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AUTOR: Elda Jano, Msc, (Dr. ne proces)

TITULLI: Historia e Zhvillimit t Kujdesit Farmaceutik


Qllimi i ktij punimi sht t prshkruhet zbulimi dhe zhvillimi i kujdesit farmaceutik q nga konceptimi
i tij si filozofi deri n vnien n praktik t ktij koncepti.
Kujdesi farmaceutik, si term, u publikua mbase pr her t par nga Brodie, n vitin 1973, n kontekstin e
kontrollit t prdorimit t barnave dhe shrbimeve t lidhura me to. N 1978 Dr. Linda Strand, pedagoge
n Universitetin e Minesots, filloi t punonte me iden q me von u b praktika e kujdesit farmaceutik.
N vitin 1990 Dr. Linda Strand and Dr. Charles D. Hepler publikuan artikullin e titulluar Oportunitetet
dhe prgjegjsit n kujdesin farmaceutikku ishte prkufizuar kujdesi farmaceutik. Kujdesi farmaceutik
u prkufizua si: shprndarja e prgjegjshme e terapis me barna me qllim q t arrihen rezultate
prfundimtare q prmirsojn jetn e pacientit. Konkretisht, tre elementet kryesore te kujdesit
farmaceutik jan: 1) Identifikimi i problemeve ekzistuese me barnat, 2) Zgjidhja e problemeve ekzistuese,
dhe 3) Parandalimi i problemeve t mundshme me barnat. Kujdesi farmaceutik u testua pr her t par
n projektin tre vjear t Minnesots, ku 10 farmaci u prshtatn pr t dhn kujdes farmaceutik. Projekti
i Minesots tregoi se kujdesi farmaceutik jo vetm prmirsoi rezultatet e pacientve, por sht nj
investim llogjik dhe i fuqishm. M von, mbi 20 studime dhe projekte konfirmuan se farmacistt rritin
vlern e sistemit t kujdesit shndetsor duke prmirsuar kujdesin dhe ulur kostot. N bot, vendet e
zhvilluara po e njohin rolin e farmacistit n reduktimin e gabimeve me barnat dhe kostove t lidhura me
to. Farmacistt kan shansin t kontribuojn si dhns t kujdesit farmaceutik. Le t punojm s bashku
q dita e kujdesit farmaceutik t mos jet e largt edhe n Shqipri
TITLE: History and development of Pharmaceutical Care

AUTHOR: Elda Jano, Msc, (PhD student)

The aim of this presentation is to describe the development of pharmaceutical care starting from its
beginning as a concept to introducing the concept to practice.
Possibly the earliest published use of the term was by Brodie in the context of thoughts about drug use
control and medications related services, since 1973. In 1978, Dr. Linda Strand, who held a faculty
position at the University of Minnesota, began working with the ideas that eventually became the practice
of pharmaceutical care. In 1990, Dr. Linda Strand and Dr. Charles D. Hepler published their landmark
paper entitled Opportunities and responsibilities in pharmaceutical care where pharmaceutical care was
defined. Pharmaceutical Care was defined as: The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose
of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patients quality of life. Three major functions involved in
pharmaceutical care are: 1) Identification of actual potential medication-related problems, 2) Resolution
of actual medication-related problems, and 3) Prevention of potential medication-related problems. The
pharmaceutical care concept was introduced to practice for the first time in the three-year-long Minnesota
project, where 10 pharmacies were converted to pharmaceutical care. The Minnesota Project indicated
that the provision of pharmaceutical care not only improves actual patient outcomes, but is a logical and
powerful economic investment. Later, over 20 studies and demonstration projects confirmed that
pharmacists added value to the health care system by improving care and decreasing costs. Developed
countries are recognizing pharmacists role in reducing drug-related errors and costs. Pharmacists have
now the chance to contribute more as pharmaceutical care providers. Let us work together so that, some
day in our near future, pharmaceutical care becomes implemented in Albania, as well.
Cipolle RJ, Morley PC, Strand LM. Pharmaceutical Care Practice. In: Navrozov M, Stephen Z, eds. NY: McGraw-Hill Health Professions
Division: 1998.
Alliance for Pharmaceutical Care. Pharmacists for Quality Patient Care. 2004: 9. Available at:
Strand LM. Development of pharmaceutical care practice in United States.
Maddux MS, Dong BJ, Miller WA, Kent NM et al. A vision of pharmacys future roles, responsibilities, and manpower needs in the United
States. Pharmacotherapy.2000.

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