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News and Notes from Miss Ds 4th Grade

Heres what we are working on! Reading: This week in reading we will continue to work on creating images while reading. Guided reading will continue to be on news articles.

Dates to Remember
October 10: Rock Man (Mr. Luby) visits
October 31: Halloween party November 7: Matt Tavares Visits SSS

Math: We are continuing to work on Unit 3, multiplication and division. Keep practicing those facts. Writing: We continue our work on good leads and will be learning about writing a descriptive setting for our narrative writing.

Help Wanted!
Thank you for to everyone who volunteered to split room other duties!! A volunteer schedule for the class will go home next week.

Social Studies: We are finishing up our islands and moving onto the distinguishing features of a region.
We completed our scratch test and found Quartz to be the hardest commonly found mineral. We will go on a Calcite Quest next to find out which rocks contain Calcite by placing them in vinegar and closely observing the reaction. Our final experiment will be to determine the minerals found in Granite...

Other Reminders
ScootPad is going to be a part of our weekly homework starting this week. Please have your child log on at least once for math and once for ELA. XTRA Math will be online tomorrow!

Student of the Week


We did a great job writing letters to Miss D as our first student of the week. The class will begin hearing their peers talk about themselves on Monday October 20. The secret number is 103.

Heres What We Have Been Up To

Multiplication Timed Tests have begun! We have begun to have timed multiplication tests on the tables. This will help with more automatic recall of facts. As part of the nightly homework, Please make sure to have your child practice their times tables. We will be beginning this week with the 2s tables and as your child passes, he/she will move onto the next table. Creating Images

This week and last week, we have been working on creating images while reading, we are reading stories and poems with rich language to see what images are created while reading. We have discussed that as we read, there is a movie going on in our head.

Greeter Leaders

I am proud to announce that Nick DeMaria and Isabella Ramirez have been appointed greeter leaders for our class. They will be in charge of arranging and training our class front door greeters!

You can contact me at: ldoherty@shrewsbury.k

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