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(Copyright 2006 Polat Kaya)
In this essay, I will present the meanings associated with the name of an ancient Masarian (MISIR) king known by the name NARMER. He is
known as the tenth king of the ancient MASAR State (falsely called "EGYPT") which was a Turanian state founded by the Turkish speaking
Tur/Turk peoples - contrary to mountains of intentional misrepresentation. King "NARMER" is well known with an ancient Masarian artifact
depicting this king on two faces of a so-called "Narmer Palette" which is said to be dating from some 3200 years B.C.. Below are the two faces of
this ancient artfact.
The most prominent feature of this ancient artifact is its personification of the identity of the ancient Turanian name "OGUZ the Sky-God"
worshipped by Turanian people of ancient Masar as "Sky-God", and"Oguz the Man" as "ancestors" of Oguz/Tur/Turk peoples.
At the very top of these two faces of the "Narmer Palette", the ancient Turkic name for Sky-God OGUZ is clearly represented in picture writing
with two bull-headed human face.

"God created man in his own image".
"First the WORD was, the WORD was with
God, and the WORD was a god"
except that the "WORD" was "DE-US"
in Turkish meaning "WISE WORD".
Hence, the word for GOD became DEUS,
or DE-O for THEO, or SZ for ZEUS.
The Turkish language (i.e., the Sun Language)
and the OGUZ (i.e., Sun-Moon) Religion
were the progenitors for all these.


At the top of both sides of this a!iet Masaria artifa!t there is a pael "ith t"o #h$%a-fa!ed b$ll heads# "ith a spa!e bet"ee the% "here the a%e of
the &ig has bee "ritte i pi!t$re "ritig' E%bellishig the h$%a heads (fa!es) "ith b$ll hors ad ears %a&es the% rese%ble the head of a #b$ll#' Ea!h
b$ll-head represets the a!iet ($raia )&y-*od a%e OGUZ/OKUZ, that is the "O-KZ" %eaig "that fire" referrig to the )$-*od+ ad "O-
GZ" %eaig "That Eye" of the )&y *od' ,e of the eyes represets the )$+ that is+ the "right fire Eye" (Tr. "SAG KOR GZ") "hi!h "as the
Seeing Eye of the Sky-God, ad the other represets the Moo+ that is+ the "left and blind Eye" (Tr. "KR GZ") of the )&y-*od' Additioally the
hieroglyphi! #b$ll-fa!ed# sy%bol is also the ($r&ish a%e ,*-. or ,K-. "hi!h i oe had represets the ($r&ish "ord #,K-.# %eaig "ox" or
"bull" ad i the other represets the a%e of the ,*-. ((-R) peoples' (he hors of the b$ll-fa!es also represet the #!res!et %oo# "hi!h agai refers
to the a!iet ($raia Moo-*od+ the Cres!et Moo' (he #s$/ ad the #!res!et %oo# sy%bols ador the ($r&ish flag ad represet the ($raia
idetity of the ($r ($r& ,g$0 people' As a pi!t$re "ritig+ the "hite !res!et %oo ad "hite star sy%bols o a red (A1) ba!&gro$d of the ($r&ish flag
together "o$ld read #--*2.# %eaig #that Eye# ad #,-K2.# %eaig #(hat 3ire# referrig to the )$ ad the s&y-*od #,*-.#'
(he #eye# represetatios sho" abo4e are &o" as the #right ad left eyes of 5or$s# i a!iet M6)6R (MA)AR)'
(he spa!e bet"ee the 7$ll-5eads is a throe sy%bol as if reser4ed for a i4isible )&y-3ather-*od of a!iet ($raias (*8& (ar$ ,*-. ad *8&
(ar$ (-R) "hose a%e is oly idetified "ith a t"o-sy%bol hieroglyphi! "ritig' (he sa%e "ritig is also the a%e of this a!iet ($raia &ig i
a!iet Masar (Misir)' (he pi!t$re-glyphs are sho" o the right ad left side of the %iddle pael' (his hieroglyphi! "ritig has bee read as NARMER or
NARMAR' ((he hieroglyphi! Nar%er a%e is fro% $rl9 http9::"""'a!iets!ripts'!o%:egyptia'ht%l')
(he phoeti! 4al$e of the top glyph i the "ritig has bee idetified as #NAR# fro% the a%e #NAR# gi4e by the a!iet Masarias to the red:golde
!olored /!$ttlefish/' (he botto% sy%bol is the sy%bol of a #!hisel# tool $sed i "ritig the glyphs o stoe' (he a%e gi4e to this tool is said to be MER or
MAR by the a!iet Masarias' A!t$ally this sy%bol is a represetatio of the !ardial $%ber #oe#+ that is #76R# i ($r&ish' (h$s these t"o hieroglyphi!
sy%bols together %a&e $p9 a) the name of the Sky-God in Turkish, and b) the name of king NARMER who declares himself as God on earth. In my
reading, the name of this ancient Masarian king was "NAR-BIR" rather than NARMER or NARMAR.
)ee $rl9 http9::"""'e!hatedlearig'!o%:s$b;e!ts:i4ertebrates:%oll$s&:!ephalopod:C$ttlefishprito$t'sht%l
6 ($r&ish+ the "ord "NAR" has t"o %eaigs9 1. "glowing fire" and 2. Pomegranate tree and fruit. A po%egraate fr$it ad its flo"ers are !ri%so
red i !olo$r ad so too is a glo"ig fire' (h$s "NAR" also represets the "RED" (($r&ish "AL") !olo$r' Also e%bedded i the a%e of the
hieroglyphi! sy%bol of the "NAR" (fish) is the ($r&ish "ord "NUR" %eaig "light". (h$s this a!iet Masaria pi!t$re "ritig+ as the title of this
a!iet ($raia &ig i the lad of M6)6R (MA)AR)+ %eas both "NAR" (glowing fire) and "NUR" (glowing light) "hi!h+ i ($r&ish+ des!ribes the
#)-N#+ be!a$se the s$ is !ertaily a #glo"ig fire# ad also a #glo"ig light# i the s&y' Alterati4ely this glyph #NAR# ad:or (N-R) !a also refer to
the Moo be!a$se the #f$ll %oo#+ beig a good refle!tor of light fro% s$+ is also a golde ill$%iator of the ight s&y "ith its Moolight "hi!h is also
6 oted abo4e that the se!od glyph belo" the #NAR#+ that is+ a #4erti!al lie#+ is also a sy%bol of $%eral "one", that is+ ($r&ish "BIR". (h$s "ith this
e" $derstadig+ the readig of the a%e of the <0th &ig of a!iet Masar is read as9
"NAR-BIR" or "BIR NAR" in Turkish, meaning "ONE GLOWING FIRE", and
"NUR-BIR" or "BIR NUR" in Turkish, meaning "ONE GLOWING LIGHT".
(h$s by this title+ this a!iet &ig of Masar ot oly deifies hi%self i ter%s of the )$-*od ad its glo"ig light+ b$t also ele4ates hi%self as a god abo4e
the people "ho% he r$led' (hese pi!torial "ritigs "ere i the phoeti! ad aggl$tiati4e lag$age of ($r&ish !otrary to %o$tais of %isifor%atio
abo$t the a!iet ($raia Masar lag$age+ "hi!h is falsely !alled #E*=P(6AN# lag$age' 5istori!ally it is a fa!t that the a!iet Masarias "orshipped
the )$ ad the Moo' 6t is !lear that the a%e of this a!iet ($raia &ig "as i p$re ($r&ish ad that he had deified hi%self as the #glo"ig light ad
the fire# of the s$ i a!!orda!e "ith the a!iet ($raia religio$s traditios ad deifi!atio !o!epts' (his "as ($r&ish "TRE", "TORA", "TURA",
and "TORAH" %eaig the "law" ad "tradition". ,f !o$rse+ these a%es "ere also the a%e TUR idi!atig ot oly aother a%e of the )&y-*od+
b$t also the TUR/TURK/OGUZ peoples' (h$s &ig NARMER or NARMAR "as a ($r&ish spea&ig (-R:(-RK %a r$lig oe of the %ost a!iet
($raia states+ that is+ the a!iet )tate of MA)AR (M6)6R)+ the a%e of "hi!h has bee $s$rped by "aderig gypsies ad altered ito #E*=P(#
%eaig #*ypsy# (#ge0gi!i+ >igee+ araya# i ($r&ish)'
6 aother paper regardig the )$%eria "ritigs+ 6 had oted that the a%e TUR "as s$ppressed fro% the )$%eria "ritigs' 3or this fa!t+ the reader
sho$ld !he!& the boo& etitled #A )-MER6AN REA?6N* 7,,K# by C' @' *A??+ (,Aford At the Claredo Press+ <B2C+ page CB)+ "here it is oted as a
footote sayig that9 "TUR is read MAR in the name of this god". (his !learly sho"s that the a%e (-R "as itetioally s$ppressed ad th$s
obliterated fro% the tras!riptios of )$%eria teAts' )i%ilar s$ppressios of a!iet ($raia idetities ha4e also bee doe i readig the hieroglyphi!
"ritigs of a!iet Masar' 6t see%s that the ($r&ish "ord "BIR" has bee s$ppressed ad repla!ed "ith "MAR" i the readig of this hieroglyph' 6 4ie"
of this &o"ledge+ "e !a reisert the "ord TUR i pla!e of MER or MAR i the a%e of this ($raia &ig+ th$s %a&ig the a%e "NAR-TUR" ad
"NUR-TUR" both of "hi!h %ea "It is Glowing Fire", that is+ the )$9 ad "it is glowing light" "hi!h refers to both the )$ ad the Moo'
Additioally+ these ($r&ish eApressios state that TUR the Sky-God is "glowing fire" and also "glowing light". King NAR-MER / NAR-MAR / NAR-
BIR / NUR-BIR+ by ta&ig s$!h a title for hi%self+ ot oly ele4ated hi%self by represetig these s&y deities o earth+ he also i%%ortali0ed these ($r&ish
"ords that are older tha D+E00 years - at the 4ery least'
6t is !lear fro% this aalysis that9
<' (he <0th fo$dig father of a!iet Masar+ a ($raia state aro$d the Ri4er Nile+ "as a ($r&ish spea&ig($ra (-R:(-RK %a'
2'' 5e ga4e hi%self a &igship title i ($r&ish represetig the a!iet ($raia triity )&y-*od !o!ept'+ that is+ )&y-3ather-*od (*8&-Ata-(ari)+ (he
)$-*od (*F-(ari) ad Moo-*od (Ay-(ari)'
E' (he so-!alled #Nar%er Palette# pro4ides pi!torial sho"ig of this a!iet ($raia ,*-. : A*-. religio !o!ept'
C' (he h$%a-fa!ed #b$lls# represet the a%e #,*-.#+ that is+ a pro%iet a%e of the )&y-*od of the a!iet ($raia ($r:($r& peoples'
D' (he #7-11# heads ora%etig the "alls of shiries i Gatal 58yF& dis!o4ered i Aatolia are additioal 4erifi!atio of this a!iet ($raia religio$s
!o!ept' (see $rl9 http9::e'"i&ipedia'org:"i&i:7$llHI2J%ythologyI2B')
6' (his artifa!t idetifies the ($r&ish lag$age "ords NAR+ N-R+ ,*-.+ ,K-.+ 76R as beig a!iet ad at least D+E00 years old'
K' A!iet ($raias "ere the !i4ili0atio gi4ers to the "orld !otrary to edless blatat lyig that has !haged a!iet history'
(here are a !osiderable a%o$t of "ritigs abo$t the Nar%er Palette ad the Kig #NARMER# o the iteret' (he follo"ig is oe refere!e so$r!e fro%
"Named after the Horus Narmer, whose titulary appears on both its faces, the Narmer Palette is a flat plate of schist of about 64 centimetres in height. Its
size, weight and decoration suggest that it was a ceremonial palette, rather than an actual cosmetics palette for daily use.
It was found in Hierakonpolis, the ancient Pre!ynastic capital located in the south of "gypt, by the #ritish archaeologist J.E. Quibell during the
e$ca%ation season of &'()*(', in a deposit, along with other artefacts stemming from the early beginnings of the recorded history of +ncient "gypt,
fragments of a ceremonial mace head belonging to Narmer and some other mace head fragments inscribed with the name of the Horus -.corpion-, one of
Narmer-s predecessors. /he e$act finding circumstances of the palette ha%e not been noted and there appear to be some contradictions in the publication of
0uibell-s wor1 at Hiera1onpolis.
/he ancient site of this city, called Nekhen by the "gyptians, its 2ree1 name Hierakonpolis meaning 3city of the falcon4, was long %enerated by the ancient
"gyptians as the early capital of the 5ingdom of 6pper "gypt. 7ust as Na8ada or Nubt was the city of .et, Hiera1onpolis or Ne1hen was the city of the
9alcon, first called Nekheny the Nekhenite and represented with two tall plumes on its head. He was assimilated %ery early with the falcon Horus, patron
god of 1ingship, and Ne1hen remained a cult center for Horus e%en after it was supplanted by "dfu as both pro%incial capital and temple center. /his may
ha%e led to one of se%eral outbrea1s of strife during the 9irst Intermediate Period. "dfu was ta1en o%er for a while by the go%ernor of Hiera1onpolis, who
was named Ankhtifiy.
Ne1hen lay in 6pper "gypt, south of Na8ada, and /hebes, and across the Nile from "l5ab, which became the city of Nekhbet the %ulture deity and one of
the two :adies who guarded the 1ingship. It lay north of +swan and ;ust north of "dfu."
6t is said that the Narmer Palette "as fo$d (<JBK:<JBJ) i the a!iet #Egyptia#+ that is+ Masaria (M6)6R) !ity of NEKHEN also &o" by the *ree&
a%e HIERAKONPOLIS %eaig #!ity of 3al!o#' A!t$ally+ the *ree& a%e 56ERAK,NP,16) is a%ed after the )$-*od ad its so$r!e is i
(he #*ree&# a%e Hierakonpolis is a aagra% of a ($r&ish eApressio that des!ribes the !ity as a #)$ City#' (he a%e Hierakonpolis+ "he rearraged
letter-by-letter as "PIR-KONASH-ELI-O", is fo$d to be a restr$!t$red ad disg$ised for% of the ($r&ish eApressio "PIR-KONASH-ELI-O" (BIR
GNES ILI O) %eaig "It is a city of Sun", "It is a land of Sun" or by aother a%e+ "it is a Sun-city". (he ($r&ish "ords 76R (P6R) %eas #oe#
or #a#+ *LNE) %eas #)$#+ 616 (E16) %eas #!ity+ pro4i!e+ !o$try# ad , %eas #it is#' (he 3al!o *od sho" o the Nar%er/s Palette is also a
sy%bol of the )&y-*od )$'
(he *ree& a%e Hierakonpolis %eaig #!ity of 3al!o# is the #!ity of )$# be!a$se #fal!o# "as also a Masaria logo of )$' E4e the a%e FALCON
has e%bedded i it the ($r&ish eApressio "AL KON" (AL GN) %eaig #red s$# or #*olde s$#' 3al!o is "DOGAN# i ($r&ish' 7$t #?,*AN#
also %eas #that "hi!h is bor# - "hi!h the s$ is e4ery %orig'
(he *ree& "ord IERAKOS is gi4e as %eaig "falcon" or "hawk". Mhe this a%e is rearraged as "KOS IER-A", it is a restr$!t$red ad disg$ised
for% of the ($r&ish eApressio "KUSh YER O" %eaig "it eats birds" "hi!h des!ribes a fal!o ad:or a ha"& ad ay other bird of prey that eats other
birds' )o the *ree&s $sed a ($r&ish eApressio des!ribig oe of the at$ral habits of the fal!o - "hi!h is eatig birds' (he *ree& lig$ist-aagra%%ati0er
$sed a des!ripti4e ($r&ish eApressio i %a$fa!t$rig a a%e for #fal!o# istead of the ($r&ish proper a%e for #fal!o# s$!h as #doga+ s$g$r+ shai+
Additioally+ 6ERAK,NP,16)+ "he rearraged letter-by-letter as "PAI-SONKOR-ELI", is fo$d to be a restr$!t$red ad disg$ised for% of the ($r&ish
eApressio "BEY SUNKUR ILI" (BEY DOGAN ILI) %eaig #!ity of lord 3al!o# or #the lad of lord 3al!o# "hi!h %etaphori!ally %eas it is the
#)$ City#' #1ord 3al!o# is a persoifi!atio of the so-!alled #5,R-)# "hi!h represets the )&y-*od'
(he ($raia origi of the a%e of this !apital !ity of the a!iet Masar (Misir) is also 4erified by its Masaria a%e NEKHEN. Mhe this a%e is
rearraged as "KEN-HEN", it is fo$d to be a for% of the ($r&ish a%e "KN HAN" %eaig #the )$-*od# ad also "KN HANI" %eaig "The
Sun Palace". )o agai "e fid that this a!iet !ity "as b$ilt to hoor the )$ *od that the a!iet Masaria peoples belie4ed i ad regarded as their
%ost i%portat s&y deity after the ,e all-!reator )&y-3ather-*od' (his is a &o" fa!t' Mhat has bee s$ppressed is that these a!iet people of M6)6R
"ere ($r&ish spea&ig ($raias ad that their !ity a%es "ere all %ade $p "ith the ($r&ish lag$age before they "ere !of$sed by "ay of alteratio by
the ifiltratig "aderers' (his e" tr$th that 6 a% presetig here is !otrary to the i%%ese a%o$t of #&o" ifor%atio# abo$t the a!iet "orld that
has bee ser4ed to the "orld p$bli! so far'
E4e the a%e 5,R-) e%bodies i it the a%e #5R-,-)# "here the %$lti-idetity letter 5 of the *ree& alphabet is a 6 i this !ase+ %a&ig the a%e
#6R ,-)# "hi!h is a for% of the ($r&ish a%e #ER-,*-.# or #,*-.-ER# referrig to the #)&y-*od ,*-.# ad also #the ,*-. people'# (he )$ ad
Moo "ere &o" as the right ad left eyes of the a!iet Masaria )&y-*od 5,R,)+ that is+ #ER ,*-.# %eaig #Ma ,g$0+ 5ero ,g$0+ ad 1ord
,g$0#' (his apellatio !osiders the a!iet ($raia )&y-3ather-*od i the for% of a #MAN# ad as ($r&ish #MEN# %eaig #%yself#'
7elo" is a elarged seg%et of the frot fa!e (the oe sho" o the right side abo4e) of the Nar%er Palette' (6t is fro% $rl9 http://ancient-' 6t !otais 4ery %eaigf$l ifor%atio o it'
<' At the top left !orer behid the Kig hi%self+ there is a #hill N eye# sy%bol iside a re!tagle' 5ill ad Eye i ($r&ish are #(EPE# ad #*2.#
respe!ti4ely' (hese t"o "ords i the for% of (EPE*2. %etaphori!ally refers to the )$ ad the Moo as #to"erig eyes# i the s&y' Metaphori!ally
#(epe*80# also refers to a sigle eye at the top of the head' (he ($r&ish a%e #(EPE *2.# that appears as a persoifi!atio of a story !hara!ter i the
,*-. Epi! stories+ has also bee $sed i 5o%er/s ,?=))E-) epi!' (he a%e has bee $s$rped ito the E$ropea lag$ages as #C=C1,P)# ad ito
*ree& as #K-K1MP)# or #K-K1MP,)# "here M is --+ ad he!e the a%e be!p%es #K-K1--P,)#+ ad *ree& "ord K-K1MPE6,) %eaig
#!y!lopea#'O?i4ry/s Moder Eglish - *ree& ad *ree& - Eglish di!ioary+ <BJJ+ p' D6JP'
*ree& "KUK-ULU-POS" is fro% ($r&ish "KK ULU BAS" %eaig #(he *reat )&y 5ead# "hi!h %etaphori!ally refers to the )$ ad the Moo'
Additioally KUKLUUPOS rearraged as #PK-K-)1---# or #P-K K,)1---# "ith the P beig a do"shift fro% (+ is ($r&ish eApressio #(EK
*2.1L ,# %eaig #it is sigle eyed#' A "cyclops" is a sigle-eyed !o!ept' (his is better see i the !ase of the *ree& "ord K-K1MPE6,) %eaig
#!y!lopea# "here the bog$s letter M is --' Mhe this "ord is rearraged letter-by-letter as "PEK-KOSLU-UI-U", "ith the letter P shifted fro% letter (+
it is the restr$!t$red ad disg$ised for% of the ($r&ish eApressio "TEK KZL Y O" (TEK KZL DAM O) %eaig "it is one-eyed house" and
"it is one-roomed house" "hi!h religio$sly des!ribes ot oly #the )&y-?o%e# "ith ,e-Eye (i'e'+ the )$) ad also oe-roo% "hi!h is the )&y-?o%e
(?AM) itself+ b$t also the a!iet ($raia d"elligs+ i'e'+ the ' ($r&ish =-R( i Cetral Asia "hi!h is a d"ellig "ith #oe roo% ha4ig oe s&y-loo&ig
ro$d !ir!$lar opeig (7ACA) at its top' (his is eAa!tly "hat the PANTHEON i Ro%e is+ that is+ it is a li4ig eAa%ple of the a!iet #PA*AN#
($raia peopleQs =-R( ad also a te%ple of their ,*-. religio'
2. The "BIRD" STANDARD (Kushlu Tug): 6 the !eter of the abo4e pi!t$re+ there is a pro!essio i frot of Kig NARMER "here fo$r people are
!arryig stadards' (he t"o stadards i frot are !learly asso!iated "ith a bird (K-)h) %otif' (he bird %otif is !learly asso!iated "ith the )$-god ad
the Moo-god be!a$se the )$ ad the Moo appear %etaphori!ally as a fal!o i the s&y' (he flagpole or stadards pole has a phoeti! 4al$e of #N(R# i
a!iet Masaria pi!t$re "ritigs - %eaig #god#' 7$t #N(R# has the ($r&ish "ord #(ANR6# %eaig #god/ e%bedded i it'
6 the abo4e pi!t$re t"o people i the frot are !arryig s$!h a stadard ea!h' 6t %$st be oted here that the "bird" sy%bol "as also "or at the top of the
#headdress# of the so-!alled Mioa "o%a#' (he Mioas !reated a %agifi!et !i4ili0atio i the Aegea )ea aro$d <D00 7'C'' (he sa%e ($raia
traditio is also !arried o$t at preset by the yo$g "o%e of Ka0a&ista+ Kirgi0ista+ (Fr&%eista+ 20be&ista+ A0erbai;a+ ?agista ad other #ista#
states of Cetral Asia ad also the Aatolia "o%e' )o this a!iet ($raia traditio is still goig o' (his is !learly ad 4isibly see e4ery year o the
o!!asio of ($r&ish #Morld Childre 3esti4al# !elebrated for a "ee& o the 2Erd of April (2E Nisa) a!ti4ities as the yo$g girls fro% ($ra states "ear
their a!iet headdresses'
3. "WOLF" STANDARD (Kurt Tug) : 6 the Nar%er Palette+ the third stadard fro% the frot !arries a #"olf# sy%bol' Wolf (Tr. KURT or BRI) has
al"ays bee a sy%bol of ($raias' E4e i the ,*-. KA*AN Epi!+ "a blue-maned blue wolf", that is+ "GK YELELI GK BRI" "as al"ays
"al&ig i frot of the ,*-. KA*AN/s ar%ies' (his sy%bol is the persoifi!atio of the a!iet ($raia $i4ersal Sky-Father-God. Me see a si%ilar
sy%bol i the Nar%er Palette' (h$s this a!iet ($raia traditio has bee i%%ortali0ed so%e D+E00 years ago o the Nar%er Palette of the a!iet
($raia Kig #NARMER#+ that is+ #NAR 76R# (N-R 76R)'
4. "TAIL" STANDARD (Kuyruk Tug): 6 the pi!t$re abo4e+ the fo$rth perso i the pro!essio !arries a horse-tail or oA-tail stadard "hi!h is also a
traditioal stadard for the ($raias' 7oth the horse ad the oA "ere eAtre%ely i%portat ai%als for the a!iet ($raias' )i!e the ,R+ that is+ ($r&ish
#,K-.# (#b$ll#)+ "as the pro%iet logo of the ($raia )&y *od #,*-.# ((-R)+ it is eApe!ted that the #oA tail# "o$ld be $sed as a stadard' (he
,tto%a Military 7ad (Mehter (a&i%i) !arries the #tail# stadards ((-*) to this day (see the pi!t$re belo")' )o this a!iet ($raia traditio has also
bee $sed ad sa4ed i the Kig Nar%er Palette'

((he #5orse (ail )tadard# !arriers of the ,tto%a Military 7ad)
D' 7ehid the fo$r stadard bearers is a fifth perso "ith pi!t$re "ritig i frot of his head' My readig of this pi!t$re-"ritig is9 "TATA" or
"ATAATA" (DEDE) %eaig #gradfather# i ($r&ish' (his represets the #a!estors# (Tr. CED/CET) of the a!iet ($raias "ho% they also
"orshipped' (h$s i this pro!essio of Kig Nar%er (Nar 7ir : N$r 7ir)+ the "isdo% ad spirit of his a!estors are also sho" as the #g$idig leaders# of
his eto$rage'
6' Right i frot of Kig Nar%er is "ritte his &igly title "Nar Bir" ad:or "Nur Bir" %eaig "One Glowing Fire" ad:or "One Glowing Light".
(h$s+ as 6 see it+ this is at least part of the story told by the #Nar%er Palette# of the a!iet Masaria Kig #NAR 76R# : #N-R 76R# so-!alled #NARMER#
or #NARMAR#'
After the abo4e detailed aalysis of the oe fa!e of Kig Nar%er/s Pallete+ it is !learly $derstood that Kig Nar%er of a!iet Masar (falsely !alled Egypt)
"as a ($r&ish spea&ig ($raia r$ler "ho had a ($r&ish title (Nar-7ir ad N$r-7ir) "hi!h deified hi%self as the )$ ad its 1ight' 5e r$led d$rig the
early fo$dig years of a ($raia ($r:($r& state that li4ed loger tha ay other state (or e%pire) i the history of the "orld' (he ($r&ish "ords des!ribig
his &igly title are at least as old as D+D00 years' (he artistry ad !rafts%aship of the Kig Nar%er Pallete are eAS$isite ad idi!ate the eA!elle!e of the
artistry of the ($raia !i4ili0atio de4eloped alog the Nile Ri4er so%e DE00 years ago' 6t "as a a!iet ($raia traditio to !arry stadards "ith *od
sy%bols i frot of their r$lers ad this is "hat is depi!ted o the Nar%er Pallete' (his is %y reditio of the pi!torially-"ritte story sho" o the Nar%er
7est "ishes to all+
Polat Kaya
A$g$st <D+ 2006
-pdated o A$g$st <K+ 2006'

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