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"CLARiiON CX600 standby power supply (SPS) faults after bein repla!

"#$ e%!&0'()
*sae$ +,'
S1A1*S$ Appro2ed
Audien!e$ Support


3uestion$ CLARiiON CX600 standby power supply (SPS) faults after bein repla!ed
4n2iron%ent$ Produ!t$ CLARiiON CX600
4n2iron%ent$ 5ir%ware$ 5LAR4 .60,6+6606)600'
Proble%$ 17e standby power supply (SPS) 7as faulted aain6
SPS infor%ation in t7e los li8e t7e followin$
9 0'-+.-0, 00$0.$0. 9us0 4n!0 Sps9 &+, /ultiple SPS !ables are !onfiured i%properly6 0
0 (0
9 0'-+.-0, 00$0.$0, .)(0 Storae Array 5aulted
A 0'-+.-0, 00$+($)0 9us0 4n!0 SpsA 6!! +6 17e SPS !onfiuration 7as !7aned and needs
to be tested6 .6 No a!tion re:uired unless t7e SPS test fails (will see ot7er e2ent %essaes in
t7at !ase)6 0 0 .
A 0'-+.-0, 00$+&$,0 9us0 4n!0 Sps9 6.f +6 17e SPS is ready; but t7e SPS !onfiuration is
in2alid6 .6 Loo8 at SPS status to et %ore spe!ifi! infor%ation about 7ow t7e SPS is
in!orre!tly !onfiured and t7en !orre!t t7e !onfiuration6 0 0 .
A 0'-+.-0, 00$+&$,) SP A '(0 Power Supply A AC 5ailure #ete!ted on t7e <P4 0 0 0
17e ktcons spstat !o%%and reports SPS=A is O>; but ?un8nown !onfi? $
About to start transferrin 5LAR4 lobals
Statisti!s Loin$ 4NA9L4# P44R SP$ PR4S4N1
@R"14 CACA4$ 4NA9L4# R4A# CACA4$ 4NA9L4#
A$ #P ,)B 1O1AL +.&0.0 #"R1C )()+&
9$ 1O1AL +.&0.,
*$ #P 00B 1O1AL 0000
Re:uests Co%plete$ +'6.(0,6.
SPS A$ O> *n8nown Confi
SPS 9$ O>
SPS=A on CX600 was repla!ed last wee8; toet7er wit7 SPS=to=SP serial !able6 SP=A was
also repla!ed re!ently6
Root Cause$
17is is 7ardware issue = eit7er a bad SP=A; SPS=A; or !onne!tin !able e2en t7ou7 all
t7ese parts were repla!ed before6 Aowe2er; in t7is !ase; w7en t7e SP was repla!ed; t7e
!orre!t dual inline %e%ory %odules (#"//s) were ne2er added6
Warning! Anyt7in t7at !auses t7e array to fault is oin to enerate a .)(0 e2ent !ode6
C7e!8 t7e e2ent lo %essaes for possible e<planations of t7is !ode6 Read t7e %essaes
around t7e .)(0 e2ent to find out w7at 7appened6
Re%o2e t7e SP; add t7e !orre!t #"//s and re=insert t7e SP6 /a8e !ertain t7at !a!7e is set to
its !orre!t 2alue6
Note$ "f you !annot set t7e write !a!7e to its proper 2alue; un!7e!8 write !a!7e; set t7e
!a!7e to .0,(; and t7en re=!7e!8 t7e write !a!7e6
"#ianosin a faulty Standby Power Supply (SPS) on a CLARiiON CX0=.0 array "
"#$ e%!+))(0,
*sae$ 60
S1A1*S$ Appro2ed
Audien!e$ Support


3uestion$ #ianosin a faulty Standby Power Supply (SPS) on a CLARiiON CX0=.0 array
4n2iron%ent$ Produ!t$ CX0=Series
Proble%$ SP!olle!ts indi!ate a SPS !able issue$ "&+. SPS Power !able . is !onfiured i%properly6"
Repla!ed t7e followin 7ardware parts but t7e proble% persisted$
Repla!ed SPS (P-N ++(00+&())6
Swapped t7e power and sense !able (P-N 00(=000=0())6
Repla!ed t7e sense !able (P-N 00(=000=0())6
Repla!ed SP=96
Root Cause$
17e proble% is not related to SPS; sense !able; or SP=96 17e SP!olle!t entry "&+. SPS
Power !able . is !onfiured i%properly" indi!ates a proble% wit7 t7e p7ysi!al power !ables
leadin to and fro% t7e SPS6 *sually t7is %essae %eans t7at t7e power !ables are not
plued into t7e !orre!t outlets on t7e SPS6 Presu%ably; t7e SP!olle!t entry was interpreted
in!orre!tly be!ause on t7e older CX=Series arrays "!able ." %eant t7e !able oin fro% t7e
SPS to t7e #A4-SP46 Also; sin!e t7e SPS is s7owin as present fro% bot7 SPs; t7e proble%
7as not7in to do wit7 t7e sense !able6
Derify t7at t7e power !ables are !onne!ted fro% t7e power strip in t7e array and to t7e first
en!losure !orre!tly6 "f t7ey are !onne!ted !orre!tly; t7e proble% is faulty power !ables and
t7ey s7o
uld be repla!ed6
"4nablin write !a!7e on a CLARiiON CX=Series array"
"#$ e%!)&(0+
*sae$ ..
S1A1*S$ Appro2ed
Audien!e$ Custo%er


3uestion$ @7at are t7e proper steps in enablin write !a!7e on a CX=Series arrayE
Produ!t$ CLARiiON CX600
Produ!t$ CLARiiON CX,00
4n2iron%ent$ 4/C S@$ Na2isp7ere 66.
All apparent prere:uisites are in pla!e but w7en atte%ptin to enable write !a!7e; it re%ains
Root Cause$
17e !onfiuration is %is=wired6 Standby power supply (SPS) A %onitorin !able is atta!7ed
to SP 9 and t7e SPS 9 %onitorin !able is atta!7ed to SP=A6
Na2isp7ere /anaer 2ersions earlier t7an 2ersion 66. fail to report t7at t7at SPS %onitorin
!ables are %is=wired6 "nstead; t7e SP e2ent lo will report t7at t7e SPS 7as "in2alid
!ablin;" but t7e Na2isp7ere tree will 7a2e be no 2isual display of a faulted !ondition6
Root Cause$
5or field personnel$
5lare dri2er software 7as additional testin en7an!e%ents built in6 17is testin relies on a
new sinal fro% t7e power supply !alled AC5A"L; w7i!7 is asserted upon dete!tion of t7e
loss of AC power6 @7en doin t7e traditional power=up test and initiatin t7e 9A114S1; t7e
flare dri2er will e<pe!t to see t7e AC5A"L sinal fro% t7e power supply o 1R*46 "f all is
wired !orre!tly; t7e proper SP dire!ts t7e proper SPS to put t7e proper power supply on to
battery power6 17e proper power supply AC5A"L sinal s7ould t7en o 1R*4 (be!ause it is
now on #C 2oltae fro% t7e battery; not on AC fro% t7e line)6
4<a%ple$ SP=A tells SPS A to do a 9A114S1; and e<pe!ts Power Supply A to indi!ate an
AC5A"L sinal6 "f t7e power supply in t7e e<pe!ted test loop does not assert AC5A"L; it is
assu%ed t7at a wirin error 7as been %ade6 So if t7e i%proper Power Supply 9 asserts its
AC5A"L instead of Power Supply A; eit7er "-O to t7e SPS (2ia t7e %onitorin !able) or one
of t7e AC !ables are %is=wired6
17is 8ind of %is!onfiuration is not !riti!al as lon as e2eryt7in is wor8in; but if an SPS
7as a fault and t7e wron one is indi!ated due to a !able %i<=up; a double fault !ould be
indu!ed durin ser2i!in6 "f a 9A114S1 is started and neit7er power supply indi!ates an
AC5A"L; a %ore serious proble% 7as been dete!ted6
4nsure t7at all AC power and SPS %onitorin !ables are properly !onne!ted6
Na2isp7ere 2ersion 66. and abo2e will report a faulted !ondition6 Ri7t=!li!8 t7e array and
sele!t 5A*L1S6 17e pop=up window will indi!ate t7e followin$
4n!losure <P4 SPS A $ "n2alid !ablin
4n!losure <P4 SPS 9 $ "n2alid !ablin
"Na2isp7ere 66. reports "!ablin status is in2alid" for standby power supply (SPS) durin re!7are"
"#$ e%!6+,60
*sae$ +06
S1A1*S$ Appro2ed
Audien!e$ Custo%er


Corre!tin %is=wired standby power supply (SPS) !ables in CX600 array
4n2iron%ent$ Produ!t$ CLARiiON CX600
4n2iron%ent$ Produ!t$ CLARiiON CX,00
4n2iron%ent$ 4/C S@$ Na2isp7ere 66.
Proble%$ CX600 array s7ipped fro% fa!tory wit7 SPS inter!onne!t !ables in!orre!tly wired6
Proble%$ Na2isp7ere 66. reports "!ablin status is in2alid" for standby power supply (SPS)
durin re!7are6
42ent Code$ 0<6.f
#es!ription in EMC CX-, FC-, and C-Series Storage-System and EMC ControlCenter
Navisphere Event Codes REFERENCE (P-N 06&00+06+ R4D A0))$ SPS is ready; but
!onfiuration is in2alid6 Loo8 at SPS status to et %ore spe!ifi! infor%ation about 7ow t7e
SPS is in!orre!tly !onfiured and t7en !orre!t t7e !onfiuration6
One of t7e followin error %essaes$
0<&++ == SP4 power !able to t7at SPS is in!orre!t6
0<&+. == #A4 power !able to SPS is in!orre!t6
0<&+0 == Serial !able is !abled in!orre!tly6
0<&+, == /ore t7an one !able is in!orre!tly plued in
C7ane$ Array is powerin up and SPSs are !7arin6
Root Cause$
Cables %is=wired or bad !ables6
Note$ So%e standby power supplies (SPSs) in CX600 arrays were s7ipped fro% t7e
fa!tory prior to .-+-.000 wit7 sense !ables %is=wired6
@7en a CX=Series array is booted and t7e SPSs are still !7arin; Na2isp7ere 66. will s7ow
t7e% bot7 as faulted and will display "!ablin status is in2alid" %essae in t7eir properties
pae; alt7ou7 !ablin is !orre!t6 On!e t7ey stop !7arin; a battery test is run one SPS at a
ti%e (t7at SPS will be in 1ransition); t7e ot7er SPS will re%ain faulted (wit7 t7e abo2e
%essae) until it is its turn to run a battery test (w7en t7e first SPS !o%pletes and !o%es
ready)6 "f t7e SPSs re%ain faulted and t7e abo2e %essae still appears; t7e !ables fro% t7e
SPS to t7e storae pro!essor (SP) %ay be bad or !abled in!orre!tly6
See t7e diara%s in t7e EMC Storage Processor Enclosure (SPE Model CX!""
#$R%&$RE REFERENCE (P-N 0+,0000'6R4D A0+) for t7e !orre!t wirin6
"f !ables were swapped; you s7ould et 0<&nn errors fro% bot7 SPS tests6 "f not; t7e proble%
is %ost li8ely wit7 t7e reportin SPS6 "n a s%all per!entae of t7ese issues; w7ere t7e
!ablin is definitely !orre!t but one of t7e errors is listed abo2e; it !ould be a bad power
supply6 Repla!e t7e power supply t7at t7e SPS is !onne!ted to based on t7e !ode abo2e6 5or
e<a%ple; if SPS A is reportin t7e error; and you see a 0<&++ error; repla!e t7e SP4 power
supply A to see if it fi<es t7e proble%6

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