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José Arguelles receives The Nicholas Roerich Medal

Article by Dr. Alicia Rodriguez

For Original Article in Spanish click here

There are moments in life, that we never would like to forget.

Such is the case for this simple ceremony, but for its simplicity no less profound and
touching, for the giving of the highest award of the International Committee of the Banner of
Peace, NonGovernmental Organization of the United Nations: THE NICHOLAS ROERICH

In this occasion it was given to José Arguelles, illustrious lecturer, writer, de-codifier of the
Mayan Calendar, creator of the Dreamspell, Initiator of the proposal to celebrate Earth Day
from 1970 and Promoter of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. In fruitful labor he has
presented the Mayan calendar worldwide. Thousands of followers admire him.

But his simplicity is also one of his qualities.

To the ceremony of the giving of the Roerich Medal, attended at his request by only his
most intimate friends, among them were his partner Stephanie, Alberto Ruz, Pedro and Sol
Hernandez, Luis Zavala, Jorge Mora, Pilar Gallego, Gustavo Ochoa, Tiahoga Ruge and
Catalina Ortiz Monasterio. It was celebrated at the personal ashram of Dr. Rodriguez, and it
began with an indigenous ceremony to the sound of the conch or atecocolli, that resonated
with all its potency.

Pedro Hernandez, was in charge of directing the Prayer of the 7 Galactic Directions, while
Sol, played the ceremonial drum.

Everything was respect and peace...

Dr. Rodriguez, in the name of the International Committee, cordially welcomed all present
and proceeded to present José Arguelles with the highest award that this committee gives.

In a voice choked with emotion and with tears in his eyes, José said when he received the
medal: "I feel, that this event was programed thousands of years ago."
There was great profundity in his words.

"For me this is a culminating moment in my life. Receiving the merit of the Roerich Medal,
has been an accomplishment after a long time in the course of my life, of promoting the
Banner of Peace."
He commented, that when he was 6 years old, the explosion of the atomic bomb in
Hiroshima occurred, and although he was just a child, he cried for many hours because of
this event that remained engraved in his heart. This lamentable incident, was what caused
that opening of consciousness at an early age about the necessity to live and work for

Years later, while he was Professor of Art History, he visited the Roerich Museum in New
York, making contact with the history of the Roerich Pact and the Banner of Peace, he
thought that this was the adequate means to obtain Planetary Peace and he decided to
take the Banner of Peace to all his conferences.
Still many years have passed and the Banner of Peace has always been at all his talks and
After José's words, Alicia Rodriguez said the "Credo to the Banner of Peace," masterly
written by Dr. Emma Godoy.
She commented that when Dr. Godoy came to receive the Banner, on the 21st of March
1986, she was paralyzed in a wheelchair. When Alicia was close to give her the Banner,
surprisingly and like a miracle, Emma stood up and was not paralyzed anymore, for the rest
of her life. Dr. Godoy, was so amazed at the power of the symbol that it was capable to
place her in harmony in an instant and regain her health, that she wanted to leave the
legacy of the Credo to the Banner for humanity.

When she finished saying the credo, José and Alicia, joined their souls with a hug, that
united them for eternity.

The magic of the moment, flooded the sacred space.

When he said goodbye, José, while giving her a fraternal hug, whispered:
"Dear Alicia: We are brother and sister forever," and Alicia told him:
"In effect we are brother and sister for ever, but I would not answer you with my own words,
but with the words of the illustrious collaborator of the Roerich Pact, Frances Grant, who in
one occasion wrote the following to me: "ALICIA, WE ARE SISTERS FOREVER, IN AN

Dr. Alicia Rodriguez

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