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ubllcauon rocess

Cerhard lohler
Chalr for 8eal-ume SysLems
1echnlsche unlverslLaL kalserslauLern
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 1
1he Llfe of a Sclenuc 8esulL
lrom ldea Lo ubllcauon
Cerhard lohler
Chalr for 8eal-ume SysLems
1echnlsche unlverslLaL kalserslauLern
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 2
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 4
WhaL ls research
expand sLaLe-of Lhe-arL
collaborauon of all researchers
sLand on shoulders of glanLs"
communlcaLed, known vla publlcauons
sum of all publlcauons = enure knowledge of manklnd
publlcauons cornersLone of knowledge and sclence
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 3
lf lL ls noL publlshed, lL does noL exlsL
documenL exLenslon of sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL
lf lL ls new and correcL: publlcauon
lf lL ls wrong: noL publlshed
lL lL ls noL new: noL publlshed
made publlc
noL necessarlly on paper
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 6
Who decldes?
wanL Lo ensure new and correcL
(ln parucular correcL)
wanL Lo be able Lo LrusL resulLs publlshed
. so we don'L have Lo proof Lhem ourselves
who can undersLand and check?
oLher experLs
noL a slngle boss"
communlLy of sclenusLs checks and decldes
whaL: publlcauons
how: revlewlng process
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 7
new" CorrecL"
noL done before
exLends sLaLe of Lhe arL
noL Lrlvlal exLenslon
condence lnLervals eLcs
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 8
1ypes of ubllcauons
Crowlng up for sclenuc resulLs
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 9
. ln Lhe beglnnlng ls Lhe ldea
ldea, LhoughL, lnslghL
we have been curlous and found and answer
we have an answer, now we look for a quesuon
we made experlmenLs wlLh new resulLs
lf lL ls only ln our head, lL does noL exlsL Lo Lhe ouLslde
(or Lo ourselves ln a few days)
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 10 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
1echnlcal 8eporL
we have worked ouL ldea wlLh Lhe meLhods learned
done Lhe work
compleLe proofs
deLalled analysls
slmulauon, varlous lLerauons
!"# %"&'()!#)% *"+, -. /".# *"+,
! documenLauon, !"#$%&#'( *"+,*!
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
1echnlcal reporL, cLd.
record all
sclenuc ndlng
analysls resulLs
relevanL lnformauon
of a sclenuc resulL
don'L selecL, puL lL all Lhere
1echnlcal reporL, cLd.
memory ls shorL, handwrluen noLes hard Lo read
pro[ecL Leam
selecLed oLher researchers
cooperauon parLners,
geL feedback
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 13
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
1echnlcal reporL, cLd.
as long as needed, no resLrlcuons
noL made publlcly avallable unul elLher publlshed or declded noL Lo publlsh
usually unlverslues/deparLmenLs have Lechnlcal reporL serles (allow access)
14 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
ubllc paper
Lechnlcal reporLs senL ouL for commenLs Lo speclc, known researchers for
lf resulLs encouraglng, go publlc:
dlerences are dlmlnlshlng
collecuon of papers from presenLauons, eg, conference or workshop called
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Work-ln-rogress paper
Conferences encourage Lhe presenLauon of fresh and new ldeas ln *"+,2-!2
0+"1+).. (Wl) sesslons
very shorL Lurn-around ume (< 6 weeks beLween submlsslon and
for sumulaung and new ldea
speclal parL of conference, own chalr person
10 or less mlnuLes presenLauons
publlcauon vla WWW
16 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Workshop paper
presenL lnLeresung ldeas whlch are noL fully esLabllshed or compleLed yeL
geL feedback from oLher researchers, dlscuss ldea and area
prepare for cooperauons or exchange of ldeas
varlous formaLs
genulne workshop
presenLauons lnluaLe dlscusslons only
worklng groups for speclc Loplcs
sloppy conference
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Workshop paper, cLd.
presenL baslc ldea
geL feedback early on ln Lhe process
geL hlnLs Lo open lssues, eLc.

auendanLs aL workshop
oLher researchers
18 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Workshop paper, cLd.
varlous formaLs
)3#)!%)% 45.#+4&#: 1-2 pages, ~1000 words
dlscusslon conLrlbuuon
regular - or shorLer - conference paper

oen llmlLed publlcauon of proceedlngs
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Conference paper
ldea reasonably maLure: conference
presenL new sclenuc resulLs Lo (compleLe) sclenuc communlLy
conLrlbuLes Lo general sclenuc knowledge and exLends sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL
presenL compleLed research
enable conLacLs, cooperauons, eLc
20 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Conference paper, cLd.
show sclenuc resulLs
relevanL problem
new soluuon of slgnlcanL lmprovemenL over exlsung one
correcLness and valldlLy or soluuon
ln eld
usually 3000 words/ 8 lLLL pages (hup://
sLrlcL requlremenLs
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
Conference paper, cLd.

usually presenLauons of 20 mlnuLes + 3 mlnuLes for quesuons
sallenL resulLs only
show problem ls relevanL
why soluuon ls good
evoke lnLeresL ln paper and research
oen references Lo Lechnlcal reporLs for more deLalls
22 ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012
!ournal paper
research on a number of deLalls coverlng a Loplc and ls compleLed: [ournal

esLabllshed research resulL
comprehenslve presenLauon
Lhorough analysls, proofs, eLc.
noL sLrlcL lengLh llmlLs as conferences
!ournal paper, cLd.
enure sclenuc communlLy, also ouLslde of lmmedlaLe eld (eg. lLLL
1ransacuons on Soware Lnglneerlng hup://
hlgh sLandards
language, presenLauon, sLyle
general Loplcs
.0)&-4/ -..').
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 24
Lvaluauon of apers
lrom submlsslon Lo publcauon
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 23
Sclenuc communlLy
lnLernauonal sclenuc communlLy ls noL hlerarchlcally organlzed
no slngle person or body Lo [udge research
Crganlzauonal bodles
for admlnlsLrauon, organlzauon, noL research
Lo coordlnaLe and sumulaLe processes descrlbed below
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 26
8aslc paradlgm
sclenusLs are all peers (same level)
no boss" gures Loo declde alone
consensus of peers decldes on whaL ls good aL a ume
good ldeas wlll prevall
l.e., wlll geL selecLed oen
adopuon Lo developmenL of research and demands by
dlverslLy of peers
roLauon of funcuons
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 27
Who are Lhe peers?
how do Lhey shape research?
members of Lhe sclenuc communlLy
researcher lnvlslble research
auLhors research vlslble
revlewer glves oplnlon on slngle paper
program commluee decldes program of a conference based
on revlewers oplnlon
program commluee chalr decldes Lune of conference by
selecung program commluee
researchers selecL program commluee chalr
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 28
rogram Commluee
program commluee chalr ls asslgned anew for each lnsLance of conference
or dlerenL conferences
program commluee (C) and revlewers consequenLly change ln Lurn
C members esLabllshed members of research communlLy wlLh proven
research record
conference of varlous lmpacL (presuge)
ma[or ln real-ume:
lLLL 8eal-ume sysLems symposlum
lLLL 8eal-ume Lechnology and appllcauon symposlum
LC81S - Lu8CMlC8C Conference on real-ume sysLems
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 29
!ournal a llule more xed
publlshed by organlzauon or company
edlLorlal board, edlLors-ln-chlef
guesL edlLors
8eal-ume (relaLed):
8eal-1lme SysLems - 1he lnLernauonal !ournal of 1lme-Crlucal
Compuung SysLems, kluwer - varylng quallLy
lLLL 1ransacuon on Soware Lnglneerlng hup://
lLLL 1ransacuon on CompuLers hup://
lLLL 1ransacuon on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed SysLems hup://
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 30
aper Selecuon rocess
8esearchers selecL program commluee chalr
rogram commluee chalr selecLs program commluee
C chalr lssues Call-for-papers (Cf), posslbly wlLh Lheme
AuLhors submlL papers
C chalr dlsLrlbuLes papers for revlewlng Lo C members
C members redlsLrlbuLe papers Lo addluonal revlewers
C and chalr declde aL C meeung whlch papers Lo accepL
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 31
rogram Commluee Meeung
aL good conferences physlcal, ln person meeung
e.g. LC81S 12
111 papers submlued
39 C members
119 secondary revlewers
each paper aL leasL 3 revlews
ca 330 revlews
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 32
rogram Commluee Meeung, cLd.
C meeung a full SaLurday
ca. x papers prere[ecLed
all revlewer scores Loo low
ca 10 papers qulck accepL
leaves 30 papers for dlscusslon
8 hours neL C meeung
ca 9 mlns per paper for dlscusslon average
conclse and lnformauve revlew reporLs essenual
noL enough ume aL meeung Lo read and undersLand
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 33
supporL C or edlLor wlLh lnformauon for declslon on paper accepLance
lmporLanL conLrlbuuon Lo advance of research
experLs ln parucular eld
also hu sLudenLs (oen very good and Lhorough revlews)
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 34
8evlew reporL

varles, common shape
numerlcal evaluauon
suggesLed formaL
one paragraph: conclse summary of paper
lncludlng assumpuons
no oplnlon yeL
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 33
8evlew reporL, cLd.
few paragraphs: evaluauon
assessmenL of paper
posluve and negauve sldes
unclear polnLs
all polnLs here wlLh facLs
accepL/noL accepL, why
one senLence
furLher commenLs
mlnor polnLs, eg, unclear, Lypos,.
hlnL for lmprovemenL
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 36
declslons on accepLance aL conferences are nal
ln exLreme cases no perfecL
buL noL enough ume
Lry nexL conference
oen ma[or" and mlnor" revlslon posslble
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 37
Pow do read revlew declslons
Lhe revlewer ls sLupld, dldn'L undersLand my paper"
maybe, buL lL ls your [ob Lo ensure he does
Lhe revlewer dldn'L geL Lhe message"
maybe, buL lL ls your [ob Lo Lell lL well
address all revlewers' concern
even lf you Lhlnk Lhey are sLupld
Lhey mlghL be your revlewers agaln
Lhere ls a good chance you dldn'L wrlLe lL well
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 38
ConlcLs of lnLeresL
only sclenuc merlL decldes on publlcauon
lf lL ls new and correcL
lf noL correcL, mlghL have blg consequences
conlcLs of lnLeresL (Col)
noL only sclenuc merlL for declslon
frlends, enemles, someone wlLh slmllar resulL, eLc
very serlous lssues!
lf you feel your oplnlon ls noL only lnuenced by sclenuc merlL:
you have Col, don'L be lnvolved ln declslon
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 39
ConlcLs of lnLeresL, cLd.
acLual Col
percelved Col
e.g., people know you are frlend eLc of auLhor x
oLher people mlghL noL speak freely, you are frlend and mlghL
remember/Lell, eLc
anonymlLy of revlewlng/declslon
basls for Col free declslons, based on merlL only
no lnformauon abouL Lhe process or people lnvolved can go back Lo
wlLh Col mlghL score few polnLs ln shorL Lerm, harm sclence ln long Lerm
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 40
Conference rogram
conslsLs of
Lechnlcal presenLauons of accepLed papers
Lyplcally 20 mlns + 3 mlns quesuons and swlLchlng
coee breaks
essenual for dlscusslons and neLworklng
speclal sesslons
keynoLes, work-ln-progress, eLc
soclal evenLs, awards, eLc
ubllcauon rocess Cerhard lohler, 2012 41

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