugdjba megy gygyfrd gzmozdony ragad, ragaszkodik egyenes(en) keresztez, akadlyoz vasti kocsi trzs mindent megtesz felejthetetlen vakci keresked mikzben

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Weekdays and weekends

Text one Nowadays I have a really relaxed daily routine, It wasnt always so.My day usually starts at half past five, when the alarm clock goes off and we have to get up because my husband goes to work quite early. These days its him who makes coffee and brings it to me to bed, so when he has finished getting ready and packing and goes to work at about six, I usually go back to sleep till seven, when its my turn to get up.I usually have a shower in the morning, but the first thing I have to do is to feed the cat, everything can only come after that. So I usually have a shower, get dressed and organized and have breakfast. Sometimes I go to the shop to buy fresh rolls and milk for breakfast, but most of the time I do my shopping in the afternoon. My older daughter lives at home, so we usually have breakfast together and then I go to work. I start work at 8.30, so I start at about 8 and cycle to work. It is very different when I finish work, but one thing is certain, I have private students at home. On my way home I usually do the shopping and when I get home I have something for lunch. This can be leftovers from the day before or just a sandwich or something like this. My daughter works in the afternoon so she is usually out by the time I get home. Then I do some housework, and start cooking dinner. All my afternoon activities depend on how many private students I have for the day. My husband finishes work at four then he comes home and we have dinner together. My daughter comes home at about six, so she has dinner later. In the evening we finish whatever housework there is to be finished, my husband usually watches Tv, but I dont like it too much, rather I chat with my daughter or talk to my younger daughter on the phone, or listen to music or play computer games. I always read before bed. I go to bed quite early, between nine and ten. Weekends are not much different. After long years of getting up early one wakes up automatically, even without an alarm clock. We usually do the weekend cleaning on Saturday, and as my younger daughter comes home from college, I wash her clothes, and talk to her. Sometimes we have visitors and even more seldom we go to visit relatives or friends, but usually we stay in for the weekend and relax or catch up on the jobs we were unable to finish during the week. Text two Eldoes Daily Routine 7:00 am: I get up and go to the toilet and have a shower for 10 minutes to wake me up. 7:10 am: I dry myself off and get dressed into my school uniform. 7:15am: I have my breakfast (Wheetos) and have a cup of hot tea. 7:25am: I watch cartoons on BBC2 until 7:45 am and then I do my hair. 7:55am: I put my coat on and put my bag on my back an leave to catch the bus. 8:02am: I arrive at my bus shelter and sit there for about 5 to 15 minutes unless the bus is late. 8:10am: I catch the bus and talk to my mates until my best mate gets on! 8:35am: I arrive at school and muck around for a bit until the bell goes. 8:45am: all my tutor group stand outside of our tutor room waiting fo Mr Edga. 9:00am: we sit there until 9:08am, until bell goes for first lesson. 9:10am: we go to our first lesson an mine is maths. 10:08am: we go to English for an hour 11:10am: we leave lessons to go to break. 11:25am: I go to science for 1 hour. 12:25pm: I leave science to go to lunch. 1:15pm: I go to my second registration. 1:25pm: me and a few of my mates go to double technology for two hours. 3:30pm: All pupils leave to go home on the bus or walk. 4:15pm: I get home from school and change out of my school uniform into ordinary gear. 4:20pm: I watch t.v until 6:00 pm when I have my dinner. 6:15pm: I change into my army cadet gear and sit downstairs. 6:30pm: me and my mum leave to go to army cadets. 7:00pm: I arrive at the army cadets hall and stay there for three and a half hours. 9:30pm: my dad picks me up and then I go home. 9:50pm: me and my dad arrive home and greated with a hug and a hot chocolate from my mum. 10:15pm: I go to bed until the next day.

Text three Once Upon A Time "Once upon a time..." These four words were often the beginning of a night-time ritual in our house. As in other households, a story at bedtime was routine when our boys were young. Particular favorites were Dr. Seuss' On Beyond Zebra and "I Had Trouble Getting To Solla Sollew". If you're a parent you know what this means. You read the same story night after night after night until you want to accidentally drop that favorite book into the garbage disposal. I remember "Timmy the Tugboat" was another favorite that became quickly dog-eared after repeated readings. Not that it's a well-known childrens book. It was a favorite because one of the characters in the book had the same name as my older son. He loved seeing his name in a book. Like most children who have the same stories read to them time and again, they began filling in parts of the story by memory. After a while, this becomes part of the storytime ritual. You start a sentence, they finish it. Before you know it, they've memorized the entire book and can recite it from beginning to end. This was pretty well established in our house as well as what were the Once upon a time stories. Once upon a time stories were stories that I made up off the top of my head; for times when nobody could decide which story to read. These stories usually involved boys with (surprise!) the same names as my sons who went on fantastic adventures into the forest. I remember one night, I wasn't particularly in the mood to make up an entire story. You know the feeling. It's been a long day. You're tired. You just want the kids to go to sleep so you can have a quiet moment and an uninterrupted cup of tea! That's how our "Once upon a time, fill- in-the-blanks" ritual began. Questions How are your weekdays and weekends different? What is your favourite weekend activity? What do you like doing on weekday evenings? Do you have to get up early? How would you organize your days? Do you often go out? Does your daily routine change by the seasons? Do you do a lot of housework? Would you like to work from home? What would you like to spend more/less time on? Lexical units accidentally vletlenl activities tevkenysgek army cadet nkntes blank res (hely) bus shelter buszvr catch up on beptol vmit cycle biciklizik dog-eared szamrfles (knyv) entire teljes established megalapozott feed etet, tpll fill tlt garbage disposal szemtlerak gear cucc household hztarts hug lel(s) involved beleszmtva its my turn most n jvk leftovers maradk make up mate mood muck around ordinary particular pretty well rather recite registration relaxed ritual seldom surprise these days tugboat unable to uninterrupted unless kitall trs, haver hangulat hlyskedik szoksos klnleges elg jl inkbb felmond, idz regisztrci laza, nyugis ritul, szoks ritkn meglep mostanban vontathaj kptelen zavartalan hacsak nem...

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Post office and letter writing

Text one When I was a child I had a lot of pen friends. The first two were a girl from East Germany and another girl from Russia. You could find addresses in the childrens magazines at that time, and I was eager to try my new knowledge of languages. As I have already mentioned, I could visit the girl in Germany, and she could visit us also, the following year, but I could never meet the Russian girl, though we corresponded for six or eight years. I sent her letters of invitation and everything that was needed for her visit, but she wasnt granted a passport, and after a time she stopped writing letters. I dont really know what happened to her. Maybe she simply lost interest. When I started learning English in the secondary school, I found pen-pals from all over the world. People my age may remember the magazine Vilg Ifjsga. This monthly magazine had a correspondence column, with addresses of adventurous young people from all over the world, so I wrote letters in English to many different countries. Actually, I spent half my pocket money on postal fees. But I enjoyed it. Later I had a penfriend from England also, and we exchanged long letters and my English rapidly improved.When I was a college student I had Polish pen friends and I practiced my Polish with them. I visited them and they visited me, so I had a nice time with them and I hope they enjoyed my company, too. Nowadays I dont write ordinary letters, but I still have penfriends, only via Internet. E-mails are faster and more convenient. True, you cannot swap things, but you can send e-postcards and things like that. These days, I only go to the post office if I have some bill to pay. All my correspondence is done by e-mail. I suggest that everybody should have penfriends all over the world, because its a great way of meeting interesting people and in the age of online communications it is a very easy way to make your efforts of learning a language more efficient and rewarding. Text two Timeline of the British Post Office 1516 the royal mail was estabished by King Henry VIII under Master of the Posts. July 31, 1635: Royal Mail Service was made available to the public by Charles 1. Postal fee was paid for by the recipient. 1654: Oliver Cromwell granted UK monolpoly to "Office of Postage". 1657: Fixed postal rates introduced. 1660: General Post Office (GPO) established by Charles 11. 1661: First use of date stamp. First Postmaster General was appointed. 1784: First mail coach. 1793: First uniformed delivery staff. 1830: First mail train. 1840: First adhesive stamp. The Penny Black. 1853: First post boxes erected in mainland Britain. 1854: Rowland Hill becomes secretary to the Post Office. 1858: Ten London postal districts established. 1870: Post office begins Telegaph Service. 1880: First use of bicycles to deliver mail. 1881: Postal order introduced. 1883: Parcel post begins. 1893: First picture postcard begins. 1912: Post Office opens national telephone service. 1917: London postal districts divided into numbered zones. 1919: First international air mail service. 1927: The London Post Office Underground Railway is opened. 1968: Two class postal system introduced. National Giro Bank opens. 1969: Post office changes from goverment department to nationalised industry. 1974: Post codes extended all over UK. 1981: Telcommunications services transferred to British Telecom. 1986: Royal mail seperated into letter, parcels and post office businesses. 1990: Giro bank sold to private company. 2003: The London Post office underground railway is closed.


Text three MANY initial attempts at motivation letters are poor because the letters do not convey a sense of the individual. Instead, they are often stories: "Once upon a time I was born and had a childhood; I plan to go to university, start a great career, marry a prince or princess, and then live happily ever after. The End." Unfortunately, that tells the reader very little about you. Other initial attempts provide a laundry list of schools and activities. "I went to this prestigious school; I participated in that activity; I held this office in this club; I speak 10 different languages, sometimes simultaneously; this program in university is next on my checklist." Again, that tells very little about you, other than that you've been busy. Before you even begin to write your letter, think of who you are. What motivates you? What do you like and dislike? What brings you pleasure? What annoys you? What are you naturally good at? What are your weaknesses? You should also take a personality test to learn more about yourself. Now you have a better understanding of yourself. You know what your strengths and weaknesses are, you know what you like and dislike, and you know how your personality fits in with your career aspirations. Next, decide what your selling points will be. If you wanted a friend to describe you in a positive light, what would you want him or her to say? If that friend said you were smart, what proof or evidence does your friend have? What you should do is make a list of your positive selling points with evidence or proof to support your assertion. These selling points should align with your career goals. When you are writing your motivation letter, you need to do the following things: Be very clear on what you want to achieve (e.g. get a nursing degree) Be very clear on what you will do with this degree (how do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years)? Why do you want to pursue your chosen career? You know the answer to this question from your strengths and weaknesses as well as from your personality profile. What have you done to prepare yourself for your chosen career? Here you are selling yourself. Use your prior information and your supporting evidence to bolster your position. Highlight anything that is extraordinary that needs to be taken into consideration. Questions Do you prefer writing ordinary letters or e-mail? Do you only telephone your friends and relatives or do you sometimes write letters? Have you ever sent a parcel by post? What other things can be done at a post-office? Is there a big post office in your place? What postal services do you think will still be in use in another 20 years? Do you know anyone who works for the post office? Have you ever thought about taking up a job at the post office? Have you ever written a formal letter? Why is it wise to send important letters registered?


Lexical units achieve elr adhesive tapad adventurous kalandos align with igazodik vmihez annoy idegest assertion kvetels attempt prblkozik bill szmla, trvnyjavaslat bolster altmaszt, tmogat career aspiration trekvs vmilyen plyra convenient alkalmas convey szllt, visz, hordoz correspond levelez correspondence column levelezrovat delivery kzbests district kerlet eager buzg efficient hatkony erect felllt establish alapt extend kiterjeszt fee dj grant sztndj highlight kiemel improve javul, javt initial kezd knowledge tuds laundry mosoda letter of invitation meghv mail coach postakocsi mainland szrazfld motivation letters (nletrajzhoz) ksrlevl parcel postai csomag participate rszt vesz pen friend leveleztrs pleasure rm, lvezet post code irnytszm postal order pnzesutalvny postal rates postai tarifk prestigious school jhr iskola prior elbbreval proof bizonytk pursue kvet rapidly gyorsan recipient befogad, fogkony rewarding rdemes, kifizetd simultaneously egyidben staff szemlyzet strength er support tmogat swap cserl taken into consideration figyelembevve weakness gyengesg


Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Eating, meals and restaurants

Text one Eating means a lot to me. I am and has always been overweight, but I dont mind it now. There were times I wished I was just as skinny as everybody else, and I did stupid things to loose weight, but I never could reach the ideal, so I gave up attempting and accepted myself as I was. There was a great pressure on young people of my time to look fashionable and skinny, but Im afraid the situation has even become worse during the years. Amyway, when I was a child, in my parents home you had to eat everything that was put on the table, so I cant remember having food I didnt like. I liked all kinds of vegetables, even spinach, it is still one of my favourites together with carrots, these were the things nobody liked in my family. My grandmother did the cooking and she was really good at it. She never had a job outside the home, so she had time to look after her home and ours as well, because my mother had a job, and she would have had a tough time without my grandmothers help. I was interested in cooking at a very early age, so I learnt how to cook at the age of eight. Dont think about basic food, like paprika potatoes or the like, me and my brother prepared the most complicated dishes we could find in the cookbooks. Ingredients were not a problem, we had a well-stocked pantry and chickens, so we had eggs and meat whenever we wished. We both have a sweet tooth, so we tried all the sweet things in the books with varying degrees of success, but my parents were wise and praised us for every dish we made, so we never lost our enthusiasm. I cant remember eating out in restaurants as a child, but we often went to cake shops when visiting the nearby town, to have a vanilla cream-cake which was the top of luxury in my childhood. When I was a young person, and started my first job, I often had dinner in the restaurant near my home, because the prices were very reasonable, the dishes were tasty and I had just myself to cater for, so I didnt bother about cooking. Later when I started a family, of course, I cooked at home, which was and still is a race with time, as I have always had a full-time job, private students, a house to look after and two children, so quite often I cook in the morning, but at weekends, when my husband is at home, its him who does the cooking. He likes it, and I welcome the change.

Text two So I drove to the supermarket in Chalk Farm. It is used by people from Primrose Hill, so it must be OK. I started quite well. Up the vegetable aisles sniffing melons and squeezing tomatoes, even thinking of buying some green stuff (new girlfriend is vegetarian and occasionally eats such things). But then I got sentimental. My ex used to make me buy vegetables, and I suddenly remembered a particular afternoon when we had got back from shopping. Reaching into one of the carrier bags, I had pulled out some carrots, some leeks and a couple of lettuces. "Shall I chuck these now?" I had said, holding them over the kitchen bin and springing its jaw with the pedal, "or are we going to play that game where we put them in the fridge for a week and then throw them away?" I thought it was funny. But I'm pretty sure that it ended in tears. And now it was me on the verge of weeping in the aisles. Anyway, this was long-term shopping. No need for perishables. So I lined the trolley with the basics: ketchup, mustard, brown sauce, horseradish, mango chutney, pickled onions, pickled gherkins, pickled beetroot, mayonnaise, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, pepper, and headed for home. "One aisle?" the new girlfriend said when she came round later that afternoon. "You managed the contents of one aisle?" "Yes, I got sad, so I left. But it's an important aisle. Now whenever we cook something and it doesn't taste right, we can cover up the damage with the perfect condiment for every occasion." "Oh, for God's sake," she said, dragging me to the car. "Look, I'll help you." So she drove me to Bumble Bee, the local organic mini-chain with greengrocer, dairy, baker and dry-goods store. She was explaining how Green & Black's chocolate was the ideal purchase because it can be excused as a baking essential while doubling as a latenight snack, when my attention wandered. The shop's radio was playing Elton John's 'The Circle of Life' from The Lion King, a film I had seen with the old girlfriend. "I'm not hungry any more," I said. "Let's go." "Not the Lion King thing again?" she said. "You know, you deserve to starve, you really do." And she was probably right.

The George and Dragon, Swallowfield is a beautiful, relaxed country pub serving real ales, real wine and serious food.

The pub and restaurant eating areas are quite large, each decorated in traditional country pub style, with warm earthy tones, natural wood and exposed beams. The menu has a good choice of rich dishes and there is an additional specials board to widen the choice further. Starters include king prawn skewers with a sweet chilli dip and main courses feature five cheese tortellini with asparagus and parmesan, pan-fried red snapper, lamb steak with bacon. The food is delicious, and more extravagant in taste than most pub food. Presentation is faultless and staff are both friendly and attentive. The garden is perfect for summer and there are picturesque countryside views from the garden surrounding the pub. Overall, a charming pub with great food and great service, with excellent attention to detail Text three R.I.P. Full English Breakfast FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST has seen its last dawn, market researchers have announced. Full English - or Fry-up, as it was affectionately known to those who found calorific comfort in its fried bacon, sausage, mushroom, eggs and tomato - could not survive in the modern world. Notoriously unhealthy Fry-up was killed by a flurry of activity. Britons are increasingly busy in the mornings and Full English was just too "time consuming to prepare". Though cooking burns 100 more calories an hour than sitting down, people neglected Full English (admittedly 127 calories per sausage) in favour of convenience foods they could wolf down on the way to work or actually at their desks. "Deskfast" fare such as cereal bars and, God forbid, fruit are preparing to dance on Full English's grave. There are even rumours Full English's evil foreign enemies (Swiss muesli, French croissants and American muffins) had a hand in the death. Full English may not even be survived by its old haunts. More than one in nine old-style "greasy spoon" cafes have shut down since 1997. Fry-up's legacy may linger in the very heart of the information age blamed for its demise. Full English was instrumental in the writing of the Monty Python spam sketch (Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg, sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg, bacon and spam..."), which gave annoying and unsolicited mass e-mails their nickname. Full English is thought to be survived by an identical twin across the Irish sea, Ulster Fry. There is also a relative north of the Border, Full Scottish. Almost identical to its Sassenach sibling, except for the addition of haggis. No flowers. Questions Do you have a favourite dish? Does eating mean much to you? Do you eat traditional food, or international ones? What do you think about home cooking? Do you often go to restaurants? Do you have a favourite eatery? Describe it. Do you follow the healthy eating trends? Do you have to follow a diet for any reason? Do you sometimes eat fast food? What do you consider healty and unhelthy eating habits?


Lexical units affectionately aisle ale attempt beetroot come round carrier bag cater for condiment demise deserve enthusiasm exposed beams fare faultless feature flurry God forbid grave haunt head horseradish I dont mind increasingly ingredients kitchen bin legacy line szeretettel folyos vilgos sr megksrel ckla tjn reklmszatyor ellt vkit, fz vkire fszer, zest truhzs, lemonds megrdemel lelkeseds fagerendk itt: kaja hibtlan tulajdonsg nyugtalansg, kapkods isten ments! sr(fn) ksrt indul torma nem bnom egyre inkbb hozzvalk szemetesvdr hagyatk, rksg blel linger idzik, kslekedik market researchers piackutatk neglect elhanyagol occasionally nha overweight tlslyos pantry kamra perishable romland pickled gherkins savany uborka picturesque festi praise dicsr prawn garnla pressure nyoms R.I.P. nyugodjk bkben reasonable rtelmes rumour pletyka sibling testvr skewer nyrs skinny vkony sniff szimat(ol) spam darlths-konzerv spinach spent squeeze facsar starve hezik tough kemny unsolicited kretlen verge szle vminek well-stocked jl felszerelt wise blcs


Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Schools, colleges, universities

Text one When I was a child I went to the primary school of the next village. Our own primary school which was only three houses away had only one class and one teacher, and all children between the age of six and ten went there. (By all children I mean twelve or thirteen, because my place was a really small village) As I went to kindergarten also, which was in the next village , too, I started commuting to school at the age of four. Most of the time we went by bike, but if there was snow, or such unfavourable weather condition, we walked. The school was two and a half kilometers from my home, not a long distance when I was older than ten, but incredibly long and tiring before. The school was in several old buildings, but there werent enough classrooms, so the young children went to school in the afternoon, and the upper classes, who had to have more lessons, went in the mornings. I didnt learn too much at school, I already knew everything in advance because I usually read the schoolbooks on the day we got them, and not only mine, but my brothers as well. He is two years older than me, so I learnt everything two years in advance. When I went to secondary school my strategy was to pay attention during the lessons and spend as little time doing my homework as possible. It worked, and I had relatively good results, I know I could have better grades if I had spent more time studying, but it was such a pity to.I spent most of my free time reading, fiction and non-fiction, books, magazines and papers, Hungarian and English ones, so I learnt very much during my schoolyears, only not what the subject material was. I loved my college years, too. It was hard work, but I enjoyed it. I had to learn how to prepare for exams properly, but I had the best grades during my college carreer. Few friends of mine applied for a place at a university after the first year at college, but I didnt want to, because I should have started it again from the very beginning and I felt I had no time for that. At the age of nineteen I felt I was too old to waste a year. Actually, I was eager to start my own life. So I applied for a place at a university when I was 33, had a full-time job and two small children. I finished a correspondent course, I must tell you it wasnt easy, but I got my degree and thats the only important thing.A few years ago I wanted to take up another university course, but the fee was too high for me to pay, and anyway, Im not getting younger. I took part in some training courses, thats all I have had energy for lately. Text two The 1944 Education Act provided universal free schooling in three different types of schools; grammar, secondary modern and technical. Rab Butler hoped that these schools would cater for the different academic levels of children. Entry to these schools was based on the 11+ examination. Many educational experts were opposed to the idea of selection at eleven and argued that secondary modern schools were providing a second-class education. Some Local Education Authorities experimented with the idea of creating comprehensive schools designed to provide an education for children of all abilities. Although initially hostile to these schools, by the 1960s the Labour Party supported plans to phase out grammar schools. Following the 1964 General Election, the new Labour Government instructed all local authorities to prepare plans for the creation of comprehensive schools, either by amalgamation or the building of new schools. This policy was also accepted by Conservative governments and by 1990 the majority of grammar schools had been turned into comprehensives or had become independent. The present system: Between the ages of 5 and 11 children attend the primary school and then progress to secondary school level, which normally means entry into a Comprehensive School. The tripartite system of secondary education has practically disappeared and has been replaced by the Comprehensive School. Among the Comprehensive Schools are also the Voluntary denominational schools. Particularly strong are the Roman Catholic Comprehensive Schools. What is a comprehensive school? When we say that it incorporates everything in the tripartite system we have said all. These schools take all pupils regardless of ability (except those children with special needs who attend special schools). They therefore cater for children from a variety of social backgrounds, hence the name "comprehensive". There is no examination or any other selection process for entry. Comprehensive Schools, however, have not eliminated distinctions. There is what is called "streaming" and "setting" according to learning ability. This means that students are grouped together in order to achieve a degree of uniformity in classes. 86.8% of pupils in England attend comprehensive schools. There are, however, other types of school.


Examinations: After four years of secondary school, at about the age of 16, pupils sit the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. This is taken in a wide range of subjects according to the pupils' ability. Usually four to eight or even as many as ten subjects. The exams are marked by an independent body. Two years later the students sit another examination called the General Certificate of Education (GCE) (A Level) again based on a selection of subjects chosen by each candidate (usually three to five and including a science subject and an arts subject). Access to universities is based on the number of examinations taken and the grades achieved. The exact requirements are fixed by the individual universities and vary according to the type of degree course you want to follow. Text three No matter how young your child is, its never too soon to think about higher education. Higher education will benefit your child. There's no doubt. It will help them to have greater confidence and they'll be able to choose from a wider choice of rewarding, professional careers. It's worth checking what financial help is available there may be more than you might think. Even if they arent thinking beyond GCSEs, it will be decision time before both of you know it. Decisions taken now can help your child along the path of Higher Education. That's why its best to be equipped with all the information you need to make the right moves together. The first step After GCSEs, your child needs to carry on into further education (FE). They could do A levels or take a jobrelated vocational course. The second step There are many routes to getting a degree, some direct, others involving a combination of qualifications. The route thats right for your child depends on their FE qualifications and the course they want to do at university. There is something to suit everyone and lots of choice. Degree Taken full-time, part-time or as a sandwich course, most last three years. Applicants generally need a minimum of two A levels, although it varies. Sandwich course Combines work placements with study at university. Leads to a degree and lasts up to four years. Foundation degree Covers work-related topics and takes two years of full-time study; can also be done part-time while working. Option to convert to a full degree with further study. Higher National Diploma/Higher National Certificate (HND/HNC) Cover a variety of work-related subjects. Last two years, three with a year in industry. DipHE Lasts two years and can be combined with professional or vocational qualifications. Can often be converted to a degree with further study. Entry requirements are similar to those for a degree. Applications Most applications to higher education courses are through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Before applying, students will wish to look at university and college prospectuses, and take opportunities to attend open days. When choosing which course to apply for some considerations include: career plans - some jobs will require particular qualifications where to study - to remain in the same area or move away the popularity of subjects or colleges and universities and the entry requirements the structure of the course the facilities available at the university or college whether accommodation is available Applications are sent to each of the chosen universities and colleges at the same time. Each one then decides whether to offer a place to the applicant. Usually, offers are conditional on the student getting certain exam grades. Entry requirements for courses differ between universities and colleges reflecting for example the popularity of a course. If no offers are made, or the student fails to make the required grade, the student becomes eligible for clearing, a process which tries to match students with available course vacancies.

Questions Do you remember your first school well? What was the building like? What was the best or worst thing about going to school when you were a young child? Did you have a lot of friends? What activities did you do in and out of school? Do you remember the last year of the elementary school? Where did you start secondary school? Was very different from your elementary school? What were your favourite subjects, if you had any? What were your plans for the future when you were at school? Lexical units abilities kpessgek access hozzfr(s) accommodation szlls according to vki szerint achieve elr Act trvny amalgamation egyests, kevereds application jelentkezs apply for jelentkezik vhov attend jr (iskolba) available kaphat benefit jrandsg candidate jellt commute bejr (dolgozni, iskolba) comprehensive tfog conditional feltteles confidence bizalom consideration meggondols convert talakt correspondent course levelez kurzus degree diploma denominational szakmai distance tvolsg distinction klnbsg doubt. ktsg eligible kvnatos, vlaszthat eliminate trl equip felszerel experiment ksrlet expert szakrt facilities trgyi felttelek foundation alaptvny GCE kzpszint rettsgi GCSE felsszint rettsgi grade jegy hence innen hostile ellensges in advance elre include tartalmaz incorporate magba foglal incredibly hihetetlenl independent body fggetlen testlet initially kezdetben It's worth megri kindergarten voda local authorities helyi hatsgok oppose ellenez option lehetsg phase out megszntet process eljrs progress halads provide biztost, ellt qualification vgzettsg regardless tekintet nlkl vmire requirement kvetelmny route t(vonal) subject material tananyag support tmogat tiring fraszt tripartite system hrmas rendszer unfavourable kedveztlen universal univerzlis, egyetemleges vary vltozik vocational szakkpz (iskola) waste pazarls whether vajon? wide range of szles vlasztka vminek


Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Work and leisure

Text one When I finished school in 1976 I applied for a place at a college, but there were too many applicants and too few college places. Although I got admission I had to wait a year to actually start my course. There were severe laws about people and work at that time, so if I didnt want to lose my place at the college I had to find a job for my gap-year. I moved back to my parents place and started to look for a job that was not very far away from my home where I could do stay for nine months . I had no ideas about it only that I could spend my waiting year, possibly earn a little money and most importantly to secure my place at the college. There was a big holiday camp for children that was open all year round about 30 kms from my place. It was a really big institution so I decided to try whether they have some vacant positions for a junior clerk or something like that. I was lucky there was a post for an assistant in the museum of the place. I applied for it without hesitation and I got it. It was my job to keep the glass containers clean, guide the visitors, speak about the history of the pioneers organisation as well as helping the two ladies who worked there with filing and the catalogues. It could have been an interesting and varied job had I been the least bit interested in it. The museum had an open air part as well, next to the places railway station in some railroad wagons. It was a long way from the main buildings and I liked that part the best. When the children who spent one or two weeks at the camp came to visit this outer site I went there too, to supervise as well as speak about the exhibitions and answer questions, but I always lingered there and never went back promptly to the buildings especially when the weather was clear and sunny. As the museum was open all day I worked in shifts. One week in the morning, from 8 to 4, the other week in the afternoon, from 12 to 7 so that I could catch the 7.30 train home. Commuting was tiring, and I didnt make much money but altogether I had good time at my first job and I learnt lessons that came very useful in my later life and career. Text two I was running through some of these in my mind. There was a time that these jobs were in high demand, but was killed or dying off by technology MOVIE PROJECTIONIST : Back in the days when going to the movies was an all day event, on the top in the little square windows above, there actually was a guy that would rewind, thread, and change reels of a movie. However, with the advent of multiplexes, and machines that automatically rethread and cue, it only takes one person and that usually is the manager, that puts in the movie and changes it once the movie has finished its run. TYPEWRITER REPAIR : It happens, keys get stuck or bent, certain letters just won't type right, the carriage gets jammed. So you take it to your local typewriter repair to get it fixed. But now, with computers and printers in everyone's home (along with the convenience of fixing your errors - such as spelling and grammar) BEFORE you print it, people have thrown away their typewriters. Very few people (mainly older folks) still use typewriters and there are VERY few repair places like this still around. LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER : A long time ago, there was actually a person that would actually turn the light on in the lighthouse and make sure that it stayed lit. The person would also have their residence right next to the house as well. But with automation kicking in and automatically turns the light on when darkness is being sensed, there's no need to have a person tend to the light anymore. MILKMAN: Just like the paperboy (to which that job will eventually become extinct as more people get their newspaper online), a milkman would come every week to your house, pick up empty bottles and deliver new milk. All you had to do was pay for the milk and tip the guy. With cutbacks in jobs, add to the fact the amount of money employers would have to spend on trucks and gas for this, the milkman is gone. JOBS THAT WILL PROBABLY BE EXTINCT IN ANOTHER 20 YEARS : BICYCLE MESSENGER : This is actually a recent trend that will probably be the newest "extinct" job. As recent as the 1990's, you would see these guys all over the city streets pedalling around, going to offices to deliver letters, packages, etc. Now with e-mail and fax taking over, the need for someone to shuttle this sort of information is dwindling. SUPERMARKET CASHIER : It used to be that a supermarket cashier would have to read the sticker on an item and ring it up that way. Once the universal product code (UPC) came in, all it takes is for that same cashier to

scan that item through and not have to know the price since the information is already input into a central computer. The trend that is happening now is "self-checkout", where you have one person watching a couple of cash terminals, where customers do the scan themselves, input the money or credit card into the terminal, and get exact change back. TRAVEL AGENT : If you've wanted to plan out a trip, you would go to your local travel agent and he/she would make the arrangements. But with the MANY services on the Internet that offer low prices (such as Travelocity, Priceline, etc.), all it takes is a mouse and a click and you can get the cheap prices yourself. PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVELOPER : I've seen a place like this close the other week near where I live. You would take pictures, and with the rolls of film you have, drop them off and have your film developed. They would either be sent to a lab or done in-house and it would take about a day or two for the pictures to be done. Now with digital photography...all it takes is plugging your camera to a USB or FireWire port and using a program like iPhoto, etc, along with photo paper, you can print up your own pictures, make them as large or as small as you want..and with programs like Photoshop, you can touch up or edit anything that you don't like. And you can do this IMMEDIATELY. As soon as the picture is taken. RADIO ON-AIR PERSONALITY : "Hey there! You're listening to WBLAHBLAHBLAH-FM! Here's the newest from Britney Spears!" A DJ...announcing the music and actually playing the record/CD. Yet with the continued deregulation of radio and large companies gobbling up the mom-and-pop radio stations, it will only be a matter of time (it's happened in some places already) where you have "voicetracking" (one announcer whose information is already automated) along with computerized programs that store a ton of info "spinning" the tunes. Yet one things that computers or technology can NEVER replace is human interaction. Sure, you can book a trip somewhere, but unless you ask someone that has been there before and give you their experience, do you really know if you are getting a good deal if the place stinks? And sure you can listen to a radio station, but without the personal, local touch, could you really feel at one with the station? Text three I've been an avid reader for a long time. When I started school and we were finally given the privilege of borrowing books from the school library, I didn't really know where to begin. So I started at one end of the library and worked my way around to the other, picking anything that looked interesting. From mythology to sports, and Sue Barton to Winnie The Pooh; I loved it all. Thus, I developed a rather eclectic taste in books. My first public library card opened yet another door to a wider range of books. At university, I'd wander through the stacks of the main library on the pretext of studying with my boyfriend - never mind that I should have been in the Health Sciences library! The only time I took a brief hiatus from reading was when my children were very young. And even then, that wasn't entirely true. Instead of reading for myself, I read to them and with them. I also read all the latest baby development books I could get my hands on. Now, I love to browse bookstores and used book sales. My shelves are overflowing, but there's always room for one more book. You'll still find me poking my nose into libraries and over people's shoulders to see what they're reading.

Rural Dorset offers the perfect 'getaway' break into the countryside, together with a range of outdoor leisure pursuits, from gentle country walks and fishing to cycling, horse riding and golf. Take your pick from the choice available: rambles along the scenic and gently meandering Stour and Avon Valley Ways, the open chalk downland byways of the Cranborne Chase, the numerous footpaths and viewpoints of the Blackmore Vale, or the majestic woodlands on the fringes of the New Forest. With such glorious scenery and open countryside, horse riding is a popular pastime and a wide range of establishments cater for all abilities. There are also many opportunities for fly or coarse fishing in high quality streams and rivers or one of many well-stocked lakes. A number of excellent local courses offer visiting golfers a pay and play option; Moors Valley, for example, has 18 picturesque holes set amongst lakes and woodland. Moors Valley Country Park also offers a number of delightful off-road cycle routes to explore, with bike hire available. Plenty of other, more challenging on-road cycling is available on the North Dorset Cycleway. So take the bait and enjoy a leisurely break in East Dorset!


Questions What was your first work experience? Have you ever had a summer job as a student? What do you think are the good jobs nowadays? Is it difficult to find a good job? Why? Why not? Do you have much free time? What do you like doing in your free time? Are you an outdoor person? Why do you think people take up hobbies? What do you think are the free time activities men/women like doing? Do you share the same interests in your family? Lexical units avid lelkes, megszllott bend hajlik bicycle messenger kerkpros futr bike hire bicikliklcsnzs browse bngszik camp tbor(ozik) carriage kocsi cash terminal pnzautomata commute bejr cue megolds kulcsa deliver szllt, kzbest demand kvetel, igny dwindling. cskken employer munkaad extinct kihalt filing kartotkozs fringe szeglye vminek gap-year kihagyott v gas gz, benzin get it fixed megcsinltat gobble up felfal hesitation habozs institution intzmny jam dug junior clerk beosztott tisztvisel law trvny lighthouse keeper a vilgttorony re make the arrangements megbeszl vmit meandering kanyargs milkman tejesember movie projectionist mozigpsz numerous szmos on the pretext felttelezve, hogy ... outdoor leisure pursuits szabadtri sportolsi lehetsgek paperboy jsgkihord fi photographic developer fnykp-elhv poke ones nose beleti az orrt possibly lehetleg promptly azonnal radio on-air personality rdis ramble kszl, elkalandozik recent mostani reel kerk, tekercs rewind visszateker scan vizsgl, tfut vmit secure biztos(t) severe komoly shift vlt(s) shuttle ingajrat sticker matrica stink bzlik supervise felgyel take the bait bekapja a horgot take your pick vlassz (kedved szerint) tend to hajlik vmire thread befz thus gy truck kamion typewriter repair rgpjavts vacant positions res llsok

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


Everyday problems
Text one Tackling pester power Pester power is just a fancy description of when children and young people are desperate for the new fad and want mum and dad to pay out for - often pretty expensive - toys, clothes and trainers and dont stop asking until they get it. Companies have realised how powerful children and young people are as consumers. Many marketing and advertising campaigns aggressively target children and young people. Every season, especially Christmas, new toys and gadgets come onto the market and many children and young people want to get their hands on it. Although it doesnt feel like it at times, you as the parent are the most valuable resource for your child and any creative time you spend together is worth more than anything you buy. Even if you work, which leaves you with less time, think quality time and do something you both enjoy. It can feel good to spoil your child with expensive gifts but cost is a great consideration for most parents, as is keeping limitations on how much you treat your children, so how do you manage your childs demands and expectations?. Be assured that other parents are struggling with pester power too. You certainly are not the only one who can't afford everything on the wish list!

Text two Dear Agony Aunt I am hoping you can help me. My husband and I split up 6 months ago and up until now he has been paying the mortgage on our house which I still live in. Last week he told me that he can no longer pay for me to live here and I cannot afford to keep the mortgage on on my own. I should tell you that we live in the UK. I am really worried because it is close to Christmas and as you must know people aren't looking to buy houses much at this time of year. If neither of us can pay the mortgage then chances are we could get repossessed and the house sold for much less than what it is worth. I know the house will sell for a good price but what are we going to do because no one is buying houses at the moment and we really need someone to buy our house quickly? Do you know if there is any way we can get a quick sale of our home? I wish there was someone out there who could offer us a quick cash sale, we could get our debts paid off, I could find myself a nice little flat to rent nearer to my place of work, and things would be so much simpler. Going through a divorce is bad enough, without losing all the hard earned cash we have tied up in our property. If we sell our house quickly we can both move on with our lives. Our split was fairly amicable but I can see things turning nasty if we have too many money worries, the last thing we want is huge solicitor's bills, legal fees, etc. I have tried the Estate Agents locally and it just seems there are more houses than buyers at the moment and also they want some extortionate house selling fees! I thought about advertising the property privately but I am worried about strangers coming around the house and realising I am living here on my own. I feel like I can't see the wood for the trees at the moment. If only someone could wave a magic wand and make all these worries go away, any advice would be much appreciated. Carol

Text three Stress is a natural part of life. The expressions are familiar to us, Im stressed out, Im under too much stress, or Work is one big stress. Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, its clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling. Stress can be both physical and mental. You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness. Stress can also be mental: when you worry about money, a loved ones illness, retirement, or experience an emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a spouse or being fired from work. However, much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday responsibilities. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always obvious to us. In response to these daily strains your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and blood flow to you muscles. This response, is intended to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation. However, when you are constantly reacting to stressful situations without making adjustments to counter the effects, you will feel stress which can threaten your health and well-being. It is essential to understand that external events, no matter how you perceive those events which may cause stress. Stress often accompanies the feeling of being out of control. Questions What are the problems most people have these days? Who can you turn to if you have a problem to solve? Do you find life stressful? Do you read the problem pages in the magazines How well can you handle stress? Do you think ones family can help solve the problems? Why do you think people complain so much? Are you of good health or do you have health problems? Did/Do you have problems at school? Have you ever had a time when you were free of problems? Lexical units accompany ksr afford megengedhet magnak amicable bartsgos assured biztos be fired from work ki van rgva consumer fogyaszt counter pult debt adssg define meghatroz demand kvetel, igny description lers desperate ktsgbeesett, elsznt devastating pusztt, elspr divorce vls essential alapvet expectation elvrs expression kifejezs external kls extortionate zsarol, kapzsi fad divathbort familiar ismers fancy tetszik,kpzel gadget bigy get repossessed kilakoltat huge hatalmas limitation korltozs magic wand varzsplca make adjustments kiigazt mortgage jelzlogklcsn obligation ktelezettsg obvious nyilvnval perceive kap pester nyafog vmirt resource (er)forrs responsibility felelssg retirement nyugllomny solicitor gyvd, kzjegyz split up szakt, sztvlik spoil elront spouse hzastrs strain feszltsg struggle kszkdik, harcol tackle bnik vmivel target cl(oz) threaten fenyeget treat bnik vmivel valuable rtkes

Pictures and tasks Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.


TARTALOM Els fejezet I Love You Words, Words Words ptsnk mondatokat Krdezznk btran! Ki mit csinl? Hny ra van? Sznek, tulajdonsgok, llatok, azaz, mg mindig kplers. Milyen? Mindennek megvan a maga trtnete Szeressk a Perfect igeidket! Segdigk (can) Mellknevek fokozsa Kinek mit kell csinlnia? Osszunk j tancsokat, (s kevsb jkat is) Mi lenne, ha? Htkznapi udvariassgok Ahny hz annyi szoks, azaz, beszljnk az idjrsrl Salta, vagy ami idig kimaradt Msodik fejezet

3. 7. 9. 11. 14. 18. 20. 21. 22. 30. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. 44. 47. 51. 58.

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